Sunday, December 15, 2013

Squat problem

Squat problem

I have this problem with my legs. For one thing, i'm what they call "bull legged". However, for some strange reason, my "tibia" -- the shin bone -- is rotated a bit more than normal. Meaning my toes stick outwards a bit more -- which makes my knee point a bit inwards. Now, the problem is that my knee naturally doesn't go over my toes. Does anyone else have this problem? Something about tibia torsion... if you guys really don't understand, i'll maybe get some pics...

i'm lost maybe pics would help

External tibia torsion to be exact. or outtoeing?

well, ur toes should be pointed outwards, and also, your knees should not pass your toes.

Thanks Vettedude. I know though...the question was -- Does anyone else have this problem?

Gutrat Thanks Vettedude. I know though...the question was -- Does anyone else have this problem? i dont see what the problem is???

Hmm, its hard to explain... well, it isn't really... its just my knee doesn't line up with my toes... so its hard to line them up properly during a squat. () -||- <-- Me ||/ Understand now?

tize try paint i'm tired right now, i'll do it tommorow when I can...gnight guys

tize wrong and wrong.

what abput the whole sitting back thing, your knees should be behind ur toes if you are sittign back.

tize tize, the article fails to explore the delicacy of the knee joint, compared to the stability of the hip joint and presence of fibrocartilage in the lower back. While they might throw a large number at you, it is well possible the joints can sustain that extra force better than the knee joint can sustain the extra force it recieves with exaggerated coronal translation of the knee joint

What uh huh? Eric has drawn his own conclusions in this article, although he does quote the researcher as saying it only 'may' benefit appropriate joint loading.

I've sent Eric an email about this, if you are interested here it is: Hi Eric In this article you say that your knees should infact travel over your knees in a squat, citing the research of Fry, Smith and Schilling. There are a couple of issues I'd like to raise with you. If I get the chance tomorrow, I will read the actual journal article, as I have no e-access too it, only print Firstly, the measurement of torque is questionable in itself in this experiment. The reason being, by looking at the photo you replicate in your article, the pictured subject obviously has learnt the motor skill with his knees passing the toes, which you yourself state, " In the second condition, movement wasn't restricted at all; they squatted normally, and the knees passed the toes " The athlete, therefore when provided with physical guidance to perform a motor skill with different pattern than what he is used too, will ofcourse perform a sub-standard movement with unbalanced loading on joints, he will perform it as a beginner, in a 'step-by-step, poorly coordinated manner" (Henry and Rogers, 1960)' The wooden board changes the movment the athelte is useful, and provides a different set of intrisic feedback, therefore ofcourse he will show abormal joint loading when presented with this physical block. If an athelte is trained to squat without his knee translating over his foot from the start of the squatting experience, then, without doubt, he would produce less abnormal force distribution. Similary, if he was forced to squat with his knees over the toe, he would probably put excessive force into the knee joint. The other issue I'd like to raise is that you have not compared the stability and strength of the knee joint vs hip joint. We know the hip joint is very anatomically stable when compared to the knee joint, even just looking at its anatomical position tells us this. It should be able be able to withstand the forces better than the knee joint. One should also look at where this "myth" originated, if there was little occurance of knee complaints of squatters, then researchers would not have looked at how to reduce this. I could be well and truly wrong, but I'd like my arguments debunked if I am

tize what his reg date Put your mouse over my username, you'll see I have a smaller UID than you

If youre gonna disagree with my view point fine, just when I call you on it, atleast say something that sounds like fact, not just jump on a bandwagon. Just because eric says its so doesnt make it so, hey, I could be making myself look like an idiot and be completly wrong, but atleast ive presented an argumented view

Squat problem

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