Wednesday, January 8, 2014

bioelectrical body composition

bioelectrical body composition

Theres a college coming to my gym doing bioelectrical body composition tests for 2 dollars, is this the same shit as though trashy bodyfat scales, or is a little more accurate, the real question is would it be worth the two dollars, it says the procedure takes 5 minutes, if it was just the scale I'd think it'd only take 5 seconds

Maybe they put electrodes on various body parts... kind of like the multiple point caliper test?

most of the ones you grip or stand on all ask for age/height etc. There not doing shit other then a math equation and making you think there using electricity. My gym had a really expensive one and I was a 6 pinch calipered 4% 3 days from a show and this thing read me at 11%. CRAP!!!!!!

it's just two bucks dude

well, i would think they could calculate the resistance of your boddy, but thus us not accurate, as skin is less resistave than fat, i believe.

nic379 it's just two bucks dude the man has a point

PurEvl the man has a point man?

nic379 man? oh crap...that was before the other post i on 25 carbs give me some slack here

PurEvl oh crap...that was before the other post i on 25 carbs give me some slack here it's cool i'm having a shitty day as well

Well true, but if it's as shitty as the scale it's not worth two cents or the time

How effective, are soundwaves for judging bodyfat? My roommate said thats what they used when he was swimming, it said he was 4% with 0 abs showing.

PurEvl most of the ones you grip or stand on all ask for age/height etc. There not doing shit other then a math equation and making you think there using electricity. My gym had a really expensive one and I was a 6 pinch calipered 4% 3 days from a show and this thing read me at 11%. CRAP!!!!!! Your bodyweight and height and age effect the equation used in figuring your body composition, the electrical signal isnt' everything. My college gym had a handheld electrical thing. Just slightly changing how strongly i gripped would throw the readings off a few percent. Getting my hands wet before using it would really fuck things up

drunknmunky How effective, are soundwaves for judging bodyfat? My roommate said thats what they used when he was swimming, it said he was 4% with 0 abs showing. No dunk tank, no care.

bioelectrical body composition

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