Wednesday, January 1, 2014

protein shake and the liver

protein shake and the liver

my friend keeps telling me that its bad for your liver. could he be right? discuss.

Joser could he be right? no

i drink on average 3 shakes a day, 2 scoops each. Ive done this for about the past 2 years. I just got my liver/kidney/cholesterol/blood lipids/blood pressure checked from the doctor, and everything is perfect. Tell your friend not to get his news from the media

Jeff Coleman i drink on average 3 shakes a day, 2 scoops each. Ive done this for about the past 2 years. I just got my liver/kidney/cholesterol/blood lipids/blood pressure checked from the doctor, and everything is perfect. Tell your friend not to get his news from the media ai ai captain

wow i thought my friends were dumb

deznutz wow i thought my friends were dumb probably the same type of kid who gets wasted every week

Joser my friend keeps telling me that its bad for your liver. could he be right? discuss. what is there to discuss? your friend is a fucking idiot.

Ceaze probably the same type of kid who gets wasted every week i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine how do you know? And i wonder why you have low test

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine Liver transplant patients < * They are in the worst condition out of anyone in the hospital. Don't drink 4 times/week dude.

I think alcohol lowers testosteron production. Don't get wasted 4 times a week. What's the point really?

Ilyusha Liver transplant patients < * They are in the worst condition out of anyone in the hospital. Don't drink 4 times/week dude. meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p

mike meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p Most are white males in their 40's who come from small towns in the northern part of California. Mostly Redding and the areas around there.. it sucks man. Liver transplants are a bitch, and most can thank alcoholism for them.

mike meh, if that were the case than 50% of college would need a transplant by graduation =p i'll be in teh hospital next to you broly

whats with F&N broly's drinking....

I dont drink like that anymore but first, the gains ive seen by stopping have been less then spectacular, and two, I'd be lying bad if i said i don't miss those days.

smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win.

incubimmer smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win.

mike i get wasted 4 times a week and my liver is fine why would you drink that much if your were truly serious about training, especially when compounded with low test?

incubimmer smoke weed!!!1! no calories+no side effects+no addiction+much better, non hungover feeling-the price(for non growers)=teh win. not too mention, its a great aid for bulking

HYEEEEYEYEYYEYEYE smoke weed every day.

Dragon not too mention, its a great aid for bulking and it makes you stupid as fuck (no offense)

SteveO and it makes you stupid as fuck (no offense) For.. like.. 2 hours bro.

Ilyusha For.. like.. 2 hours bro. right.. everyone I know that smokes is stupid as shit. Most people will say the same except for the ones that smoke it, and don't actually see the handicap setting in because it's a slow process

SteveO right.. everyone I know that smokes is stupid as shit. Most people will say the same except for the ones that smoke it, and don't actually see the handicap setting in because it's a slow process I got my best best marks at university the last 2 years when I smoked regularly, and I'd now consider my sucessful engineer doing what I love. I've also know engineers who were 'A' students through HS and university who were regular smokers. So please don't generalize just because you know a couple of people who got stupid

protein shake and the liver

last call for selling a bench shirt

last call for selling a bench shirt

before i put it on ebay. its a brand new inzer. size 46. sizing here: also have a new size 3 groove briefs, if anyone's skinny enough for them $35 shipped for the shirt. $15 shipped for the briefs. thanks

You must be swimming in that shirt

Jeg1983 You must be swimming in that shirt no. actually, it's too small. it fits my arms ok, but my lats are too big.

SickLife no. actually, it's too small. it fits my arms ok, but my lats are too big. Then you are not trying hard enough to get it on I am 220 and I can fit into a 46

damn, i wish u where bigger, i ended up with a 52 sirt

Jeg1983 Then you are not trying hard enough to get it on I am 220 and I can fit into a 46 i can get it on. with 15 minutes & 2 people helping. but it cuts off my circulation real bad. & i can't lift my arms out in front of me at all.

Thats how its supposed to fit

You just need to break it in, put it on wear it let it warm up and then bench a bit with it. Just go as low as you can with the shirt on, you will eventually break it in.

Jeg1983 You just need to break it in, put it on wear it let it warm up and then bench a bit with it. Just go as low as you can with the shirt on, you will eventually break it in. it's not a matter of going low. i literally can't even pull my arms out in front of me. they just hang at my sides.

You just need to play with it. The shirt is not to small

vettedude damn, i wish u where bigger, i ended up with a 52 sirt Bro do you have any pics? I just get the impression that you are this massive dude. I dunno measurments if you dont want to do pics and numbers would be awsome.

