Thursday, December 5, 2013

Make Oats Taste Better

Make Oats Taste Better

I bought some Rolled Oats (all my store had ) yesterday and cooked them in microwave with water like it said and ate them. Man, they are nasty. Any ideas to make them taste better? How do you guys eat your oats?

I throw in some sliced almonds and a bit some cinnamon and sugar. Various fruit is good too.

I have Whey Protein Shake(chocolate) too. What do you guys put in those to make them taste better. Apparently Blender works best, but I'm not sure what to throw in with it.... maybe fruit?

rebel I have Whey Protein Shake(chocolate) too. What do you guys put in those to make them taste better. Apparently Blender works best, but I'm not sure what to throw in with it.... maybe fruit? banana yoghurt natural pb olive oil ramen . . .

water or milk, 2 scoops chocolate whey, 1 banana, cup of oats, and 1-2 tbsp peanut butter. Obviously you'll need a blender for this, should taste pretty decent.

1.5 packets of splenda and a little vanilla flavoring. it won't taste good, but it will be tolerable

i just put a teaspoon of sugar, it's bearable.

rebel I bought some Rolled Oats (all my store had ) Such as Quaker? that big ass can? What is the issue with rolled oats?

mattyballgame72 Such as Quaker? that big ass can? What is the issue with rolled oats? Most people say Steel Cut Oats is better. I looked for 10 minutes It's a 2lb bag. I gotta start somewhere

Orange Juice Strawberries Bananas 1/4 Cup Whey Protein In Blender Tastes pretty damn good. I guess I could've added ice and it would've tasted a little bit better. edit: maybe I should add Oats next time?

rebel Orange Juice Strawberries Bananas 1/4 Cup Whey Protein In Blender Tastes pretty damn good. I guess I could've added ice and it would've tasted a little bit better. edit: maybe I should add Oats next time? of course it tastes good, you basically made a fruit smoothie with a bit of added protein use more whey, 1/4 cup isn't even 1 scoop of most proteins.

i chop up a banana, and put some cinnomon and 1 packet sucralose. Taste good.

i use very little water. I cant stand it all soupy, ugh

infinite loop 1.5 packets of splenda and a little vanilla flavoring. it won't taste good, but it will be tolerable you got it, sometimes i use raisins

TheMentor i just put a teaspoon of sugar, it's bearable. im gonna give that a shot

so many threads about oats must kill self

grind up oats in mini food processor (could just use a blender) until they are a fine powder, put that + natty PB +banana + ice + 2 scoops chocolate ON whey in a blender, blend, enjoy

jonno so many threads about oats must kill self

I just pour in water. I literally gag uncontrollably and have to stop eating rolled oats after half a serving or I will puke. I can eat steel cut oats all day long. I think it goes back to my boy scout days and the endless week-long camping/backpacking trips where oatmeal was a staple of our diet and I hated it . Wish I had known about steel cut oats when I was 14 .

Chris3G of course it tastes good, you basically made a fruit smoothie with a bit of added protein use more whey, 1/4 cup isn't even 1 scoop of most proteins. Hmm.... should I boost up to like 1/2 cup? or a whole cup? I got ripped on this protein stuff. I got like a pound...maybe less for $15. Bullshit. HEB sucks. Where can I get cheaper Whey Protein? Where can I buy Steel Cut Oats?

rebel Hmm.... should I boost up to like 1/2 cup? or a whole cup? I got ripped on this protein stuff. I got like a pound...maybe less for $15. Bullshit. HEB sucks. Where can I get cheaper Whey Protein? Where can I buy Steel Cut Oats? Yeah $15 for a pound is pretty bad. Optimum Nutrition whey is pretty popular around here because it's decent nutritionally and it's pretty cheap, even it if it isnt the best tasting..around $30 for 5lbs. I just took a scoop of ON and put it in a measuring cup and 1 scoop is about 1/3 cup...most people use 2 scoops per shake so that's around 2/3 cup assuming the stuff you have is similar. Do you have any serving size/nutritional data?

in for where to buy steel cut

Vitamin cottage (not sure if its local to colorado only ) has steel cut oats for $2 for 24 oz.

Opi in for where to buy steel cut Local healthfoods store Local grocery store Cook them if possible.

pt Local healthfoods store Local grocery store Cook them if possible. I checked the local Giant (grocery store) they only had rolled I guess I need to try the healthfood store

Make Oats Taste Better

how do I find out my BF%

how do I find out my BF%

there's a couple different methods, body calipers which measure fat on key areas of the body, immersion in water (most accurate i believe but kinda expensive) are the two that're comming to mind w/o looking it up. yesterday i was in the gym and the athletic director was commenting on someone who just caliper'd to 4.5%, he pointed him out and i just laughed. cause there was no way he was 4.5

body calipers, electro-impedance testing are both quite common but can also be very inaccurate. hydrostratic tank testing is probably the most accurate, but its also not very common The Ultimate Body Fat Testing Guide

the water method is accurate but it can fluxuate with water retension. if you do calipers you have to do like your legs, stomach, obliques, shoulders, chest, back and you do some kind of formula, if you search google for caliper stuff you should be able to find it


how do I find out my BF%

20% of calories from fat?

