Saturday, November 23, 2013

I just ate 1 of those half gallon egg whites container.

I just ate 1 of those half gallon egg whites container.

With 2 bananas, and 1/2 cup fat free cheese, and Im still hungry.

PcH Scrambled? Raw.

I have those too... aren't you supposed to fry the egg white?

scrambled with some salsa on top

I just ate 1 of those half gallon egg whites container.

Sauna after working out?

Sauna after working out?

Good way to shed off a few more calories? Thanks.


Incog91 Good way to shed off a few more calories? Thanks. working out does enough. fix your diet

I do workout and eat healthy but everyone is always looking for that extra edge. Let's not get into a debate on the health factor of what people do *cough*pumping your body full of supplements*cough*.

A good way to dehydrate yourself and lose water weight. Incog91 Let's not get into a debate on the health factor of what people do *cough*pumping your body full of supplements*cough*. This will end well, i'm sure of it.

Actually if you think about it, a sauna would cause you to burn fewer calories because your body does not have to work to keep itself at a toasty 98.6 degrees (fuck you canadians and other metric system users). If you want to burn more calories turn your A/C to full blast.

christophers aren't you that guy who trolls and who talks shit in basically every single post like you're a knowitall, and now you ask a pretty retarded question?.. and now you're going to continue the ego-maniac talk obviously in this post give me, oh, 1 good reason why i shoudln't lock this? i'll wait till morning. I want a response to my post, babyface.

ACURA TL-S babyface.

damn, you suck at searching Incog91

shastaisforwinners damn, you suck at searching Incog91 No Subscription, no search

You can still search in F+N without a sub.

Mystery Guest No Subscription, no search ya, I can search fine

ACURA TL-S Actually if you think about it, a sauna would cause you to burn fewer calories because your body does not have to work to keep itself at a toasty 98.6 degrees (fuck you canadians and other metric system users). If you want to burn more calories turn your A/C to full blast. it still has to work to keep the temp @ 98.6 degrees, do you think that you would be alive if your core temp was the same as the sauna , bodies burn calories to keep core temperature whether its too hot or too cold, thats just physics.

Sauna after working out?

My cholesterol test results

My cholesterol test results

Went to the doctor a few weeks ago to have a few things checked out and ended up on dyazide for HBP. Funny thing I've had high reading since I was in my early 20s. I always heard the same thing, "Are you nervous?" Of course I wasn't, but I always shrugged it off just as the doctors and nurses did. A few weeks prior to this visit I had a pre-employment physical and they asked the same question and so I told them this and they checked me three times while I was there and the top number was still around 150. So they took blood that day and I got the lab results yesterday: cholesterol 197 recommend level < 200 Triglycerides 200 recommend level < 150 LDL 120 recommend level < 100 I just don't understand this shit. I'm the most health concious person I know. I've been working out four times a week for the last two and a half years. I always watch what I eat and avoid junk food. I know I need to bump my cardio up from the piddly 15 min jog three four times a week I've been doing lately, but I guess I could really use some suggestions as to what more I can do.

Oatmeal every morning.

Mike4831 Oatmeal every morning. I can't stand cooked oatmeal...though I do put it in my yogurt Eating some right now since I just got back from the gym not too long ago

get on some niacin for starters

RotorBalls I can't stand cooked oatmeal...though I do put it in my yogurt Eating some right now since I just got back from the gym not too long ago you've probably heard this before but raw oats + coffee grinder = win throw it in a protein shake

DEF you've probably heard this before but raw oats + coffee grinder = win throw it in a protein shake I haven't done protein shakes for a couple years now, but that is a damn good idea. If I decide to go back to Optimum I'll be sure to do that. I've never really done any suppliments. But I guess I'll look into a multi-vitamin or niacin as suggested.

superbri007 holy shit, i never thought of that usually i just throw them into the blender, but they don't mix too well yea, this works way better...the oats come out to a fine powder

RotorBalls I can't stand cooked oatmeal...though I do put it in my yogurt Eating some right now since I just got back from the gym not too long ago Well my dad had extremely high cholesterol and he ate oatmeal and took some medication every morning and his dropped about 50% in 2 months.

Mike4831 Well my dad had extremely high cholesterol and he ate oatmeal and took some medication every morning and his dropped about 50% in 2 months. I figured the HBP was hereditary cuz my mom is on BP meds. Are my levels really that bad? I need to read up on this stuff a little more. They sound kinda bad to me if they're that high above the max. I eat raisin bran usually for fiber, but when I run out I usually go without for a few weeks or more before I get back to the store

DEF yea, this works way better...the oats come out to a fine powder a blender works well too if you dont have a coffee grinder. SC oats even, the blender does not descriminate, it all gets ground into a fine powder

When I was in California for a few days my blood pressure was unusually high at 140 over 85. After a few days it was back down to 120 over 73. Anyway I've read that hawthorn berries supplements are good for bp and recently read that arginine (active ingredient in NO2 products) as well.

