Friday, November 22, 2013

ugh (aim convo )

ugh (aim convo )

guy: so i was wondering, ive been working out alot, and i think im big enough, and now i just want to be cut, so ive dropped alot in weigh and gone up alot in reps, is this going to work? a little later.... guy: but i cant keep up the heavy weights, i was getting too big me: what are your big 3 fme: squat/dead/bench guy: i dont do any lower body me: you def need to do some lower body :-) guy: i know...... guy: but i dont like to What is wrong with people

they are gay.

My friend thinks running is able to replace squats.

it gets better.... guy: i also do very little back, my back is so huge right now, its like gross me: pics? guy: leme look guy: ok, this is like 7 months old, and its gotten worse since then........ he is 170 pounds

aahahaha his routine: me: what do you lift me: like what body parts guy: i go mon/wed/fri........ either tri's, chest, or bi's and shoulders

me: well if you just want to be more "cut" its basically all in the diet him: even your shoulders and shit? me: do you want your shoulders to be bigger/ me: ? him: no, just more cut


Claims hes at 8 percent bf :

wheres the forearms

guy: do you drink protein shitzz? guy: ??? I should tell him about steel cut oats

Your friend is 100% dumbass.

haha he said his back got "worse" cuz it got bigger since that pic

Wow, just wow.

freaking metrosexual bitch.

i take bigger craps in the morning.

his chest are small..

punch his teeth out

he lives in texas, I'm too far away to hit him

cavefish Your friend is 100% dumbass. I've had him on block for over a year

SpeedyGST i take bigger craps in the morning. Damn

404 rear delts not found

Mass 404 rear delts not found (any muscle not found)

He must take his Animal Paks

ugh (aim convo )

How to build your own pulling sled

How to build your own pulling sled I saw this on a link from Lyle's board. Want to try it out when I get back to America. Way better than spending 100+ and shipping for the one at elitefts. I am going to paint mine pink!

if you live in an apartment... GL finding a palce to use it

Mike McShit Where am I supposed to find a scrapyard or a welding/machine shop? yellow pages?

Mike McShit Where am I supposed to find a scrapyard or a welding/machine shop?

vettedude built one himself a few days ao. he drags it to the park and uses it there. true story.

I just tie a rope to one of the random tires in my garage.

tire is enough for me.

How well would 1 of these sleds work as opposed to lets say jogging 2 miles a day? If I drug it around for a half hour would I reap the same cardio/fat burning benifits as jogging plus maybe build some muscle?

thanks for the link!

I cant really belive people pay for these when they are so easy to build. I am going to build one one of these days and use my weight set at the house for something. Since I cant afford a bench.

How to build your own pulling sled

theoretically, How long does 1-ad stay in your system?

theoretically, How long does 1-ad stay in your system?

I'm going up for a pilot slot and they do hyper hardcore testing of everything ever possible that you're not supposed to take. obviously prohormones are a banned substance. How long would it be testable in my system? How about 6-0x0 - thats banned too FYI I havn't taken them, this is a theoretical question

6oxo is legal. if thats what you're questioning.

ryazbeck 6oxo is legal. if thats what you're questioning. Not for pilots

ask patrick arnold

just hold off until after you do the testing

testing is continous, AF does random testing, 80% of the base is tested each month at random. I was planning on maybe doing a cycle this summer, come december I go active duty.

ManinCamo testing is continous, AF does random testing, 80% of the base is tested each month at random. I was planning on maybe doing a cycle this summer, come december I go active duty. Big huge 1-AD induced muscles will make life in your airplane hell.. what's worth more to you? A pilot job, or big huge muscle?

its not worth it you can get the same gains from 1ad by just workin your ass off. if you are gonna use a banned substance and risk gettin busted then use something worth while

i guess you're right. I'll lose any muscle mass while I'm going through Pilot training and SERE school anyway...

If done right, you will probably keep 5lbs. max from a 1ad cycle, is that worth risking your career? sell that shit on a forum or something.

Isn't being musclar considered a huge disadvantage for a pilot? I.e. prone to blacking out under high Gs?

you need strong leg muscles to squeeze the blood into your upper body, g-suits help compress your lower body to sqeeze blood blood as far 'north' as possible to prevent blackout. But yea, you'll notice most pilots have a medium build, overall fitness - you don't see many big strong pilots, young ones at least.

