Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nutrition & Oily Skin.. Is There A Link?

Nutrition & Oily Skin.. Is There A Link?

I know this is slightly off-topic, but I'm wondering is there any link between what you eat and having oily skin? I need to wash my face 2/3 times a day because it sometimes tends to get quite oily. I don't take any medication or use any creams for it. I'm just wondering though, does what I eat effect how oily my skin may get? Any link between junk food or oily food.. and oily skin?

I've been eating reallly clean lately and I think my skin is better

isnt there a link with testosterone and oily face? im not so sure but i heard something like that..

I think it's more hormonal. ^ Though, I can't see how cutting back on greasy food could hurt.

christophers huh? The guy sounded like he has image issues, so I was hitting him with advice I did'nt mean to go off topic

eddscat No fucking science to back me up, but I'd say yes One good way of looking good is to find someone who you wanna look like and copy there training and diet exactly e.g. http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/scott1.htm Pretty shallow, but hey, it's just like copying someones fashion tips Dude. Seriously. What does that have to do with the topic?

kingfaz Dude. Seriously. What does that have to do with the topic? I thought it did, jesus I'll delete it then. I was only trying to help, stop being so uptight guys, it's mean

Two proven things I know help. Hydrate, & use a non-oily lotion w/ no fragrance. Because oily skin will secrete more when you overdry it. You don't want to irritate it with fragrances and garbage ingredients. Assuming you're a guy, I don't know if you'd go for this, but they now make these little packs of oil absorbing sheets that'd fit in your pocket. If you're worried about appearance. Clean, & clear makes some, they come in a blue packet. (not super girlie)

yup, ever since i've started cutting again my skin is a lot clearer caloric surplus = higher hormone levels (including testosterone) = oilier skin

eddscat I thought it did, jesus I'll delete it then. I was only trying to help, stop being so uptight guys, it's mean Sori didnt mean to sound mean I just thought I was missing out on something

D Two proven things I know help. Hydrate, & use a non-oily lotion w/ no fragrance. Because oily skin will secrete more when you overdry it. You don't want to irritate it with fragrances and garbage ingredients. Assuming you're a guy, I don't know if you'd go for this, but they now make these little packs of oil absorbing sheets that'd fit in your pocket. If you're worried about appearance. Clean, & clear makes some, they come in a blue packet. (not super girlie) Thanks dude I can give that a try Werdna yup, ever since i've started cutting again my skin is a lot clearer caloric surplus = higher hormone levels (including testosterone) = oilier skin Sorry to sound stupid but what does caloric surplus mean? I'm taking an educated guess at a surplus of calories?

You're welcome...That would be dudette.

Sorry to sound stupid but what does caloric surplus mean? I'm taking an educated guess at a surplus of calories? Yes.

D You're welcome...That would be dudette. My bad.. I was under the assumption that no females posted in this section, sorry! (and no i'm not sexist at all ) Nick Yes. Does it matter where the calories come from? i.e fats, carbs protein or can u can caloric surplus from anything?

use facial wipes

kingfaz Does it matter where the calories come from? i.e fats, carbs protein or can u can caloric surplus from anything? Caloric surplus just means you consume more calories than you use in a day. The excess calories will be stored as muscle/fat.

Thanks for that Nick..

Nutrition & Oily Skin.. Is There A Link?

Anyone have suggestions on sneaking supplements into the US?

Anyone have suggestions on sneaking supplements into the US?

I have 2 boxes of clen and a box of bromo I never used. I'm going back to the US in a week or so. Should I just take the pills out of the metal tabs and put it into an empty bottle like green tea extract or caffeine or something?

That or a balloon

edmang That or a balloon Man, thats hardcore right there. I think I'll gain 5 lb lbm just rocking it on the 15 hours plane ride with the balloon.

You could just put it in when you are about to land.

dude, you put them in a balloon, and then you put them in a block of wax as a candle, thats how you get weed from amsterdam

Where are you at now? Japan? How easy is it to get AAS over there? I wonder how easy it is to get AAS in thailand. I know there is a former pro bb'er who owns a gym down in Pattaya... What did you pay for the clen? Bromo?

couldnt you just mail them to yourself? its clen not testosterone

Paintballny Where are you at now? Japan? How easy is it to get AAS over there? I wonder how easy it is to get AAS in thailand. I know there is a former pro bb'er who owns a gym down in Pattaya... What did you pay for the clen? Bromo? Steroids are legal in Japan. I just ordered it and it came in a couple days. http://www.eagletsports.com/orderform.htm Take off 2 zeros for the price in dollars.

gsteclipse97 couldnt you just mail them to yourself? its clen not testosterone I am not sure. I thought they customs would check more through mail?

AznRyda I'm going back to the US in a week or so. Should I just take the pills out of the metal tabs and put it into an empty bottle like green tea extract or caffeine or something? that's probably the best idea. Granted, I've never done this, but it sounds logical. Besides, do you really want the take the chance of the balloon breaking?