20% of calories from fat?

Let me get this right: No matter what, whether bulking, cutting or just trying to live a healthy lifestyle, you should get 20% of your calories from fat and the fats you do get, you should try to make monounsaturated? Thanks.

yup, 20-25% cal from fat, mainly mono and poly (omega 3-6-9) unsat

I seriously feel bad for you dude. You are worse than any woman I have ever met. You seem to be SO anal about your diet, when all you need to do is freaking eat because you are a stick and do way to much exercising. You might want to check into if you have OCD or something

^huh whatdidImiss?

Elektra ^huh whatdidImiss? search for his'll see EDIT: o wit you cant lemme go find some

nic379 I seriously feel bad for you dude. You are worse than any woman I have ever met. You seem to be SO anal about your diet, when all you need to do is freaking eat because you are a stick and do way to much exercising. You might want to check into if you have OCD or something

nic379 search for his'll see EDIT: o wit you cant lemme go find some um, everyone can search in F&N...I thought.

nic379 search for his'll see EDIT: o wit you cant lemme go find some i'm speechless.

Gutrat um, everyone can search in F&N...I thought. well excuse me for being helpfull

20% of calories from fat?

Is Kilosport Attack safe for a 19 yr. old?

Is Kilosport Attack safe for a 19 yr. old?


Can someone say no testicles and BITCH TITTAYYYYYYYYY?!11

GilgaMesH Can someone say no testicles and BITCH TITTAYYYYYYYYY?!11 How is it going to shrink my nuts and give me bitch tittys. When it increases your test. naturally and lowers estrogen.

Not knowing teh product, I would say probably not great to take as changing your hormone balance which will probably effect you in the long run. When your body senses the increased test/lowered estrogen, it will a)lower its own test production and increase estrogen production to try and keep the hormone's in balance cause balance is what the body likes. When you go off it, your test production will stay repressed and yoru estrogen production will continue fying high for at least a little while

Are you using it for PCT? If not I don't really see any reason to take it.

I just want to take to raise my test. levels.

probably not the best idea then, for reasons stated above. try ZMA instead, though being 19 your ets levels are gonna be pretty high as is, so you really dont' need it.

Is Kilosport Attack safe for a 19 yr. old?

Holy fucking heart attack, Batman!

Holy fucking heart attack, Batman!

Burger King's New Omelet Sandwich 2 Egg Patties, 3 Strips of Bacon, Sausage Patty, "Special Bun", cheese 730 Calories 420 Calories from fat 415 mg Cholesterol 1860 mg Sodium but hey, 32 g Protein

i had one yesterday it was ok

half the damn calories are from fat

more fat/cal than a whopper

mmmmm i want three please

2 this morning already...

I dont see what the fuss is all about. The normal double whopper is wores than that. Also for the last 2 weeks Ive been hearing radio commericals several times a day advertising a new BK ultimate double whopper with 2 patties 4 pieces of cheese and 8 pieces of bacon.

SilverJettaGLX I dont see what the fuss is all about. The normal double whopper is wores than that. Also for the last 2 weeks Ive been hearing radio commericals several times a day advertising a new BK ultimate double whopper with 2 patties 4 pieces of cheese and 8 pieces of bacon. That doesn't sound half bad... I don't think I would want 4 peices of cheese though, maybe 2.

i'll take 4!

1860 mg Sodium!?

if i were bulking i'd be all over that

maybe i should try it tommorow just for shits. ill burn it easily during the day.

Holy fucking heart attack, Batman!

my cutting diet

my cutting diet

breakfast:3 scrambled eggs, bowl of vector cereal with skim milk, bowl of yogurt, 2 serving of whey protein in water 46g protein lunch: 1 boneless chicken breast, with a cup and half of vegetables and 2 servings of whey protein supper: 1 boneless chicken breast, with a cup and half of vegetables and 2 servings of whey protein bedtime snack: 2 servings of whey protein sometims instead of a chicken breast i will grab subway (roast chicken, lettuce, on whole wheat bread) or half a pound of extra lean ground beef. i'm 162 pounds, 5'9. Not very big but i'll be honnest i want to be cut for the beach this summer. I've been working out for 7 months going from 140 pounds to 162 pounds. My goal weight 175 pounds. Anyhow, what do you guys think of this diet? I feel hungry most of the time, it suckss

wait u weigh 162 and want to get to 175 by summer?

