Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Most - other than forearms indirectly, shoulders Least - abs and calves

Most: back & Grip Least calves biceps

most: lower back, posterior and hams (I love to deadlift) least: forearms

most: tris, shoulders least: hamstrings

most: tri's least abs/chest, because my bench sucks

i dont train abs as much as i should but i just started

GTPBR most: lower back, posterior and hams (I love to deadlift) least: forearms but replace forearms with traps

Most: pretty much all lower body (besides calfs) Least: calves abs I <3 squats

most: hams, quads, pecs, tris, delts, post. chain, lats, traps least: biceps and the pen0s.

Most :Tris (just because they are worked in so many exercises that don't target them) Least: Forearms (never, unless you count gripping DBs and barbells for various exercises)

Most: back, quads/hams Least: calves, biceps

most:abs least:forearms, calves

Spyde|2 "Why did Lisa dump me? Is it because of my small calves? They're the hardest place to add mass!" /Milhouse Most: Chest Least: Everything else

most: back least: penis

Most: Legs (squat) Least: Calves

most:lats least:chest(cant bench or fly cuz of bum shoulder )

Most: Chest Least: Legs (i run a lot, and have genetically large,strong legs)

Post your MOST and LEAST worked out areas

Give me the run down on CEE?

Give me the run down on CEE?

old fashion creatine worked fine, what is this new stuff?

Give me the run down on CEE?

Give me the run down on CEE?

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

lets hope this thread becomes my reminder that its bad to get lazy. feel free to chime in and remind my sorrowfull ass of this. finally dragged myself into the weightroom today. figured id go light, spend an hour to remind my muscles what it means to move. did a mini full body workout, just hitting mostly compound movements. i hate the first day back after a break. i lost so much damn strength! squats-2x8@275. compared to max of 405. and my form bites ass. my hams are so weak. thats a problem area for sure. dl-3x3@315. couldnt hold the bar. compared to 405. surprisingly, the form and weight felt much better than the squats. maybe ill focus more on these, sldl and gm's bench-1x3@275. 2x3@225. max was 335, so not too far off. but damn its gonna take some work from my arms shoulders and back. since my arms were doggin on bp, thought id focus on tris a bit. db bench-2x8@90s. form wasnt hot. elbows started to flare. skull crushers-3x8@60. felt ok, more on joints than muscles. think my body is just tight. supersetted with:db curls-3x6-8@50. easy, but whatever. just curls. really wanted shoulder work, but they were starting to burn from bench. so just did side and front lateral supersets-2x6-8@35. big big drop there. normally use 50-55. def affecting my bench. ended with db shrug-2x8@75. just completely depleted. almost threw up, went home. at least this was a good gauge for letting my body know time to get back into it, and a decent idea of some weak(er) spots. thanks for listening. like you cared. carry on now.

it's been 3 weeks for me I'm scared.

just came back from a long drought and it feels good!

i just came back not so much from heavy lifting, but most any heavy activity at all. although my break was only a month and a half. but after 3 days i've already noticed my muscles are harder and a bit fuller. i'm excited about the future.

ceaze whats happening to you man? recent pics?

Peal ceaze whats happening to you man? recent pics? someone tried to steal my car and the parts to fix it have been backordered

I've been off for six weeks due to working too much, tomorrow will be my first day back. I've probably lost ten pounds

hernia surgery has set me back a few weeks. sucks

update one day later. my traps hurt. my legs hurt even more. its going to be a rough night. i love day 2 soreness

I feel like I want to cut everything but my torso off, first day back from a few breaks. Probably about 3 weeks, worked out for a week before that, then maybe even another 3 weeks before that. Oddly though, my strength hasn't suffered THAT much. I think its mostly because I don't push myself hard enough though. Squats I always get nervous because I don't have anybody spotting me. I switched gyms and they have these queer ass hexagonal or octagonal plates that make it kinda fucked up to do deadlifts Bench I actually feel about the same after incorporating some leg drive and a little arch. I still have to get it down a little more but I tried lots of variations and seem to have found one that worked fairly well for me. I'm more happy with myself for going than pissed off about my losses in strength.

i took last summer off it sucked im hoping this summer wont be like that

i wonder what ceaze drives

nukegoat i wonder what ceaze drives minivan

jonno minivan i'm guessing an older bmw 3 series

im guessing bang bus

i havent done shit all for practically the whole winter. maybe hit the gym handful of times in that 3ish month time. today i went in and no strength loss on main movements...none. i only noticed a 2 rep decrease on my hammer curls. but during that layoff period i did maintain a fairly decent high protein diet so i think thats what helped me most. im feel fresh as fuck too, cns really feels nice, feels like i think i'm almost gonna make some explosive noob gains. im really starting to think extended layoffs from working out are beneficial.

thank christ, dont ever want to drop the weight on the hammer curlzzzz

HP_84 i havent done shit all for practically the whole winter. maybe hit the gym handful of times in that 3ish month time. today i went in and no strength loss on main movements...none. i only noticed a 2 rep decrease on my hammer curls. but during that layoff period i did maintain a fairly decent high protein diet so i think thats what helped me most. im feel fresh as fuck too, cns really feels nice, feels like i think i'm almost gonna make some explosive noob gains. im really starting to think extended layoffs from working out are beneficial. but, CAN YOU STANDING MILITARY PRESS YOUR BODYWEIGHT?!?! LIGHTWEIGHT!!!@@@!!

