Sunday, December 1, 2013

Question about avatars...

Question about avatars...

Sorry that I have to ask this in here, but some of you guys have pretty big avs, and whenever I try to upload an av of normal size it says that it's either too big pixel wise (bigger than 150k x 150k) or bigger than 10k in total size. Is there a way to make an av normal size and still fit the guidelines for uploading?

save as high quality in photoshop, close photoshop open same image in pbrush.exe (mspaint)...resave file voila

mike save as high quality in photoshop, close photoshop open same image in pbrush.exe (mspaint)...resave file voila Will try now...

I save it as a jpeg so the file size is smaller.

yay! Thanks mike.. and everyone else for contributing.

Ilyusha yay! Thanks mike.. and everyone else for contributing.

christophers i use photoshop and do save for web it makes stuff pretty small in file size his way is easier

mspaint only saves a small file size because its default quality is set to craptacular. In PS, jpegs have a quality from 0 to 10. Mspaint's setting is equal to PS's 0/10.

download image resizer for xp power toys. Right click phot and custom size it all you want

christophers i use photoshop and do save for web it makes stuff pretty small in file size teh werd

Question about avatars...



How much running is too much per week on generally 2-4miles per run? 5 times a week? 3 times? Reasons too plz.

Grandpa Seems like anything over 120 miles a week is excessive. yeah, but running 17 miles a day should be all right

disblohs yeah, but running 17 miles a day should be all right How about 42?


Is this bogus???

Is this bogus???

Total: 2747 Basal: 1665 61% Lifestyle: 1082 39% Activities: 0 0% its from says i've already burnt 2747 cals today?? I don't think thats very accurate at all. I usually only eat around 2K-2,500 cals a i should always be in a defecit and skinny...but i'm not. I don't get it.

christophers??? anoyone???

christophers paying attention to what calculators tell you you are expending per day is pretty stupid, they will never be accurate Calculators can be a good start point, but are never the end all be all. The only way to determine what you burn in a day is to actually monitor your intake and your weight loss/gain.

christophers paying attention to what calculators tell you you are expending per day is pretty stupid, they will never be accurate so how can i calcualte how many calories i'm expending every day so that i can keep track of wether or not i'm in a deficit?

ACURA TL-S Calculators can be a good start point, but are never the end all be all. The only way to determine what you burn in a day is to actually monitor your intake and your weight loss/gain. ah, i see. welli guess i'll stick with my planed cals for a week and go from there.

christophers you eat the same amount of calories for a week or two and if theres no weight loss you are not in a deficit, thus you lower it. ok thanks for answering my stupid noob question

Is this bogus???

Is it ok to run when my legs are still sore?

Is it ok to run when my legs are still sore?

I just started running yesterday to start cutting and lowering my body fat % so my legs are rather sore. Is it ok to run today again? Or should I wait for them to recover before i run again?

RLiu818 I just started running yesterday to start cutting and lowering my body fat % so my legs are rather sore. Is it ok to run today again? Or should I wait for them to recover before i run again? yes

Yes, it's okay. You will only be sore for the first .25-.5 mile.

go for it, it's gonna hurt like a bitch tomorrow though

Yes, infact, it will probably help with the soreness. Just don't over do it.

i was so sore one time i almost fell off the treadmill a few times, but that was just in the first 5 minutes into it

Is it ok to run when my legs are still sore?

Saturday, November 30, 2013

When you feel overtrained....

When you feel overtrained....

do you prefer to just take an entire week off or simply down loading and reducing weight and intensity?

christophers eat, rest, get art done, and dont think about lifting Getting ART done this Saturday.

i do nothing, the gym is out of my head, when it comes back i know im ready

I usually take some time off.

I skip a workout.

Last week I was thinking I was possibly overtrained. So this week I've been working out everyday... squatted twice and did overrhead squats two days in a row. My compromise was no upper body work except fo shrugs. And also the floor presses. Senililty striking at 37. I'm usually not this stubborn but I guess I figure I'm going away in less than two weeks, during which I'm not sure I'll be hitting the gym regularly.

I *like* being in the gym..I hate taking days off. If I have two or three sucky workouts in a row though, I'll take a day off and just try and relax.

usually just take a break for a day or two and catch up on sleep/food.

Elfling I *like* being in the gym..I hate taking days off. If I have two or three sucky workouts in a row though, I'll take a day off and just try and relax. same here...I'm going to be going through withdrawl pains soonm damn tooth

my workouts are spaced out in such way that I have 3 full days to recover at the end of the week. Usually thats more than enough time for me to feel fully relaxed and ready to roll with another week.

timberwolf Getting ART done this Saturday. Sup bro' How do you find it? I had ART done 5 or 6 times specifically for my lower back. I found it helped loosen the muscle and relax my spine. I tried accupuncture recently and that was something special. I felt very good after, a lot less tension in my back, not to mention I slept like a baby that night. Is ART for a specific injury, or just in general for you?

i take a day or two to do nothing but eat heavily and sleep. mind stays clear, then back to weights.

