Friday, December 20, 2013

Pics of [what I use at] my gym...

Pics of [what I use at] my gym...

Backsville (you can see all the newb machines in the background): Latsville: The Bars (got some flat, incline, decline and shoulder): Dumbbells (stop at 100 ): Cables (one of two): Teh Cages (I like how the newbs used them for curls and didn't re-rack): Hammer Strength: Hammer Strength: Upstairs is cardio and aerobics area. I go up there to stretch, do crunchies and take a walk around the track to see if any scenery is on the treadmills.

I wish they had a dip station at my gym. I always go to a leg machine (where you tie a cable to your leg at the ankle) which has two parallel bars for people to stabilize themselves and I do dips off of those. Atleast my gym does have DBs up to 150 (or 140...I haven't really looked at the biggest ones yet).

those 100 lb DB's look giant, those compare to the 200s (in size) at my gym

Shaolin_sword36 says a lot about that gym

SteveO those 100 lb DB's look giant, those compare to the 200s (in size) at my gym Rubber crap. I shouldn't complain though coz rubber doesn't hurt as much during a failure. As for the gym, it's in a very rich area of the southwestern suburbs. Some of the older men are quite built or healthy, but we don't have many brolies. Mostly yuppies in the weight rooms and baby boomers and attractive older golddiggers upstairs. Occasionally there will be some hotties and cool guys my age. The gym just west of the city has a better crowd, and I'll be there soon enough since I'm moving. FYI, this gym is the best Bally's in Minneapolis, and I'll miss it.

Mugwump Rubber crap. I shouldn't complain though coz rubber doesn't hurt as much during a failure. Maybe its just consistency, but the rubber ones feel solid enough that I can go 5 lbs more without even noticing the difference.

Shaolin_sword36 We have those same god damned cages at my gym. They suck cock because the holes for the catches are so far apart. And don't lie, you're the one that was doing the curls.

I use the EZ bars (15 lbs less than the regular barbells).

those cages blow..


Mugwump y? pin layout is awfull

Fuck, nice ballys, ...My Ballys fuckin sucks nuts. Its half of half of that. Jesus its pathetic.

White Fuck, nice ballys, ...My Ballys fuckin sucks nuts. Its half of half of that. Jesus its pathetic. Like I said, it's the nicest Bally's here. We have several of them, and there are some bad ones.

vettedude those cages blow..

They get the job done. Post a pic of a good cage. I'd like to see what I'm missing.

Mugwump They get the job done. Post a pic of a good cage. I'd like to see what I'm missing. for squats / GMs they are fine...

No deadlift platform, no care! Seriously it looks pretty good :P

happens all the time in my school gym

Elfling No deadlift platform, no care! I have to take the bar from the shoulder press bench and do my deadlifts there (barbell shoulder press isn't very popular for some reason). It's kinda sad, but I usually have lots of space.

Thats a nice fucking gym.

damn, that's a nice ballys. all the ballys here in NoVA are prolly 1/4 that size, no lie. well, the weight area is 1/4 that size. the rest is taken up by a pool, indoor track, etc.

looks pretty nice.

Pics of [what I use at] my gym...

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Jerry Rice works out at the club I work at

Jerry Rice works out at the club I work at

I manage the Front Desk & Valet Departments (Yeah, I know... valet at a fitness club ) so I usually don't head upstairs to the Fitness Area during the busy morning rush. However today I needed to find a certain member of the club in the weight room and was SHOCKED to see Jerry Rice squatting with some of the ugliest squat form I'd ever seen. It blew me away! I thought he was actually going to hurt himself the way he was hunched over. Moreover, I would have assumed that a pro trainer would have taught him some sort of proper form Anyways, I did a double-take Cliffs: Jerry Rice has HORRIBLE squat form

at this point, i think hes done something right.

