Friday, December 6, 2013

For the PL people here...

For the PL people here...

What kind of ab exercises do you guys do to strengthen your core? I don't know much about abs because I haven't done them ever until a month or so ago, but all I do is decline crunches, knee raises, and some weighted machine crunches. My abs are relatively week, so maybe some of the advanced exercises, like dragon flairs, aren't for me. What do you guys recommend?

im no pl'er but i can tell you that ab wheels, leg raises, cable crunches, and side bends have worked well for me

"You want a great CORE workout? Drink a bottle of tequila and spend 8 hours puking over a pube-covered toliet bowl. Your abs will never be more sore." -JW

Jeg1983 "You want a great CORE workout? Drink a bottle of tequila and spend 8 hours puking over a pube-covered toliet bowl. Your abs will never be more sore." -JW Been there.. except not with Tequila..

i do hanging leg lifts & dragon flages as a staple warmup. i do rocky style situps with punching at the top. but my core ab movements are weighed situps & weighed ab extentions.

edmang Side bends eh.. will add ASAP.

some ghr situps, so like sitting the opposite way around on ghr, weighted.

What is a dragon flair?

Hip Hippo What is a dragon flair? dragon flag

shastaisforwinners dragon flag Oh, those.

For the PL people here...

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