KetchupKing Isn't being musclar considered a huge disadvantage for a pilot? I.e. prone to blacking out under high Gs? I've also heard this

ManinCamo testing is continous, AF does random testing, 80% of the base is tested each month at random. I was planning on maybe doing a cycle this summer, come december I go active duty. They may test 80% of the pilots once a month but not 80% of the base unless CID has found a large number of military members have some type of drug ring going on.

KetchupKing Isn't being musclar considered a huge disadvantage for a pilot? I.e. prone to blacking out under high Gs? under high g's you want more muscle

Jeg1983 under high g's you want more muscle Maybe you should not eat protein and get toned with some bench presses and curls and ab work...

if you want some quick mass and don't want to test positive you could run some test suspension or TNE. run like 60-75mg/day, pinning everyday, for 4-6 weeks. won't show any metabolites of steroids and the only way they can tell you have been using gear is if they test your test:epitest ratio, which they won't do. you could put on 10-15 lbs on this cycle pretty easily and strength will go through the roof.

theoretically, How long does 1-ad stay in your system?

Progress Pics and randomness *no 56k*

Progress Pics and randomness *no 56k*

I'm killing two birds with one stone. Here are some progress pics that Jonno requested. Nothing spectacular, but there is some improvement. (I hope you guys can tell) This is also some pics for the sake of the highschool crew thread. I also included pics of me in some of my highschool's clothes. JV in 2002 = Me a sophmore during 2002-2003 = me a senior now year 2004-2005. Those are two shirts of powermeets i went to, just so you guys know I wasn't lying about my old post about the powermeets I attended. Current Stats: 17 y/o 5'7.5'' 215lbs My lifts in March at the "Wildcat" powermeet:Bench: 265 Squat: 435 deadlift: 365 Back around February: 227lbs Me now. (Didn't start cutting until early March, right before the powermeet. I didnt know i was competing until 3 days before the actual meet..haha) 215lbs oh, if you guys remember me talking about asking a girl to prom, she said yes . some pics of her face, heh. Her on the left: Okay, thats all for tonight. Comments?

Pseudo-gyno sucks.


awesome man. you definatly lost fat. looks like you lost more than 12lbs. oh.. and to that chick

Goodjob fellow Asian. Hardwork will get it done for ya man. And on another note, you my friend are one of the larger Asians I have seen pics of.

nice, i see those triceps tryin to peek through

you are gonna be a beast in a few years if u keep this up. seriously, good job and congrats on the prom date and graduating highschool(soon enough anyway) and all that stuff

nice work

Rock on!

Good Shit fellow Asian broly

Gonna be ripped when you're done, if you were bigger you'd be a beast! Keep it up!

wow nice job man

Very cool man! Chick looks hawt good job!

pretty good numbers.. chest could be upped a tad bit alongside the rest of the numbers but overall nice. good improvement as well.

thanks guys... Cobra Commander pretty good numbers.. chest could be upped a tad bit alongside the rest of the numbers but overall nice. good improvement as well. yeah, my chest had always lagged behind, including my shoulders. however, 2 weeks ago before my injury, i started doing more for my chest because all i did before were 4 sets of bench and some cable work. i'm trying to work in some dumbells as well. shoulders...ugh. i hate them. To be honest for the past few months, although i could keep my diet in check, it was hard to work out as much as i wanted to. being a full time highschool student while having a part time job of around 10 hours during the weekdays while keeping up grades and being heavily involved in church (friday saturday sunday) its hard to find enough time to really devote as much as i want. however now that ap's are almost done (i raped my english lit today) i'm going to have a lot more time.

Cut, cut, cut.

Mike4831 Cut, cut, cut. easier said than done. wait, thats a serious understatement. by college (late august) i'd like to be at 200

nj dude

Congratulations, keep up the hard work.

nice calves

hollaaaaa nice job man, chick is mad cute and seems to have a great 'picture personality' lol

Atenza6i easier said than done. wait, thats a serious understatement. by college (late august) i'd like to be at 200 Ya. If your were down at about 200 and you were still pulling those numbers, you would stand a lot better chance at meets. I have a friend that is 165lbs, 5'6" Benches - 290 Squats - 405 Power Cleans - 250? He won state when he was a Sophomore. And then after that he got destroyed.

damn you asians and your calves. you should do some dieting get rid of alot of that fat, its soooo easy to lose fat, you'd look like a bad mother fucker if you did.

