Monday, November 25, 2013

Better Lighting + Better Camera = win

Better Lighting + Better Camera = win

hurrah! Now I can REALLY see what I need to work on

Okay, well, you don't seem that bad at all. You have a nice shape and proportionality. I'd say continue your exercise and eat properly and you'll be a super model in no time at all! Awesome wings by the way.

Gutrat [Spot Reserved] that shit seeped into F&N as well? i hate that "luxurious spot for for details" anyway...great progress pogo

where are the 'before' pics

darkjedi where are the 'before' pics these are the before pics. i weigh 300 pounds, you can't tell?

disblohs that shit seeped into F&N as well? i hate that "luxurious spot for for details" anyway...great progress pogo thanks first pic I've taken with regular clothes on since i started all this...

Pro Street

superbri007 you sick....

superbri007 great, she disappeared i'm here

lookin good, pogo. i'd definitely nail ya.

mike lookin good, pogo. i'd definitely nail ya. not the response I expected but thanks!

xfuzion you sick.... who the fuck is this n00b?

~*Pogovina*~ who the fuck is this n00b? beats me, but he's about to catch a whoopin!

mike beats me, but he's about to catch a whoopin! i think I may be the fat bitch to deliver it

put me down for a also

cj48045 put me down for a also thanks

as always good progress pogo

great progress

~*Pogovina*~ these are the before pics. i weigh 300 pounds, you can't tell? Awesome Congrats, lady

D-GUy as always good progress pogo thanks. haven't made much progress since the last group of pics but these are much clearer

Xtreme2k2 great progress 10-Q

Fabian Awesome Congrats, lady hope you didnt really believe that...

anyone see any areas I should try to focus on??

~*Pogovina*~ thanks first pic I've taken with regular clothes on since i started all this... why start now, back to the undies I say! looking good, and I mean that in a total non- kinda way...ah, who am I trying to kid, I totally mean it in a kind way

Better Lighting + Better Camera = win

weak bench out of hole - lats?

weak bench out of hole - lats?

i think i found my bench weak spot. when going heavy, i revert to wide grip (ring fingers on power rings), arms out a bit too much, and the bar slightly higher than nipple level, when i think it should be at or lower than nipple level. im assuming i do this b/c im relying on shoulders over my lats. i dont think its my tris, once halfway and higher the weight is moving easy. its only the beginning of the movement that forces me into my retard position. is it lats? if so, im assuming hit the barbell rows more than i have been, huh? thx

Your problem is your form, not your lats.

christophers speed, chest, form, maybe lats you should be hitting lats twice/week at least speed - i dont like to bounce, so i give a millisecond pause at bottom. cept on speed days, the bars literally bounces out of my hands at the top of the movements chest is weak? possibly.. guess i just keep lifting and hope to fix that! form - ya, but only when its heavy or i pysche myself out. i guess ill just keep working on it. maybe ask a friend to tape me so i can see.. :/ i hit lats twice. once ME, once on DE. typically try to do DB raises, barbell row, lat pulldown (sometimes), or tbars.. i think i need to up intensity on it though. thx..

christophers speed, chest, form, maybe lats you should be hitting lats twice/week at least would you recommend 2 days a week with a higher volume lat workout say something like this 5xpullups 4xlat pull down, wide grip 3xlow cable pulleys 4xrack pulls 3xbent over BB rows

Leo95SE speed - i dont like to bounce, so i give a millisecond pause at bottom. cept on speed days, the bars literally bounces out of my hands at the top of the movements thats niot really speed, just bouncing the bar speed would be hopw fast you are moving the bar up, wuith the pause like speed on box squats, its not how fast u can get down and back up, but how fast you push the weight.

vettedude thats niot really speed, just bouncing the bar speed would be hopw fast you are moving the bar up, wuith the pause like speed on box squats, its not how fast u can get down and back up, but how fast you push the weight. in order for the bar to "bounce" at the top of the lift, it will need speed. I believe that was his point.

princess0fdiabl0 in order for the bar to "bounce" at the top of the lift, it will need speed. I believe that was his point. Do'h i did not see that...

