Monday, January 20, 2014

Middle finger deadlift v. das alota weight

Middle finger deadlift v. das alota weight

jesus christ


holy cow!

i can do that with my pen0r

how the fuck


those are some impressive fuck you fingers.

300K so like 660 lbs or so.

Grouch 300K so like 660 lbs or so. IBhedead680normallyhahasuckyotherfingers

that looks painful

Middle finger deadlift v. das alota weight

lets talk Jerky

lets talk Jerky

I'm trying to eat real clean right now and was wondering how bad jerky is for you. I know its a great source of protein, but how loaded with sodium is it? Is it somthing I can incoropate into my diet every day? or a treat? Also, over at where I order, they have salmon jerky, any dietary info on that?

Usually a lot of sodium. Look up the nutritional info.

I'm no jerky-ologist but I believe smoked jerky has less sodium than your traditional cured jerky.

it's pretty salty

Beef jerky is an awesome snack. The salmon jerky probably has similar nutrition content, maybe a tiny bit less fat (beef jerky doesn't have much to begin with).


damn $34 a lb? i thought the 4 oz bags for 5 bucks was expensive too. i love beef jerkey, i dont give a fuck about sodium either but i can't afford it

Just get a dehydrater and make your own. Tastes alot better and probably ALOT better for you.

tize make your own, i did it once very easy and tastes so good is that post in the archives?

lets talk Jerky

Hey guys....

Hey guys....

well i just got home from the hospital, this fucking sucks. I thought for sure my kidneys were letting go. I have had massive back pain, stomach cramps and pain, pissing out my ass all night and nasua. Hearts a little racey as well, most likely anxiety though. Turns out I have a very bad gastronal virus infection. And the stomach pain raidated to my back. They did tests on me, check my urine, bp, temp, everythings fine except he said my urine was all ketones and looked like I was starving myself LOL! Today was high carb up day and i went only after one meal since it wouldnt stay down. Im on some meds that seem to be helping but hopefully not hurting my condition. Im very weak and my joints kill and the medicen gives me bad headaches...but believe it or not Im still gonna try if im ok somewhat by sunday. If I miss even going to watch im gonna be heartbroken. I already kinda am but when i thought i was checking out I couldnt stop thinking about my baby girl and how selfish I am by hurting myself. But thank god im ok, i never do stupid shit either so it was kinda shock to feel this way. What damn luck...2 days out for christ sake. But im putting on pro tan and shaving and carbing up today as planned and gonna play it day by day. I will let ya know how it turns out

Do you know the cause of this? Hope you get better bud

ya its a virus, 3 people in my house got it, but im depleted and weak so it hit me like death

how early onset? was today the first day symptoms appeared? they should have attempted an antiviral like tamiflu....might have helped.

fuck man i am sorry to hear that, i know how hard you have been bustin your ass. i hope you get better and can make it on stage sunday.

Good luck.

Damn broly,I dont know what to tell you otther than keep at it, you have come a long way, Dont feel too bad random shit happens some times. Just kick its ass, and come back for seconds. GL

good luck mike! You'll pull thru, just two more days and you can rest up good. just be careful

hey, your health is your'll make the smart choice. Just becareful

Filmboy44 hey, your health is your'll make the smart choice. Just becareful Good luck and be careful. We're all pulling for ya

damn bro, just be safe ok? take care of yourself.

Are you still going to compete in the other one if you don't make it in time for this one?

Best of luck to ya

sorry man. shit happens. all I know to say is that it's all part of the game.

its ok, i spiked the competitions gatorade with exlax

Sorry to hear that man, hope you feel better.

ACURA TL-S Are you still going to compete in the other one if you don't make it in time for this one? My question too... Hope it works out for you somehow.

get well soon broham

Hope everything works out bro. Good luck.

Aww man thats some shitty news. I hope you get better soon man. Plus you totally owe me those pics you promised! All joking aside I hope you do get better and can at the very least make it to the show to watch.

Don't worry guys, if it comes down to it I'll take Mike's place on stage. I'll post my pics for you guys of the show, you wouldnt know the difference expect for the mole on Mike's left ass cheek.

joed1228 Don't worry guys, if it comes down to it I'll take Mike's place on stage. I'll post my pics for you guys of the show, you wouldnt know the difference expect for the mole on Mike's left ass cheek. thanks joe, your always there to help

ACURA TL-S Are you still going to compete in the other one if you don't make it in time for this one? hell yes bro, but im coming around actually more and more. Im on my 5th carb meal. With one to go and i havent shit or puked any out since 10 am. I think my nerves were shot also since I thought I fucked myself finally. But im trying to keep my spirts up and i will be on stage sunday unless im still this sick. We are warriors boys..remember that.

good luck mike

PurEvl ya its a virus, 3 people in my house got it, but im depleted and weak so it hit me like death thats the same shit i had. me and my 2 friends, joints hurts like FUCKING HELL, thats the worst part, but they shit and puked like crazy, it was the most draining feeling i've ever had.

Hey guys....

Sunday, January 19, 2014

South Beach Diet? What to eat and how it works?

South Beach Diet? What to eat and how it works?

