Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Leg Presses... bad for the knees?

Leg Presses... bad for the knees?

It seems like everytime I do leg presses (on a non-reclined machine), my knees hurt afterwards. Maybe I'm just straining the muscles around my knees and not my knees themselves? I don't feel the same strain when I squat though... and I'm wondering if some leg press machines are notorious for putting more strain on the knees. I mean, whereas you can determine the motion of a squat on your own, you kind of have to go with the flow of a leg press machine (in other words, it seems like you have less control). Maybe I'm just doing them wrong altogether. By the way, I usually squat with 2-3 45's on each side and I will legpress with 5-6 45's on each side.

1) don't extend till knee locks 2) make sure that your back is at the right angle if it's an adjustable model 3) place your feet properly, as to where at the lowest position, your knees are not sticking out further than your feet

Leg Presses... bad for the knees?

Does lifting weights stunt your growth?

Does lifting weights stunt your growth?

Im just about to turn 17 in a few days, and ive been working out since 2 years ago. Im relatively strong for my weight, which is 140. I can bench 155 with 3/8 sets/reps, and i can do most other excersizes and pretty high level for my bodyweight. But im not the tallest guy, only about 5'8 or 5'9, and ive been wondering if my growth has been stunted because of lifting weights

yep, lifting weights has closed your growth plates!


Strenuous physical activity have been shown to retard vertical growth in children. This generally does not limit one's final physical height however, as those kids will likely experience growth spurts to catch up to their natural limit upon cessation of the strenuous activities. I think the ballpark is around a few hours of strenuous activity a day. This is compounded by a caloric defecit. So in conclusion, if your kids are lifting several hours a day, feed them lots of food and give them a few months off every couple years. If you treat your kids like Richard Sandrak little hercules, they may end up as tall as him. (but it's not too late for richard yet since he still has lots of time to catch up.)

damn i've mustve been working out since i was 11 cause im 5'6"

Does lifting weights stunt your growth?

Chicken Strips

Chicken Strips

My brother shows me the nutitional value for these chicken strips and says "Check it out, looks pretty good, no?" For 3 pieces Calories: 180 Fat: 5g Saturate 1g +Trans 0g Polyunsaturated 1g Omega-6 1g Omega-3 0.1g Cholesterol 30mg Sodium 430mg Fibre 1g Sugars 6g Protein 16g It doesn't seem that bad as a snack -- or is it?

On Sugar Hill I'd eat it. Don't worry about that -- i'm eating 4 right now.

On Sugar Hill Where do you get them from? Are they frozen that you microwave? What's the brand name? werd, i love chicken strips and thats the one thing that i miss most while ive been cutting.

real chicken would certainly be better

yeah what is the brand? I bought some offbrand before and they were disgusting. I wouldnt mind something like that as a snack if they taste good.

i'll take 9 plz.

send some my way!

There noname brand... they are certainly not the best -- but good enough for me.

Thats alot of sodium and cholesterol, no?

popeyes naked strips are VERY nice, 1g carb per strip

are they breaded at all or what?

Healthiest chicken strips ive ever seen.

30% fat per serving(3pieces).

Chicken Strips

Fitness question for girl

Fitness question for girl

I'm 5'6'', 120 lbs. My friends always compliment me on my shape but I honestly think I can be better. I go to the gym 2 times a week but my diet is pretty terrible... (i still eat whatever i want). i take my flax/fish oil and i run a lot. I hate being in college and almost being forced to eat unhealthy good. i want a lower body fat % mostly so my abs can be more visible and overall lose more body fat. any help with this that isnt too dramatic? i mean, i'm in good shape but would like to be HEALTHIER.

Diet is very important, and sounds like the crucial element to your attain your goals. Check the stickes

pics of you for evaluation?

