Monday, January 6, 2014

Bulk Nutrition = 1Fast400?

Bulk Nutrition = 1Fast400?

Are these the same company/website? Im sure this has been covered before but couldnt find anything referencing it when I searched.

nope two different companys BN copied 1fast I think they are in the middle of a lawsuit about it now

DCCapen WTF? STFU What would you know about suppliments? Do you even workout

order from 1fast400, the people at bulk nutrition are dicks

DCCapen actually yes I do, and I know all I personally need about them The point in the post was that they are the same company. I almost doubted myself for a min until I double checked the log history at the site and the owner.

Jeff Coleman order from 1fast400, the people at bulk nutrition are dicks ripping off 1fast like that

i just read like 10 pposts a few hours ago about this shit

DCCapen And here Jeg was, just being facetious, I thought he was just a moron. I'm a little bit of each


1fast it is then, thanks for the replies

Um, same company.

I ordered from 1fast400 and they sent me a free bulk nutrition t-shirt...

dingo I ordered from 1fast400 and they sent me a free bulk nutrition t-shirt... theyre sending me a free gym bag

I'm both, I guess I have identity problems

1Fast400 I'm both, I guess I have identity problems

Bulk Nutrition = 1Fast400?

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