Thursday, January 9, 2014

still confused about when to eat

still confused about when to eat

so i ate this morning at like 730 and its 1 now and i havent eaten since then, does it even matter that i go 6 hours or whatever without eating?

are you serious?

well everyone says eat 6 times a day , then someone says, you can eat 2 big meals in the morning and it doesnt matter BTW im not bulking.

hten eat when you're hungry

so that eating to keep your metabolism steady thing is BS?

ryazbeck so that eating to keep your metabolism steady thing is BS? yes

it all comes down to your calorie deficit

shastaisforwinners yes no it's not. It does keep your metabolism steady, but it doesn't speed it up

still confused about when to eat

Teen noob questions

Teen noob questions

Me: 15 years old (16 in about a week), 6'4", 230 lbs (about 35-40 lbs fat) 1: Whenever I start benching for the day, the first 5-6 reps (125 lbs) cause a really sharp pain my my upper arm. Not the normal weight lifting pain, this feels more like someone if trying to jam a pencil into my arm. My hands are about 20" apart of the bar, and I lower it to about 2-3 inches above my chest. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do about it? 2: I've been benching (stared at 120, now 125, about to go to 130) and curling (started at 60, now 70) for the past 2 weeks, but since about a week ago, I no longer feel soreness in my arms the next morning, though whenever I'm lifting, I feel that I'm pushing myself as hard as I can. Is this normal, or am I not stressing my muscles enough?

furious d Me: 15 years old (16 in about a week), 6'4", 230 lbs (about 35-40 lbs fat) 1: Whenever I start benching for the day, the first 5-6 reps (125 lbs) cause a really sharp pain my my upper arm. Not the normal weight lifting pain, this feels more like someone if trying to jam a pencil into my arm. My hands are about 20" apart of the bar, and I lower it to about 2-3 inches above my chest. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do about it? 2: I've been benching (stared at 120, now 125, about to go to 130) and curling (started at 60, now 70) for the past 2 weeks, but since about a week ago, I no longer feel soreness in my arms the next morning, though whenever I'm lifting, I feel that I'm pushing myself as hard as I can. Is this normal, or am I not stressing my muscles enough? Lower the bar to your chest to get the full range of motion. Do you do legwork too? Squats deadlifts.

I already have possibly the largest legs (calves are 19.5" around) in school, so for the time being, I'm just worrying about my upper body. I go hiking alot with a 50+ lb pack (even if I'm just at the mountain for a day, I still load it up with a bunch of 2 liter bottles full of water), and I feel that that gives me plenty of leg excersize. Though I have been meaning to test my max squat. What is the proper form for that? I know my back should be straight, but should my feet be facing straight forward, my knees extending in front of me, or should they be off the to side, my knees extending more to the right and left?

furious d I already have possibly the largest legs (calves are 19.5" around) in school, so for the time being, I'm just worrying about my upper body. I go hiking alot with a 50+ lb pack (even if I'm just at the mountain for a day, I still load it up with a bunch of 2 liter bottles full of water), and I feel that that gives me plenty of leg excersize. Though I have been meaning to test my max squat. What is the proper form for that? I know my back should be straight, but should my feet be facing straight forward, my knees extending in front of me, or should they be off the to side, my knees extending more to the right and left? Need to do squats. Best overall lift there is.

Read every noob thread available please.


furious d Me: 15 years old (16 in about a week), 6'4", 230 lbs (about 35-40 lbs fat) 1: Whenever I start benching for the day, the first 5-6 reps (125 lbs) cause a really sharp pain my my upper arm. Not the normal weight lifting pain, this feels more like someone if trying to jam a pencil into my arm. My hands are about 20" apart of the bar, and I lower it to about 2-3 inches above my chest. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do about it? 2: I've been benching (stared at 120, now 125, about to go to 130) and curling (started at 60, now 70) for the past 2 weeks, but since about a week ago, I no longer feel soreness in my arms the next morning, though whenever I'm lifting, I feel that I'm pushing myself as hard as I can. Is this normal, or am I not stressing my muscles enough? Thats a one big-ass fifteen year old (Props)

Thanks, though I'm way too weak in my upper body, the most I ever benched was 165 a few months ago, maybe I could manage 175 by now. Considering my size, I should be benching around 250.

i know my brother used to have trouble with pain in his shoulder when he benched. he switched over to dumbells for a while and that took care of it.

But back to the original questions: Is it normal to have that sharp pain in my upper arm for the first 5-6 reps while benching? Is it normal to stop feeling soreness the next day after lifting for only about a week and a half?

yea, it's normal to stop feeling soreness

Teen noob questions

Cabage soup cleansing

Cabage soup cleansing

Well folks I started my "cabage soup cleansing" on Monday. Got the regiment from a doctor at the Heart institute here in town. Not doing it to loose weight (I feel I'm right where I should be). I'm just looking to detoxify my system naturaly Just wondering if anyone else on this forum has done this cleansing and how did it work out for you? Ju

i don't believe in that crap

This brings back painful memories

hahaha fuck, my mom and my dad did that shit back in like 1995 and it didnt do shit for them.

i dont see the point. If you want your system cleaned out, go get a colonic cleanse.