Leo95SE i think i found my bench weak spot. when going heavy, i revert to wide grip (ring fingers on power rings), arms out a bit too much, and the bar slightly higher than nipple level, when i think it should be at or lower than nipple level. im assuming i do this b/c im relying on shoulders over my lats. i dont think its my tris, once halfway and higher the weight is moving easy. its only the beginning of the movement that forces me into my retard position. is it lats? if so, im assuming hit the barbell rows more than i have been, huh? thx isn't the bar supposed to go slightly over the nipples? Tha'ts what I do...

princess0fdiabl0 in order for the bar to "bounce" at the top of the lift, it will need speed. I believe that was his point. thx

yeah speed is more like explosive strength not so much pounding out the rep however the rep will go fast depending on how explosive you are

GOGZILLA yeah speed is more like explosive strength not so much pounding out the rep however the rep will go fast depending on how explosive you are and if its a max attempt? i should be explosive with it? in my mind i am, but that shits still heavy

I ahve just started hitting my lats twice a week, mainly because my spread sucks.

just as a followup

ACURA TL-S I ahve just started hitting my lats twice a week, mainly because my spread sucks. whats a spread?

brolli whats a spread? Lat spread

brolli whats a spread? Philly Cream Cheese.

ralyks Philly Cream Cheese. chirp chirp...

if your cream cheese chirps i suggest looking into a new container.

vettedude Lat spread thats not a spread. this is a spread.

weak bench out of hole - lats?

ab excercises...

ab excercises...

what are some ab excercises besides inclined sit ups ive been doing? trying to get my six pack going..

the cable kneeling crunch is makin mine explode

im looking for some abs excerise as well. Probably just three-six different types to work the different three ab area.

aenz the cable kneeling crunch is makin mine explode I do those with the entire stack, leg lifts in the chairs with a 22.5 and 25lb db between my feet, and incline crunches with 25,35, and 45lb plates.

haha old video

Go buy this months muscle and fitness Ab special, it has very detailed ab excercies; worth it.

reverse crunches, crunches (do them right), supermans (not ab, but core work), russian twists, scissor kicks (vert., horiz., crossing), side bends. Then lots of things with medicine balls, some require a partner though...and then lots with the cable system at the gym.

FredBull does that work

superbri007 only if you wear blue spandex shorts while doing it

ab excercises...

Usana nutrition?

Usana nutrition?

have any of you guys heard of Usana nutrition? Apparently they're some uber-highend health companay. They sell vitamins that are >$30 , and thats just the cheap stuff. I have a chance to start selling some of their stuff. I know it's not a scam, 'cus i looked them up on nasdaq and they're on a couple of lists, mainly Forbes. Problem is I have to buy some of their stuff ($250 woth) before I start selling. You guys think its worth a shot?

I don't get it, are you selling them in the the street or what?

hell no.

don't do it

eddscat I don't get it, are you selling them in the the street or what? I can sell them however i wish, even through eBay if I wanted, they don't really care. It functions almost exactly like a pyramid scheme, but a bit easier to get ahead. The biggest problem is, I don't really know ANYONE who would buy a 5 day fiber cleansing kit, let alone one that costs about 80 dollars retail. Unless you guys...

jonno wtf?

jonno .

sounds just like the Cutco of the vitamin world.

