Monday, January 6, 2014

Bulk Nutrition = 1Fast400?

Bulk Nutrition = 1Fast400?

Are these the same company/website? Im sure this has been covered before but couldnt find anything referencing it when I searched.

nope two different companys BN copied 1fast I think they are in the middle of a lawsuit about it now

DCCapen WTF? STFU What would you know about suppliments? Do you even workout

order from 1fast400, the people at bulk nutrition are dicks

DCCapen actually yes I do, and I know all I personally need about them The point in the post was that they are the same company. I almost doubted myself for a min until I double checked the log history at the site and the owner.

Jeff Coleman order from 1fast400, the people at bulk nutrition are dicks ripping off 1fast like that

i just read like 10 pposts a few hours ago about this shit

DCCapen And here Jeg was, just being facetious, I thought he was just a moron. I'm a little bit of each


1fast it is then, thanks for the replies

Um, same company.

I ordered from 1fast400 and they sent me a free bulk nutrition t-shirt...

dingo I ordered from 1fast400 and they sent me a free bulk nutrition t-shirt... theyre sending me a free gym bag

I'm both, I guess I have identity problems

1Fast400 I'm both, I guess I have identity problems

Bulk Nutrition = 1Fast400?

great grip excercises!

great grip excercises!

if anyone wants to copy and paste all the pages into a word doc, that would be awesome

that dude is the rainman of grip exercises

Leo95SE if anyone wants to copy and paste all the pages into a word doc, that would be awesome its in the grip thread. Here is something like 35 grip tips on the site. Some good stuff.

awesome, didnt see the link there before.. good stuff

great grip excercises!

I need to lose as close to 30 lbs as I can in 9-10 weeks

I need to lose as close to 30 lbs as I can in 9-10 weeks

Am I crazy? I'm 5'11", 230 lbs, and I'm aiming to be around 200 come the second week of June. Thinking about going in, lifting weights for an hour or two, and then going to do some heavy cardiovascular (sp) for another hour or two. Suggestions? Death Warrants? EDIT: Changed the weekage to 10-15 weeks. If I start this Sunday (and start counting weeks from there) this will give me until the early/middle part of July to reach the weight limit I'd like.


and you have 2 months you should be able to pull it off if you seriously commit yourself. Read Christophers want to lose fat sticky

Military might be easier Going to Australia to meet up with an ex-girlfriend temporarily, whilst visiting another girl. I want this, basically, to be as much of a 'look what you lost'-type of thing. Yeah, it's a shitty reason, but I've been trying to get up the motivation to start working out again, and I believe, that this would be a good one. Reading the guide right now, btw.

3lbs/week is what you need to lose. Which is a 10,500 calorie per week deficit, which is roughly 1500 calories/day under maintenance. It can be done, but it'll be tough.. and you will lose muscle in the process.

As I said, as close to 30 lbs as I can get by the second week of June. I also could probably push the deadline back to the end of June, but that'll be pushing it. Anybody have suggestions on food ideas? I see from the fat thread to avoid certain things, and to have more of others. Wonder if odd, shitty meals like Tuna Helper (ugh.) might have anything good out there. I've honestly never scouted specifically for higher-health foods

Hezkezl As I said, as close to 30 lbs as I can get by the second week of June. I also could probably push the deadline back to the end of June, but that'll be pushing it. Anybody have suggestions on food ideas? I see from the fat thread to avoid certain things, and to have more of others. Wonder if odd, shitty meals like Tuna Helper (ugh.) might have anything good out there. I've honestly never scouted specifically for higher-health foods It really doesn't matter WHAT you eat, but how MUCH you eat.

Or how little?

Hezkezl As I said, as close to 30 lbs as I can get by the second week of June. I also could probably push the deadline back to the end of June, but that'll be pushing it. Anybody have suggestions on food ideas? I see from the fat thread to avoid certain things, and to have more of others. Wonder if odd, shitty meals like Tuna Helper (ugh.) might have anything good out there. I've honestly never scouted specifically for higher-health foods Tuna fresh veggies Im all out of ideas

Hezkezl Or how little?

I hear you can live with no food for about 2 weeks. Maybe you shouldnt eat at all.

How's this sound: Monday: Legs (Squats and the like, probably) Tuesday: Arms/Chest (Benchpressing, Arm Curls, etc) Wednesday: Abs/Stomach (Crunches, situps, etc) Thursday: Arms again Friday: Legs again Saturday: Running Sunday: A certain video game (that I have been playing for years, but is now slowly catching on with the media as a 'weightloss'-type game) that I'm sure some people on here don't like. DDR! (Note, that I'm at the extreme upper levels on this game, and I can easily go from being completely normal, to arms, legs, lungs dead, flat on the ground gasping for breath, a minute and a half later) Also note, that after every day (except Saturday) I will be accompanying it with a half hour-hour jog/run around my local high school track. Suggestions? Comments? IBddrisghey.

