Thursday, January 16, 2014

Grilled chicken breasts - how do you cook em?

Grilled chicken breasts - how do you cook em?

I'm going to start on a stricter diet today and was thinking I could get away with cooking chicken just once a day. Say, throw 4 breasts onto my Foreman grill, have 2 for lunch, 2 for dinner. Alternate BBQ with other marinades. I wanted to minimize time in the kitchen cooking. I was wondering what you guys do for your meat, whether it is chicken or something else. I am on a strict schedule with work and school and don't have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen.

I cook em' 12 at a time on sunday in the oven, then I'm set for at least 3 or 4 days.

sprite I cook em' 12 at a time on sunday in the oven, then I'm set for at least 3 or 4 days. Hmm, I could do that too. Just mic them for dinner time.

They just taste better baked/roasted to me. Foreman grill seems to dry them out and make them tough. massive thread in the archives with tons of recipes to keep you occupied

with heat

how do you cook grilled chicken breasts? hmm, got me.

you can boil split chicken breasts in a big pot for like an hour and that'll last a few days. the meat just falls off the bone so you have filets pretty much.

can't help, sorry. i only cook uncooked meat

ryazbeck you can boil split chicken breasts in a big pot for like an hour and that'll last a few days. the meat just falls off the bone so you have filets pretty much. thats the best imo. easy as hell and you dont have to spring for bonless/skinless breasts which are expensive as fuck. i get split breasts with skin and bones on em for 99 cents a lb and stock up that way, when boneless skinless is 3 bucks a lb or more.

I sometimes cook a whole 10-lb pack from costco in the oven in a big glass pan; olive oil and pepper, or random seasonings, lasts several days. Lately though I've been cooking extra at dinner for the next tastes a *lot* better when it's not two days old. Today's chicken: pan-seared with white wine worcestshire sauce and dijon mustard. Mm.

i have a broiling pan and do 6 at a time in the oven then i just keep them in the fridge till i need them.

If you guys like to buy whole split chicken breasts than i recomend that you make some Chicken Catchatori !!! You got everything you need, the protein in the chiken, vitamin C and other non-essential vitamins in the Tomato sauce, and of course a ton of carbs in the pasta for energy (if not on strict diet),1-...hatori,FF.html It takes soemtime to cook, but you can cook quantities of it at a time and it'll last you up to 2-3 days. It's a complete meal that will get you away from the usual bland chicken.

So most of you guys bake or broil the chicken instead of grill? interesting...I don't know jack about baking/broilings. Guess I'm going to check out that other thread.

Soak them in italian dressing for 24 hours and then grill on the foreman or if I don't have time to marinate I just put few slices in them and stick a little butter in the slices then cover with some salt and pepper and grill.

Olive oil, salt & pepper, grill it on the foreman. Then I cut them into strips and put it in the fridge. I usually eat the leftovers cold with rice, salad, or in a tortilla

I just put on grill, cook, eat. Not much flavor but fuck it. You get full either way no matter the taste.

Foreman grill- crushed black pepper, real lemon juice and seasoning salt Turkey- ground, add taco seasoning and apply to some romaine lettuce= turkey taco salad with picante sauce as dressing

tize i bake them. right now i have 5lbs of chicken breast marinating in a ziplock with half a bottle of italian dressing Finally tize does something right (Damn you and your bumping myspace threads.)

If you have time, my favorite way is to cube the chicken, the pan fry it in olive oil with a little soy sauce. I usually add some peanut at the end and carmelize them just a little, then eat everything as a chicken ceaser salad. Sooo good.

i used to buy tons of foster farms chicken breast from costco. they are precooked, so i just microwave them....

knowledge If you have time, my favorite way is to cube the chicken, the pan fry it in olive oil with a little soy sauce. I usually add some peanut at the end and carmelize them just a little, then eat everything as a chicken ceaser salad. Sooo good. I do something similar, but I just go ahead and make it stir fry.

broil them. Cover them in your favorite spice, throw it all in the oven and watch it as it cooks- only takes 10 or so minutes on as many as you can in there.

