Saturday, January 11, 2014

kinda embarrassing but has this happened to you at the gym?

kinda embarrassing but has this happened to you at the gym?

so ive been on a more controlled nutrional intake and today was the first time i went to the 24 hour fitness gym i signed up for... i did a cardio machine to start things up which was a pedaling type device with cool features but anyways i hit my target heart rate for about 15 minutes and then i stopped. when i stepped off i was thinking holy shit my legs feel tight.. then 2 minutes later i swear my penis went numb and tingly. at first i thought maybe its entanged in my underwear or something funny but when i poked it discreetly it was truly numb... almost like it was in a cramp. i was freaking out for about 3 minutes because it wouldnt go away but finally did.. anyone care to explain this weird sensation?

jesus i just realized how many types of replies this would get in the main forum

unless you had the female jumping jacks class in front of you, then i dont think that should be happening.

penis cramps? you're overtraining your sex muscles

On Sugar Hill You should've given yourself a stranger. It would be like... A double stranger.

that was puberty son, congrats

i always thought muscles went numb/tingly from blood deprivation, maybe you were cutting bloodflow to your penis and didn't know it.... /shrug. (and yes, i know the penis isn't actualy a muscle)

must have compressed a nerve that runs into that area, it takes a while to work itself out but shouldnt be a problem, generally the seats on fitness equiptment isnt exactly comfy.

When i used to run in cold weather for like 20 minutes my piece would get all cold and numb too. Its normal don't worry.

haha yeah this has happened to me, but it's always gone away pretty quickly. i don't know how i manage it but it will happen every once in a while when i've been sittin down doin something. maybe its cause my junk is ginormous.

kinda embarrassing but has this happened to you at the gym?

Friday, January 10, 2014

what you all rep at when it comes to bench with dbs..

what you all rep at when it comes to bench with dbs..

I use 70 pounds 6 times... easy...

100 on incline for 6-8 a couple sets

Reppin 70s, 150lbs@5'8"

reppin 80's, 85's next week

95 did it 5 times , next week 100

90's, lifting for ~6.5 months.

My gym doesn't go over 100, so I'm stuck with those. I suck at DB anyway.


lurker#99 95 did it 5 times , next week 100 You probably wont put those up..


eh well... its good to see that people are still doing dbs

cavefish My gym doesn't go over 100, so I'm stuck with those. I suck at DB anyway. What kind gym does'nt have Db's over 100 lbs...Curves?

Dr. Feel Good What kind gym does'nt have Db's over 100 lbs...Curves? The YMCA.


Incline, 80s for 15 reps as of last week...

flat - 65x3 (this is after BB flat bench though) incline - 60x6 or 7 (also after BB flat)

Dr. Feel Good What kind gym does'nt have Db's over 100 lbs...Curves? My university gym? A lot of gyms don't go over 100 actually.

flat 130x3, incline 115x4 (assist on first rep)

60x5, im weak 50x5 incline

Flat 60x3 barely. That's after a few other sets though but I'm still a weak sonofabitch.

55 x 5, Still haven't seen anyone use the 200's in my gym

NickStam 55 x 5, Still haven't seen anyone use the 200's in my gym and you more than likely never will

up the weight then if its easy

Ilyusha The YMCA. my ymca has 130s...

only at the 70's which is the max that my DB handles will hold....gonna have to start going to the UH gym on chest days i guess

what you all rep at when it comes to bench with dbs..



Whats OT's opinion on this? annnddd Whats the cheapest place to buy?

and you can search f&n

superbri007 1fast400 has somethign better then that, im looking for it. I read an article that N02 is bad for your DNA, its damaging Whoa... Damage your DNA? That's crazy. Is it just after long term use? So is that Noxidant better than No2 without the DNA damageing affects?

rebel Whats OT's opinion on this? My friend has been taking it for 3 months now. I haven't seen a difference in him. Don't buy it, is my opinon.

Newsflash, N02 does not damage your DNA strands. And NoOxidant is not an N02 alternative, its not even the same type of product, your supposed to take it WITH N02 to get better results. N02 and NoOxidant look like shit to me, buy some food instead.