GuOD but, CAN YOU STANDING MILITARY PRESS YOUR BODYWEIGHT?!?! LIGHTWEIGHT!!!@@@!! you come to windsor and i military press you? this sounds good?

nukegoat i wonder what ceaze drives VW golf

Ceaze someone tried to steal my car and the parts to fix it have been backordered Why not bike there?

3 months off, and i was owned. a thread of my laziness.

Hello to F&N

Hello to F&N

How's it going F&N? I decided to stop being a lurker, get a sub ,and make my frist post here. I don't have any progress pics for you right now but I have gained 25 pounds since January after reading up on bulking here. (160-185 at 5'11) Personal Bests for the big three are:Dead: 400 Bench: 200 Squat: 250 These are from highschool when I was on the powerlifting team in the 165 class and we did our deadlifts straddle Right Now Dead: 320 Bench:195 Squat: 245 Got a bit weaker due to laziness and lack of knowing what I'm doing. Will get some pics up soon.

Will do soon. My last final is in approximately 5 hours so I will be able to get back into my routine more consistently.

superbri007 i have one more week of classes then like 4 finals Yea I just finished all that bullshit and am currently ruining my diet with a 2 liter of mountain dew to stay awake and study for this anthropology crap. On the bright side summer is here and I plan on breaking 200 lbs here soon. Hopefully I don't get too fat since I used to be a Cross Country runner and when I don't look like an ethiopian I feel fat. I'm like a woman sometimes.

Yea today convo with mom :Mom: You're starting to look chunky Me: Mom: Well it's true Me: gonna go purge myself and run the minimarathon. Bye.

superbri007 slap her with your deltoid good idea

Hello to F&N

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... www.bawls.com daily, will it hurt my gains at all?

quickone I'm bulking and lifting....if I take a redbull or bawls... www.bawls.com daily, will it hurt my gains at all? i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much.

Fuck Energy Drinks.

water. drink water.

Sometimes durin school or work I need them to keep me goin and awake

nic379 i had to stop drinking my lost energy drinks because I started taking Lipo6. I miss them sooooo much. OMG i love lost!!!

forum95 OMG i love lost!!! OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it.

ideeosinkruhcee water. drink water. I do but I can't drink it for energy

I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

i know what lost is i invest in their company

Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative.

Fuck no it won't! I slam a Redbull before I workout all the time!

yes, you're going to end up looking like pokesteve

just do what makes you happy dude. you obviously know its questionable. but here i am eating a cheese danish. & i'm not worried

nic379 OMG noone ever knows what it is.....a total of 2..yes only 2 stores in my area sell it. Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff

sweetcheeks Don't think it would hurt much, get the sugar-free redbulls. But if you're looking for energy, why not just pop a caffeine pill and be done with it. Much cheaper alternative. I try and stay away from nutrasweet/splenda/sucralose etc....plus I dont like the way sugar free stuff tastes. And idk...I like the taste of that stuff + energy=

Full Throttle, I love. Tastes exactly like the clear opaque gummy bears.

I about you just sleep more?

BuckNut I never heard of lost. I will have to keep an eye out for that. What does the can look like?

superbri007 is it that good, I figured it was just like monster or rockstar energy I think it's the best tasting stuff out there. And I don't know if it was all in my head, but it seemed like it made me feel better than all the other ones as well.

Psyc0 Lost is really good... Its all over the place out here :shrug: but thats probably because Lost was originally a surf company started out here in So Cal. Its the same brand as the surf stuff yeah i read that on the can. stupid texas no surfing people

Natezilla I about you just sleep more? Well I have school most nights until 10:30....then I go home get there by 11...and I still have to eat and do whatever...probably get to bed around 12...then I have to wakeup at 4:50-5:00 for work.

only time i drink red bull is with vodka! and no thats not while working out! hehe

see av for best energy drink

Will redbull or bawls hurt my gains?

Elbow pain?

Elbow pain?

Ok, since my last thread got locked http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=1773124 (which was a joke, though I actually did that routine) I wanted to ask you guys a question. 2-3 weeks ago after reaching a new max on bench, I started getting some (fairly) dull pain in my elbow. It definetely feels like it is in the tendon or joint or something, or at least it isnt muscular. One of the weirder, more specific times it hurts is if my elbow is totally folded (forearm parallel to bicep), which happens when im in bed. I tried doing some light db curls today and even that resulted in some pain. And yeah, I should see a dr, and if its not better in a week or so I'll make an appointment. So, have any of you guys experienced similar pain, and if so, what was it? PS, I also have some back/leg/stomach injuries, which is why my workouts are so weaksauce

tize you goin heavy? or is your volume/intensity too high? or is your form a shitbath in a church house like I said, I had reached a new max on bench, so I was going relatively heavy. form was fine, and I was doing christophers, so maybe volume was a little high from what I was used to, but I had been doing the routine for some time previous to the injury. either way, I'm more concerned with what the injury is now, since it doesnt appear that I'll be able to get back into a similar routine in the forseeable future.

if it is inflamed think tendonitis tennis elbow may also be a possible case

Cobra Commander if it is inflamed think tendonitis tennis elbow may also be a possible case that's what I was thinking. I just took some ibuprofen, so I'll see what happens.

tize what kinda warm ups you do son usually 8 reps or so of significantly lighter weight, and usually some bar only reps before that

Elbow pain?