Coat in Cajun spice and pan fry with a little olive oil.

Grilled chicken breasts - how do you cook em?

n00b needs advice on supplements

n00b needs advice on supplements

Alright, I'm trying to get in shape for the summer; loose fat primarily, since i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. Right now I do lifting 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week. I'm pretty okay with that, but was asking for advice on supplements. (Also, I am taking a complete multivitamin) Here is what I'm thinking about getting... LIPO-6 (750mg) x 6 daily Flax Oil (1000mg) x 9 daily Fish Oil (1000mg) x 20-30 daily Amino 2222 ??mg x ??? daily For the Amino2222, it isn't clear how often I should be taking that, but I'm sure the bottle will specify. Is this too much, not enough, enough but of the wrong stuff?

wow, thats an awesome amount of fish oil.

chocolate syrup

blueapple Alright, I'm trying to get in shape for the summer; loose fat primarily, since i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. Right now I do lifting 3 times a week and cardio 4 times a week. I'm pretty okay with that, but was asking for advice on supplements. (Also, I am taking a complete multivitamin) Here is what I'm thinking about getting... LIPO-6 (750mg) x 6 daily Flax Oil (1000mg) x 9 daily Fish Oil (1000mg) x 20-30 daily Amino 2222 ??mg x ??? daily For the Amino2222, it isn't clear how often I should be taking that, but I'm sure the bottle will specify. Is this too much, not enough, enough but of the wrong stuff? I'm more of a simple person when it comes to cutting. In my opinion if I were trying to lose weight I would go for the following: EC = for me it was twice a day, but I guess others could do it 3x Fish oil X 9 Calcium = 2000 mg Multi Other things that some people like:Sesathin Lean Extreme If you know what the fuck you are doing:Clen DNP Bromo I don't know, I think its mostly diet. But I don't know much.

blueapple i want to get 'toned' more then I want to gain large muscle mass. btw go cubs

n00b needs advice on supplements

so i pulled 400 today

so i pulled 400 today

i weigh around 174-178 and i pulled 400lbs today just to see if i can do it. now im gunning for 500lbs. my deadlift rep range is usually 4-6 max-ot style with weights averaging at 330-365lbs. at what weight percentage of my max should i work with? 400lbs was just my 'ill do this and im happy for today' weight. thanks and i got my supps from 1fast with a free shirt, in medium ofcourse cause im light weight.

good job, I'm still trying to get 385lbs up...

tize are you the one in the fucking panties? wha?

tize i mean speedo thing not me, I posted one pic in the back pic thread.

I pulled 400 hos today, hollaer bitz

tize good feat fagmore

so i pulled 400 today

heres my bulk v what should i do?

heres my bulk v what should i do?

ok... so originally i started out weighing around 155... going into my senior year and now after working out and "bulking" i now weigh 180 give or take 2 pounds guess water weight... wondering if should start doing a cycle where i bulk for about a month cut for however long and keep repeating this cycle... not trying to get incredibly strong but i want to look good. my abs are no longer visible except a little bit at the top. should i cut for like 2 weeks bulk for a month to look good but continue to get stronger? i know i cant be completely cut while bulking and i understand that to get alot stronger i need to gain more weight by eating just dont like having a huge layer of fat over myself... makes me feel tad bit gross...

ibgettingbitchedat and ive read the stickies...

my goals as of now both long term and short term is to gradually get stronger... for example... somewhat similar to ceaze i dont wanna do like power lifting or anything of the sort. i just want to have a FULL developed body.

heres my bulk v what should i do?