Usana nutrition?

some may find this article interesting.

some may find this article interesting.

some may have already read it.

some may find this article interesting.

some may find this article interesting.



just got low carb GROW! chocolate today...tastes great that is all

I hear it tastes like cake batter. Truth?

christophers a lot of products have dumb names. muscle milk should just be called 'add heavy cream and chocolate flavoring to whey and milk, milk' I know you ain't be dissing MM. I don't really mind muscle milk as a name. I find it to be infinitely better than products like JACKED! and SWOLE! and TURBO POWER ANABOLIC BOMB!111

christophers no i like muscle milk i'm just not blind to the fact that the reason why it tastes so damn good is because its got a lot of fat in it. fat tastes awesome. i lovered heavy cream in my shakes when i went 180 220 Hey, there's nothing wrong with fat

I was referring only to product names.

christophers he never goes above 150g/carbs a day now, or when he was GROWING!

and another question, if you don't need to go over 150g of carbs, yet earlier this week it was said that going over 1g of protein/lb isn't good, am I supposed to get all of my calories from fat? too much contradicting shit lately

christophers nah you just use whatever you want as a ballast most people will just do much better eating a bunch of carbs and others with protein?

christophers and just cuz you dont "need" more than 1g/lb protein doesnt mean yo ucant get more cals from it if you want to when gaining weight itll jus be converted to carbs, no big deal yeah, but some people were laughing at the fact that people consume more...

i got the low carb one because people on the site said it wasnt as thick and tasted better i think i get enough carbs anyway with all the bread and rice i eat

Low carb Grow! really is the tastes like quik

ya it does taste damn good

meh, I don't think it's that great

tize elementary biology my friend What is the name of the process in which amino acids are converted to fatty acids?


blam gluconeogensis gluconeogenesis is the conversion of amino acids (or lactic acid or glycerol) to GLUCOSE

I never had low carb grow but I love the regular grow. Good stuff

Ceaze gluconeogenesis is the conversion of amino acids (or lactic acid or glycerol) to GLUCOSE Yar, I read your post wrong. Only a retard would think something that begins in gluco involves converting something to fat.

blam Yar, I read your post wrong. Only a retard would think something that begins in gluco involves converting something to fat. is this sarcasm? or are you trying to diss tize?

is going on?

no I wasnt dissing him, I was more covering up for my own retarded statement due to reading the thread to fast :-|


Help me mazimize my workout efficiency, please

Help me mazimize my workout efficiency, please

I'm 21 5'10'' and about 165. I play basketball 2 or 3 times a week about 1 or 2 hours worth of pickup games each session, depending on the situation. Anyways, I lift weights afterwards and I'm looking to speed up my results. I've been doing this for about 2 or 2.5 months doing 3 sets of 10 for each lift. I've started going to 2 sets of 8 at higher weights now that I'm starting to get some muscle mass back. Am I going about this in the right way, or should I avoid playing so much bball before I lift? Thanks in advance, Mike


ohmike I'm 21 5'10'' and about 165. I play basketball 2 or 3 times a week about 1 or 2 hours worth of pickup games each session, depending on the situation. Anyways, I lift weights afterwards and I'm looking to speed up my results. I've been doing this for about 2 or 2.5 months doing 3 sets of 10 for each lift. I've started going to 2 sets of 8 at higher weights now that I'm starting to get some muscle mass back. Am I going about this in the right way, or should I avoid playing so much bball before I lift? Thanks in advance, Mike Allow forty-eight hours rest for each muscle group before working them again. Example:Day1: tri, chest, abs (if day 1 occurred on a Tuesday, allow till Thursday to train for day 1 again) same with day 2, 3...

what kinda faster results you talking about? one thing about everyone just wanting faster, quick results! are you all entering some kinda competition, events or olympics? thats my job to figure out for the clients i have for their next event! waiting around for 3-6 months is too long to wait and you are only in early 20s.. ?? this whole things is a liftetime marathon, not a sprint! longevity wins at the end, not the short quick burst! i dont' want to sound mean, but you are doing the right thing, just need to learn how to be patient and keeping up your work. and it will come. there is no short cuts..

Well we need to know what kind of lifts you're doing and for what body parts first.

if you tell me your goal in a specific form, i can give you suggestions.

Help me mazimize my workout efficiency, please

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