Thursday, December 19, 2013

How many of you get the deep burn on your lats?

How many of you get the deep burn on your lats?

my lat work consists of pull ups, lat pull down, seated rows but I hardly get the middle and upper back soreness

I'm the exact opposite. I almost never feel anything in my lats, only very faint soreness at the most, but my upper and middle back are always sore for a few days.

upper/middle back isn't your lats

Ceaze upper/middle back isn't your lats troof. when i hit my lats i feel it in my lats. back - back. simple my ninja.

Ceaze upper/middle back isn't your lats Ceaze has an innate ability to make you feel like an idiot in 6 words or less.

sprite Ceaze has an innate ability to make you feel like an idiot in 6 words or less. It's quite remarkable actually...

i did 20 rep lat pull downs for the fuck of it one time and my lats were hurtin

for me its the streaching inbetween sets of pull ups that get my lats feeling worked.

Mike McDermott that's pretty ghey shut up pal. i'll crush you

tize i disagree awww

i also have a hard time getting my Lats to burn, but when i do it is because i over do it and come close to pulling muscle fibers. Also for whatever reason my lats show swelling unlike other muscles inmy body without feeling like i did a total workout on that part of the body

How many of you get the deep burn on your lats?

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