Thursday, December 5, 2013

Is Kilosport Attack safe for a 19 yr. old?

Is Kilosport Attack safe for a 19 yr. old?


Can someone say no testicles and BITCH TITTAYYYYYYYYY?!11

GilgaMesH Can someone say no testicles and BITCH TITTAYYYYYYYYY?!11 How is it going to shrink my nuts and give me bitch tittys. When it increases your test. naturally and lowers estrogen.

Not knowing teh product, I would say probably not great to take as changing your hormone balance which will probably effect you in the long run. When your body senses the increased test/lowered estrogen, it will a)lower its own test production and increase estrogen production to try and keep the hormone's in balance cause balance is what the body likes. When you go off it, your test production will stay repressed and yoru estrogen production will continue fying high for at least a little while

Are you using it for PCT? If not I don't really see any reason to take it.

I just want to take to raise my test. levels.

probably not the best idea then, for reasons stated above. try ZMA instead, though being 19 your ets levels are gonna be pretty high as is, so you really dont' need it.

Is Kilosport Attack safe for a 19 yr. old?

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