I posted a while back on specifics.. I need help on nutrition

sr20wop pics of you for evaluation? .

she already posted fucking pics, christ

Foods to Eat Protein:. Fish: Salmon, Tuna, Cod . Eggs . Turkey . Chicken breasts . Cottage cheese . Milk protein isolates . Whey-casein blends . Lean Red Meat Carbohydrates:. Vegetables . Mixed beans . Low-GI fruits . Oatmeal/Oat bran . Mixed-grain bread . Small amounts of protein-enriched pasta Fats:. Fish oil . Flax oil . Olive oil . Mixed nuts Foods to Avoid Proteins:. Fatty meats . Fatty dairy . Most lunch meat . Large amounts of milk . Large amounts of soy Carbohydrates:. Regular bread . Added sugar . Most cereals . Soda . Fruit juice . Bagels . Fruit bars . Candy Fats:. Margarine . Vegetable oil . Corn oil . Heated/fried oil General Rules for Eating Healthy . Get used to the taste of food without dressings, sweeteners, etc. Ultimately you'll grow to like the natural taste of foods you once thought tasted bland. . Try to eat more like a true vegetarian (i.e. the bulk of the diet should come from fruits, veggies, unprocessed and unbleached food). But don't swear off meat. . "Supplement" your unprocessed vegetarian-like diet with the high-protein foods discussed above. . Add unheated healthy oils to your foods. . Drink only calorie-free beverages (green tea, water, etc.). . Unfortunately the worst foods usually are the most convenient and the most processed foods. Avoid eating for convenience alone. . Avoid any easy-to-prepare breakfast foods (waffles, french toast, etc) as they're loaded with fattening trans-fatty acids. . Avoid products containing the ingredients or words "partially hydrogenated," "high fructose corn syrup," etc. . Avoid fast/fried food. . Avoid foods or meals that are high in both fat and carbohydrate.

Ceaze she already posted fucking pics, christ ha thanks

Ceaze Foods to Eat Protein:. Fish: Salmon, Tuna, Cod . Eggs . Turkey . Chicken breasts . Cottage cheese . Milk protein isolates . Whey-casein blends . Lean Red Meat Carbohydrates:. Vegetables . Mixed beans . Low-GI fruits . Oatmeal/Oat bran . Mixed-grain bread . Small amounts of protein-enriched pasta Fats:. Fish oil . Flax oil . Olive oil . Mixed nuts Foods to Avoid Proteins:. Fatty meats . Fatty dairy . Most lunch meat . Large amounts of milk . Large amounts of soy Carbohydrates:. Regular bread . Added sugar . Most cereals . Soda . Fruit juice . Bagels . Fruit bars . Candy Fats:. Margarine . Vegetable oil . Corn oil . Heated/fried oil General Rules for Eating Healthy . Get used to the taste of food without dressings, sweeteners, etc. Ultimately you'll grow to like the natural taste of foods you once thought tasted bland. . Try to eat more like a true vegetarian (i.e. the bulk of the diet should come from fruits, veggies, unprocessed and unbleached food). But don't swear off meat. . "Supplement" your unprocessed vegetarian-like diet with the high-protein foods discussed above. . Add unheated healthy oils to your foods. . Drink only calorie-free beverages (green tea, water, etc.). . Unfortunately the worst foods usually are the most convenient and the most processed foods. Avoid eating for convenience alone. . Avoid any easy-to-prepare breakfast foods (waffles, french toast, etc) as they're loaded with fattening trans-fatty acids. . Avoid products containing the ingredients or words "partially hydrogenated," "high fructose corn syrup," etc. . Avoid fast/fried food. . Avoid foods or meals that are high in both fat and carbohydrate. awesome thanks.

Ceaze she already posted fucking pics, christ refresher

shes already posted pics, she's hot and has a shitty diet due to lack of motivation. (if I remember correctly) edit: no hate, just cliff noting it for the brolys

You've already stated what the issue is.

You need to get your diet in check. I have managed to lose 23lbs in 2.25 months eating school cafeteria food, so it is possible.

ACURA TL-S You need to get your diet in check. I have managed to lose 23lbs in 2.25 months eating school cafeteria food, so it is possible. 2-3 lbs a week? Unintentional or not?

b-stevens 2-3 lbs a week? Unintentional or not? intentional. Ideally I would lose 2lbs a week, but since it is tough to count calories in a cafeteria I can't do that very well. But I have had minimal muscle loss.