Anyone have suggestions on sneaking supplements into the US?

about to start cutting, need some advice

about to start cutting, need some advice

first a brief background:in the past year i went from about 154lbs to 182lbs, and i am 6'1. I want to start cutting now because I am noticing a slight build up of fat, no exact idea on bf now but i was 8% at 154lbs and i am guessing i am around 11-12% now. just for a reference my waist went from 30in to 32.5in. i am currently taking cee, i want to know if i should keep taking that along with the other supplements i am on in the same amounts if i am cutting? for supplements: right now i take cee everyday and 3 servings of ON Whey on workout days, and only 2 servings of ON Whey on off days (which comes out to about 40% of my protein from supplements). I plan on keeping the same diet with low fat meats etc., but just cutting back on the high carbs, such as pastas. my goal for cutting is about 8-10lbs and I plan on biking 3x a week for cardio. does it matter if i do cardio on the days i hit the gym? i normally lift weights 4x a week, so i was thinking of doing cardio the other days. i basically want to see my abs again, so i am going to cut for a month or so and seeing the progress i make. i know i am being picky by cutting after so little gains but i have never done it before, so i want to get an idea of how hard it actually is. any more advice would be helpful.

I recomend not cutting, but my advice sucks. cuttign is not hard, it just sucks

vettedude I recomend not cutting, but my advice sucks. cuttign is not hard, it just sucks do what he said. People like you that cut after they gain a little bit of fat are people who never progress. Aim for a higher goal, forget about this summer and just think about next summer

SteveO do what he said. People like you that cut after they gain a little bit of fat are people who never progress. Aim for a higher goal, forget about this summer and just think about next summer hmm, maybe start cutting when i reach 195lbs? i was 140lbs 4 years ago, but i just started seriously lifting in 2003 so i thought it may be time for a cut.. i am going to get my bf measured in the next week just to make me more confident on what i want to do.

12% is still really lean mate, its what a lot of us actually cut down too. I'd atleast bulk to 220lb

thanks guys, i think im gonna bulk some more then cut. maybe not 220lb but atleast 200+.

maniak thanks guys, i think im gonna bulk some more then cut. maybe not 220lb but atleast 200+. go to 220 dude, you will not regret it.

Make it up to 215 or so and then cut

about to start cutting, need some advice

christophers workout? F** THAT. man up for once and try VELAMINTS WORKOUT!!!

christophers workout? F** THAT. man up for once and try VELAMINTS WORKOUT!!!

aight here it is - peck deck - 1x8 warmup, then 4x6@ more weight db curls - 2x8 leg press - 1x8 warmup, then 3x8 quad extensions - 3x8 shoulder raises - 3x8 ab work - the ladies love the six pack 8) (add some weighted crunches if youre trying to get an 8 pack) so there it is, do this and you'll be well on your way to looking even better than vin diesel. keep in mind, this is just day 1, i'll have more soon, so get ready

Please let this be a joke.

Your workout sucks.

Someone who recognizes that Vin Diesel looks good! (nongayway)

Socrates Someone who recognizes that Vin Diesel looks good! (nongayway) hell yeah bro

Natezilla Please let this be a joke. the only joke is on you if you dont man up here bro

Natezilla Please let this be a joke. .

that's horrible

Grouch that's horrible bullshit dude, I did it at the gym today and already gained 100 pounds each on the big 3, it was incredible

nathanbx bullshit dude, I did it at the gym today and already gained 100 pounds each on the big 3, it was incredible Im doing the workout from the nitrotech book and I've gained 165 on my first day.

nathanbx bullshit dude, I did it at the gym today and already gained 100 pounds each on the big 3, it was incredible woah dude seriously? it sounds like you might be on creatin. stay away from that stuff bro, steroidds arent worth it.

not enough biceps, you need at least 10 sets of curls

YES! finally pec deck...id add some cable crossovers too

lock this shit

in before lock!

christophers workout? F** THAT. man up for once and try VELAMINTS WORKOUT!!!

