Sunday, December 8, 2013



I was offered androgen pills at the gym today from a friend. he says there legal in canada and the only side effects are minor kidney damage - ie. no worse than heavy drinking on the weekend. he said he wanted to split half a bottle with me and i called him an idiot. he went on convincing me there was nothing wrong with them, and i was just curious what you guys think. i want to take the hard route and do everything by myself and just take protien power, but he said ill be huge in no time. i know nothing about them and wanted your guys opinions.

you are canadian what do i care?

that's the wrong andro

hahaha minor kidney damage

androstat poppers made my teeth buff.


Canada has far tighter restrictions on hormones than the US. If it's illegal in the US, it's definetly illegal in Canada.

KetchupKing Canada has far tighter restrictions on hormones than the US. If it's illegal in the US, it's definetly illegal in Canada.

well apparently its the same shit mark maguire took, i dont know shit about it, but from the posts above it sounds like its a waste of time

mcguire first off didnt take andro, secondly, he said he took DHEA which has an extremely high conversion rate to estrogen so, good luck with that.

Mass mcguire first off didnt take andro, secondly, he said he took DHEA which has an extremely high conversion rate to estrogen so, good luck with that. mcguire admitted to using Androstenedione

ok, so he threw a lil andro in there with his test and deca...

Mass ok, so he threw a lil andro in there with his test and deca... haha basically


Saturday, December 7, 2013

Unfit v.April 21st

Unfit v.April 21st

Thats how them chubs are. My ex was like that. I'd just say hey, you should maybe cut back on that stuff and shed flip telling me i shouldnt tell her this and that blah blah. I just let her get fat. She gained like 30 pounds hahahah

whats a cruller?

nic379 whats a cruller? i was wondering that myself

nic379 whats a cruller? i have no clue

a cruller is a pastry, basically a donut

SoKo a cruller is a pastry, basically a donut ahhhh, haha now it's funny

SoKo a cruller is a pastry, basically a donut aight now i get it too late though, aint funny anymore. Unfunny v.April 21st

SoKo a cruller is a pastry, basically a donut maybe he was bulking

superbri007 and the guy they had to stun was Ilyusha

why does his name have to be mike

Moon omg that looks so good i now have to kill you for making me want a doughnut

tize omg they just opened a crispy kreme here and i ripped that shit up, i ate a dozen then 48 holes I think they just closed the one around here. Apparently they weren't doing well enough.

That is the worst joke of all time --- ever

tize well this is the only one within like 2 hours and it expected 50,000 customers the first day and they beat that heh How many registers do they have? That seems impossible.

tize drivethrough, they had inside lined up to the parking lot, they had H3's out there showing them off because huge GM plant is here. The drivethrough line was about 100cars deep the whole day 100cars deep for Krispy Kreme?

tize no joke they had cops out there directing trafic and shit Were the giving out free blowjobs with each order or something? Who'd wait in a 100 car line for a fucking doughnut?

tize i went before they closed and waited in a 20 car line for like for 25mins . I got 6 glazed(hot), 3 maple, 3 apple cinnimons and alot of holes Damn, they have one that just opened up a few months back located about 10 miles away from me, I haven't tried it yet, I've never had them hot before, at least not fresh, only microwaved.

Unfit v.April 21st

Should my muscles be sore after a good workout?

Should my muscles be sore after a good workout?

Today i worked out my bis/forearms, and had a really good/intense workout. i did: 3 x 10 DB curls. 2 x 10 EZ-bar Curls 3 x 10 Hammer curls 2 x 10 Preacher Hammer curls 3 x 10 forearm (pronated grip) BB curls i cooled down with a few concentration curls as well. i did all that with weights that i could barely lift on my last couple reps but my muscles feel fine right now. The only time i have sore muscles is after my peck+tri days. why is this?? should i be sore right now?

Yes, general muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. Pain is not usually a good sign.

DAN513 Yes, general muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. Pain is not usually a good sign. well then what am i doing wrong?

DAN513 Yes, general muscle soreness is a sign of a good workout. Pain is not usually a good sign. Muscle soreness can also be a sign your doing improper form.... and actually hurting your muscles...

ok so then should i be changing anything in my workout? i know i did alot of sets, many until failure, and lifted hard. but i don't feel it!