ACURA TL-S intentional. Ideally I would lose 2lbs a week, but since it is tough to count calories in a cafeteria I can't do that very well. But I have had minimal muscle loss. i hear ya, my cafeteria sucks. they just throw random assorted shit together it seems and i have the hardest time tryin to track calories because of it.

what ceaze said. and quit drinking draino

kronik85 i hear ya, my cafeteria sucks. they just throw random assorted shit together it seems and i have the hardest time tryin to track calories because of it. I am lucky that mine always has a big thing of cottage cheese and baby spinach for salads so I can supplement with that.

Fitness question for girl

How bad is sodium for ya?

How bad is sodium for ya?

Last month or so Ive been focusin on eating better, more proteins, working out at home, etc I lost like 15 pounds since I was just a flabby skinny guy (185 to 170). I love lifting and shit now, it just has made me feel really healthy lately. But anyways, so now since I lost a nice amount of my extra fatness, Ive been focusing on eating as much protein as I can. Thing is alot of teh shit Ive been eating has alot of sodium - beef jerky, canned tuna, etc. I drink a few diet cokes usually too.... So basically, whats the negative on alot of sodium? And should I eat more carbs? More pasta? And if sodium sucks ass, what else can I eat with high protein and not so much sodium (pennican beef jerky fuckin owns though) IBflamesonnoob

You will hold more water. YAy

tshizzle Last month or so Ive been focusin on eating better, more proteins, working out at home, etc I lost like 15 pounds since I was just a flabby skinny guy (185 to 170). I love lifting and shit now, it just has made me feel really healthy lately. But anyways, so now since I lost a nice amount of my extra fatness, Ive been focusing on eating as much protein as I can. Thing is alot of teh shit Ive been eating has alot of sodium - beef jerky, canned tuna, etc. I drink a few diet cokes usually too.... So basically, whats the negative on alot of sodium? And should I eat more carbs? More pasta? And if sodium sucks ass, what else can I eat with high protein and not so much sodium (pennican beef jerky fuckin owns though) IBflamesonnoob *pemmican

How bad is sodium for ya?

Help Me! Injury = No Working Out! Should i start cutting then?

Help Me! Injury = No Working Out! Should i start cutting then?

Well as many of you know yesterday i hurt my right hand finger due to football. So theres no way I can do any type of lifting excerise or anything dealing with the upper body. But i can still do cardio and run. The question i have is I'm around 180 now and i do NOT want to lose my mass. But at the same time i do not want to become fat. Should i just take enough protein for the next 6wks(when the injury should be cured) and jog/cardio 3-4 times a week? I usually dont do a lot of joggin i usually do HIIT. I'm totally in the dark on what i should do! If those who say bulk, i cannot at this time as i am preparing for flag football. So i need to stay certain weight to stay quick at the same time. Stats 5'6 180 Probably in teens on bf%

eat at maintence, maybe a little higher and dont do any cardio ...breaks are good every once in a while edit i guess you could throw in some cardio 2x a week

Yeah, eat at maintainence and take a break from lifting. Some cardio wouldn't hurt, but you might lose some muscle mass. Age/height?

how long will it take for you to recover?

AmCo Well as many of you know yesterday i hurt my right hand finger due to football. So theres no way I can do any type of lifting excerise or anything dealing with the upper body. But i can still do cardio and run. The question i have is I'm around 180 now and i do NOT want to lose my mass. But at the same time i do not want to become fat. Should i just take enough protein for the next 6wks(when the injury should be cured) and jog/cardio 3-4 times a week? I usually dont do a lot of joggin i usually do HIIT. I'm totally in the dark on what i should do! If those who say bulk, i cannot at this time as i am preparing for flag football. So i need to stay certain weight to stay quick at the same time. Stats 5'6 180 Probably in teens on bf% Man up nugga.

tyuo could do GHR's, leg press, abb stuff, back exstensions, and maybee some Squats... EDIT: if you just hurt one finger yopu should eb able to do bench too, and maybee even deads, you could use straps, or do 4 finger deads. you could also do GM's

vettedude tyuo could do GHR's, leg press, abb stuff, back exstensions, and maybee some Squats...

Can't you still some machines like a pec deck, or a side lateral raise machine?