Jeff Coleman N02 and NoOxidant look like shit to me, buy some food instead. GOOD call on that.

Soooo whats a good suppliment to take? No2, NoOxidant, Creatine?

rebel Soooo whats a good suppliment to take? No2, NoOxidant, Creatine? like they said, buy some food, supplements like these are pretty much pointless.

ryazbeck like they said, buy some food, supplements like these are pretty much pointless. no one said creatine is worthless it works for some and not for others but yes, you can start with food

well i duno, creatine is kinda expensive, i mean if it works for you and you can afford then more power to ya.

you can get monohydrate pretty cheap but i personally dont use it

buy a huge tub of l-aakg and call it a day


I need help bulking up *specific situation*

I need help bulking up *specific situation*

alright, I did a search, however i have specifics in my question which arent going to be addressed in the other threads/stickies. also, i cant take much of 56k before i want to blow my brains out. making thread = the answer. anyway, all i hear at college is girls pointing out how buff guys are hot blah blah blah. anyway.. im very skinny, and i have a metal bar in my chest (pectus excavatum was the condition i had before the procedure. its called the nuss procedure. google image nuss.jpg and pectus excavatum to see it). basically chest is caved in, an the bar they inserted to "pop" my chest out prevents muscle growth on my chest. Anyway, I want to bulk up my arms, shoulders, stomach, legs (for when wearing shorts). but i dont watn to do it so much, because bulking uip my chest wont work (ive tried.. a lot). and i dont want it to be were im bulky everywhere except my chest, that would be prolly a bigger turnoff than just being skinny The other thing is, all i have here at home is dumbells, so thats what i have to make due with (no gym around, so dont bother telling me to do that). What exercises can i do to bulk up what i mentioned? i dont want to get ripped obviously.. and i have an extremely high metabolism.. i just want to gain some muscle mass so im more cut looking, and not skinny. (ive been told toning is different than bulking. one is where you go for more strength and less mass, and the other is vice versa. if this is true, which im not sure, then i want to increase mass as much as possible (muscle, not just weight gain).. i dont care really if im extra strong or not. im not oging to be fighting anyone btw, im 19, 6'1" and roughly 155 lbs (lst time i checked).

Eat....alot! deadlift,squat, pullup(get a pullup bar for your doorway) sleep enough repeat.

what kind of weight dumbells do you have? go to a sporting goods store and buy the following... olympic weight bar, some plates in pairs, and a pullup bar for a doorway....should be able to get everything for ~100$

Hmm.. i dhave to check the dumbells. theyre very nice silver ones though that my parents got. they go through like 1 lb to 30 lbs or something. anyway, theres one problem with this whole thing... i cant eat a lot. i know everyone will call bullshit. however.. my mom is a health freak and all we have in our fucking house is random things of celery and bags of grain.. occassionally we will have hcicken.. but basically we have NO food in our house. i also dont have a job now, so i cant go out and buy anything. I will try though to buy some cans of tuna (is that an ok substitute?). also, ill go to the used sporting good store to look for those things, but until then could you list some exercises i could do that would help me bulk up my arms (most importantly), shoulders, calfs and stomach? Thanks

Then get the fuck out

tize i already did bitch Youre in here replying.

zaphod Youre in here replying. don't pay attention to him....he's just a troll

So cliffs is that you want to bulk but you can't go to a gym or eat very much. My suggestion is to start looking for a magic pill.

Its not like im already toned and I want to get huge and bulky by carefully making weight routines and eating 500000 calories a day... im skinny in the first place with no muscle. all i want is a little muscle on my arms, and i figured i could do that with just dumbells.

oh, i see. ill get those things then to eat next time she goes to the store. so should i just do curls or something? I can figure out how to use the dumbells, but i just needed help with how many (and what) different exercises are good. I dont think just 1 is good, but i also dont want to overdo it, thats why i came here. its just arms, shoulders, legs, stomahc, so i didnt think it would be too complicated to make a simple routine i could do. thanks for the help guys

thanks Also, i checked yesterday. it's 5lbs - 60 lbs Thats exactly what i wasl ooking for though

Wow this is good stuff. Is a flat press the same as a bench press? Also, if i eat a lot, and do this everyday (should i skip a day?) how long do you tihnk it will be before i see even tiny results? I know it's not overnight, but i dont have any muscle to start iwth

Erik_sr20 at a minimum I would take a day off every week if your workouts are short (like 20mins) or so. I take a day off once every 4 days and my workouts go for about an hour and 15 minutes. It wont take long to see results. Was about 3-4 weeks when I began seeing differences in my arms and shoulders. Awesome We'll see how this goes.

