Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What is wrong with my lungs?

What is wrong with my lungs?

background info: I jogged every other day from about may '04 - october '04 fine. I gradually jogged more and more, and by the end of october i was running 3x more/day than i was at the begining. The only problems i experienced were mild shin splints during the first couple weeks which went away and never returned. I started running again about 2-3 weeks ago and already run as much as i did in october (although i did next to no running all winter). The only problems ive been experiencing is with my lungs/breathing. I'll be running well at a good pace, and just start coughing and hacking randomly, it's brutal. I was doing HIIT in my gym class doing 400m runs and i would have to stop sometimes because it got so bad. I just cough and cough and cough... I don't know what it is. i'm not sick at all, i have no other symptoms at all. I dont smoke. It doesn't really hurt as much, it's just a nuisance and fucks up my routine. anyone know what i could do to prevent this? or what's causing it? thanks

Mike McDermott See a doc. ^^^ Do you have bad allergies?

exercise induced asthma

Sounds like acute asthma problems. I get the same thing from long runs.

Peal exercise induced asthma ^

How exactly were you doing HIIT? 400m is way too long. Try doing 100m at 50-70% (roughly 8-10mph), then jog or walk the next 100m.

I'd also guess a form of asthma, get it checked out

You might have what I had. I ran for a couple months. On a warmer day, I was at about mile 3 when i started slightly coughing/wheezing.. then it felt like my throat was closing up. I started freakin out, and it went away after 10 minutes. Went to the doc, and ends up I have "exercise induced asthma".. Got an inhaler, use it extremely rarely.

What is wrong with my lungs?

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