Tuesday, January 7, 2014

BP measured really high

BP measured really high

Measured my BP on an electronic cuff today at my clinical internship site and it was 160/90 I got the same numbers from a diff machine a week ago ... no clue what's going on. I have been taking caffiene and ALCAR and creatine as supps, but those should only have short term effects on BP. I haven't done any cardio for a while since I've been trying to bulk lately, but even so, that high just sounds way ot of wack. Next week when I go back I'm gonna have a nurse measure it a few times with a manual cuff to hopefully get a more accurate reading.

DraicKin Measured my BP on an electronic cuff today at my clinical internship site and it was 160/90 I got the same numbers from a diff machine a week ago ... no clue what's going on. I have been taking caffiene and ALCAR and creatine as supps, but those should only have short term effects on BP. I haven't done any cardio for a while since I've been trying to bulk lately, but even so, that high just sounds way ot of wack. Next week when I go back I'm gonna have a nurse measure it a few times with a manual cuff to hopefully get a more accurate reading. I have ahd the same problem and also the Doctor saw it read high to. But then he measured it a different way and it was almost normal. Sometimes the doctor says that your muscle in your arm will get in the way of an accurate reading.

Mine today was 149/78 Ah well

GilgaMesH Mine today was 149/78 Ah well remember that the diastolic is the more important number. the systolic is more "situational" and has a tendency to fluctuate a lot. a diastolic over 90 indicates hypertension, hence why i freaked out. your diastolic of is in a normal range (60-90). def going to get it checked the right way by someone who knows what they're doing.

DraicKin remember that the diastolic is the more important number. the systolic is more "situational" and has a tendency to fluctuate a lot. a diastolic over 90 indicates hypertension, hence why i freaked out. your diastolic of is in a normal range (60-90). def going to get it checked the right way by someone who knows what they're doing. 160 does sound very high, how old are you? do you have any bad headaches?

while we're on the subject, any reason why my diastolic would be so damn low, I was 140/50 last time I checked...

The more fat you have on your body the higher its going to be. So if youre bulking I would expect it to go up.

are those BP things in grocery stores accurate? I got high readings in all 3 things it took, can't remember what they were though

DraicKin Measured my BP on an electronic cuff today at my clinical internship site and it was 160/90 I got the same numbers from a diff machine a week ago ... no clue what's going on. I have been taking caffiene and ALCAR and creatine as supps, but those should only have short term effects on BP. I haven't done any cardio for a while since I've been trying to bulk lately, but even so, that high just sounds way ot of wack. Next week when I go back I'm gonna have a nurse measure it a few times with a manual cuff to hopefully get a more accurate reading. If you have been working out very hard that can raise your blood pressure for awhile. I'd suggest taking a few days off before you get it checked again. Might want to eat a banana or two a day also. The potassium can help. And yeah, cutting back on the caffiene might help also.

BP measured really high





Whey vs. Soy

Whey vs. Soy

I went through archive threads, but I'm still a bit fuzzy what's the main advantage of whey? I have a small barrel of 90% soy protein that I would like to use up, unless there is a reason not to

dont use soy

sans_pants dont use soy why not?

use it up then get whey from now on

Sammo I went through archive threads, but I'm still a bit fuzzy what's the main advantage of whey? I have a small barrel of 90% soy protein that I would like to use up, unless there is a reason not to Soy supposedly lowers test and raises estrogen levels

ACURA TL-S Soy supposedly lowers test and raises estrogen levels Fuck!

use it up and then switch to whey, casein, or egg


but there isn't much harm in finishing it up?

jonno use it up then get whey from now on .

thanks guys

Soy Sux.

Yea, not much harm if you finish it up, just don't engage in long-term soy use. I've heard anything up to about 25 - 30 g a day is fine, but if you're taking in more than that everyday on a consistent basis, over time your test. will drop and estrogen will increase.

azns should be weakass bitches with all the soy sauce they comsume

I say buy whey, but also use up the soy. But as far as protein powders go, whey should be your main (or only) source.

Sammo Fuck! you can send me your soy protein

you're gong to grow tits and a vagina if you keep using soy

why not go ahead and get some whey, and mix the two together so you end up using the soy, but over a longer period of time without the consequences of lowered test levels.