Should it really burning at the end of each set? or is that too much weight.. with the bicep i can barely lift it towards the end of the 3rd set, so i assume i should use less. the only thing is the next one down is 5 pounds lighter so it seems way too light.

hey man, theres gotta be muscles in your chest, im sure they will grow, you just need to eat, and work your chest out, im sure its going to be harder, considering your condition, but just work that shit out man and you'll be pimpin the ladies in a few months.

My only question is why can't you bulk your chest? The fact that you can raise your arms in front of you means that the muscle is there and working. Did the doctor tell you that you are not to overstrain the muscle through things like benching?

Well, its really shitty I can't work out because theres a bar that goes through my chest, and it restricts the muscles, like if i flex, my pec muscles go straight down as soon as it hits the bar. the bar is also lassoed to my ribs and it hurts like fuck doing a benchpress (nothing else hurts for some reasont hough). i can trya gain though, but the main thing is the bar pushes the muscle and it cant grow. during school i worked out for a month straight and i got really bulky above the bar, and then it takes an extreme taper at the bar (nipple level) and then its all ribs btw, i just got done working out now, feels good it will loook really bad w/o chest muscles though. i can take pics.. its really weird looking witht he bar.

you just said it grows until the bar, so fuck it, grow that shit over the bar and look like a fucking pimp with a huge chest. if anyone asks tell em, i got a bar in here and i still got a bad ass chest, bitch. seriously just grow your chest, who cares about the taper

ryazbeck you just said it grows until the bar, so fuck it, grow that shit over the bar and look like a fucking pimp with a huge chest. if anyone asks tell em, i got a bar in here and i still got a bad ass chest, bitch. seriously just grow your chest, who cares about the taper People like you make OT worth while, unlike that cockmuncher tize

hmm.. i just realized something. when you h ave barely any muscle at all on your chest, is it "bulky" on top and tapers off to nothing near the ribs? I just examined closer.. and the muscle is bulky on top and it tapers off to the bar, but maybe thats because i havent worked out the lower part of the muscle, and it just tapers off at the bar by coincidence. ill post pics and you can tell me if tahts normal for a skinny person, or if its because of the bar. im gonna go eat like 6 fucking sandwiches now, so ill do it later

ok.. here are pics of my chest. is this normal and the muscle tapers sharply off by the bar just by coincidence? yeah, im skinny

I can see what you mean. I'd try bulking up first (hit those incline presses) and if your chest doesn't get bigger it could be the surgery problem But as it is, you're probably just thin

ps. most thin people look like that...don't let the surgery discourage you just hit the weights and eat

Ok thats what I like to hear

Well, let us know if a certain exercise causes you pain (beyond just getting sore), and we can recommend others. If bench press might actually damage that bar's attachment to you, then you could try something like DB flys or a pec deck.

I need help bulking up *specific situation*

question about muscles and their development

question about muscles and their development

i read one of christophers sticky posts and it was stated that muscles dont really tone...they either grow or shrink. how come guys who work out alot have hard muscles as to some guys who have really soft muscles that are small. shuoldnt they all be hard then? also, take a big guy who doesnt work out...just a big boned guy. if he shredded up would look just as developed as a guy who is 20 lbs lighter and is shredded? his muscles would be smaller but more developed. so isnt there such thing as muscles changing shape?

How can a muscle be "smaller but more developed?" This thread makes me want to cut my wrists the long way.

what did you say? anyone is hard at a low body fat

I think my head is going to explode

COULD THIS POSSIBLY BE A NEW TSHIRT IDEA? front: OT logo back: "if he shredded up would look just as developed as a guy who is 20 lbs lighter and is shredded? his muscles would be smaller but more developed. so isnt there such thing as muscles changing shape?"