Damn. Seems like oatmeal is the ticket...

stop eating sugar and you will see a huge improvement

Moonwalker stop eating sugar and you will see a huge improvement I'm sure that's not a problem. I don't add sugar to anything I eat and I don't eat any kind of sweets (candy, candybars, icecream, etc). Hmmm lately I've been drinking pop/soda though No more soda for me I've always drank 32-64oz of water a day anyway

Fiber for the win! Some people just get dicked by their genetics.

My cholesterol test results

Hey, need some help here.

Hey, need some help here.

I'm 5'10", about 160-165 lbs and im pretty good shape myself but i kinda sit alot so like i said i need some help working on the lower abs quick cuz i have 2 pack while the rest is just end lines from the sides, and some of them trying to form into a pack. My 2 pac looks 10x better then the lower pac, its pathetic i know lol, so like i said whats the best way to increase lower abs? Btw, I'm aiming for Van Damme looks, so how will i able to do that? i work out 3 times a week, been going to the gym like 4 months now.

DCCapen lots and lots of situps and dont read the stickies because you are different than everyone else and they would only serve as a hindrance to your goals. EDIT: happy 3500th post for me that was a great post my anorexic friend

Hey, need some help here.

Friday, November 22, 2013

what do my shoulders need?

what do my shoulders need?

so i dont do much overhead pressing, cuz chris said its not neccessary. my strength sucks, i tried to do overhead db press the other day and i could only get like the 40s for 8-10 reps. i do plenty of cuff work and rear delt shit but how often should i do overhead movements to maintain strength? size is fine and i dont really care anyway but i feel my lacking shoulder strength might be hindering my bench...

size18boarder so i dont do much overhead pressing, cuz chris said its not neccessary. my strength sucks, i tried to do overhead db press the other day and i could only get like the 40s for 8-10 reps. i do plenty of cuff work and rear delt shit but how often should i do overhead movements to maintain strength? size is fine and i dont really care anyway but i feel my lacking shoulder strength might be hindering my bench... if you are doing bench pressing you should maintain your strength.

Neo22 if you are doing bench pressing you should maintain your strength. Reading comprehension and basic grammar own you. You should be working your shoulders once a week, probably in the range of 4-8 instead of 8-10. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

What do you do for rear delts?

ralyks Reading comprehension and basic grammar own you. You should be working your shoulders once a week, probably in the range of 4-8 instead of 8-10. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. You are a fucking idiot. I haven't done shoulder presses in over 7 months and not LOST any strength. He was asking about pressing. So the only person that needs to learn how TO read would you be you.

rear raises for posterior delts.

what do my shoulders need?

I get a weird sensation in my arm when I do shrugs..

I get a weird sensation in my arm when I do shrugs..

It's like a slightly tingling/numbing feeling that runs down my arm from my elbow to my pinkie. It only happens as I'm easing the bar down. It's not incredibly uncomfortable, but is this normal? Should I be worrying about it?

its just nerve damage. walk it off, pussy. edit - seriously though.. any time your body starts doing something that makes you go "is that normal?", it might be a good idea to visit a health care professional.

Happens to me with heavy weight, it's normal.

Try it with dumbells.

its normal with a lot of weight

your ulnar nerve's getting pinched

i get that too when i shrug heavy just my left hand, though

evi1eddie i get that too when i shrug heavy just my left hand, though Yeah, it's my left hand too.

xpinchx Yeah, it's my left hand too. as long as its not the jerking hand we're fine

Uh, I would give it rest for a bit. But what do I know?

are you rolling your shoulders? that might be the cause that. you should just move up and down.. rolling is bad for your R-cuff, and could be hitting a nerve.

I get a weird sensation in my arm when I do shrugs..

strained glute?

strained glute?

well in my wisdom I was seeing how high I could jump, just out of the blue started jumping. my glutes hurt like all fuck, I was on the ground. Now when I get into a squat position the right one hurts a lot. I iced them immediately. what should I do....see how it feels tomorrow?

A friend of mine was squatting on the smith machine and pulled his glute as well. Now I think that squatting on a smith is a bad idea in the first place... but anyways he took a long break from working out legs. I don't know if it really hurt him that bad or if he used it as an excuse to not work out his legs...

There's a condition that is similar, I forget what it's called it was posted a few days ago.

it feels better this morning , I wonder if I can squat tomorrow, fuck I hope so.

strained glute?

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