I was wondering if anybody had any good info on the south beach diet. I would like to give it a try and lose about 25-35 lbs. I was wondering what i can and cant eat on the diet. Thanks

Read the stickies!

google (i think)

get the paperback its cheap, read it, you will know a ton more than most people out there.

South Beach Diet? What to eat and how it works?

I will never run M5AA again...

I will never run M5AA again...

I had some leftover M5AA and i decided to use the rest up since i am cutting, figured it would help gimme a little extra in the gym and maybe help harden me up. i ran it before pre-wo only. decided i would run it pre-wo and spread out during the day. fuck that, take a shower last nite wash my hair, and for some reason i look at my soapy hands. hella hairs in them. the shit made me start sheddin like crazy. so i am droppin that shit and ordered some spiro from cnw for my hair.

Welp that's what DHT will do to ya.

dont order spiro now, by the time ya get it, the DHT lvls should have subsided, but might as well get on propecia now tho...

i already ordered the spiro, is propecia like rogaine?

propecia is an alpha blocker, while rogaine a chemical that tricks the follicle from going into permanent rest phase, i believe.

Mass propecia is an alpha blocker, while rogaine a chemical that tricks the follicle from going into permanent rest phase, i believe. i ordered some spiro and minoxidil, where would i get propecia? only need 1 mg a day or so, so its a great value

Mass only need 1 mg a day or so, so its a great value umm which one is it?

finasteride or steride

Mass finasteride or steride thanks, i think i will hold off since i already ordered the other two. hopefully i dont end up bald in a few weeks that would fuckin suck that what you wanted to ask me about? too late....

Sgt. Ownage that what you wanted to ask me about? too late.... haha yea i was gonna ask you if you had ever experienced it. the first day i noticed it it was just a few hairs so i wasnt to worried. but after seein the amount of hair when i was showerin fuck that, it isnt worth losin my hair at this age. i dont think i would look good with a shaved head

gsteclipse97 haha yea i was gonna ask you if you had ever experienced it. the first day i noticed it it was just a few hairs so i wasnt to worried. but after seein the amount of hair when i was showerin fuck that, it isnt worth losin my hair at this age. i dont think i would look good with a shaved head yeah...dht compounds just havent done shit to me so my advice wouldve been no help anyway...

Sgt. Ownage yeah...dht compounds just havent done shit to me so my advice wouldve been no help anyway... its all good, i quit usin it. i would rather have my hair and just push myself even harder

I will never run M5AA again...

Size of your biceps?

Size of your biceps?

Only 15.25"inches here, been slacking off though, time to hit the gym HARD like I used to.

those are some huge biceps. they are almost as big as my whole upper arm


flexed or relaxed?


ryazbeck flexed or relaxed? flexed.

then 17"


^^^ 12"


jonno 14 .

17 and a quarter last measurement, but I'm overweight besides the lifting.




20", 15" forearms.

cavefish 20", 15" forearms.

cavefish 20", 15" forearms. Who want's a footlong when they can have a 20"?

who cares about the size of the bicep anyways? Tricep > Bicep

To the topic starter, What kind of exercises do you do for arms?

ACURA TL-S Who want's a footlong when they can have a 20"? Word, I roll on DUBS nigga. Although a good inch or two of that is probably fat. I'd be happy with 18's at around 10% bf or lower.

12.5 flexed

12.5 EDIT: I think. I just looked and I'm really not sure anymore, that's what they *used* to be when I bothered to measure.

14.25" yes i measured the last quarter inch

13.25 ; (

Size of your biceps?

wow latest men's health excerpt on is fairly accurate...

wow latest men's health excerpt on is fairly accurate...

