Monday, January 6, 2014

Should AFL/ pro Teams start drafting ....

Should AFL/ pro Teams start drafting ....

350 lb Lifters who squat 900 and bench 600 with no particular skill or experience in football and put them on the line? Would it be worth it to put strong powerful dudes and teach them football?

no...look at Brock Lesnar

i think football is more a combo of speed/strength/leverage...when it comes to line men, not just brute strength.

jmx2323 i think football is more a combo of speed/strength/leverage...when it comes to line men, not just brute strength. How about a nose tackle? edit...well I guess they already do

Ceaze no...look at Brock Lesnar story?


stealthrapt0r story? he got cut from the vikings after trying out

Power is much more important than strength when it comes to lineplay. I you could find 350 pounders who had good balance, conditioning, grip strength, and the ability to move explosively (power), then you would have something to work with. I played ball with a lot of guys that look like tarzan and play like jane.

yeah but benching, while laying stationary on your back is diffrent from benching(pushing) a 280lb lineman who is shifting/droping his weight and trying to fight you off while moving in every direction.

jmx2323 yeah but benching, while laying stationary on your back is diffrent from benching(pushing) a 280lb lineman who is shifting/droping his weight and trying to fight you off while moving in every direction. but regardless of skill, your average lineman won't stop an animal who simply out muscles you

If you trained the Westside lifters to be football players long enough I'm sure they'd have a chance, whereas if you just took them and lined them up against a Pro Bowl tackle they'd probably get raped.

I agree with the brute strength argument, but you guys are acting like NFL lineman only bench 225 and squat 300....with out a doubt they train diffrently becasue they need explosive strength but also need it for 60+ playing min.

stealthrapt0r story? guy thought that because he was strong, he could play football. Guy tried out, and realized that he failed horribly. Came to the conclusion that because you are strong does not mean shit and went back to wrestling.


Should AFL/ pro Teams start drafting ....

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