Wednesday, December 4, 2013

CEE Dosage??

CEE Dosage??

So i have been taking monohydrate, and i am nearing the end of my 1000g container. I just ordered 600g of CEE from beyond a century and i'm expecting delivery any day this week. I was wondering if i should change my dosage when going from the monohydrate to the CEE. For example a CEE loading phase in the beginning or just continue taking regular dosages. Also what would you guys suggest for a dosage (5-10g/day) and when to take it (morning/night-pre/post workout)?

CEE doesnt need to be loaded. take 3-5g a day. recommended in Orange Juice so that you dont come back and complain about the taste like everyone else

gsteclipse97 CEE doesnt need to be loaded. take 3-5g a day. recommended in Orange Juice so that you dont come back and complain about the taste like everyone else orange juice is good but it still won't mask the CEE

Yea, i have seen the posts about taking it with orange juice. When should i take it, before or after i workout or split 2.5 pre/2.5 post

I usually take two level teaspoons (somewhere between 3 and 5 grams)

ACURA TL-S I usually take two level teaspoons (somewhere between 3 and 5 grams) When do you take it pre or postworkout?

christophers like you keep any of it down with your putting it in water And I still put it in water. I will never learn.

I take mine by mixing it with as little water as possible and taking it like a shot. Then drink lots of water to rinse out my mouth. Also, I have heard crystal light works well.

Mine arrived today. It burned my nose when I sniffed it.

CEE Dosage??

1 comment:

  1. Orange juices are the best for the skin. It is good for health but not too much. I prefer goji berry or mangosteen juice. Both are very tasty and healthy juices.

    Mangosteen Juice


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