Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Weight Training and Jogging/Running?

Weight Training and Jogging/Running?

I am 20 years old. 5'11" I weight 155lbs. My body type is athletic, im kinda cut. I want to gain muscle mass throughtout my entire body. I also want to cut up my 6 pack more, especially those stubburn bottom two. I was recently told that if i want to gain weight, i shouldnt be running or sweating too much and should just concentrate on eating a lot (eggs/protein), and lifting. He said when you run it you burn the calories that your muscles need and you wont gain. is this true? I want my daily workout to consist of jogging a mile or two. Lifting for an hour and a half. and every other day either, running up stairs or workin out abs. I plan on taking supplements like cell-tech/nitro tech, and pumptech. Does my workout regimen seem good? anyone have suggestions? should i be running? or is there a optimal or bad time to run? perhaps running right after my lifting workout is bad? SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS

1st. STICKIES. 2nd. Running is not going to kill your muscle gains. Run a mile or two a day, it's good for your heart. 10 minutes of cardio will definitely not cancel out putting on muscle, *provided* your nutrition is on. 3rd. What exactly are you going to be lifting? What body parts, how many sets, how many reps, what days? "Lifting for an hour and a half" is an awfully vague goal. 4. Generally speaking, you can't drastically put on muscle and drastically lose fat at the same time. However, if you haven't been eating well and working out up to this point, you may very well lose a little bodyfat as you put on more muscle. Have you been working out? What's your nutrition like?

Elfling 1st. STICKIES. 2nd. Running is not going to kill your muscle gains. Run a mile or two a day, it's good for your heart. 10 minutes of cardio will definitely not cancel out putting on muscle, *provided* your nutrition is on. 3rd. What exactly are you going to be lifting? What body parts, how many sets, how many reps, what days? "Lifting for an hour and a half" is an awfully vague goal. 4. Generally speaking, you can't drastically put on muscle and drastically lose fat at the same time. However, if you haven't been eating well and working out up to this point, you may very well lose a little bodyfat as you put on more muscle. Have you been working out? What's your nutrition like? I have been working out for a year now with little breaks here and there. recently i just came off a 1 month break, where i've noticed i've lost weight and i seem a considerably deflated as people can easily tell. like my mom and friends. When i lift, i have two basic split ups. one day i will work out Triceps, Chest, Quads. the next, Biceps, Shoulders, Back, Hamstrings. I never developed a numbered ammount of sets and reps. but i train with what i consider moderatly heavy weight where i can do about 10 reps, except for chest, where i will use enough weight where i can only do about 3 lifts some times. my ab workout consists of about 30min. 50 ab rolls twice, 50 leg lifts aka roman candles w/ 2.5 lb ankle wieights twice, and like 25 situps and 25 crunches. i do this every other day. as far as eating....i was eat 2-3 times a day. and i having 1 protein shake 40grams right after i lift. i dont usually have breakfast but im about to try and incorporate that, and even eating a couple more egg whites than usual. say 2 whole, 2 whites.

General impressions...too much ab work. Not enough protein. Egg whites have crap for protein honestly..about 4 grams per egg white. Not that it's not a good protein source, you just need to eat a bunch at a time for the protein to add up. You *need* to come up with a more structured program. And start logging it You can't tell if you're progressing or not without that.

Elfling General impressions...too much ab work. Not enough protein. Egg whites have crap for protein honestly..about 4 grams per egg white. Not that it's not a good protein source, you just need to eat a bunch at a time for the protein to add up. You *need* to come up with a more structured program. And start logging it You can't tell if you're progressing or not without that. ya, i have been thinking that im lacking the protein and food. thats why im about to go all out and buy the celltech, nitro tech, and pumptech. $150...hope its worth it

BlissWitMyBlizz! thats why im about to go all out and buy the celltech, nitro tech, and pumptech. $150...hope its worth it Dont forget the Mass Tech

you will have to decide whether you want to gain muscle mass or lose fat to develop your abs you won't really be able to both at the same time. one involves eating more calories, and the other involves eating less calories. if you want to gain muscle mass, then you're going to need to eat excess calories every day, above your maintenance calories running will burn these calories and will be detrimental to putting on mass.

BlissWitMyBlizz! ya, i have been thinking that im lacking the protein and food. thats why im about to go all out and buy the celltech, nitro tech, and pumptech. $150...hope its worth it PLEASE for the love of god don't buy the tech stuff. Ugh. It's pretty much complete junk. First work on your food. If you have to buy stuff now, creatine and a decent protein powder. Optimum makes cheap and decent tasting stuff.

just be careful with ur knees. run soft, heel to toe.

also, if do ur cardio at ur target heart rate, you will burn more fat ratio than your muscles. therefore, dont do ur cardio higher than your target heart rate, then u actually lose more muscle than fat.

Weight Training and Jogging/Running?

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