Jeg1983 You just need to play with it. The shirt is not to small well, regardless. i already have a 48. so i'm selling the 46.

Silver85327 Bro do you have any pics? I just get the impression that you are this massive dude. I dunno measurments if you dont want to do pics and numbers would be awsome. i am tiny.. look in my log...

vettedude i am tiny.. look in my log... K then. That puts my curiousness to ease. I just pictured a Christophers JR when I thought about your posts.

last call for selling a bench shirt

curiosity has me of what christophers looks like...

curiosity has me of what christophers looks like...

he is always giving advice... saying what to do and what not to do... a pic of christophers so we can see if it is legit or not?

/ib hislatpicturesmakeyoufaintanddiscourageyoufromever liftingeveragainbecausethatiswhathappenedtohalfoft hisforum

he knows what hes talking about, believe it. /thread

lol...wasnt there an official F&N post your pics thread? we should make a new one, im sure everyones got newer pics. sticky it?


seriously... i mean i trust that he knows what he is talking about... just wanna see if he uses his own advice...

did someone say drama?

Ceaze are you serious?

Mike McDermott He is a powerlifter, not a bodybuilder. But I'm sure that he is very sexy. Where do you work out at in gville?

XsLiCk are you serious? almost as serious as your obesity.

interesting... im not being a dick about this either i really was curious...

cus he has given me a lot of advice...

Ceaze hahahahahahahaha, thats me in the offseason, I diet pretty hard for shows

christophers edit: I call bullshit.

christophers Lies even for a fat body hes fucking enormous. You could advertise on that thing

christophers wow.


right, that guy easily looks 300 lbs

404 mohawk not found.

hmmm, in for more pics

If that's Chris then sweet..

wouldn't it be better to not know what he looks like? the advice is all more than helpful for me personally.

i've seen 2 pics of him and i've talked to him on the phone i just need his e-autograph

curiosity has me of what christophers looks like...

Time for new running shoes

Time for new running shoes

I don't care about cost, but I have a high arch, so I need something that will accomodate that. Any suggestions? BTW, these will only be used for running, nothing else.

I like teh Asics for running.

Go to a specialty store Usually they'll have you try on about 4 to 5 different types of shoes. Jog in them outside a bit. for example: right foot- Adidas, left foot Nike go jog a bit outside a bit and see which one feels best and then narrow it down from there. edit- I use Adidas Supernova Control, but my arch isn't that high.

i wear new balance and orthodics when I run

yeah there are many running stores that will do a gait and foot analysis for free.

bryan2137 i wear new balance and orthodics when I run DING! I am partial to New Balance 587s. Maximum motion control and shock absorption. Especially for behemoth runners like me. I may step up to the 991s once I wear my 587s out.

i got a pair of nike air max moto's for 53 bucks when footlocker had a 30 percent off sale. Good deal good shoes.

not the best looking but they are super duper comfortable

new balance 766 seem to be good.

jordan not the best looking but they are super duper comfortable That is what I have now, but I am wondering if there is better. best 20 bucks you can spend on your feet/knees, give it a try.

Girl_Next_Door Go to a specialty store Usually they'll have you try on about 4 to 5 different types of shoes. Jog in them outside a bit. for example: right foot- Adidas, left foot Nike go jog a bit outside a bit and see which one feels best and then narrow it down from there. edit- I use Adidas Supernova Control, but my arch isn't that high. only worthwhile advice in this thread. I wear aisics gt 2100s for trainers and mizuno speed for sprint spikes.

Time for new running shoes

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

It's Legs Day :wtc:

It's Legs Day :wtc:

I desperately want bigger legs but I hate working them out because I pay for it the next couple days . I'm just going to man up and hit them hard, pray for me .

Dr. Feel Good I desperately want bigger legs but I hate working them out because I pay for it the next couple days . I'm just going to man up and hit them hard, pray for me . Just man up and do it. The pain goes away after a couple of workouts.

gosideways Just man up and do it. The pain goes away after a couple of workouts.

leg day for me too

I have chicken legs so I am starting to work them twice a week. I love doings legs now.

leg day is the best day

my legs still feel like murder after monday's workout. i just will myself through the next days until they don't hurt anymore.

last time i worked out legs i had a horrible pain behind my thigh, but only on my right leg....was this due to not stretching enough or incorrect form?

