Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Where should I start?

Where should I start?

I'm 5'11/180, 75% of my diet is bacon cheeseburgers. Has been for years, and strangely my cholesterol is low as of my last measurement. Im a picky eater, but I just wanna bulk up a little, and get the 8pack back.(I can get 6 when I flex, but my desk job and diet are taking their toll). I'm gonna start working out 2 nights a week and increase when possible, but this is at an apartment complex gym, so I need some basic suggestions for my simple goals. Thx, brolys

What are your goals? That diet is gross by the way.

Do people think they are so special and unique that the stickies won't apply to them? God.... The only worthy question on this is the part about your limited gym resources. Does your gym have mostly free weights or machine weights?

gym has mostly free weights. 2 treadmills, a crosstrainer machine, stepper, bike, then it has the pull down machine and that other one where you have your arms @ 90 degrees and squeeze them towards each other, in front of you. I tried a salad yesterday but I had french dressing on it. I wish I had a more diverse diet.

Where should I start?

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