Ceaze i don't believe in that crap .

dmaestro hahaha fuck, my mom and my dad did that shit back in like 1995 and it didnt do shit for them. Shit is about all it did for me I did a vege soup one that was tomato based and I didn't shit solid for months after. My gut hasn't been the same since then but I've been told that I have IBS so probably just coincidence that that was the change point.

Cabbage soup diet is, from all I know, absolute crap. So are most detox diets.

Dually noted crew! thanks for the input . Ju

Julu Dually noted crew! thanks for the input . Ju Wow..a perky new poster who didn't go up in flames immediately!

theres a right way to ask questions and a wrong way. We only flame noobs who ask stupid questions and are rude.

Elfling Wow..a perky new poster who didn't go up in flames immediately! LOL. Meh you take the good with the bad. People have to learn not to take things personally sometimes. I asked a question to get feedback, and that's what I got . No one said anything bad about me personally, so it's all good. Now on an new note! I exercise very regularly and during the week eat very healthy. Just wondering what arm exercise with light weights I can do to tone the region around the underarm, where the arm bends (not sure if I'm discribing it correctly ) Ju

Julu LOL. Meh you take the good with the bad. People have to learn not to take things personally sometimes. I asked a question to get feedback, and that's what I got . No one said anything bad about me personally, so it's all good. Now on an new note! I exercise very regularly and during the week eat very healthy. Just wondering what arm exercise with light weights I can do to tone the region around the underarm, where the arm bends (not sure if I'm discribing it correctly ) Ju Hum. Underside of the arm as in..triceps?? Above or below the elbow?

Basically where your armpit folds. I'm doing well with all other regions of my body, tricepts are coming along nicely . Just that little naggin part of the armpit fold

Julu Basically where your armpit folds. I'm doing well with all other regions of my body, tricepts are coming along nicely . Just that little naggin part of the armpit fold Sounds like that's probably more of a body-fat issue?

Well I'm 29, 5'4", 117 pounds and at 17% body fat. but you're most likely right. Just one of those parts I just might have to live with, cause I'm pleased at where I'm at right now... Again thanks for helping ju

Elfling Sounds like that's probably more of a body-fat issue? since genetics and size pretty much determine how a muscle looks, any kind of toning is pretty much a BF issue. The less BF you have covering your muscle, the more 'toned' it looks. just for ref, it sounds like it would be the posterior delt (Pic), teres major (Pic) or teres minor Pic). In which case these exercises might help get them bigger. [url][url] and [url][url]

Julu Well I'm 29, 5'4", 117 pounds and at 17% body fat. but you're most likely right. Just one of those parts I just might have to live with, cause I'm pleased at where I'm at right now... Again thanks for helping ju I have those too. I think it is partly due to having narrow shoulders. Instead of the lower outline of my chest going all the way up to my armpits, it stops at the fat folds. Sucks!

Thanks Dragon! The "Arnold Press" looks like something that might be helpful! And to be us

Cabage soup cleansing

Good place to buy whey protein near Toronto/Guelph/Waterloo?

Good place to buy whey protein near Toronto/Guelph/Waterloo?

I don't want to buy my protein online, and I would like to get some ON Whey protein. I live in Guelph, but everywhere I look has other brands. I think I might get some Muscle Milk (, for taste) and some ON Whey...if I can find it. Any help?


Sport Nutrition Depot has ON whey. I dunno about prices though.

Sports Nutrition Depot in Waterloo. $41.99 canadian for a 5lb tub of ON whey

the internet?

Maestro Nobones the internet? hes anti internet.

ryazbeck hes anti internet. and yet he poses this question on an internet message board. the mind boggles.

Maybe he doesn't want to pay online.

timberwolf Maybe he doesn't want to pay online. oh you mean he has that paranoia thats like so 5 years ago?

ryazbeck oh you mean he has that paranoia thats like so 5 years ago? Actually saw on the news that many still are. Or maybe he doesn't have his own credit card. Though there is paypal though you still need a credit card to create an account.

yea, i work tech support for dial up and DSL and the only people dumb enough to call are the ones who still live out in the woods, hardcore rednecks and hicks and shit. they think there are hackers running rampant trying to access their computer and that they are stealing all their information from their computers etc. oh yeah, old people, ollllld.

Yeah, sport nutrition depot is where I get my has the best prices that I could find.

timberwolf Or maybe he doesn't have his own credit card. Though there is paypal though you still need a credit card to create an account. Bingo. edit: and I'm not "anti-internet" , ryazbeck besides, even if I could buy online, I'd still probably buy locally unless I could get really good savings online

there's a SND warehouse in the plaza right beside U Waterloo campus

online is the way to go for cheapest prices.

Good place to buy whey protein near Toronto/Guelph/Waterloo?



2:30- Mix 3g CEE and 4g Di-Arg Malate into like 4oz of bad taste at all...just kind of sour...all you CEE taste haters are whiny bitches! 3:00- Start lifting back (feeling super sweet) 3:45- Ending lift on CG bench--triceps are normally cashed right now...but NO! I pump out 5x5 CG bench like it's my job Bottom line-CEE-Di-Arg Malate made my workout rock out with its cock out, and no bad taste to boot. Oh do those doses look

x 11ty billion

wait for someone who knows what those are

AAKG > Di-arginine malate

Ceaze AAKG > Di-arginine malate no

Sgt. Ownage no yes


Jigga who?