I think thats a lot of damn protein shakes!! And not near enough cals. How many cals is that..1200?

my cutting diet

2 Weeks, eating right, lifting more = more weight and less love handles

2 Weeks, eating right, lifting more = more weight and less love handles

I'm happy. I'm going to going to start cutting on Monday. Over the last month I went from 170lbs to 185lbs, gain stregnth and lost love handles.

Damn. Quick results! Good progress! What does the cardio and diet look like?

Socrates Damn. Quick results! Good progress! What does the cardio and diet look like? thanks. I was eating like absolute shit until about 2 weeks ago. This is what I've been doing for the past two weeks (but not really nailing it every day). Cardio, none Breakfast - Oats + Water + Protein Shake (40g) 10:30am - Protein Shake (40g) Lunch - 6oz Chicken Sandwhich on wheat + Tomato Snack - Protein Shake (40g) Dinner - Fish, Steak, or Chicken + Brown Rice + Steamed Veggies. Before bed - Protein Shake (40g) My plan for the next 4 weeks (starting Mon.) is going to be pretty much the same diet except I'm going to eat only a 4oz chicken brest or steak for lunch and some spinach and do about 20 minutes of cardio a day. Should that cut me up some?

GOD Diet can make all the difference And I've cheated too with my slut Wendy

thats awesome, considering how much heavier you look in the first picture. keep it up bro!

Atenza6i thats awesome, considering how much heavier you look in the first picture. keep it up bro! Plan to It helps to see a pic like this to let me know that I actually have lost something and done so pretty quickly. Anyone have any specific routines to use while cutting? I couldn't find anything in the archives (I think I got the diet part down). Here's my current routine Monday, Back Deadlifts Bent-over One Arm Rows Wide-grip pullups Cable Rows Tuesday, Chest Bench Press Incline DB Press Decline Bench Pec-Fly Wed, Biceps EZ-Bar Preacher Curls One Arm Preacher Curls Oval Bar Hammer Curls Concentration Curls Friday, Triceps + Shoulders Skull Crushers Close-grip Bench Press One Arm DB Tricep Press Arnie Press One Arm Rear Delt Flies Front DB Raises Sat, Legs Inverted Leg Press Quad Raises Laying Hamstring Curls Calf Raises (I know I should squat but I have a knee injury from my HS Cross-Country days that kills me to the point where I can barely walk the day after I squat)

Good results man! keep it up!

ijustwantpics Good results man! keep it up! thx broly

christophers if what your doing is working then why stop? Just wanted to see if there's anything I should perhaps adjust. I think between being extremely stict with my diet and throwing in a little cardio here and there I should see some pretty good results in the next few months. I've only been seriously working out since September. When I started I was benching something around 105lbs x 10 for 3 sets, now I'm at 155lbs x 8 for 3 sets. I moving from to

holy shit..your my motivation!...keep it will I


Noice results

niteQwill holy shit..your my motivation!...keep it will I Search for Timberwolf

That's amazing! I've had love handles for awhile now and I didn't know how to get rid of them, but now I do! Now, I know it's foolish to expect to lose them in the same time you got them, so I won't.

this is fucking

Man this is almost too good to be true..?

nice work

tize bullshit. it's true Ilyusha this is fucking dick kingfaz Man this is almost too good to be true..? I'm happy KetchupKing nice work thx Ok, so here's today's pic. Tomorrow cutting starts. The goal is to get to under 170. I'm 5' 10"

holy fuck. i want that kind of result. but i want to lose weight, not gain

Damn, good results. Thanks for the comparisons and updates. Keep us posted.

You are retarded for even thinking about cutting.

ACURA TL-S You are retarded for even thinking about cutting. I have high body fat and want to lose some.

acabrera I have high body fat and want to lose some. don't. You probably have the same amount of fat as I do. You know the difference, I have much more muscle under it. You need to get some muscle before you cut.

ACURA TL-S don't. You probably have the same amount of fat as I do. You know the difference, I have much more muscle under it. You need to get some muscle before you cut. I wanted to get rid of my love handles and shit because I just wasn't feeling good about myself.

acabrera I wanted to get rid of my love handles and shit because I just wasn't feeling good about myself. Being skinny won't help that. Muscle will. Totalling 1000+ in the big three does alot more for your mentality then having sub 10% bf. If you have sub 10% bf with no muscle that makes you a twig. If you total big numbers and have some fat it makes you a powerlifter.

2 Weeks, eating right, lifting more = more weight and less love handles

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