Thursday, December 19, 2013

Latest Protein Deals?

Latest Protein Deals?

Anyone have any links of cheap protien going on right now? I just ran through my 10lber I got for 40.00 so anyhting like that price would be ideal thanks

i have been using its a little bit more but worth it in my opinion. but for that price ON at 1fast400 is like 40-45

AlltheWhey has good prices, good products, and their flavors taste good. But their service has sucked as of late. TrueProtein has good prices and good service, but their stuff tastes like ass.

christophers thats why you get bsl flavoring with trueprotein Hey christophers, which BSL flavors are good? (How's teh green apple flavoring?)

christophers thats why you get bsl flavoring with trueprotein For a $1-$2/lb. Suddenly TP's price isn't so good anymore.

I just checked allthewhey... their new site blows, it's all in ASP, ordering does not work with anything but IE and to top it off they increased their prices by $4. Hopefully their phone ordering is quick. :-/

thanks guys I'll check into those

I would't recomment allthewhey, unless you wanna pay for the product and not know when you gonna get it. Could be a week, could be 3 weeks.

J Shmoke I would't recomment allthewhey, unless you wanna pay for the product and not know when you gonna get it. Could be a week, could be 3 weeks. I emailed allthewhey about their delays that I have been hearing about lately, here is their response. "The only time we were delayed with shipping is when we moved to a new and larger facility in January, but other than that we ship the day the order comes in. Maura csr" Shouldn't be any more delays according to Maura there.

sprite For a $1-$2/lb. Suddenly TP's price isn't so good anymore. still cheaper than ON 100% Whey

Latest Protein Deals?

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