Thursday, January 16, 2014

Noob cutting question

Noob cutting question

Say when I started cutting at 194 lbs, I tried to take in about 1940 calories. Since I have lost weight (at 175), should I take in 1,750 calories now? (I'll delete once answered)

the real question is why are you still cutting at that weight

gsteclipse97 the real question is why are you still cutting at that weight

eclipse is right, but how tall are you?

gsteclipse97 the real question is why are you still cutting at that weight I still have a lot of bodyfat. I realize I should weigh more, but I don't. Most of the fat came out of my legs/ass, and not a lot out of my chest. I'm 6'0 This problem actually has me worried daily, but i'm just trying different shit until boot camp.

if you weight 175 at 6' and are saying that you are fat you dont have much muscle. if i was you i would try to add some lbm

That is a picture of me at 175. I can feel a lot of muscle in my chest, but I also realize that I am not nearly strong enough. My max bench is around 205 at the moment. I am still new to working out and I see new gains pretty quick, but the problem still stands. Couldn't I cut about 10 more lbs of bodyfat then just keep having gains and get bigger like that? (Sorry, I am so noob at this, it is embarrassing.) I would really appreciate any help I can get. I don't want to fuck this up!

you dont look that fat. you would look a lot more solid if you added 10lbs of lbm over cutting 10lbs of fat in my opinion

I was more under the impression of calories in is more a 11-12xbodyweight, but you do adjust to the weightloss.

gsteclipse97 you dont look that fat. you would look a lot more solid if you added 10lbs of lbm over cutting 10lbs of fat in my opinion Should I up my calorie intake (God that would be nice) but keep doing cardio in the morning for fat loss? (Just like 12 minutes of fast pace walking)

Socrates Should I up my calorie intake (God that would be nice) but keep doing cardio in the morning for fat loss? (Just like 12 minutes of fast pace walking) i would up it. lift and do cardio like 3xweek at 30 min medium pace. my opinion

gsteclipse97 i would up it. lift and do cardio like 3xweek at 30 min medium pace. my opinion Alright, i'll try that. I'll try to bump it up to around 2300-2400 calories a day (shit ton of a protein) and keep lifting.

Noob cutting question

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