Whey vs. Soy

Question about Protein and Carbs

Question about Protein and Carbs

Same friend who told me about the stomach not being able to handle more than 25 g of protein in a serving said that carbs are necessary to "push protein through your system". And also that I should be eating double the amount of carbs as I am protein... The first part seemed like it could be based in truth somehow... second part sounds ridiculous compared to everything I've seen about successful bulking diets.

tell your friend that he is an idiot hint: ketones

Tell your "friend" to follow his own advice and see what happens

SLO2 Same friend who told me about the stomach not being able to handle more than 25 g of protein in a serving said that carbs are necessary to "push protein through your system". And also that I should be eating double the amount of carbs as I am protein... The first part seemed like it could be based in truth somehow... second part sounds ridiculous compared to everything I've seen about successful bulking diets. your friend is a moron, and thats being nice. I've got no clue what teh hell he could mean about carbs pushing protein through your system? :?: As for how much protein, will, you should be taking in around 1-1.5 g/lb (you only need around 1), 20-30% cals from fat and carbs should make up the balance of cals. So depending on what you set your proetin intake at, your carb-protin ratio can vary from approx 1.25:1 (protein = 1.5g/lb) to 2.38:1 (protein = 1 g/lb) assuming consisent fat intake % So technically your friend is right on the second point (2:1 ratio occurs at protein = 1.125 g/lb), but the reasons why he thinks it are probably way off base.

Question about Protein and Carbs

This article made me think of Tize...

This article made me think of Tize...


This article made me think of Tize...

This article made me think of Tize...

inflammed shoulder... how do you know you have one?

inflammed shoulder... how do you know you have one?

and what do you do if you do have one? also, how long should i wait before i resume lifting?

Uh, calm down, relax... 1. Take anti-inflamatory (Ibphrophen) 2. Ice for 15 minutes (with towel) 3. Relax 4. ? 5. Profit You probably could start lifting again in like a couple of days -- depending on how serious it is.

just take a break for a week and see what happens.

inflammed shoulder... how do you know you have one?

For those who know Max OT

For those who know Max OT

What do you think of the 'muscle memory' postulation? I can almost always use heavier weights at the beggining of my set rather than at the end, but is this hurting my long term gains? Or does it only apply if youre 100% using Max OT?

I have no idea what you're talking about but... if I attemp a 1rm before doing my sets, I can't do nearly as much reps or sets

this shit is bananas, b, a, nan, a, s!

PreemO this shit is bananas, b, a, nan, a, s!

Um, the thing about Max OT that I read said that your muscles adapt based on your last set, so if you do your heaviest set first and your lighter sets later on than your muscles will adapt to your lighter sets...

Sounds like you read another AST Paul Cribb artical to me, you gotta learn to stay away from those.

therealdeal Um, the thing about Max OT that I read said that your muscles adapt based on your last set, so if you do your heaviest set first and your lighter sets later on than your muscles will adapt to your lighter sets... same principle behind CP. based on a study i posted a while back.

The question is, what do you guys think about it? Like I said before, I find I can lift a lot more weight when my muscles are fresh. Its not that I'm not going to failure on my last set, its just that the failure for my last set is a lesser weight than my first set.

Mike McDermott how is that the same principle behind cp? dont you prgressively up the weight on CP ME days? even on DE days, throw in a heavier set at the end on occasion. this trains your muscles toward the heavier weight. i dont have time to find the articles, but they are there.

therealdeal The question is, what do you guys think about it? Like I said before, I find I can lift a lot more weight when my muscles are fresh. Its not that I'm not going to failure on my last set, its just that the failure for my last set is a lesser weight than my first set. if your looking to follow max-ot it doesnt work that way. heaviest you can consistently lift for 2-3 sets of 4-6 reps. if you cant do 4, go lighter, if you can do more than 6, go heavier. dont forget the 3-4 sets of warmup weight. personally, i think its a great program. my only suggestion, which i dont remember being in there, is to rotate the daily compound movement every few weeks. i hit CNS failure bgi time about 7-8 weeks in.

For those who know Max OT

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