Atenza6i COULD THIS POSSIBLY BE A NEW TSHIRT IDEA? front: OT logo back: "if he shredded up would look just as developed as a guy who is 20 lbs lighter and is shredded? his muscles would be smaller but more developed. so isnt there such thing as muscles changing shape?" Wait does OT have tshirts?

Opi Wait does OT have tshirts? Yeah the no gym for home one

Atenza6i COULD THIS POSSIBLY BE A NEW TSHIRT IDEA? front: OT logo back: "if he shredded up would look just as developed as a guy who is 20 lbs lighter and is shredded? his muscles would be smaller but more developed. so isnt there such thing as muscles changing shape?" so true

Michael Yeah the no gym for home one dont lie to me

Opi dont lie to me honestly. if you've read the F&N forum for more than a few weeks you'll see

Opi dont lie to me um, we're not lying.

Atenza6i um, we're not lying. link to shirt

Michael honestly. if you've read the F&N forum for more than a few weeks you'll see yeah yeah im a n00b to the forum

Opi link to shirt

Ceaze How can a muscle be "smaller but more developed?" This thread makes me want to cut my wrists the long way. ive worded this completely the wrong way and i apologize. let me ask another question... they say that muscle doesnt change shape right? it either grows or shrinks. larger muscles smaller muscles. now correct me if i am wrong. does that mean that higher rep exercise just makes those muscles bigger via sarcoplasmic whatever and lower rep just makes you stronger? so if a person is shooting for size dont they want to do higher rep?

muscle maturity?

Sarcoplasmic whatever? What's that? U mean hypertrophy?

no gym for home?

question about muscles and their development

for the arnold fans

for the arnold fans

you guys are right, he is the man. well second to frank zane.

Joser you guys are right, he is the man. well second to frank zane. NWS maybee...

why are they all wearing sunglasses?

NickStam why are they all wearing sunglasses? secret identities

I love Arnold but..WTF pic

Arnold can stick his fingers up my pussy anyday


NickStam why are they all wearing sunglasses?

2 in the pink, one in the stink.

major repost.

why does he have to have people helping him lift her leg? :weaksauce: I thought he was stronger than that.

Damn, I didn't realize Arnold was missing a finger.

Mystery Guest 2 in the pink, one in the stink. 2 in the goo, 1 in the poo 2 in the hair pie, 1 in the brown eye 2 in the skunk, 1 in the funk 2 in the cooty, 1 in the booty 2 in the pocket, 1 in the chocolate 2 in the kitty, 1 in the shitty 2 in the pumper, 1 in the dumper I had this window open:

for the arnold fans

Here is my deal, anyone with any knowlege on body this

Here is my deal, anyone with any knowlege on body this

Ok, I wish i had pics to tell the story.... My upper chest is fine, i can see improvements (line down the middle) and my "pecs" developing arms are fine, my legs are fine.... The problem comes with the lower chest/ "triangle groin area" It looks like i have ample amounts of fat around these areas....but i am the healthiest eater around plus i work-out everyday and i am petty freakin active walking around.... is cardio my answer?

wont go away until you cut

If you have fat around your belly, you need to lose it, and you can't spot reduce. Eating healthy != weight loss. Cardio, eat less, and try some abdominal tightening exercises (google).


Groin gyno.

2lowintegra gyno? YES! gyno on his abs! BRILLIANT!lc

jonno YES! gyno on his abs! BRILLIANT!lc that's my excuse

ralyks Cardio, eat less, and try some abdominal tightening exercises (google). ^^^ By 'lower chest', do you mean abdominals/obliques? It sounds like you need cardio and core exercises.

do squats on an exercise ball-its a wonderful core exercise =/

You've been on F&N forever dude, would've thought you'd know by now that the only way to get rid of fat is to cut it (and belly / lower torso fat is the last to go).

toconnx You've been on F&N forever dude, would've thought you'd know by now that the only way to get rid of fat is to cut it (and belly / lower torso fat is the last to go). yes, i just vented

Here is my deal, anyone with any knowlege on body this

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