2000GT Sup bro' How do you find it? I had ART done 5 or 6 times specifically for my lower back. I found it helped loosen the muscle and relax my spine. I tried accupuncture recently and that was something special. I felt very good after, a lot less tension in my back, not to mention I slept like a baby that night. Is ART for a specific injury, or just in general for you? Hoping it'll help the lowerback though I'm more concerned with the tendonitis lately.

What are some of the things you notice when you are overtrained? It's hard for me to tell if i'm just tired, overtrained or lazy.

dirtysouthboy What are some of the things you notice when you are overtrained? It's hard for me to tell if i'm just tired, overtrained or lazy. big work outs too close together ideally you should be doing 3-4-5 workouts a day depending on hard you go if you feel weaker, you need a couple days off. working out makes you weaker: resting makes you strong.

Shaolin_sword36 big work outs too close together ideally you should be doing 3-4-5 workouts a day depending on hard you go if you feel weaker, you need a couple days off. working out makes you weaker: resting makes you strong. Yeah, i know that, but besides having a good spaced out routine, you just go by how weak you feel? Are there any signs besides feeling weak to know if you have overtrained?

dirtysouthboy Yeah, i know that, but besides having a good spaced out routine, you just go by how weak you feel? Are there any signs besides feeling weak to know if you have overtrained?'ll know. rest sufficiently, its one of the most overlooked parts of a training program then when you body adapts, it will overshoot homeostasis and THAT is when you should be working out

God I love ART. If any of you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis go to an ART session, and do exactly what he tells you for post-session training and I gurantee your pain will be cut in half.

When you feel overtrained....

embarassing question

embarassing question

Recently I noticed a small lump like 1 cm above my crotch. It hurts when I apply any sort of pressure on it... know what it could possibly be? I realize that this has the potential for many people to make fun of me or whatever, but I am seriously concerned and would like to know what it is.

forget the forum and go see a real doctor

Yeah I'm planning to go soon, but im just wondering if this happened to anyone before and was wondering if its serious

Possible hernia? Yeh, go see a doctor.

ah fuck I hope its not hernia. but its not on my waistline. To be more descriptive... its like 1 cm above my penis. (im laughing for typing that, but at the same time I'm being serious)

and they could just appear out of nowhere? I mean I am 100% certain that it just appeared one morning. Its not very visible, but only when I press it I notice. And also, how would an ingrown hair or a cyst be treated?

and what if its a hernia, how is that treated? surgery?

timberwolf Possible hernia? Yeh, go see a doctor. .

Hey the other day I got robbed and the guy shot me in the leg. It bled a lot but now the wound is starting to turn green and smell. F&N HELP ME, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Should I put steel cut oats on the wound?

cavefish Hey the other day I got robbed and the guy shot me in the leg. It bled a lot but now the wound is starting to turn green and smell. F&N HELP ME, WHAT SHOULD I DO? Should I put steel cut oats on the wound? no that'll just make it grow 50x's bigger and stronger.

molluscum. they are like 1 - 2 mm in width and they are like white bumps, you have to have them frozen off. its not really an STD per se. little kids can get that shit just from playing. but you can get it from sexual contact from a female with it. google it and see if it looks like that or is it not like that?

superbri007 EW!!!!!! no its not like that NWS

killerZees NWS just plain nasty.

trancezj no that'll just make it grow 50x's bigger and stronger.

Swollen lymph node maybe.

brolli ah fuck I hope its not hernia. but its not on my waistline. To be more descriptive... its like 1 cm above my penis. (im laughing for typing that, but at the same time I'm being serious) i had a hernia w/o even knowing it, its a very unfortunate area to have surgery on but it wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it was. mine didnt even hurt, so i didnt know i had 1

killerZees NWS dude... i am speechless

killerZees NWS

you're gunna die


incubimmer i had a hernia w/o even knowing it, its a very unfortunate area to have surgery on but it wasnt nearly as bad as i thought it was. mine didnt even hurt, so i didnt know i had 1 what were you symptoms?

embarassing question

Another cheap site discovery

Another cheap site discovery

A friend of mine showed me this trick. So is the site that you can order stuff for pretty cheap, and then when they ask for the promotion code, type in "freeship" and you don't get charged for the shipping. If you guys find out anything better post it here.

Another cheap site discovery

Another cheap site discovery

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