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

from a fucking email I got, so don't ask me for a fucking link! Exposed: The Top Ten Diet Fallacies - And The Truth to Set You Free By Ori Hofmekler, author of :ol('http://www.dragondoor.com/b23.html');" target=_blank>The Warrior Diet Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day When you wake-up, your body is already in an intense detox mode, clearing itself of endotoxins and digestive waste from the past evening meal. During the morning hours, when digestion is fully completed (while you are on an empty stomach), a primal survival mechanism, known as fight or flight reaction to stress, is triggered, maximizing your body's capacity to generate energy, be alert, resist fatigue and resist stress. This highly geared survival mode is primarily dominated by part of the autonomic nervous system known as the SNS (sympathetic nervous system). At that state, the body is in its most energy-producing phase and that's when most energy comes from fat burning. All that happens when you do not eat the typical morning meal. If however you follow what "normal guys" do and eat your morning bagel and cereal and egg & bacon, you'll most likely shut down the above energy producing system. The SNS and its fight or flight mechanism will be substantially suppressed. Instead, your morning meal will trigger an antagonistic part of the automatic nervous system known as the PSNS (Para sympathetic nervous system), which makes you sleepy, slow and less resilient to fatigue and stress. Instead of spending energy and burning fat, your body will be more geared towards storing energy and gaining fat. Under this state, detox would be inhibited. The overall metabolic stress would increase with toxins accumulating in the liver, giving the body another substantial reason to gain fat. (Fat tissues serve as a biological storage for toxins) The overall suppressing effects of morning meals, can lead to energy crashes during the daily (working) hours, often with chronic cravings for pick-up foods, sweets, coffee and tobacco. Eating at the wrong time, would severely interrupt the body's ability to be in tune with the circadian clock. The human body has never adapted to such interruptions. We are primarily pre-programmed to rotate between the two autonomic nervous system parts: the daily SNS and the nightly PSNS. The SNS regulates alertness and action during the day, while PSNS regulates relaxation, digestion and sleep during the nightly hours. Any interruption in this primal daily cycle, may lead into sleepiness during the day followed by sleeping disorders at night. Morning meals must be carefully designed not to suppress the SNS and its highly energetic state. Minimizing morning food intake to fruits, veggie soup or small amounts of fresh light protein foods, such as poached or boiled eggs, plain yogurt, or white cheese, will maintain the body in an undereating phase, while promoting the SNS with its energy producing properties. *Note: Athletes who exercise in the morning should turn breakfast into a post-exercise recovery meal. Such meals should consist of small amounts of fresh protein plus carbs such as yogurt and banana, eggs plus a bowl of oatmeal, or cottage cheese with berries. An insulin spike is necessary for effectively finalizing the anabolic actions of GH and IGF1 after exercise. Nonetheless, after the initial recovery meal, it's highly recommended to maintain the body in an undereating phase by minimizing daily carb intake in the following meals. Applying small protein meals (minimum carbs) every couple of hours will keep sustaining the SNS during the daily hours while providing amino acids for protein synthesis in the muscle tissues, promoting a long lasting anabolic effect after exercise. In conclusion, breakfast isn't the most important meal of the day. The most important meals are post-exercise recovery meals. Saying that, for a WARRIOR every meal is a recovery meal helping to recuperate from either nutritional stress (undereating) or physical stress (exercise). It's when you eat that makes what you eat matter. Discuss. ...and no, I do not know what the other nine are.

every meal is important

i eat all my meals like im breaking from a fast

fuck that. I love food in the morning.

dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach

I'm guessing the gimp that wrote that never did any sports in highschool

I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before.

timberwolf I've been wondering about the Warrior Diet... Coincidentally I never eat breakfast before my workout though I have tried to before. and look how ripped you are...except that you puke up blood

wtf last sentence?

Great Article...

deznutz Great Article... for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake.

breakfast > * at least while dieting...i've read stuff where they follow successful weight losers and find two things in common in like 95% of them: eating breakfast and getting enough sleep

brolli for the love of God, I hope your avatar is fake. HOLY DUMBASS ALERT, BATMAN!

this thread can suck my phallusy

GOGZILLA dumbest shit ive ever heard...try doing any kind of morning practice on an empty stomach I cant eat breaky in the morning if I'm going to train straight away because I'd just puke it up anyway. Most I would have before hand would be a coffee or a shake then have my oats when I'm finished.

Anytime I read an article that vaguely talks about "toxins" & detox I am automatically skeptical.

thats great, if you want to get your energy by breaking down your muscle for energy

All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4 meals of the day.

Elfling All Warrior-diet stupidity aside.. Breakfast is important so are the other 4-15 meals of the day. fixed for those who are bulking

Dragon fixed for those who are bulking

and this is why the internet sucks....cut an paste gurus who read to much. I will be sure to use my fight or flight tomorrow before cardio

superbri007 fuck that shit, breakfast = winnar lets talk about the word breakfast for a minute break + fast = breakfast to break your fast from sleep, so you eat breakfast, to replenish your blood sugar, etc. i'd say thats very important I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast.

ralyks I don't see the word morning anywhere in breakfast. If breakfast means just breaking a fast, then if I didn't eat until 5pm I'd be eating breakfast. In which case you would definitely be breaking a fast, hmm?

Diet Fallacy #1. BREAKFAST is the most important meal of the day

Superdrol Thread: Post your reviews

Superdrol Thread: Post your reviews

Since this is still legal and sold... What cycles have you done? What have you stacked, if anything? How were your results???? Ive been hearing great things about this stuff. And have heard of some pretty decent gains. You can even take it by itself and have nice gains Anyways, back to the questions


this is a serious post... and its legal... reviews please

Superdrol Thread: Post your reviews

My female friends wants to increase her weight...

My female friends wants to increase her weight...

She doesnt particularly want to become a weight lifter etc.. but she wants to put on about 15 lbs as she's really thin at the moment. Any sort of tips? I've basically suggested she should start off lifting some basic weights, up her protein intake and drink plenty of water. Eating junk is only going to make her fatter is her metabolism doesn't counter it, right?


Tell that girl to lift and eat more.

My female friends wants to increase her weight...

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