Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bulking confusion

Bulking confusion

when a lot of you guys bulk it seems like you don't really put that much on around your stomach. i want to bulk because i'm sick of having these little pussy boy arms, but it seems like my body likes to just deposit everything onto my midsection creating huge love handles. i've read all the stickies and i've frequented the forums for awhile now. i understand that you put on fat when bulking, but the main reason i don't want to bulk is because my love handles look sick enough as it is. i'd rather not give them more reason to get bigger. does clean bulking actually prevent this or is there anything i can do to combat my love handles taking on the bulk of the fat gain? i'm sure this has been answered, but i don't even know what to search for. pics for reference

if you bulk correctly, you'll gain significant fat around the midsection. that's just how it is. the people on here who are "bulking" and not gaining fat aren't really bulking. keep eating shitloads of food and ignore your stomach for a couple of months. concentrate on getting stronger and bigger each and every week. eat everything in sight.

Werdna if you bulk correctly, you'll gain significant fat around the midsection. that's just how it is. the people on here who are "bulking" and not gaining fat aren't really bulking. keep eating shitloads of food and ignore your stomach for a couple of months. concentrate on getting stronger and bigger each and every week. eat everything in sight. well, i've been cutting since is started lifting in october. my body composition has changed quite a bit since then. I want to bulk so i can put on more muslce, but it's really difficult for me to tell myself to get fat again.

I know how you feel man because I'm cutting right now and I will through summer but I know im not gonna wanna bulk because I'll lose my pretty definition. But I know im going to have to go through with it. Thats just how that shiet goes man.

i understand this will take longer, but would it work to bulk for a month and then cut and repeat?

I've been bulking for the past 2 weeks to put on muscle, its worked - I'm at my strongest ever so far. My fiancee isn't complaining about that. She is complaining about the gut though. Alas, I must start cutting soon

why is everyone acting like they can't stand to increase their body fat for more than a couple months? if you just want a little more muscle mass in a certain area, then bulking is only going to be temporary, and then after that you're free to cut and you'll never have to bulk again. being more satisfied with your body for the rest of your life > a few months of getting 'fat'

evi1eddie why is everyone acting like they can't stand to increase their body fat for more than a couple months? if you just want a little more muscle mass in a certain area, then bulking is only going to be temporary, and then after that you're free to cut and you'll never have to bulk again. being more satisfied with your body for the rest of your life > a few months of getting 'fat' well, i started working out to lower by bf and i haven't gotten to the point where i consider myself "fit." it's just hard to get fatter when you've worked hard to get rid of it.

bump for pics added

disblohs well, i started working out to lower by bf and i haven't gotten to the point where i consider myself "fit." it's just hard to get fatter when you've worked hard to get rid of it. i sympathize, don't get me wrong these are just the facts, if you want to gain you're going to have to bulk. stop focusing on the short term, and think of the long term and how it will be worth it. you've lost fat before, so you already know you can do it again.

evi1eddie i sympathize, don't get me wrong these are just the facts, if you want to gain you're going to have to bulk. stop focusing on the short term, and think of the long term and how it will be worth it. you've lost fat before, so you already know you can do it again. that's the only good thing to come from my cutting this summer...i proved to myself i could lose fat effectively

Werdna that's the only good thing to come from my cutting this summer...i proved to myself i could lose fat effectively i don't feel like i can. that's one of my main problems.

how about when you start to have a double chin? is that a bad sign or normal when bulking?

Joser how about when you start to have a double chin? is that a bad sign or normal when bulking? i know EXACTLY what you're talking about i started having that before i started cutting, but honestly i should have kept on bulking. its bitter-sweet being able to see all the lbm you've put on but also knowing there could've been a lot more.

Joser how about when you start to have a double chin? is that a bad sign or normal when bulking? well, you'll be gaining fat...just enjoy the food and the gains

when someone is bulking right about how much weight should they be gaining per week?

what I want to know is for how long should you bulk? Is 2 months a significant amount of time to bulk and then cut, or should you bulk for a longer/shorter period of time?