sounds like form

They dont really hurt anymore after youve been working out for a while, they'll get sore but it wont be the pain like the day after your very first leg workout

squats > *

evi1eddie squats > *

eliktronix last time i worked out legs i had a horrible pain behind my thigh, but only on my right leg....was this due to not stretching enough or incorrect form? I usually warm up for a minute or two on one of the cardio machines

Just got back from the gym and I'm exhausted! I hit everything really hard today but my legs aren't quivering like they did last week so I don't think I'll be quite as sore as I was last week. I do love the feeling I get after a good legs workout though!

eliktronix last time i worked out legs i had a horrible pain behind my thigh, but only on my right leg....was this due to not stretching enough or incorrect form? i'd go with incorrect form

It's Legs Day :wtc:

Tell me about 'starvation mode' or metabolic slowdown

Tell me about 'starvation mode' or metabolic slowdown

I always read about this 'starvation mode' we go into if we starve ourselves or if our caloric deficit is too high. How exactly does this metabolic slow down occur? If you go 6 hours hungry say during the day would you go into this mode, or does it take a few days of extreme caloric deficit or even a few weeks? I've always wondered about it because when I'm dieting/cutting I don't want to go into it if I could be eating MORE and keeping my metabolism up for better gains. So any detail/ non-technical sources would be great.

starvation mode comes on from various hormone levels dropping - leptin, etc if you go low enough, your body starts shutting down "un-needed" functions, like your reproductive and immune system, since it is trying to conserve as much energy as possible to sustain you till you find food again. metabolic suppression is limited to about 30% of normal.

shastaisforwinners starvation mode comes on from various hormone levels dropping - leptin, etc if you go low enough, your body starts shutting down "un-needed" functions, like your reproductive and immune system, since it is trying to conserve as much energy as possible to sustain you till you find food again. metabolic suppression is limited to about 30% of normal. Ok, and how long does it take to onset at each level of caloric deficit? For instance does it take longer to set in if you have a caloric deficit of 700 vs 1500? How long does it take to set in generally? The metabolic slowdown.

shastaisforwinners your body starts shutting down "un-needed" functions, like your reproductive oh fawk I'd never mess with that

there is a chapter about this in the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook

QBoost Controllers Ok, and how long does it take to onset at each level of caloric deficit? For instance does it take longer to set in if you have a caloric deficit of 700 vs 1500? How long does it take to set in generally? The metabolic slowdown. varies depending on a lot of factors... how sensitive you are to leptin, whether you are using drugs (EC, bromo, etc), whether you were in a caloric deficit prior to this diet, the list goes on. Generally, the more severe the deficit, the more metabolism will slow. Generally takes your body a few days to adapt, even in severe deficits. Leptin levels will generall fall within 3 - 4 days, and takes a solid 2 days (or more) to raise it. That's the idea behind diet breaks and/or refeeds. edit: This is a vary simplified generalization of what happens, btw

Ceaze there is a chapter about this in the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook yeah, read the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook and the Ulitmate Diet 2.0. Both explain this stuff in good detail, but in an easy to understand way. Recommended reading for anyone that plans on dieting.

Any more info I dont have this book...

QBoost Controllers Any more info I dont have this book... Good articles, good forum, just don't fuck around on the forum they're quick on the draw :P.

superbri007 in the age of us having ample amounts of food, ther eis no reason to do this. Cavemens bodies did this, just out of nature when they would go on long periods of starving before they caught food. of course there is no reason for our bodies to do this anymore (well, maybe in Etheopia and whatnot), but physiological adaptations will take thousands, if not millions, of years before 'starvation mode' isn't an issue anymore. Of course the human race will probably be extinct by then, but stil...

mmmmmm.....sushi refeed tonight. Yummy.

Elfling Good articles, good forum, just don't fuck around on the forum they're quick on the draw :P.

edmang Yeah..or that one..heh. Thanks for the correction :P

i thought it had more to do with eating just one or two big meals a day than with a caloric deficit.

dank i thought it had more to do with eating just one or two big meals a day than with a caloric deficit. no

Flexible dieting, Fat Loss book, UD 2.0 all have this info.

ACURA TL-S mmmmmm.....sushi refeed tonight. Yummy. 40 pieces for me last time. Felt good Couldn't eat the fatty pieces though.

shastaisforwinners no so your metabolism would be the same eating 1 2000 calorie meal per day vs. 5 400 calorie meals?

dank so your metabolism would be the same if you ate 1 2000 calorie meal per day and 5 400 calorie meals? its about the same if you eat 3 versus 6.

AznRyda its about the same if you eat 3 versus 6. so why eat 6 meals?