Progress Pics and randomness *no 56k*

A question about routines...

A question about routines...

Is it better to hit 1 or 2 main muscle groups a day, or shoud I mix it up a little bit more (Do a little bit of each every workout day.) I'm attempting to put together my first routine by myself: Day1 Arms/Delts/Upper Chest Seated curl Tri extension/skull crusher Bench Press Dumbell Fly Behind neck press Reverse Curl Day2 Lower abdomen/Back Bent over row/lying row (barbell) Shrug Chin ups/Pull ups Push ups/Sit ups 8 minute abs ( ) Day3 Legs/Compound movements Squats Deadlifts Calf raises I'm obviously open to any advice. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing so any help is appreciated. My main goal is to change body composition and hopefully maintain my weight (6'5" 225 lbs) if not lose a little. I'll figure out my sets and reps throughout this week to see what works best.

xpinchx Is it better to hit 1 or 2 main muscle groups a day, or shoud I mix it up a little bit more (Do a little bit of each every workout day.) I'm attempting to put together my first routine by myself: Day1 Arms/Delts/Upper Chest Seated curl Tri extension/skull crusher Bench Press Dumbell Fly Behind neck press Reverse Curl Day2 Lower abdomen/Back Bent over row/lying row (barbell) Shrug Chin ups/Pull ups Push ups/Sit ups 8 minute abs ( ) Day3 Legs/Compound movements Squats Deadlifts Calf raises I'm obviously open to any advice. I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing so any help is appreciated. My main goal is to change body composition and hopefully maintain my weight (6'5" 225 lbs) if not lose a little. I'll figure out my sets and reps throughout this week to see what works best. 7 minute abs. Not 8. 7 little monkeys sittin in a tree, one fell down and broke his knee! Sorry, just had to say that, and im in for an answer as well.

White 7 minute abs. Not 8. nope. 8 minute abs. Not 7.

White 7 minute abs. Not 8. 7 little monkeys sittin in a tree, one fell down and broke his knee! Sorry, just had to say that, and im in for an answer as well. It's 8 minute abs . It's under-rated IMO. The routine seems pretty beneficial. Just what you'd expect, really. The guy shows different ways to do crunches to hit most/all of your abdominals. I have the avi if you want.

if you do squats and dl on the same day, you will have difficulty walking for a while... split those up Move deads to back day, ditch the pushups and situps, and move the shoulder stuff to legs

xpinchx It's 8 minute abs . It's under-rated IMO. The routine seems pretty beneficial. Just what you'd expect, really. The guy shows different ways to do crunches to hit most/all of your abdominals. I have the avi if you want. Dude, hit me up w/ that avi! And BTW what I was saying came from the movie ... I think it was something about mary? Anyways, yeah. Send me that file plz!

Here's the 8 minute abs. Beware - keep your volume down. Someone walking by your door may mistake it for gay porno.

Here it is again, slightly revised. Day1 Arms/Delts/Upper Chest Seated curl Tri extension/skull crusher Bench Press Dumbell Fly Reverse Curl Day2 Lower abdomen/Back/Compound movements Bent over row/lying row (barbell) Shrug Chin ups/Pull ups Deadlifts 8 minute abs ( [img]images/smilies/hsugh.gif[/img] ) Day3 Legs/Shoulders/Compound movements Squats Calf raises Behind neck press Upright row

A question about routines...



I've never thought of veganism and always thought I'd be the last person to try it. I wouldn't even try vegetarinism. Yet lately I've been reading about the benefits of veganism. They're too much to list but I'm wondering if anyone here is a vegan. How does it work? How do you replace the vitamins/minerals that meat/milk products provide you with? how do you fight off temptation? I've always been a meat eater but I'd be willing to give up in exchange for the benefits of a healthier diet. I'm already pretty healthy. I usually eat salads everyday. So describe to me your vegan routine

Humans were meant to be omnivores. It is impossible for us to get proper nutrition from vegetables alone. We can't even digest cellulose for God's sake.

im not reading this... but theyre all fags /thread

I tried it. It would be alot easier if soy didnt pump you full of estrogen since most substitute foods are lke OMG SOY GOGOGOGOOGOGOGO. And then I started to bulk and it was all fucking over I remember researching it a while ago, searched OT and found a thread here about it where pretty much everyone was flaming the vegan As many can agree, we would be alot better off if everyone went halfway rather than a few wackjobs eating strictly vegan and pushing everyone else to do the same calling them "specists" (ala racists) and other crap like that. As such I eat mostly vegitarian with 1 serving of meat for dinner. Oh and all the milk/whey/eggs I consume makes me very un-vegan though

for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three...