DCyamaha at this point, i think hes done something right. certainly not weight lifting

SteveO certainly not weight lifting

DCyamaha yeah because hands and vertical leap are impacted so much by weight lifting

He looks like he can squat 900...I woulda never guessed

>>>>>>you And the man has to be in some amazing shape because he's 43 and still contributive in the game. Hell he had a 1200 yard season at age 40. Has to be doing something correct.

Mike McDermott yeah, he knows how to run routes, and he has great hands Yeah but just the simple fact that his body hasn't fallen apart has to count for something.

Ya they only get rocked occasionally, other than that they get off pretty easy.

Jerry Rice works out at the club I work at

Help with diet, please

Help with diet, please

I won't have access to a gym to start lifting for about another week. I'm trying to get my diet set. I'm basically having the same thing everyday. Could someone please let me know what changes I need to make? Also, I'm still low on my fats. Everything I'm eating has very little fat, so I'm under 20% from the looks of it. Can anyone recommend what to do to get my fats up? Tablespoon of Olive Oil by itself? 5'11" approx. 205 lbs. I'd guess about 23% bf current diet (started Monday), about 2400-2500 cal. *Correct me if that should be different. 1 cup Grape Nuts (no sugar added) 1 1/3 - 1 1/2 cups skim milk (in cereal) 1 banana (about 7") 2 slices whole grain bread (plain) 1 cup oatmeal (2 cups water, butter added and sometimes honey) 1 can of tuna (plain/out of can) 2 tablespoons peanut butter (regular/non-natural) 32 oz. protein shake (2 16 oz. per day) 1 glass skim milk (about 10 oz.) 1 cup Grape Nuts and milk (like above) for dinner I just bought a ton of chicken, so I'll be cooking that up tonight. Also, taking a multivitamin, Omega-3 suppliment for DHA/EPA, and CLA (it was free with the protein mix). Any help would be appreciated. If you need any additional info, let me know. Thanks in advance.

Help with diet, please

Help with diet, please

Bateman's Workout :dunno:

Bateman's Workout :dunno:

has he ever posted it Since it seems he is the king of the deltoid muscle and this is just about my weakest spot right now

its probably something

Anyone have any pics?

Socrates Anyone have any pics? of teh bateman?

inject pose in mirror flex delts wackit to self triceps kickbacks side laterals inject pose in mirror flex delts wackit to self repeat

KingGargantuan inject pose in mirror flex delts wackit to self triceps kickbacks side laterals inject pose in mirror flex delts wackit to self repeat the -wackit to self- is what killed me

Bateman = back left


in the white shirt?

I see no big delts!

Opi in the white shirt? ya!

Socrates ya! nice shirt

Shoulders Overhaul by Christian Thibaudeau

he's a pimp

DCCapen Yay I have delts.....and nothing else. Whats the big deal with him anyway. that he pulls in more girls than you. is the trick dressing gay? Tight jeans, tight shirts?

Socrates Bateman = back left Looks like that guy has his hand in batemans pocket

Neo22 Looks like that guy has his hand in batemans pocket

Ceaze Shoulders Overhaul by Christian Thibaudeau thanks man the article seems to be advocating much higher intensity than i've been doing with my hst program. though i'm happy with what i gained from hst over the last year i think it's time to move onto something more demanding.

Neo22 Looks like that guy has his hand in batemans pocket Didn't notice that!

Ceaze Shoulders Overhaul by Christian Thibaudeau I've never done that routine. But I did do his back specialization routine a while back and my back exploded. He know's what he's talking about.

Socrates Bateman = back left wtf he looks small there does his mirror add like 20lbs to his mirrorpics he is always posting?

Socrates Bateman = back left ooohsss teh pit stains!!!

Socrates Bateman = back left were da legs at? and is he sporting air lats?

Does anyone have a picture of him with his shirt off?

Bateman's Workout :dunno:

How many of you get the deep burn on your lats?