Best way to build some muscle(sp?)?

Best way to build some muscle(sp?)?

Well I've come to a point in my life I want to improve my muscle mass without the use of any crap that will ruin any internal organs ( aka I wont do power protien shakes at all or steriods). I'm pretty average kid around stomach chest legs, not overweight little under weight ( wish I had a pic )... but my arm muscle mass is REALLY REALLY low. Anyone have any ideas of the best method to boost this? Right now I'm lifting weights every day for about 20 minutes doing sit ups push ups and the weights. Any help would be great

read the stickies. but bascially, lift heavy and eat alot. Oh, and there is absolutely nothing bad or dangerous about protein powder.

power protein shakes = kidney and lung failure. steroids = heart and testicular cancer

I've heard bad stories about some of the protein powders. Or maybe that is the energy drink powders. Anyways ok so eat and lift

PreemO power protein shakes = kidney and lung failure. does Nlarge2 count? http://gymratz.co.uk/bodybuilding-su...nts/item47.htm

so does your kidneys and liver get messed up when you eat a can of tuna or chicken breast or a steak? Just read stuff and become informed.

and do squats low and with out the damn pad on the bar.

you need to do some post cycle therapy if you're considering protein powder

Is this an ae?

Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead.

Snowman Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead. Oh my fucking god

Snowman Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead. BWAHHAHAHA!!

Dude, I am so with you on this. I tried drinking power protein shakes and for a while everything was going pretty great. After about 3 weeks of use I noticed that there was something wrong with my penis. So I went to the doctor and found out that I had protein-induced foreskin lesions. Fucking crazy shit man.. don't drink the protein shakes.

Snowman Yea one of my friends used to drink protein shakes all the time. Now he's dead. what brand?

Ilyusha Dude, I am so with you on this. I tried drinking power protein shakes and for a while everything was going pretty great. After about 3 weeks of use I noticed that there was something wrong with my penis. So I went to the doctor and found out that I had protein-induced foreskin lesions. Fucking crazy shit man.. don't drink the protein shakes. wtf...i thought i was the only one. i was just always too embarassed to bring it up to my parents, but my school nurse checked it out and said "yep, its definitely the protein". something about imbalanced amino acid synthesis messing with testosterone gains that affected my genital disformity... ilyusha, where is your doctor located? Pm me with their #. i need some medical attention...

Atenza6i wtf...i thought i was the only one. i was just always too embarassed to bring it up to my parents, but my school nurse checked it out and said "yep, its definitely the protein". something about imbalanced amino acid synthesis messing with testosterone gains that affected my genital disformity... ilyusha, where is your doctor located? Pm me with their #. i need some medical attention... PM sent. I think there needs to be something done.. like a warning on the labels or something.

You guys are awful.

I used to take protein but now I just stick to m1t.

Ilyusha PM sent. I think there needs to be something done.. like a warning on the labels or something. thanks. this is why i frickin love OT. from here, i learned how to take steroids safely while completely getting rid of my manboobs. my penis however, is turning into a clitoris. gosh, i hate this hormonal imbalance that protein put me on. i knew estrogen was really good for me, but i didnt think that too much of it would cause side effects. btw if you want some advice: 1. try not to take protein. it has lots of side effects. surprisingly, large amounts of lettuce will help tone your body. listen to me, i said tone. i know you want that. right? tone. dont forget it. 2. breathing technique is crucial. during the day if you focus on your breathing, making them deep breaths and full exhales, it actually helps you optimize the amount of calories burned when idle, while maximizing muscle growth. 3. take progress pictures of your penis. if you find it shrinking over time, cut down on the protein. especially if you see small scabs like ilyusha and i are experiencing. good luck bro, i hope to hear good news in a few days.

DCCapen My doctor told me that if I didnt quit drinking protein shakes he would report me to insurance and they wouldnt renew when the time came around you're joking right?

chlywly you're joking right? No. Dead serious. My doctor told me the same thing. I'm now on protein parole. They check my blood every week for traces of protein.

Gutrat No. Dead serious. My doctor told me the same thing. I'm now on protein parole. They check my blood every week for traces of protein. dude, just be glad someones helping you stay away from protein. i was so addicted to the protein shakes cuz they were so delicious, chunky and everything. until i started seeing the lesions...

Atenza6i dude, just be glad someones helping you stay away from protein. i was so addicted to the protein shakes cuz they were so delicious, chunky and everything. until i started seeing the lesions... I still get shaky when I walk by a GNC. I can't believe they let places like that stay in business.

curious, whats ae (serious question) stand for? it seems to be the equivelent of a "troll" on other forums.

Best way to build some muscle(sp?)?

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