Friday, December 6, 2013

Blisters v.grippers

Blisters v.grippers

Found some grippers lying around, not the greatest but they'll do for off days. I did a couple sets, enough reps to get a decent burn and stopped because my pinkys were rubbing the grippers, 30minutes later blisters appear. Is this a common problem? Will callouses eventually develope and the problem disappear?

blisters are manly

Well since you say your pinkies were rubbing the grippers, I assume that means your pinkies basically weren't doing any work and you were relying on the rest of your hand to do the work for you. In other words, your pinkies weren't gripping anything. Try using one and/or two fingers at a time and try to build each finger up, esp. your pinky.

superbri007 i have yellow callouses , and they feel like the bottom of a dogs paw Great analogy

Blisters v.grippers

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