Sunday, December 8, 2013

Question about loading Creatine...

Question about loading Creatine...

I havent really used Creatine in the past, just Protein ...And I have a friend who really likes to use it and says it does actually show difference and makes him feel better, etc etc. Anyways, I was wondering, when loading creatine, I have read to take 20g total in 1 week, which doesnt seem right....Then heard to load 20g/day for 1 week, then following that, take 5-15g/day to maintain. I want to go the way of loading, so dont say dont load etc, just want to know which is the right way to load. The 2nd option that I have said seems to be the one that is right tho...At least to me. Thx brolys

don't load

Jeg1983 don't load Alright, fair enough that you say that, but give me a reason not to...I have heard nothing but good about loading on MANY different webpages...Of course there are people who say loading isnt good, but really havent backed it up w/ anything. Why isnt it good to load. ps. Yer AV roxors

yah i just started loading creatine yesterday and was gonna ask about it. Also, do different brands cause a different amout of sides? I am having a killer headache because of this shit

Nick Robinson yah i just started loading creatine yesterday and was gonna ask about it. Also, do different brands cause a different amout of sides? I am having a killer headache because of this shit drink more water. There are no sides.

Aight, well I guess for the first 5-7 days im gonna take in 20g/day then after that I will keep taking in a steady 4g/day. Thats my plan ill see how it works, lol.

It also depends on weight. Just try less at first then go up as you feel needed. But loading is a good idea.

Nick Robinson yah i just started loading creatine yesterday and was gonna ask about it. Also, do different brands cause a different amout of sides? I am having a killer headache because of this shit im going to have to agree with grouch...drink more water you are probably dehyrdated

Baited im going to have to agree with grouch...drink more water you are probably dehyrdated Yeah, just from what I read that sounds like the prob. You have to keep WAY hydrated.

Ok cool, that is probably exactly what it is. Thanks guys.

Question about loading Creatine...

Designer When question????

Designer When question????

So i bought an almost expired 5lbs bottle of designer whey from GNC for $10.00 the other week. When i opened it i noticed that the plastic seal was like a peice of tape and there was no peal off freshness seal under the cap. Is this normal for Designer Whey? I took it back anyways but i want to know because if that is the case i won't ever go back to that GNC EVER!!!!

TheDude So i bought an almost expired 5lbs bottle of designer whey from GNC for $10.00 the other week. When i opened it i noticed that the plastic seal was like a peice of tape and there was no peal off freshness seal under the cap. Is this normal for Designer Whey? I took it back anyways but i want to know because if that is the case i won't ever go back to that GNC EVER!!!! I don't remember there being a freshness seal on the 5lb jug of designer whey (if thats the one you got) I could be wrong though

i bought a 5lb DW in the beginning of the year and it only had the plastic tape thing around the cap, no seal. But the expiration date was sometime in 2006... I've already finished the bottle.

designer whey is some of the nastiest shit I've ever had in my life

D-GUy designer whey is some of the nastiest shit I've ever had in my life I thought chocolate and strawberry were good, but vanilla was awful. ON whey > designer whey though

Up All Night I thought chocolate and strawberry were good, but vanilla was awful. ON whey > designer whey though see i was thinking it was spoiled or something thats how nasty it tasted (vanilla) so i was thinking it def. had been opened up. Well whatever i got my money back.

TheDude see i was thinking it was spoiled or something thats how nasty it tasted (vanilla) so i was thinking it def. had been opened up. Well whatever i got my money back. I threw out a 5lb jug of vanilla after trying one scoop of it

Up All Night I thought chocolate and strawberry were good, but vanilla was awful. ON whey > designer whey though my opinion was based off of vanilla too, so I'm with you there

Designer When question????