LOL @ the quote in bold The 7 Biggest Muscle Myths The guy lifting beside you looks like he should write the book on muscle. Talks like it, too. He's worked out since the seventh grade, he played D-1 football, and he's big. But that doesn't mean he knows what he's talking about. Starting now, ignore him. The gym is infested with bad information. Lies that start with well-intentioned gym teachers trickle down to students who become coaches, trainers, or know-it-all gym-rat preachers. Lies morph into myths that endure because we don't ask questions, for fear of looking stupid. Scientists, on the other hand, gladly look stupid-that's why they're so darn smart. Plus, they have cool human-performance laboratories where they can prove or disprove theories and myths. Here's what top exercise scientists and expert trainers have to say about the crap that's passed around in gyms. Listen up and learn. Then go ahead, question it. MYTH #1 Lifting incredibly slowly builds incredibly big muscles. Lifting super slowly produces superlong workouts-and that's it. University of Alabama researchers recently studied two groups of lifters doing a 29-minute workout. One group performed exercises using a 5-second up phase and a 10-second down phase, the other a more traditional approach of 1 second up and 1 second down. The faster group burned 71 percent more calories and lifted 250 percent more weight than the superslow lifters. The real expert says: "The best increases in strength are achieved by doing the up phase as rapidly as possible," says Gary Hunter, Ph.D., C.S.C.S., the lead study author. "Lower the weight more slowly and under control." There's greater potential for growth during the lowering phase, and when you lower with control, there's less chance of injury. MYTH #2 If you eat more protein, you'll build more muscle. To a point, sure. But put down the shake for a sec. Protein promotes the muscle-building process, called protein synthesis, "but you don't need exorbitant amounts to do this," says John Ivy, Ph.D., coauthor of Nutrient Timing. If you're working out hard, consuming more than 0.9 to 1.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight is a waste. Excess protein breaks down into amino acids and nitrogen, which are either excreted or converted into carbohydrates and stored. The real expert says: More important is when you consume protein, and that you have the right balance of carbohydrates with it. Have a postworkout shake of three parts carbohydrates and one part protein. Eat a meal several hours later, and then reverse that ratio in your snack after another few hours, says Ivy. "This will keep protein synthesis going by maintaining high amino acid concentrations in the blood." MYTH #3 Leg extensions are safer for your knees than squats. And cotton swabs are dangerous when you push them too far into your ears. It's a matter of knowing what you're doing. A recent study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that "open-chain" exercises-those in which a single joint is activated, such as the leg extension-are potentially more dangerous than closed-chain moves-those that engage multiple joints, such as the squat and the leg press. The study found that leg extensions activate your quadriceps muscles slightly independently of each other, and just a 5-millisecond difference in activation causes uneven compression between the patella (kneecap) and thighbone, says Anki Stensdotter, the lead study author. The real expert says: "The knee joint is controlled by the quadriceps and the hamstrings. Balanced muscle activity keeps the patella in place and appears to be more easily attained in closed-chain exercises," says Stensdotter. To squat safely, hold your back as upright as possible and lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the floor (or at least as far as you can go without discomfort in your knees). Try front squats if you find yourself leaning forward. Although it's a more advanced move, the weight rests on the fronts of your shoulders, helping to keep your back upright, Stensdotter says. MYTH #4 Never exercise a sore muscle. Before you skip that workout, determine how sore you really are. "If your muscle is sore to the touch or the soreness limits your range of motion, it's best that you give the muscle at least another day of rest," says Alan Mikesky, Ph.D., director of the human performance and biomechanics laboratory at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. In less severe instances, an "active rest" involving light aerobic activity and stretching, and even light lifting, can help alleviate some of the soreness. "Light activity stimulates bloodflow through the muscles, which removes waste products to help in the repair process," says David Docherty, Ph.D., a professor of exercise science at the University of Victoria in Canada. The real expert says: If you're not sore to the touch and you have your full range of motion, go to the gym. Start with 10 minutes of cycling, then exercise the achy muscle by performing no more than three sets of 10 to 15 repetitions using a weight that's no heavier than 30 percent of your one-rep maximum, says Docherty. MYTH #5 Stretching prevents injuries. Maybe if you're a figure skater. Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reviewed more than 350 studies and articles examining the relationship between stretching and injuries and concluded that stretching during a warmup has little effect on injury prevention. "Stretching increases flexibility, but most injuries occur within the normal range of motion," says Julie Gilchrist, M.D., one of the study's researchers. "Stretching and warming up have just gone together for decades. It's simply what's done, and it hasn't been approached through rigorous science." The real expert says: Warming up is what prevents injury, by slowly increasing your bloodflow and giving your muscles a chance to prepare for the upcoming activity. To this end, Dr. Gilchrist suggests a thorough warmup, as well as conditioning for your particular sport. Of course, flexibility is a good thing. If you need to increase yours so it's in the normal range (touching your toes without bending your knees, for instance), do your stretching when your muscles are already warm. MYTH #6 You need a Swiss ball to build a stronger chest and shoulders. Don't abandon your trusty bench for exercises like the chest press and shoulder press if your goal is strength and size. "The reason people are using the ball and getting gains is because they're weak as kittens to begin with," says Craig Ballantyne, C.S.C.S. You have to reduce the weight in order to press on a Swiss ball, and this means you get less out of the exercise, he says. The real expert says: A Swiss ball is great for variety, but center your chest and shoulder routines on exercises that are performed on a stable surface, Ballantyne says. Then use the ball to work your abs. MYTH #7 Always work out with free weights. Sometimes machines can build muscle better-for instance, when you need to isolate specific muscles after an injury, or when you're too inexperienced to perform a free-weight exercise. If you can't complete a pullup, you won't build your back muscles. So do lat pulldowns to develop strength in this range of motion, says Greg Haff, Ph.D., director of the strength research laboratory at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas. The real expert says: "Initially, novice athletes will see benefits with either machines or free weights, but as you become more trained, free weights should make up the major portion of your training program," says Haff. Free-weight exercises mimic athletic moves and generally activate more muscle mass. If you're a seasoned lifter, free weights are your best tools to build strength or burn fat.

i've seen this at least 3 other times on other websites who had it originally?

Leg extensions are safer for your knees than squats. And cotton swabs are dangerous when you push them too far into your ears. Priceless

Weak as kittens.

I had no idea my school did a study busting the superslow myth, I would've signed up for that shit

Im gonna start using that now in everyday life, referring to stuff as " weak as kittens", like Hey bartender! this drink is as weak as kittens!

wow latest men's health excerpt on is fairly accurate...

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