Thursday, December 5, 2013

pic of my class and students

pic of my class and students

well today was the last lecture, and since im graduating i thought it'd be nice to snap a little group pic of me and my students. the last lecture was entitled 'before & after.' needless to say, since it was my last lecture, i gave them a little show by showing my progress pics and taking my shirt off at the very end. i got a lot of dollar bills afterwards sorry its blurry and out of focus, my co-worker happened to fuck up a snapshot.

PreemO well today was the last lecture, and since im graduating i thought it'd be nice to snap a little group pic of me and my students. the last lecture was entitled 'before & after.' needless to say, since it was my last lecture, i gave them a little show by showing my progress pics and taking my shirt off at the very end. i got a lot of dollar bills afterwards

i highly recommend that if you have something that you're passionate about and would like to share it with others, go ahead and do so. my students taught me many things, and in the end, i consider teaching one of the most rewarding experiences in my life

more pics of you.

tize healthy amount of chicks yeah i was amazed at how many hotties showed up on the first day. i had like 115 people show up, 85% of them were girls.i finalized enrollment thru an email that answered why they wanted to take the class. i was surprised that based solely on that email i still managed to enroll the more attractive ones. I cut 3-4 guys, but the final enrollment still heavily favored females. too bad the group pic is blurry, you would have been able make out at how gorgeous some of them really are. hopefully i might get individual pics with all my students since this pic came out shitty

what sort of class is this?

theres a couple pretty respectable guys. one of them used to play soccer for Cal, very strong, thick, lean fellow, probably a 365-75 squat max and 475 deadlift. Another has pulled 500, reps 300 on squats, and benched 355 (but he's much heavier than me ) and then there's my other buddy, who's basically a white version of me (but 20lbs heavier and sexier ). we used to be on the same level in terms of strength and size up until last semester when my bench and deadlift just exploded out of nowhere

the class is aptly named after this very forum: Fitness & Nutrition. did i mention one of my students is also a golden state warriors girl? come to think of it, i think i know why enrollment was so skewed: guys have too much pride to accept advice from other guys.

sorry, i don't know much about this. probably missed info in other threads. what kind of class was this? something you randomly started on your own?

more picts of the healthy chicks.

can i take your class? too bad i dont go to cal

The best I could clean it up. WTF, it's so small!!


very nice. shoulda just taken another picture =) and lol, holy arms on the kid in blue on far left.

PreemO come to think of it, i think i know why enrollment was so skewed: guys have too much pride to accept advice from other guys. maybe because it was named Fitness and Nutrition also.

pic of my class and students

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