Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Please convince my mom....

Please convince my mom....

ok well she is trying to lose weight at the moment. she knows the proper foods to eat now and is eating smaller, more frequent meals. She had a dietician write her some good daily logs of what to eat. She has the working out part and the diet great, but we argue on one point. When she has to work out late at night, she'll get back from the gym around 10pm. Now, myself, I always eat after I workout no matter what, and I try to prove that to her that her body is in a catabolic state and she needs to eat at least something to get her out of catabolism. She refuses. She insists that 10pm is too late to eat anything. I said I understand that you shouldn't eat late at night, but u should always eat after your workout regardless. Am I right or wrong?? She says for me thats fine but for losing weight, she shouldn't eat anything after she eats if its already late, like 10pm. Please enlighten me. Thanks

you're wrong.

i dont think shes worried about losing fat-free mass though. so she sounds right to me

most females pay attention to how skinny they are, lots of girls dont even weigh themselves. but if she wants to keep muscle, then tell her. oh and irregardless = regardless Usage Note: Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing.

haha i know lots, they are all skinny, dont care about their diet and dont workout or weigh themselves

christophers like you? im skinnier than them

ryazbeck i dont think shes worried about losing fat-free mass though. so she sounds right to me ya, that's what I was tryin to get at. If she doesn't eat, ya it might help her lose weight that way, but its not the best way. I want her to keep the muscle and even add muscle so that in the long run, she can burn fat faster bc of more muscle.

sk8man311 she can burn fat faster bc of more muscle. good luck with that

shastaisforwinners good luck with that

100 cals is like how much calories i burn sleeping for 5 minutes.

Please convince my mom....

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