You can still work your legs out and probably still do upper body exersices as not all of them require the use of a finger. Eat lots of protein, and try to keep your calories around maintenance.

a finger... unless it's your thumb, you don't need it

it was my pinky heheh but this is a serious injury i had to go to the doctor for and might need to get surgery if i tore something serious. Right now i have a splint on my right pinky . I'm even having a hard time writing and even typing. I can barely can use chopsticks(I'm asian =p) I do not want to try something and end up hurting myself worse then i am now as summer is fastly approaching! Of course im gonna still be working out my legs.

AmCo Of course im gonna still be working out my legs. QUESTION: What do you consider working out your legs? HIIT?

HIIT and leg presses,squats,etc

22 5'6 180 xpinchx Yeah, eat at maintainence and take a break from lifting. Some cardio wouldn't hurt, but you might lose some muscle mass. Age/height?

i see another doctor tomorrow but i was reading online and it usually takes around 6 weeks unless i need surgery which is longer. jonno how long will it take for you to recover?

I'm gonna try to use some machines and excerise that uses just the palm of my hands so i can aleast get some type of workout in for each bodypart.

SteveO a finger... unless it's your thumb, you don't need it Basically, I just wouldnt do heavy weighted deadlifts.

AmCo 5'6 180 Probably in teens on bf% pics?

hit up a nautilus pullover machine if you have access to one, great lat workout with no hands involved. this shouldn't really change much, you should be able to workout every body part in some way or another still. i wouldn't change my whole diet around this.

i just got back from the doctor, I should be out for a good six weeks. The item he placed on my right hand has really limit my movement of it. I doubt i can find barely any excerise that i can do for my upper body. I guess I'm going to cardio and HIIT through the next six week. I'm going to cut my cal. intake and get enough protein. I'm gonna try to get around 10% bf =). Ill post picture after the six week cutting is done. Current weight Today 189 5'6 22

it's stupid to cut while you can't workout

SteveO it's stupid to cut while you can't workout why is that? I'm just trying to lose some bf.

AmCo why is that? I'm just trying to lose some bf. because you have no way of maintaining your strength and your muscles will start to wither away with a depletion of calories because there really is no need for them if you're not using them.

SteveO because you have no way of maintaining your strength and your muscles will start to wither away with a depletion of calories because there really is no need for them if you're not using them. its stupid to bulk if you can't work out as well. you really can't manipulate diet without manipulating exercise (to get any respectable results). Its like trying to just buy the nails and no hammer, or vice versa

nukegoat its stupid to bulk if you can't work out as well. you really can't manipulate diet without manipulating exercise (to get any respectable results). Its like trying to just buy the nails and no hammer, or vice versa yeah but it's a whole lot easier to lose fat than gain back muscle. I'm not implying that he bulks, but just sit around maintenace level until this injury is gone

Help Me! Injury = No Working Out! Should i start cutting then?

Anyone who has ProHormones or access get in here

Anyone who has ProHormones or access get in here

I am a dumbass who tries to repeatedly buy illegal drugs on an online forum.

i'm in the process of mixing some up in my basement right now. its my first time cooking, and im not sure if i compensated for teh double batch correctly pm if you want some, i'm selling it by the gallon.

your kiding right?

how many of these threads are you gonna make

Jaccordan your kiding right? no he is dead serious.

you should beg for a transdermal test rather than prohormones anyway :P

Jaccordan your kiding right? $20/gal you'll be huge, i added a few special ingredients

im desperate guys.

i will sell you a 10g 4ad tgel for 200 dollars


Are you cop?

1. Go online 2. Buy 10g test from overseas supplier 3. Mix in phlo gel 4. ??? 5. Profit?

sprite Are you cop? Nope.

sprite Are you cop? 'are you cop' 'yes' come on man....

Sgt. Ownage 'are you cop' 'yes' come on man.... nah, im pretty sure if you ask a cop outright, they have to tell you Dunno tho.

well now it's entrapment if he is a cop

How many fucking times are you going to do this shit? STOP. And cops don't have to tell you shit, I don't know how this dumbass rumor got started. http://www.snopes.com/risque/hookers/cop.htm

Anyone who has ProHormones or access get in here

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