Werdna if you bulk correctly, you'll gain significant fat around the midsection. that's just how it is. the people on here who are "bulking" and not gaining fat aren't really bulking. keep eating shitloads of food and ignore your stomach for a couple of months. concentrate on getting stronger and bigger each and every week. eat everything in sight. funny you say that, coming from someone who eats dirty on a bulk... correlation? I don't care what anyone says, the people that stress these dirty ass bulks are always the one complaining of getting fat on their bulks. I argue this every time because it's true. my recommendation, eat clean and stick to low GI carbs.. it's basically a high calorie cut.

evi1eddie i know EXACTLY what you're talking about i started having that before i started cutting, but honestly i should have kept on bulking. its bitter-sweet being able to see all the lbm you've put on but also knowing there could've been a lot more. . i am bulking. i was 112 but i got up to 142 in 4-5 months. lately im trying to eat "cleaner" just to experiment. i still eat 6 meals a day. in the past 2-3 weeks but i lost 9 lbs . suprisingly i made gains. maybe noob gains but gains are gains. my question is, is there really such thing as clean bulking? because so far, it seems like ive been losing weight rather than gaining weight.

wutang banga what I want to know is for how long should you bulk? Is 2 months a significant amount of time to bulk and then cut, or should you bulk for a longer/shorter period of time? in general, 2 months is just getting your feet wet. if you've never bulked before then you probably don't have a significant amount of lean body mass to begin with, and will most likely want to bulk 12 months or more before you stop and evaluate if you're ready to cut. i was new and stupid so i only bulked for 6 months and now that i'm seeing what i'm cutting down to, i'm really starting to wish i went longer. for me its like christmas morning and i have a present in a huge box. but then i find out it was mostly just packaging and when i finally dig deep enough i find out it was just a pair of socks.

SteveO funny you say that, coming from someone who eats dirty on a bulk... correlation? I don't care what anyone says, the people that stress these dirty ass bulks are always the one complaining of getting fat on their bulks. I argue this every time because it's true. my recommendation, eat clean and stick to low GI carbs.. it's basically a high calorie cut. i saw that you posted your typical day of food in another thread. any idea how much you spent on food a week?

Joser . i am bulking. i was 112 but i got up to 142 in 4-5 months. lately im trying to eat "cleaner" just to experiment. i still eat 6 meals a day. in the past 2-3 weeks but i lost 9 lbs . suprisingly i made gains. maybe noob gains but gains are gains. my question is, is there really such thing as clean bulking? because so far, it seems like ive been losing weight rather than gaining weight. is there such a thing as clean bulking? depends on who you talk to. some say a calorie is a calorie and some say that macronutrients like saturated fat are more easily converted to body fat than other nutrition sources. but whether you're clean bulking or dirty bulking the most important thing is still your total calorie intake for the day. the difficulty most people find in clean bulking is that the food is generally lower in calories which means they have to eat more of it, which in itself is already difficult, but it also means that it's more expensive to get a certain amount of calories through clean foods than 'dirty' foods. it sounds like this is where your weight loss is coming from. even though you're eating the same amount of food, the food has less calories so you're going to need to eat a lot more of it to get over your maintenance calorie threshold. at your weight, you're going to want to eat at least 3,500 - 4,000 calories a day to gain weight, whether it be dirty calories or clean calories. to check your caloric intake on your new diet.

christophers laugh it up, unlike everyone else on this board I am not the one getting fat on bulks.

disblohs i saw that you posted your typical day of food in another thread. any idea how much you spent on food a week? don't know, it's all bought in bulk.. I'd say around $70 every 2 weeks? not counting whey

christophers ps: i forget but havent you been in the 220 area for a long time now? yep surely have, actually for around 5 months now.. but 3 months of injury can hurt someone right?

Bulking confusion

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