In a few years, the muscle man may be obsolete :eek4:

In a few years, the muscle man may be obsolete :eek4:

GucciGucci ---------- Bionic suit offers wearers super-strength 11 April 2005 Exclusive from New Scientist Print Edition John Boyd A ROBOT suit has been developed that could help older people or those with disabilities to walk or lift heavy objects. Dubbed HAL, or hybrid assistive limb, the latest versions of the suit will be unveiled this June at the 2005 World Expo in Aichi, Japan, which opened last month. A commercial product is slated for release by the end of the year. HAL is the result of 10 years' work by Yoshiyuki Sankai of the University of Tsukuba in Japan, and integrates mechanics, electronics, bionics and robotics in a new field known as cybernics. The most fully developed prototype, HAL 3, is a motor-driven metal "exoskeleton" that you strap onto your legs to power-assist leg movements. A backpack holds a computer with a wireless network connection, and the batteries are on a belt. Two control systems interact to help the wearer stand, walk and climb stairs. A "bio-cybernic" system uses bioelectric sensors attached to the skin on the legs to monitor signals transmitted from the brain to the muscles. It can do this because when someone intends to stand or walk, the nerve signal to the muscles generates a detectable electric current on the skin's surface. These currents are picked up by the sensors and sent to the computer, which translates the nerve signals into signals of its own for controlling electric motors at the hips and knees of the exoskeleton. It takes a fraction of a second for the motors to respond accordingly, and in fact they respond fractionally faster to the original signal from the brain than the wearer's muscles do. While the bio-cybernic system moves individual elements of the exoskeleton, a second system provides autonomous robotic control of the motors to coordinate these movements and make a task easier overall, helping someone to walk, for instance. The system activates itself automatically once the user starts to move. The first time they walk, its sensors record posture and pattern of motion, and this information is stored in an onboard database for later use. When the user walks again, sensors alert the computer, which recognises the movement and regenerates the stored pattern to provide power-assisted movement. The actions of both systems can be calibrated according to a particular user's needs, for instance to give extra assistance to a weaker limb. The HAL 4 and HAL 5 prototypes, which will also be demonstrated at Expo 2005, don't just help a person to walk. They have an upper part to assist the arms, and will help a person lift up to 40 kilograms more than they can manage unaided. The new HALs will also eliminate the need for a backpack. Instead, the computer and wireless connection have been shrunk to fit in a pouch attached to the suit's belt. HAL 5 also has smaller motor housings, making the suit much less bulky around the hips and knees. HAL 3 weighs 22 kilograms, but the help it gives the user is more than enough to compensate for this. "It's like riding on a robot, rather than wearing one," says Sankai. He adds that HAL 4 will weigh 17 kilograms, and he hopes HAL 5 may be lighter still. Sankai has had many requests for the devices from people with brain and spinal injuries, so he is planning to extend the suit's applications to include medical rehabilitation. The first commercial suits are likely to cost between 1.5 and 2 million yen ($14,000 to $19,000). Why bust your ass to get strong when you can just put on a robot suit. Weight lifting will go the way of swording fighting (fencing) or horse riding (equestrian)... for a bunch of weirdos no one cares about. Discuss

the reason we will continue to lift weights is presented clearly in that picture. No one wants to look super scrawny like that kid..

Some people lift for asthetics as well.

spazntwich "Hay baby check out my 10" bionic penis, LOL"

Believe it or not, some people lift for their own health, which a Bionic suit won't help.

If I wanted to get maintain/improve my health, lifting weights would be at the bottom of that list. I'd spend all week running, cycling, and shuttling.... Which incidentally, is how I wound up being 120 in the first place

Looks comfortable.

that'll go great with the lazy sex chair

spazntwich Am I the only one who's not surprised at all the guy wearing the damn thing in the picture is Asian? I was thinkin the same thing

Am I the only one creeped out by the fact that they named this thing HAL?

Robotic limbs are still legal at PL meets, right?

@ this thread

spazntwich Am I the only one who's not surprised at all the guy wearing the damn thing in the picture is Asian? did you even read the article? It was developed in Japan

Can anyone say siezure + ripped off legs? Wireless network on a computer controlling people's movements? I smell puppetmasters.

wouldn't it be hilarious if it ran out of battery and he was too weak to get out of it?

In a few years, the muscle man may be obsolete :eek4:

Hard Boiled Eggs

Hard Boiled Eggs

This is like the next best thing! I just have them lined up in the fridge -- when I get hungry crack one open and eat it. How much protein is in these babies? Anyone else do this? They are the perfect snack! Googled it and eggs have approximently 6.25g of protein each...does sound reasonable?

perfect snake?