Do you workout with a partner? Are you going heavy or light? Could you go heavier with a spotter?

since switching to a new routine im finding im sore for more days than usual.... im usually sore for 24 hours, now im sore for atleast 72 which im never that sore, and i have to coat myself in icy hot to feel form seems on as the exercises are what im used to but im not sure what im doing wrong

DAN513 Do you workout with a partner? Are you going heavy or light? Could you go heavier with a spotter? yea i do have a partner but how do you spot someone for curls. maybe negatives?

go to and listen to the interview with charles staley on the left side, it says "D-Tap 7: Charles Staley"

if you're not sore it doesnt mean you are not growing that may actually be a good thing.

I used to get sore after arms days, but not anymore. I just get to failure and must stop

you need more types of curls so your muscles dont get so sore

What type of soreness? Do you do any stretching afterwards?

I'm almost never sore anymore.

People need to realize that there are enough knowledgeable people on the board that if they don't know what the fuck they're talking about they should just shut up and wait for a proper answer. Like the fact that no one has mentioned lactic acid buildup in muscles as a cause and ways to handle that. Fucking read, learn, and experience before you give someone advice.

I've been lifting for six years and I have some degree of soreness after every workout.

dont have to be sore to grow

When you get up the next mourning and your muscles aren't sore but they still feel like they have a little pump going on. I think that might be the best.

soreness and pain are two different things

after heavy deads I have some back soreness for quite a while

Natezilla Like the fact that no one has mentioned lactic acid buildup in muscles as a cause and ways to handle that. Lactic acid has nothing to do with soreness

Ceaze Lactic acid has nothing to do with soreness Really? What is it's function then? Edit: Did some research. I wonder why I thought that?

Natezilla Really? What is it's function then? Edit: Did some research. I wonder why I thought that? [Siff, Supertraining 2003 pp. 77-78] Contrary to popular belief, lactate is not a toxic by-product or waste-product of metabolism accelerated by exercise. Lactate is produced even under conditions of rest and actually can serve as a valuable extra substrate (or source) of energy. When sufficient oxygen again becomes available via rest or decrease in exercise intensity, lactate is reconverted to pyruvate for use as an energy source. In addition, the lactate and pyruvate formed in muscle during exercise can be used to manufacture glucose by gluconeogenesis in a process known as the Cori cycle. This supplements any existing blood glucose and muscle glycogen. Moreover, muscle fatigue is not due to 'lactic acid poisoning' of the muscles. The formation of lactate (or lactic acid) is accompanied by the presence of positively-charged hydrogen ions (H+) or protons. These electrical charges, which increase the acidity of the blood, can interfere with the muscle contraction process and the efficiency of the enzymes involved in energy production. Neither should lactic acid be regarded as the cause of muscle soreness, since blood lactate levels return to normal within an hour or so of strenuous interval training.

Should my muscles be sore after a good workout?

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

I need it to prove something to my teacher.

You could have just googled it. edit: bad link.

AznRyda You could have just googled it. interesting, but annoying that bitch takes the film out of context. there was also that guy in supersize me that eats ridiculous amounts of bigmacs and never gains a pound.

the more i think about it the more that article pisses me off. she says supersize me was one sided and fraudulent because he gorged? he was eating what the normal person going to mcdonald's would eat, the entire point of the movie. not to mention the fact that she lost 18 pounds obviously means she was eating less than her normal caloric intake therefore nullifying her whole fucking argument. /rant

It was also mentioned that in Supersize Me he was doing a lot of traveling and such putting an added stress on the body which on it's own could cause the weight gain, and health problems he was experiencing. I can't wait until this guy's 15min of fame is over. I'm sick of hearing that this is some kind of breakthrough, let me get this straight, I eat big macs and quarter pounders for every meal and maintain my low activity level you're saying I'll get fat... wow, I never thought of that. I had a supersized Double Qarter Pounder meal in his honor after watching that piece of crap.

No, the one I am thinking of is a bodybuilder that does it.

ignorance is bliss....*sarcasm* sounds like a Big Mac counter-attack to me.

Isn't there a film being done that's the opposite of super size me?