Noob cutting question

Noob cutting question

Say when I started cutting at 194 lbs, I tried to take in about 1940 calories. Since I have lost weight (at 175), should I take in 1,750 calories now? (I'll delete once answered)

the real question is why are you still cutting at that weight

gsteclipse97 the real question is why are you still cutting at that weight

eclipse is right, but how tall are you?

gsteclipse97 the real question is why are you still cutting at that weight I still have a lot of bodyfat. I realize I should weigh more, but I don't. Most of the fat came out of my legs/ass, and not a lot out of my chest. I'm 6'0 This problem actually has me worried daily, but i'm just trying different shit until boot camp.

if you weight 175 at 6' and are saying that you are fat you dont have much muscle. if i was you i would try to add some lbm

That is a picture of me at 175. I can feel a lot of muscle in my chest, but I also realize that I am not nearly strong enough. My max bench is around 205 at the moment. I am still new to working out and I see new gains pretty quick, but the problem still stands. Couldn't I cut about 10 more lbs of bodyfat then just keep having gains and get bigger like that? (Sorry, I am so noob at this, it is embarrassing.) I would really appreciate any help I can get. I don't want to fuck this up!

you dont look that fat. you would look a lot more solid if you added 10lbs of lbm over cutting 10lbs of fat in my opinion

I was more under the impression of calories in is more a 11-12xbodyweight, but you do adjust to the weightloss.

gsteclipse97 you dont look that fat. you would look a lot more solid if you added 10lbs of lbm over cutting 10lbs of fat in my opinion Should I up my calorie intake (God that would be nice) but keep doing cardio in the morning for fat loss? (Just like 12 minutes of fast pace walking)

Socrates Should I up my calorie intake (God that would be nice) but keep doing cardio in the morning for fat loss? (Just like 12 minutes of fast pace walking) i would up it. lift and do cardio like 3xweek at 30 min medium pace. my opinion

gsteclipse97 i would up it. lift and do cardio like 3xweek at 30 min medium pace. my opinion Alright, i'll try that. I'll try to bump it up to around 2300-2400 calories a day (shit ton of a protein) and keep lifting.

Noob cutting question

Strength Related Sites

Strength Related Sites

The best I've found is I was wondering if you guys could recommend some others, I'm getting very bored lately. cheers is a good one

this should keep you busy for a while BTW, what are your usernames on these other sites?? Mine is the same on rugged as it is here.

i will always signup with peal as my username

Strength Related Sites

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

test cyp 600mg/week 1-16 eq 500 mg/week 1-15 drol 100mg/day 1-5 halo 20-30mg/day 13-16 pct of nolva and clomid with hcg run 250iu 2x a week starting with week 4 and ending the week before pct. pct starting week 18. what do ya think?

inject big, get big?

thats the plan

I'd run dbol instead of drol, so I didnt feel like shit, but I don't know anything about halo apart from the incredible strength gains.

i've run dbol before and it gave the worst back pumps ever, i mean dibilitating. couldn't deadlift 135lbs if my life depended on it. so i'm gunna give drol a try. running the halo to harden up at the end of the cycle and for the aggressiveness and strength.

Nice! I was going to do the same thing, but without the pussy ass PCT. I heard it hurts my squat numbers if I don't cycle for long enough, so I was buying a 6 month supply. Hopefully I can squat my weight by the end.

AznRyda Nice! I was going to do the same thing, but without the pussy ass PCT. I heard it hurts my squat numbers if I don't cycle for long enough, so I was buying a 6 month supply. Hopefully I can squat my weight by the end. good for you troll...

any real input from anyone?

16 weeks is a bit long..... You probably won't get too many replies on this. You are better off taking it to Elite Fitness Forums.

I'd go ask somewhere like anabolic minds or anabolex, only a couple of people here have juiced or know what the hell they're talking about.

cavefish I'd go ask somewhere like anabolic minds or anabolex, only a couple of people here have juiced or know what the hell they're talking about. I know what I am talking about....I just avoid talking about teh juice.

Yeah but this is hardly the best forum for steroid advice.

cavefish Yeah but this is hardly the best forum for steroid advice. I agree, but it does look like you're overdoing it. How many cycles have you done in the past?

ACURA TL-S I know what I am talking about....I just avoid talking about teh juice. .

sumemr cycle i think i'm gunna run...

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