Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Question about Protein and Carbs

Question about Protein and Carbs

Same friend who told me about the stomach not being able to handle more than 25 g of protein in a serving said that carbs are necessary to "push protein through your system". And also that I should be eating double the amount of carbs as I am protein... The first part seemed like it could be based in truth somehow... second part sounds ridiculous compared to everything I've seen about successful bulking diets.

tell your friend that he is an idiot hint: ketones

Tell your "friend" to follow his own advice and see what happens

SLO2 Same friend who told me about the stomach not being able to handle more than 25 g of protein in a serving said that carbs are necessary to "push protein through your system". And also that I should be eating double the amount of carbs as I am protein... The first part seemed like it could be based in truth somehow... second part sounds ridiculous compared to everything I've seen about successful bulking diets. your friend is a moron, and thats being nice. I've got no clue what teh hell he could mean about carbs pushing protein through your system? :?: As for how much protein, will, you should be taking in around 1-1.5 g/lb (you only need around 1), 20-30% cals from fat and carbs should make up the balance of cals. So depending on what you set your proetin intake at, your carb-protin ratio can vary from approx 1.25:1 (protein = 1.5g/lb) to 2.38:1 (protein = 1 g/lb) assuming consisent fat intake % So technically your friend is right on the second point (2:1 ratio occurs at protein = 1.125 g/lb), but the reasons why he thinks it are probably way off base.

Question about Protein and Carbs

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