ACURA TL-S No, the one I am thinking of is a bodybuilder that does it. i know which one you are talking about but i cant remember th elink. i will try to find it

going from a relatively vegan-like diet(assuming he eats what his gf the chef eats) to eating nothing but mcdonalds, I think anyone in that situation with get his ass kicked. Though who can't finish a double quarter pounder w/cheese meal. Weak... is the one you want

it was called the McLes diet. he was a teacher proving to his students that eating Mcdonalds, coupled with keeping an active lifestyle, won't turn you into a fatty.

christophers well dur dur, despite what many people here think the laws of thermodynamics are not altered by eating "Bad" food such as mcdonalds. Not particularly targeting the people commenting in this thread but the average person needs something (or entity) to shift responsibility to...nothing is ever anyone's own fault. They always have to blame someone else for their misery and therefore McDonalds and the like obviously snuck in some calories and didn't tell anyone while forcing you to purchase the supersized fries and drink. That is why we have shit like this "documentary".

how do your ead the rest of the article?

Lurker111 Not particularly targeting the people commenting in this thread but the average person needs something (or entity) to shift responsibility to...nothing is ever anyone's own fault. They always have to blame someone else for their misery and therefore McDonalds and the like obviously snuck in some calories and didn't tell anyone while forcing you to purchase the supersized fries and drink. That is why we have shit like this "documentary". mf'n this is what pissees me off the most.

Can someone post the link to the guy who lost weight on McDonald's

weight gain

weight gain

just started to exercise again (mostly at home) and am going to join a gym (work pays for it ), but i think i'm too thin right now. what's the best method for gaining weight naturally and healthily sans supplements? i'm a fitness gentle

Eat every fucking thing in site, make sure to do squats and deadlifts, read the noob faq. I've gained 6 pounds in the last 5 days Most of it I'll shit out soon though

i have HIGH ass metabolism, and i don't want to eat shitty, so i guess i want to know what kind of diet i should be looking for when i do eat. because of work, i have an unstable eating schedule which i know i have to make more regular, but even still, my weight will only fluctuate +/- 3lbs usually

read the fucking n00b sticky

weight gain

Best Ephedra substitute on the market?

Best Ephedra substitute on the market?

I'm just curious if any products on the market have matched what Ephedra did. I highly doubt it, but what's the best thing out there now the Ephedra has been banned

looks like you might not have to settle for a subsititute as a result of this case:

tofu that's for asthma and stuff Isn't ephedra for weight loss only. That wouldn't achive any of that, would it?

same stuff for both

the active ingredient in ephedra = ephedrine all the good stuff, none of the bullshit

Hark that's for asthma and stuff Isn't ephedra for weight loss only. That wouldn't achive any of that, would it? you're joking right?

shastaisforwinners you're joking right? no i'm really not. I don't know jack shit about supplements. Will taking that "asthma" supplement have the same affect of the same products that were originally on the market a few years ago?

Hark no i'm really not. I don't know jack shit about supplements. Will taking that "asthma" supplement have the same affect of the same products that were originally on the market a few years ago? read your own thread you nitwit.

dank read your own thread you nitwit.

Yes it will achieve weight loss. In fact Ephedrine HCL > Ephedra

Hark ephedrine hcl = best ephedra substitute on the market do an archive search for stacking/dosing guidelines

Hark no i'm really not. I don't know jack shit about supplements. Will taking that "asthma" supplement have the same affect of the same products that were originally on the market a few years ago? Im pretty sure you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and are asking about ephedra/ephedrine because you treat it like a magic pill and have a complete lack of willpower.

Is ephedra really banned?? Cause when I was in walmart about a month ago I read the Trim Spa box and sure enough it said ephedrine wheich is the same as ephedra.

It probably had pseudoephedrine. Different stuff. Incidently ephedra is unbanned now I think I saw.