Ceaze yes whatever

Good stuff.. the pumps and vascularity get addicting. Stand by for some cool sexual side effects as well.

someone explain please

Sgt. Ownage whatever i'm not the only one who's experienced this

i didnt understand 80% of that post

zeromagnus yeah, I think Ceaze is right here...hell if I remember, though, it's been awhile since I've read about the stuff though...'s not a matter of right here...I used AAKG and didn't do shit...anyone want to buy the bottle?

aakg = win

AAKG needs to be at the right dosage to notice results.

pt Good stuff.. the pumps and vascularity get addicting. Stand by for some cool sexual side effects as well. Aren't you the guy who claimed his dick got bigger from taking ZMA?

tryfuhl aakg = win didnt do much for me

Rich_S Aren't you the guy who claimed his dick got bigger from taking ZMA? Nope But now that you mention it, Zinc, Yohimbine HCL, and Arginine are all known to improve erection and sexual function.

Sgt, What have your results been so far on this combo

anyone try the citrulline malate?

pt Sgt, What have your results been so far on this combo just that one day...haven't lifted in about 4 weeks

Sgt. Ownage's not a matter of right here...I used AAKG and didn't do shit...anyone want to buy the bottle? aakg > diarginine malate diarginine malate + CEE > aakg

im gonna bump this. started this combo today after just bein on CEE for a month or so. wow huge difference. 1. i could feel a difference in my muscle endurance. 2. the pump was almost unbearable, my forearms were feeling like they were gonna explode and making my grip give out. all in all if i work on my grip i think i will like this combo

gsteclipse97 im gonna bump this. started this combo today after just bein on CEE for a month or so. wow huge difference. 1. i could feel a difference in my muscle endurance. 2. the pump was almost unbearable, my forearms were feeling like they were gonna explode and making my grip give out. all in all if i work on my grip i think i will like this combo had you tried the aakg first? dosing?


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What are some healthy foods to get at a messican restarount?

What are some healthy foods to get at a messican restarount?

cinco de mayo and all.

40oz margarita pitchers. Nobody goes to eat Mexican on Cinco De Mayo for health reasons.

I was thinking a bucket of coronas, with some shotz, and a couple big ass fat burritos, but I doubt that will be healthy.

screw that, it's cinco de mayo. live it up.

aenz screw that, it's cinco de mayo. live it up. fuk yeah

i get beef fajitas for 2 like once a week from pappasitos...soo damn good

i had a boatload of chile colorado and carne asada for lunch today

Fajita's with no tortillas? Not really healthy, but there's no bread and beans and rice and shit. Just meat and vegetables and oil for the most part. Fuck if I know. Most mexican places will have a salad of some sort.

ENCHILADAS! sp there are no healthy mexican foods

get tacos without the shell, meat or cheese

What are some healthy foods to get at a messican restarount?

bioelectrical body composition

bioelectrical body composition

Theres a college coming to my gym doing bioelectrical body composition tests for 2 dollars, is this the same shit as though trashy bodyfat scales, or is a little more accurate, the real question is would it be worth the two dollars, it says the procedure takes 5 minutes, if it was just the scale I'd think it'd only take 5 seconds

Maybe they put electrodes on various body parts... kind of like the multiple point caliper test?

most of the ones you grip or stand on all ask for age/height etc. There not doing shit other then a math equation and making you think there using electricity. My gym had a really expensive one and I was a 6 pinch calipered 4% 3 days from a show and this thing read me at 11%. CRAP!!!!!!

it's just two bucks dude

well, i would think they could calculate the resistance of your boddy, but thus us not accurate, as skin is less resistave than fat, i believe.

nic379 it's just two bucks dude the man has a point

PurEvl the man has a point man?

nic379 man? oh crap...that was before the other post i on 25 carbs give me some slack here

PurEvl oh crap...that was before the other post i on 25 carbs give me some slack here it's cool i'm having a shitty day as well

Well true, but if it's as shitty as the scale it's not worth two cents or the time

How effective, are soundwaves for judging bodyfat? My roommate said thats what they used when he was swimming, it said he was 4% with 0 abs showing.

PurEvl most of the ones you grip or stand on all ask for age/height etc. There not doing shit other then a math equation and making you think there using electricity. My gym had a really expensive one and I was a 6 pinch calipered 4% 3 days from a show and this thing read me at 11%. CRAP!!!!!! Your bodyweight and height and age effect the equation used in figuring your body composition, the electrical signal isnt' everything. My college gym had a handheld electrical thing. Just slightly changing how strongly i gripped would throw the readings off a few percent. Getting my hands wet before using it would really fuck things up

drunknmunky How effective, are soundwaves for judging bodyfat? My roommate said thats what they used when he was swimming, it said he was 4% with 0 abs showing. No dunk tank, no care.

bioelectrical body composition

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