Friday, December 6, 2013

Increasing vertical leap?

Increasing vertical leap?

Hey guys I'm kind of new here sorry if this thread has been done before. But what kind of thinks can I do to increase my jumping height/ability? Do you guys know of any exercises?

white men can't jump.

actually, i can't think of any, but would assume anything that strengthens the hamstrings and calves would help.

Read this:


this thread is your most accurate

Ilyusha Read this: I can vouch for this program. 50-rep squats are killer!! They'll make a man out of you In the several weeks I've been doing them (in addition to plyometric routines), I've put a good 2 inches on my jump.

Deadlifts, squats, good mornings, glute ham raises. You dont need anything other than that

KLoWnPR109 Deadlifts, squats, good mornings, glute ham raises. You dont need anything other than that

Ceaze any reason for that face?

KLoWnPR109 any reason for that face? Yeah, those exercises only cover limit strength, you have to train explosive strength as well. And the snatch is the the weightroom exercise with the highest correlation to vertical jump.

hardcore deadlifts, squats. raised mine from 36ish to what had to be over 40" in a few months

Ceaze Yeah, those exercises only cover limit strength, you have to train explosive strength as well. And the snatch is the the weightroom exercise with the highest correlation to vertical jump. I've actually never seen much results from anything other than those exercises that I listed above. Never done cleans though. I've always felt that I've been doing them wrong and have never really found anyone to show me how to do them properly. Plyometrics never did anything but hurt my knees.

all through yo' body..blows like a 12 gauge shotty

AmCo polymetrics? Plyometrics: exercises that help develop quickness, agility, and vertical leap. In other words, exercises that mainly work your fast fibers.


Ceaze Yeah, those exercises only cover limit strength, you have to train explosive strength as well. And the snatch is the the weightroom exercise with the highest correlation to vertical jump. you can train squat and deads with explosive strength

When you do leg work (Squats, leg press, calf raises, etc.) do it with explosion.

Increasing vertical leap?

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