synephrine Utah Judge Strikes Down Ephedra Ban Fri Apr 15, 8:44 PM ET Health - AP By MARK THIESSEN, Associated Press Writer SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge has struck down the FDA ban on supplements containing ephedra, a weight-loss aid linked to dozens of deaths, but it's too early to tell whether the product will be back in stores anytime soon. The judge Thursday ruled in favor of a Utah supplement company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's year-old ban. Nutraceutical claimed that ephedra has been safely consumed for hundreds of years. Research shows that the amphetamine-like herb can speed heart rate and constrict blood vessels even in seemingly healthy people, but it is particularly risky for those with heart disease or high blood pressure or who engage in strenuous exercise. Among the deaths linked to the substance was that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler, who collapsed and died during spring training two years ago. The judge's decision was seen by some anti-ephedra advocates as falling short of an outright reversal of the ban, though a Nutraceutical lawyer declared flatly, "the ban is gone." The company said it is too soon to say whether it will put the product back on shelves. Industry groups said supplements that included ephedra were once used by 12 million people. Judge Tena Campbell's order prevents the FDA from stopping Nutraceutical from selling its product and sent the case back to the FDA for a determination of what are safe and dangerous levels of ephedrine. The FDA was evaluating the ruling, but Health and Human Services spokesman William Pierce said the agency "made the right decision from the standpoint of science and our statutory authority. This is exactly when the dietary supplement law should apply." Health officials and Justice Department lawyers are looking at the ruling to determine the next step, Pierce said. Campbell agreed with Nutraceutical that ephedra was wrongly being regulated by the FDA as a drug and not a food. She said a 1994 federal dietary supplement law places more restrictive rules on the FDA in determining whether to ban foods as opposed to drugs. The judge said the law requires the FDA to prove that a dietary supplement is harmful, rather than having the manufacturer prove it is safe, as is required with drugs. "The (FDA's) statement that a safe level cannot be determined is simply not sufficient to meet the government's burden," Campbell wrote. Nutraceutical President Bruce Hough said the lawsuit had little to do with ephedra and more to do with forcing the FDA to follow the rules Congress set down for it. "This is a great affirmation for the system, that the court goes back and says, 'This is Congress' intent,' and follow it," he said. Ephedra opponents said the language in the order applies only to a very specific, lower-dosage segment of the market. The ruling's final page prohibits the FDA from enforcing the ban on Nutraceutical's supplements containing 10 milligrams or less of ephedra. Ten milligrams per day was the dosage of Nutraceutical's products. "No one - not the FDA, the supplement industry, nor the public - has been satisfied by how ephedra has been regulated," said Sen. Orrin Hatch (news, bio, voting record), R-Utah, who helped write the 1994 law that also deregulated the supplement industry. "Millions of people have used the product with satisfaction, but there is no doubt the product has had some serious problems," he said. Illinois Democratic U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin, a frequent ephedra critic who worked for the ban, said the ruling underlined the need for "a mandatory and uniform system of reporting adverse health events that result from use of certain dietary supplements."

vXSevenXv Is ephedra really banned?? Cause when I was in walmart about a month ago I read the Trim Spa box and sure enough it said ephedrine wheich is the same as ephedra. Ephedrine HCL and ephedra are not the same thing.

GilgaMesH Yes it will achieve weight loss. In fact Ephedrine HCL > Ephedra .

Best Ephedra substitute on the market?

Crankiness anyone?

Crankiness anyone?

I really think that dieting and running has taken a toll on my overall demeanor. I notice this the most at work. I'm always tired and not as bubbly as I used to be. Is this happening to any of you guys, or do you think it's all in my head?

ive almost cried three times today and i feel sorry for the first person to say something even remotetly smart ass to me because i will snap and go off on them. i've already told everyone around me, but i bet my mom just wont be able to help herself and end up being the first person to smart off

You guys need some prozac or something. Seriously I have a female friend that takes it once a month

if i get tons of good rest, i feel absolutely great. (not cranky) but still a bit drained from being in a calorie deficit. its hard especially b/c i'm a senior in from 7am-2pm, work from 2:30-7:30, then dinner and workout + cardio at gym from 8:30-10:30 including ride there and back, and then some hw...its tough. i'm actually staying home today so i can get good rest. i was runnin on 3 hours of sleep today. it doesn't help that i dont have a day to sleep in during the week either...never get a chance to catch up on sleep. working out/cardio 4-5 days a week, school & work from monday - friday, church on friday night, saturdays at 7am, and sunday morning, then the cycle repeats itself.

Just normal women emotions.

ive noticed that i tend to get pissed off at the slightest things a lot more

mask of obsidian ive noticed that i tend to get pissed off at the slightest things a lot more watching the UFC makes me feel more aggressive than cutting or working out ever would. i tried an armbar on my 12 year old brother.

no it should make you feel the opposite, more energetic, feel better about yourself.

Hip Hippo Just normal women emotions. not for me i very rarely get this way.

Dieting hasn't really giving me mood swings or anything. FUCK YOU!!!!!

Crankiness anyone?

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