Oh god...i'm laughing so hard...i'm crying...

mmm, i love them, I cook them and just eat the whites though

tize I think they are nasty, try getting an acceptable amount of protein from them at once.... I do..I eat 6 egg whites a day

egg whites..sure. the protein is in the whites, the cholesterol is in the yolks...

make deviled eggs for spice. damn they are good.

Elektra egg whites..sure. the protein is in the whites, the cholesterol is in the yolks... there is protein in the yolk too

DEF there is protein in the yolk too That may be but I sure don't want that cholesterol...the whites are all protein and no fat.

Elektra That may be but I sure don't want that cholesterol...the whites are all protein and no fat. why not?

pokesteve i think there are more than 6 grams of protein per egg, i can't eat 10 jumbo eggs without being really full... thats only 60 grams of protein? impossible. i can eat 2 cans of tuna no problem. gram for gram of protein, their is about 20-25X the amount of fat in eggs as there is in tuna

About half the protein is in the whites,about half in the yolk.

Dragon gram for gram of protein, their is about 20-25X the amount of fat in eggs as there is in tuna and?

SteveO and? no and. My point was, he feels fuller on the 60g of protein from eggs because of the fat in the eggs that is not present in the tuna

tize that's like 18grams of protein...chump change not for me

Dragon no and. My point was, he feels fuller on the 60g of protein from eggs because of the fat in the eggs that is not present in the tuna well u can't eat tuna every meal of the day because of the mercury content, so you need other alternatives. There's nothing wrong with consuming whole eggs

SteveO well u can't eat tuna every meal of the day because of the mercury content, so you need other alternatives. There's nothing wrong with consuming whole eggs I'm not saying you should. pokesteve i think there are more than 6 grams of protein per egg, i can't eat 10 jumbo eggs without being really full... thats only 60 grams of protein? impossible. i can eat 2 cans of tuna no problem. I was merely out out to Poke that the reason he feels more full from the eggs than he does from the tuna (with an equivalent amount fo protein) is mainly due to the extra fat in the eggs. I wasn't sugegsting that he (or anybody) should only be eating tuna all meals of the day or that there is anything wrong with eating eggs.

Elektra That may be but I sure don't want that cholesterol...the whites are all protein and no fat. cholesterol in eggs is not bad for you. Recent studies have shown this and there have been threads on here stating that it isnt bad for you either.

blood cholesterol is mainly a function of genetics. Dietary cholesterol plays only a very minor part.

Eggs are good for you:View this and become enlightened.

stealthrapt0r why not? Because everybody produces all the cholesterol that the body requires to function. Anything more is just extra. You won't find it in the plant world...none at all ever. Cholesterol Content of Common Foods --John Robbins

BuckNut cholesterol in eggs is not bad for you. Recent studies have shown this and there have been threads on here stating that it isnt bad for you either. If it's not too much trouble could you give me a reference? I'd like to know more....

That was great.

what the mother fuck was that?

that was pretty funny.

Hard Boiled Eggs

Thinking about Fat Fast type short term diet

Thinking about Fat Fast type short term diet

Anybody have any experience, or know any females (so unlikely) that have tried a short-term, really drastic diet? I'm thinking of something like T-mags Fat Fast, or the Draper Tuna and Water binge, something like that..just to get kick-started and get myself going again. It just never seems to be quite the same experience between guys and girls when it comes to dieting

girls seem to do well they combine diet and excerice with nolva

Mass girls seem to do well they combine diet and excerice with nolva If I thought I could get away with it, I'd be soo tempted to try *something* just to see; it gets frustrating chipping away bit by bit with slow results. Yes, it's the best way and all but...rawr.

If you lose any more than ~2lbs a week you will be losing muscle as well. It's just not healthy. Do it the right way, you'll be happier in the end.

It would work, but if you keep your diet in check you will lose fat just fine. Anyone that isn't losing fat when dieting (short of a very few with medical problems) isn't doing something right. And if you have trouble keeping your calories down during a normal diet what makes you think you will be able to do something like a PSMF without cheating on a regular basis.

