Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Whey vs. Soy

Whey vs. Soy

I went through archive threads, but I'm still a bit fuzzy what's the main advantage of whey? I have a small barrel of 90% soy protein that I would like to use up, unless there is a reason not to

dont use soy

sans_pants dont use soy why not?

use it up then get whey from now on

Sammo I went through archive threads, but I'm still a bit fuzzy what's the main advantage of whey? I have a small barrel of 90% soy protein that I would like to use up, unless there is a reason not to Soy supposedly lowers test and raises estrogen levels

ACURA TL-S Soy supposedly lowers test and raises estrogen levels Fuck!

use it up and then switch to whey, casein, or egg


but there isn't much harm in finishing it up?

jonno use it up then get whey from now on .

thanks guys

Soy Sux.

Yea, not much harm if you finish it up, just don't engage in long-term soy use. I've heard anything up to about 25 - 30 g a day is fine, but if you're taking in more than that everyday on a consistent basis, over time your test. will drop and estrogen will increase.

azns should be weakass bitches with all the soy sauce they comsume

I say buy whey, but also use up the soy. But as far as protein powders go, whey should be your main (or only) source.

Sammo Fuck! you can send me your soy protein

you're gong to grow tits and a vagina if you keep using soy

why not go ahead and get some whey, and mix the two together so you end up using the soy, but over a longer period of time without the consequences of lowered test levels.

Whey vs. Soy

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