Thursday, January 16, 2014

heres my bulk v what should i do?

heres my bulk v what should i do?

ok... so originally i started out weighing around 155... going into my senior year and now after working out and "bulking" i now weigh 180 give or take 2 pounds guess water weight... wondering if should start doing a cycle where i bulk for about a month cut for however long and keep repeating this cycle... not trying to get incredibly strong but i want to look good. my abs are no longer visible except a little bit at the top. should i cut for like 2 weeks bulk for a month to look good but continue to get stronger? i know i cant be completely cut while bulking and i understand that to get alot stronger i need to gain more weight by eating just dont like having a huge layer of fat over myself... makes me feel tad bit gross...

ibgettingbitchedat and ive read the stickies...

my goals as of now both long term and short term is to gradually get stronger... for example... somewhat similar to ceaze i dont wanna do like power lifting or anything of the sort. i just want to have a FULL developed body.

heres my bulk v what should i do?

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