Individual reasons. People can't eat big meals. People feel better eating tons of small meals throughout the day. People are on a calorie deficit so having 6 tiny ass meals is not satisfying, etc etc. People worry way too much about minor stuff.

dank so why eat 6 meals? if you are dieting it helps to keep you full all day and not have cravings

gsteclipse97 if you are dieting it helps to keep you full all day and not have cravings I guess. I was hungry yesterday, and I ate a small 200 calorie meal and it was nothing. if anything, it made me more hungry.

whatever, any given question on this forum gets a random different answer each time.

Tell me about 'starvation mode' or metabolic slowdown

how long does 1fast400 take?

how long does 1fast400 take?

I ordered my stuff on 3/23 and it still says pending as of right now. I recieved and email that said "Please email us with the physical address and include your order#. Sorry for the delay, but UPS will not ship to P.O. addresses. Thank you." I replied back to that message with a different addy a few minutes after they sent it but nothing has changed. Is this typical?

they've always been really quick with me, guess you know now to not use a PO box.

D-GUy they've always been really quick with me, guess you know now to not use a PO box. I always get my shit like two days later.

Ghost I always get my shit like two days later.


Ceaze The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.

sucks for me i guess. i sent them another email but i havent heard anything from them. hopefully they respond on monday or something

i've never had any problems wit them though you won't hear anything on the weekend thats pretty typical

still no email or change in order status

call them?

SoKo call them? yeah ill give them a call tomorrow if nothing has changed still. they have already charged me and everything. im not worried about getting ripped off im just wondering what the hold up is.

I ran into a problem as well. When I placed my order I noticed you could use paypal. When I selected it I got an error from paypal basically saying that they couldnt give the money to them. So when I logged back in to 1fast400 to change the method of payment it says my order was processed but no money has been charged to paypal. I am waiting a few days to see if either my order arrives or if they charge my paypal account.

i finally got my order, and i got a free shaker, a package of watermelon substance wpi and a orange pineapple neuro stim+6. definately worth the wait i will be ordering from them again.

Paypal dicked us over pretty hard. They said any product containing the word HGH violated their use policy. Hence, they shut down my paypal access for 4 days while I explained to them how they were a bunch of idiots. To no avail, now paypal can't be used to buy hgh marketed produts.

1Fast400 Paypal dicked us over pretty hard. They said any product containing the word HGH violated their use policy. Hence, they shut down my paypal access for 4 days while I explained to them how they were a bunch of idiots. To no avail, now paypal can't be used to buy hgh marketed produts.

mask of obsidian I ordered my stuff on 3/23 and it still says pending as of right now. I recieved and email that said "Please email us with the physical address and include your order#. Sorry for the delay, but UPS will not ship to P.O. addresses. Thank you." I replied back to that message with a different addy a few minutes after they sent it but nothing has changed. Is this typical? Typical for most people on here, i think almost everyone at some point has had a problem with their shipping, funny from other places i have never gotten my stuff after a couple days. - lot cheaper than 1fast and i havnt had a problem so far getting my stuff.

Jeff Coleman Typical for most people on here, i think almost everyone at some point has had a problem with their shipping, funny from other places i have never gotten my stuff after a couple days. www.allsportsnutrition - lot cheaper than 1fast and i havnt had a problem so far getting my stuff. UPS has never shipped to po boxes, ever, how is that an issue? I read their policy about UPS, put in a physical shipping address, and have never had a problem with them

1fast400 has been great to me every time ive ordered from them. my frist order with them was on dec 23rd, got my stuff on the 26th

Not an issue with PO boxes, but an issue with shipping time, seems like one time its 2 days, next time its 15 days, trust me many people can relate to this, your not their only customer. Pay 5$ more for your supps, ill order from allsportsnutrition for now on

Jeff Coleman Not an issue with PO boxes, but an issue with shipping time, seems like one time its 2 days, next time its 15 days, trust me many people can relate to this, your not their only customer. Pay 5$ more for your supps, ill order from allsportsnutrition for now on the only person I can vouch for is me, i've ordered from there 3 times and it all shipped the same day

Ive probably had 8-10 orders from there, so i speak from experience my friend.

Jeff Coleman Ive probably had 8-10 orders from there, so i speak from experience my friend. 8-10 orders from a company you don't like, who's the dummy now

took me a while to find a cheaper site with dependable shipping

i've made probably 100 orders and it's never taken over 3 days

Ceaze 100 orders lol,

how long does 1fast400 take?

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