ACURA TL-S It would work, but if you keep your diet in check you will lose fat just fine. Anyone that isn't losing fat when dieting (short of a very few with medical problems) isn't doing something right. And if you have trouble keeping your calories down during a normal diet what makes you think you will be able to do something like a PSMF without cheating on a regular basis. True; I'm just interested in something drastic for a few days to "jump-start" at least mentally. I eat pretty darn clean, went back to keeping my food journal as I have at other times, yet there's this point at which I seem to stick and the bodyfat just isn't budging despite more HIIT, different times, different lifting cycles..

Elfling True; I'm just interested in something drastic for a few days to "jump-start" at least mentally. I eat pretty darn clean, went back to keeping my food journal as I have at other times, yet there's this point at which I seem to stick and the bodyfat just isn't budging despite more HIIT, different times, different lifting cycles.. Less HIIT, more incline treadmill walking. BTW, I am suprised that if you are dedicated enough to have a food journal that you are having any trouble. What is an example of your daily intake?

*cough cough nolva and some triacana*

below setpoint maybe... what's your bodyfat %?

ACURA TL-S Less HIIT, more incline treadmill walking. BTW, I am suprised that if you are dedicated enough to have a food journal that you are having any trouble. What is an example of your daily intake? Basic day lately has been: 1) 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1 scoop pp 2)1 can tuna 3) 2 lean turkey sausages, broccoli 4) 2 sticks string cheese, apple 5) protein pancake/lean turkey burger/lean beef/veggies With different variances, it's coming out to 1600-1800 calories a day. I *think* what's been tripping me up lately is the little column to the right which is extras: 2 hershey's kisses, 1 peppermint patty has been the norm lately. I was trying to go for eating a little bit every day and staving off binges but somehow I'm wondering if that ~100 calories is really what's tripping me up. Workout regimen is 5 days of weights, 6 days of cardio- 4 of the cardio days are interval running. Seriously, after 5 years of working out and working on my nutrition I would *think* I'd be seeing better results. I gave up on the treadmill incline was giving me calf problems and I like running better anyways.

Thinking about Fat Fast type short term diet

anti depressents - gain weight?

anti depressents - gain weight?

I'm not gaining weight from it, but i'm wondering when they say a side effect is gaining weight. does that mean that your appetite gets bigger so you eat more, or it messes with your digestive system? or you just *shrug* gain weight? i'm not sure what i'm on, supposed to be a new form of "celexa" edit: Lexapro

has to do with that, being an ssri, inhibiting enzymes and several other things, supplement with EFAs and vitamin E

some antidepressants do cause some weight gain. remeron is notorious for it. find out what you take and look up the side effects

superbri007 i take flouxetine which is generic prozac, and I would say I've kept my weight under control. Damn, if gaining weight was the case, that would be great for bulking, but it doesnt' work like that. I think gaining weight applies to those not physically active I've been on 20mg 2x daily for about 3 months now. Noticed in the paperwork Kaiser gave me, that fluoxetine is also used prescribed as an appetite suppressant. I've gone from around 200lbs to 185-190 since I started taking it. Dunno about the other ones though.

Generally the weight gain is associated with fluid retention, in rare cases it has been shown that certain drugs can slow down the bodys metabolism.

Dr. Feel Good Generally the weight gain is associated with fluid retention, in rare cases it has been shown that certain drugs can slow down the bodys metabolism. i don't want that!

Its Lexapro

lexapro and its parent drug celexa can certainly cause weight gain, and are notorious for giving people night terrors/nightmares.

My eating habbits didnt change but when I started taking Paxil, I packed on 40 lbs or so in about 6-8 months. I hit they gym but struggled to lose weight which had always been easy for me before. I quit which was a nightmare, Im still trying to lose the extra weight and I seem to be weaker than ever despite my diet and routine.

what is lexapro's cause of weight gain though? i'm watching my weight very carefully, and if it starts to stay the same or rise (i've been loosing for quite some time now) then i'm getting off it.


the jury is out as to the exact cause of weight gain in patients who take SSRI's and SNRI but some theories include ...increased appetite, may cause drops in basal metabolism, hormonal changes....

