Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Moby on Soy...

Moby on Soy... Pop star Moby, known for his political statements as well as his music, says he'd do everything he could to make his future child homosexual should the singer ever have a family. He's also blasting conservatives Tom DeLay, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich as "amoral/immoral" right wingers. In an interview with Planet Out, a publication geared toward homosexuals, the musician, who is not "gay," was lamenting so-called homophobia in society when he suggested his future child should be raised to be a homosexual. "As a matter of fact, I was talking to my friend Laura, who sings on [my latest] record, and we're both getting to the point where we want to start families," Moby said. "We're convinced that if we have children, we're going to do everything in our power to make them gay. Like maybe drinking a lot of extra soy milk while she's pregnant, or anything that would work to make that happen. I'd just rather have a really sharp, interesting, smart gay son than some big dumb hetero meathead."

wtf???? moby is a fag

that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Since when has there been any proof that you can influence the sexuality of your unborn child inutero. Are gay people the only ones that are smart and interesting?

i hate moby "its uncool to be gay so lets raise our kids that way" ultimate backlash at society, i suppose

I just threw up.

what a piece of shit faggot loser geek

Moby can eat a fat ass cock.


i like his old old club stuff, but i always thought he was a bit of a nutter

Moby is a fag and his music sucks.

christophers fuck moby bald fucker hey now, bald has nothing to do with it.

gsteclipse97 wtf???? moby is a fag and this comes as a surprize to you?

he needs to deadlift. it'll make him feel better.

Seriously, what the hell, that's gotta violate some human rights law.

hasnt moby been wearing braces for like 9 years or some shit?

i dont understand what is wrong with anything he said besides the generalizations

2nd time this week i got to use that smilie

what kind of shitty father WANTS to condemn his own kid to a lifetime of ridicule and scorn? if he happens to be born gay, great. accept it and love him. but wanting your own child to be born into that.

Moby on Soy...

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