How many of you get the deep burn on your lats?

my lat work consists of pull ups, lat pull down, seated rows but I hardly get the middle and upper back soreness

I'm the exact opposite. I almost never feel anything in my lats, only very faint soreness at the most, but my upper and middle back are always sore for a few days.

upper/middle back isn't your lats

Ceaze upper/middle back isn't your lats troof. when i hit my lats i feel it in my lats. back - back. simple my ninja.

Ceaze upper/middle back isn't your lats Ceaze has an innate ability to make you feel like an idiot in 6 words or less.

sprite Ceaze has an innate ability to make you feel like an idiot in 6 words or less. It's quite remarkable actually...

i did 20 rep lat pull downs for the fuck of it one time and my lats were hurtin

for me its the streaching inbetween sets of pull ups that get my lats feeling worked.

Mike McDermott that's pretty ghey shut up pal. i'll crush you

tize i disagree awww

i also have a hard time getting my Lats to burn, but when i do it is because i over do it and come close to pulling muscle fibers. Also for whatever reason my lats show swelling unlike other muscles inmy body without feeling like i did a total workout on that part of the body

How many of you get the deep burn on your lats?

Loss of sex muscles?

Loss of sex muscles?

I heard something about this happening when bulking or taking protein supplements? Any clarification?

in before trainwreck

Ceaze in before trainwreck It was a legitimate question


LOL @ sex muscles

just do more wrist curls

PNHWrestler LOL @ sex muscles

when you take protein supps, there's a fairly common occurance of penis and balls shrinking down to pre-pubescent levels. i'm not really sure why, i think there's somesort of imbalance... it's weird.

kronik85 when you take protein supps, there's a fairly common occurance of penis and balls shrinking down to pre-pubescent levels. i'm not really sure why, i think there's somesort of imbalance... it's weird. Source?

Sammo Source? are you being serious? you dont believe everything you read do you? if so... im a millionare, i have my own personal jet..i drive a ferrari, and i have 12 husbands..all are in better shape than anyone on this board.

nonplus just do more wrist curls

Sammo Source?

Go S3x0r muscles!!


nic379 are you being serious? you dont believe everything you read do you? if so... im a millionare, i have my own personal jet..i drive a ferrari, and i have 12 husbands..all are in better shape than anyone on this board. post pictures of yourself

I'm growing to really dislike n00bs.

Loss of sex muscles?

Latest Protein Deals?

Latest Protein Deals?

Anyone have any links of cheap protien going on right now? I just ran through my 10lber I got for 40.00 so anyhting like that price would be ideal thanks

i have been using its a little bit more but worth it in my opinion. but for that price ON at 1fast400 is like 40-45

AlltheWhey has good prices, good products, and their flavors taste good. But their service has sucked as of late. TrueProtein has good prices and good service, but their stuff tastes like ass.

christophers thats why you get bsl flavoring with trueprotein Hey christophers, which BSL flavors are good? (How's teh green apple flavoring?)

christophers thats why you get bsl flavoring with trueprotein For a $1-$2/lb. Suddenly TP's price isn't so good anymore.

I just checked allthewhey... their new site blows, it's all in ASP, ordering does not work with anything but IE and to top it off they increased their prices by $4. Hopefully their phone ordering is quick. :-/

thanks guys I'll check into those

I would't recomment allthewhey, unless you wanna pay for the product and not know when you gonna get it. Could be a week, could be 3 weeks.

J Shmoke I would't recomment allthewhey, unless you wanna pay for the product and not know when you gonna get it. Could be a week, could be 3 weeks. I emailed allthewhey about their delays that I have been hearing about lately, here is their response. "The only time we were delayed with shipping is when we moved to a new and larger facility in January, but other than that we ship the day the order comes in. Maura csr" Shouldn't be any more delays according to Maura there.

sprite For a $1-$2/lb. Suddenly TP's price isn't so good anymore. still cheaper than ON 100% Whey

Latest Protein Deals?

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