Aluyminyum some antidepressants do cause some weight gain. remeron is notorious for it. find out what you take and look up the side effects I gained 40 pounds on Luvox. Stopped taking that and was put on Remeron--I became a walking eating, I took up running and don't keep fat food in the house. It's a constant "be depressed" or "be fat" battle. (Water or the Wave). Neither side appears to be winning.

OT knows a lot more about antidepressants than i thought.

superbri007 cause half of us are depressed Yeah, it's kinda disturbing.

superbri007 my dad on the otherhand takes 50 mg of Zoloft, and he doesn't workout, so he packed on some weight, but now he's lost 20 lbs and is getting it back under control i take zoloft as well. It causes some serious food cravings that are hard to ignore. oddly enough it went away with a higher dose.

superbri007 I should just get a PHD in psychology and start to make break-through progress on depression/anxiety, etc. Especially for American's. we're all emo now. There is a biological/scientific model in psychology and they all hold that these conditions are due to an imbalance in brain chemicals, and to fix them you need medication to balance it back out. I on the other hand think that over time, It will cause a domino effect on generations to come. Our kids will probably be born with less serotonin. I think Anti-depressants are just going to cause slow changes in our DNA, and this is coming from someone who has tried many different ones. I think the only way to break depression, is Normal Sleep, Diet, Exercise, healthy activities, and thinking positive /rant ps. and why the fuck am I in college for Criminal justice to become a cop and just lock people up, rather then be a psychologist/sociologist and help people out. Our depression "epidemic" isn't going to cause more depressed children. Evolution doesn't work like that. I go to the gym a lot and eat healthy, but that doesn't mean my son will be naturally athletic. If i take drugs to make my dick 12" long, my son isn't going to be born with a third leg. I feel like shit most of the time, I do all the "right" things - eat right, exercise, sleep well, etc. - but still feel like crap. "Think positive" worked for a while; i'd get over whatever i was upset about and life was dandy. But that stopped making me feel better and i got sick of lying to myself - I wasn't getting any happier, things still sucked as much as they always had. I have a feeling this is all caused by a fundamental problem in my life, something that needs to be fixed. I wonder how many people are the same and just take the "easy" way out by popping pills? Of course that's all speculation. When/if that problem is ever fixed i'll know if I am right, or if my head is fucked up. Fun fact: an hour of exercise three times a week is shown to have about the same effect on people as mild antidepressants. P.S. go psychology/sociology then

superbri007 I find that during and after exercise I feel great, but its the rest days in between I feel depressed, and in the morning when I first wake up. well, what are you doing for your depression, because I'm assuming you have it. And I still think that medication is not the right way to go about things, eventhough it can get people back to a somewhat normal lifestyle. I'm like a woman on a "heavy" PMS day in the gym, i vary from feeling awesome to being pissed off to not caring at all, all within my workout. About 80% of the time i feel a LOT better afterwords though. Anytime i take a break from the gym for a week or so i just about go insane. I'm doing nothing other than the standard eat well, excercise, sleep, etc. and trying to fix what i think is making me depressed. I'll start popping pills if that doesn't work. Some people really do have a serious disorder, but i dont think that's my problem. At least i hope it isn't.

anti depressents - gain weight?

v8 juice

v8 juice

Is V8 juice good for you? I love the stuff and just bought some of the low sodium kind. I was wondering if it had any benefits to drinking it.

I hope this is a joke. Compare the label to Pepsi.

a liquid vegetable in a can just doesn't make sense, that's like drinking a steak through a straw or chewing water

did someone say juice

Yes, V8 is good for you.

spicy hot v8 kicks ass

SoKo a liquid vegetable in a can just doesn't make sense, that's like drinking a steak through a straw or chewing water im not using it as a replacement for veggies. I just drink it because I like it

jonno did someone say juice That's what I was thinking.

BuckNut im not using it as a replacement for veggies. I just drink it because I like it Yes V8 is very good for you. Make sure you drink a great deal of water during the day as well.

v8 juice

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