Ilyusha Wasn't planning on NOT eating, but cutting back, to me, severely

I'm losing about 3lbs per week on a 1400 cal diet while working out.

Soularis I'm losing about 3lbs per week on a 1400 cal diet while working out. Details?

Hezkezl Details? His maintenance is ~3000 calories/day.

Soularis I'm losing about 3lbs per week on a 1400 cal diet while working out. and im losing the same on a 2400 or so diet. everyone is different

Hezkezl Details? Lift 3 days a week, cardio once, but I also do kickboxing and grappling twice a week. When I'm home I try to keep as busy as possible, doing light ab and core work including a lot of medicine ball stuff especially when watching TV. If I eat too many calories I'll try to do a little something before bed, even if it's just some jumping jacks or push ups.

Are you trying to lose weight? Gain muscle? With your routine there you might be over working yourself a little. I'd do it more like: Monday: Arms/Chest Tue: Off Wed: Legs + squats Thur: Off (you can do arms if they're fully regained Fri: Abdominals/Back + dead lifts Sat: HIIT (sprinting, interval training) Sun: Off (legs again if you can muster the strength. I wouldn't recommend it.) I normally wouldn't recommend working out more than 4 times a week. After that point you'd be doing more harm to your body than good. Instead of jogging everyday I'd just recommend medium-light cardio activity. Walk your dog, go for a walk, a bike ride, play some basketball, etc. You don't have to run around a track to do cardio. Also, 30 lbs is almost too much to lose over the course of 15 weeks. Instead of focusing on losing weight, I'd focus more on changing your body composition. Get lots of protein and eat very clean so you don't lose so much muscle mass. Focus on a different number than how much you weigh. You can do some form of body composition tests, or use measurements (chest, waist, arms, legs, etc) to keep more accurate measurements of your health. Weight can be deceiving. For your diet, don't look to "healthy alternatives" (ie chicken sandwich from Wendy's instead of hamburger from McDonalds) just eat healthy. Focus on "clean" protein-rich foods like bonless/skinless chicken breasts, fish, tuna, oatmeal, fruits, veggies, etc. If you want to lose 2lbs a week then there won't be much room for cheating. Check out the various archived threads and the stickies in this forum for a wealth of diet/exercise info. Good luck, be safe.

Thanks everybody for the replies My main problem, is this odd beer gut I seemed to have grown.. I'm willing to do almost whatever it takes, to get it as gone as possible Guess I'll change from focusing on what my weight is, to my gut size! I'll give your suggestions a try, xpinchx, as well as, obviously, some of what's listed in the newb fat losing thread. I do agree that running everyday might be a bit much, I just sketched out a rough idea for ideas. Thanks again for the ideas, keep 'em comin Edit: I've actually got some huge-ish legs. Mainly, from doing the above video game that I mentioned, just about every week for the past 2 years. I think I can whip them back into a little bit better shape, and muster up the leg muscle to do another set of leg workouts during the week

I need to lose as close to 30 lbs as I can in 9-10 weeks

ATTN: Norman Normal

ATTN: Norman Normal

you got progress piccys yet bitch? IBlockedsendapm

sr20wop you got progress piccys yet bitch? IBlockedsendapm no, i am interested too...

I do but I'm too much of a pussy to post them.

NormanNormal I do but I'm too much of a pussy to post them. shiiit, i'll post pics of me when i was 265, if u post urs... IBThisaintimwithopugheyfag EDIT: well if yu ae not gonna posty pics, habve u gained any weight yet?

I do plan on posting them but not until i've made some more dramatic progress.. the problem is that I have made quite a few enemies (if you want to call them that) on the main forum and I'm sure they would use it against me. They have already made fun of me enough. If you guys are really interested in my progress you can check out my journal here:

NormanNormal I do but I'm too much of a pussy to post them. awww come on... you should feel safe in f&n or scared... either one

NormanNormal I do plan on posting them but not until i've made some more dramatic progress.. the problem is that I have made quite a few enemies (if you want to call them that) on the main forum and I'm sure they would use it against me. They have already made fun of me enough. If you guys are really interested in my progress you can check out my journal here: they will be baned if they post em there...

NormanNormal I do plan on posting them but not until i've made some more dramatic progress.. the problem is that I have made quite a few enemies (if you want to call them that) on the main forum and I'm sure they would use it against me. They have already made fun of me enough. If you guys are really interested in my progress you can check out my journal here: fair enough

how come yur not usin f&n training log

sr20wop awww come on... you should feel safe in f&n F&N is like my sanctuary I'm off to bed guys.. you guys will get pics, just wait a bit more.

damn man good luck i didnt know you were that skinny. i hope you get bigger

sr20wop how come yur not usin f&n training log mostly because it didnt exist when I started my log at wannabebig

damn man, yur makin pretty nice progress... keep up the good work

sr20wop damn man, yur makin pretty nice progress... keep up the good work i agree... keep eating, and keep us updated...