D-GUy for every animal you don't eat, I'll eat three... sharing is caring.

Using Maddox's material without giving credit = fun. I do it all the time in class!

Mike McDermott Damnit, I get that smiley from you everytime I post.

Mike McDermott Yeah, I guess you do. -- Some people just can't detect sarcasm.

Mike McDermott

would you two quit flirting?

Ronnie doesn't eat vegetables, so why should i need to

at least if you're a vegetarian you can still eat pop tarts and pepsi

Ceaze at least if you're a vegetarian you can still eat pop tarts and pepsi the important things

I thought this thread was about vagina.

Ilyusha I thought this thread was about vagina. in many ways it is

Carnifex "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." - Albert Einstein. He's actually right. way to back that statement up

Ceaze Ronnie doesn't eat vegetables, so why should i need to but he does

Carnifex "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." - Albert Einstein. He's actually right. ... because he's got all those nobel prizes for human physiology right!!???

KetchupKing but he does not according to this interview with him

Ceaze not according to this interview with him you can see him eating corn and beans in his vid

Carnifex No, because he's actually right. If you are going to say this please back it up

Jeg1983 If you are going to say this please back it up I think it's more of a theory, not a fact or fiction type thing

eddscat I think it's more of a theory, not a fact or fiction type thing then he should not come here spouting it off like its the truth

Meat just tastes good, I could never be a vegan.


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

I do triceps together with chest and biceps with back..but, what are the best exercises to promote growth? I'm sitting with 13.5" here


Thanks for the great insight.

no problem

oh jeebus I found that preacher curls and tricep extensions work best then again I hardly do curls

drunknmunky oh jeebus I found that preacher curls and tricep extensions work best then again I hardly do curls Been doing those...vertical dips? Close grip pushups(although I'd think this would be more endurance + strength..)? I need to find an old carboard time that I measured my biceps on..

What the hell is going on? Well, overall, the best tricep exercises are the following: 1. Dips 2. Close-grip bench press 3. Skullcrushers 4. Tricep extension? (not sure if it's really that good). They pretty much go in the order. As for biceps...i'm not really sure, I never train them. They get enough work out (yeah i know it's sad) from pull ups, bent over rows...ect. If you are eating properly, and working out hard on your biceps and see no growth try changing up things a bit. You could try the following exercises: 1. DB bicep curls 2. BB bicep curls 3. Cable curls 4. Concentration curls 5. Preecher curls *(not in any particular order) but you should get enough workout from doing other than your arms.


preacher curls

christophers according to whom him, duh it varies person to person... almost the only exercise I do for triceps are pressdowns and CGB

triceps= reverse bench biceps= bb curl

I do like 150 reps with a 5lb DB until i get REALLY TIRED.

Gods, what's with the standard forum answers??

I did tate presses for the first time yesterday. They destroyed my tris.

christophers what kind of flat bench #'s has pressdowns given ya? can't tell you, remember I'm a body builder.. I could give a shit what my flat bench is, but 3 plates is where I'm stuck at

Tate press. Chris.. how do you do your JM presses? The vid you posted a while back (Simmons) doesn't work for me.

christophers more weight = more growth I'm not arguing that, maybe this is why my chest is so damn stubourn... I might give a powerlifting routine on it just to see how it works out, but I can never understand them /or have access to the equipment

i got better results when i trained chest/tri's on seperate days

the opposite of whatever i do.


Grouch the opposite of whatever i do. /

I liked reverse grip curls, was definately a nice change of the routine.

I really like rack press for tris. Usually I only do maybe some hammer curls and ez bar curls for bis. I get a pretty good bi workout from back day.

I just do close grip, skull crushers and pushdowns. I probably can't bench more than 275 right now.

Ilyusha Tate press. Chris.. how do you do your JM presses? The vid you posted a while back (Simmons) doesn't work for me. jmpresses are excellent

Best way to hit biseps + triceps?

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