ATTN: Norman Normal

Yohimbine people: Do you take yohimbine on days with no morning cardio?

Yohimbine people: Do you take yohimbine on days with no morning cardio?

Is it still effective? It seems like the stuff I read implies that it should only be used before cardio and in the morning when your insulin is low. Otherwise it doesn't serve a purpose.

i'd still take it

Thanks. My thighs are still rocking from the uphill sprinting.

Yeah I still take it and just don't eat for like 2-3 hours.

It made me all jittery.

iCe It made me all jittery. lightweight

Ceaze lightweight or he took the extract like me

size18boarder or he took the extract like me the herbal version was weaker than the synthetic version, for me

Ceaze the herbal version was weaker than the synthetic version, for me uh i dont know which i had but i ODed and went to the hospital and got a raging boner...covered by a paper gown...i was pitching a fucking tent

i made a nasal batch. 5g per ml and used three squirts along with 200mg caffeine for the first time today. didnt affect me as much as i thought it might.

vettedude tell em about the day you took 20 yohimbine pills(50mg) when I told you to take 20mg.

aenz i made a nasal batch. 5g per ml and used three squirts along with 200mg caffeine for the first time today. didnt affect me as much as i thought it might. i hope you mean 5mg

haha yeah my bad... otherwise i'd be a beast and half

Yohimbine people: Do you take yohimbine on days with no morning cardio?

My cheat-meal last night...

My cheat-meal last night...

So ive been craving a cheat meal for a while, and i finally broke down last night at like 11pm, i headed out to Taco Bell to stuff my face, heres what i ate: 1 Mexican Pizza 1 7-Layer Burrito 1 Double Decker Taco Totals:Calories:1420 Total Fat:67g Sodium:3190mg Carbs:152 Protein:54g should of seen the shit i took this morning

I hate 3 cookies last night.

no pics of huge shit = thread failure

i'm on break this week so my diet went to shit a couple nights.. got crunk 2 nights in a row and just ate shit while i was drunk. i'm back on track now though

jonno no pics of huge shit = thread failure it was actualy 2 shits, i shat once right when i woke up, then after breakfast i felt the urge to shat again

Nice sodium.

I felt like such a bitch yesturday, I had a wendys classic triple and after I ate it my stomach didnt feel so good from the grease

wtf i hate it when ppl say "cheat meal". Just eat well and lift hard. how hard is t hat.

brolli wtf i hate it when ppl say "cheat meal". Just eat well and lift hard. how hard is t hat. Because on many regimens a cheat or a free meal is figured in Helps psychologically and physiologically.

psychologically, cheat meals help me tons. call me a b*tch, but i enjoy having a meal or two during the week where i eat something i normally wouldn't while cutting. i don't care if i dont lose another .25 lb that week that i could've. i'm still losing fat, holding onto muscle, and i'm having a great time doing it. i don't compete and i'm just doing it for myself so i have no deadline to lose weight by. i'm not gonna be a pussy and never enjoy some of the fine things of life, like delicious foods. =D and chiggin' wings are dam good.

brolli wtf i hate it when ppl say "cheat meal". Just eat well and lift hard. how hard is t hat. woah there big guy, i dont think anyone here is at your level yet.

argh! past few days i've been cheating bad!

my cheat meal last night was a pitcher of miller light and a chicken quesadilla from taco bell.

fuck, taco bell is sooooooo good

I went to a buffet. I ate 4 plates of chicken curry, 3 plates of salad piling up (used a normal plate and not a salad plate. ) and 3 bowls of soup. Japanese people made remarks. teehee.

hating places like taco bell and mcd's makes it a lot easier on me to stay on track.

i'd definitely say that of the fast food chains, taco bell is the hardest to resist especially at like 2am on a saturday night, shit tastes like gold

White Castle is good too at 2 AM.

If I go to Taco Bell, I get at least 2 1/2 lb bean burritos and 2 grande soft tacos. 2100 calories 84 fat grams 252 carbs 80 protein

i think ill have a cheat meal tonight

My cheat-meal last night...

What to take after creatine?

What to take after creatine?

I am curious about what supplement I should take after my 3 months of creatine. Should I just continue taking it or should I take something else?


blue-streak m1t Isn't that a steriod?


tize every 6 weeks take a 2 week break Alright. And when I start again I should go through the reloading period.

test injections

Nothing. Can't you just stop for a week or two then repeat?

Gutrat Nothing. Can't you just stop for a week or two then repeat? I have read a couple different things. But I was wondering if anyone can recommend something that works better.

HMB+pyruvate just stay off it once you're done

SpeedyGST HMB+pyruvate just stay off it once you're done I think I will pass.

clomid to get rid of the bitch tits

Soularis clomid to get rid of the bitch tits




A shit

CEE maybe?

cavefish CEE maybe? I have been looking into this. Should I take it right after finishing Creatine Monohydrate?

What to take after creatine?

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