Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tell me about 'starvation mode' or metabolic slowdown

Tell me about 'starvation mode' or metabolic slowdown

I always read about this 'starvation mode' we go into if we starve ourselves or if our caloric deficit is too high. How exactly does this metabolic slow down occur? If you go 6 hours hungry say during the day would you go into this mode, or does it take a few days of extreme caloric deficit or even a few weeks? I've always wondered about it because when I'm dieting/cutting I don't want to go into it if I could be eating MORE and keeping my metabolism up for better gains. So any detail/ non-technical sources would be great.

starvation mode comes on from various hormone levels dropping - leptin, etc if you go low enough, your body starts shutting down "un-needed" functions, like your reproductive and immune system, since it is trying to conserve as much energy as possible to sustain you till you find food again. metabolic suppression is limited to about 30% of normal.

shastaisforwinners starvation mode comes on from various hormone levels dropping - leptin, etc if you go low enough, your body starts shutting down "un-needed" functions, like your reproductive and immune system, since it is trying to conserve as much energy as possible to sustain you till you find food again. metabolic suppression is limited to about 30% of normal. Ok, and how long does it take to onset at each level of caloric deficit? For instance does it take longer to set in if you have a caloric deficit of 700 vs 1500? How long does it take to set in generally? The metabolic slowdown.

shastaisforwinners your body starts shutting down "un-needed" functions, like your reproductive oh fawk I'd never mess with that

there is a chapter about this in the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook

QBoost Controllers Ok, and how long does it take to onset at each level of caloric deficit? For instance does it take longer to set in if you have a caloric deficit of 700 vs 1500? How long does it take to set in generally? The metabolic slowdown. varies depending on a lot of factors... how sensitive you are to leptin, whether you are using drugs (EC, bromo, etc), whether you were in a caloric deficit prior to this diet, the list goes on. Generally, the more severe the deficit, the more metabolism will slow. Generally takes your body a few days to adapt, even in severe deficits. Leptin levels will generall fall within 3 - 4 days, and takes a solid 2 days (or more) to raise it. That's the idea behind diet breaks and/or refeeds. edit: This is a vary simplified generalization of what happens, btw

Ceaze there is a chapter about this in the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook yeah, read the Rapid Fat Loss Handbook and the Ulitmate Diet 2.0. Both explain this stuff in good detail, but in an easy to understand way. Recommended reading for anyone that plans on dieting.

Any more info I dont have this book...

QBoost Controllers Any more info I dont have this book... www.bodyrecomposition.org Good articles, good forum, just don't fuck around on the forum they're quick on the draw :P.

superbri007 in the age of us having ample amounts of food, ther eis no reason to do this. Cavemens bodies did this, just out of nature when they would go on long periods of starving before they caught food. of course there is no reason for our bodies to do this anymore (well, maybe in Etheopia and whatnot), but physiological adaptations will take thousands, if not millions, of years before 'starvation mode' isn't an issue anymore. Of course the human race will probably be extinct by then, but stil...

mmmmmm.....sushi refeed tonight. Yummy.

Elfling www.bodyrecomposition.org Good articles, good forum, just don't fuck around on the forum they're quick on the draw :P. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com

edmang http://www.bodyrecomposition.com Yeah..or that one..heh. Thanks for the correction :P

i thought it had more to do with eating just one or two big meals a day than with a caloric deficit.

dank i thought it had more to do with eating just one or two big meals a day than with a caloric deficit. no

Flexible dieting, Fat Loss book, UD 2.0 all have this info.

ACURA TL-S mmmmmm.....sushi refeed tonight. Yummy. 40 pieces for me last time. Felt good Couldn't eat the fatty pieces though.

shastaisforwinners no so your metabolism would be the same eating 1 2000 calorie meal per day vs. 5 400 calorie meals?

dank so your metabolism would be the same if you ate 1 2000 calorie meal per day and 5 400 calorie meals? its about the same if you eat 3 versus 6.

AznRyda its about the same if you eat 3 versus 6. so why eat 6 meals?

Individual reasons. People can't eat big meals. People feel better eating tons of small meals throughout the day. People are on a calorie deficit so having 6 tiny ass meals is not satisfying, etc etc. People worry way too much about minor stuff.

dank so why eat 6 meals? if you are dieting it helps to keep you full all day and not have cravings

gsteclipse97 if you are dieting it helps to keep you full all day and not have cravings I guess. I was hungry yesterday, and I ate a small 200 calorie meal and it was nothing. if anything, it made me more hungry.

whatever, any given question on this forum gets a random different answer each time.

Tell me about 'starvation mode' or metabolic slowdown

how long does 1fast400 take?

how long does 1fast400 take?

I ordered my stuff on 3/23 and it still says pending as of right now. I recieved and email that said "Please email us with the physical address and include your order#. Sorry for the delay, but UPS will not ship to P.O. addresses. Thank you." I replied back to that message with a different addy a few minutes after they sent it but nothing has changed. Is this typical?

they've always been really quick with me, guess you know now to not use a PO box.

D-GUy they've always been really quick with me, guess you know now to not use a PO box. I always get my shit like two days later.

Ghost I always get my shit like two days later.


Ceaze The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 1 characters.

sucks for me i guess. i sent them another email but i havent heard anything from them. hopefully they respond on monday or something

i've never had any problems wit them though you won't hear anything on the weekend thats pretty typical

still no email or change in order status

call them?

SoKo call them? yeah ill give them a call tomorrow if nothing has changed still. they have already charged me and everything. im not worried about getting ripped off im just wondering what the hold up is.

I ran into a problem as well. When I placed my order I noticed you could use paypal. When I selected it I got an error from paypal basically saying that they couldnt give the money to them. So when I logged back in to 1fast400 to change the method of payment it says my order was processed but no money has been charged to paypal. I am waiting a few days to see if either my order arrives or if they charge my paypal account.

i finally got my order, and i got a free shaker, a package of watermelon substance wpi and a orange pineapple neuro stim+6. definately worth the wait i will be ordering from them again.

Paypal dicked us over pretty hard. They said any product containing the word HGH violated their use policy. Hence, they shut down my paypal access for 4 days while I explained to them how they were a bunch of idiots. To no avail, now paypal can't be used to buy hgh marketed produts.

1Fast400 Paypal dicked us over pretty hard. They said any product containing the word HGH violated their use policy. Hence, they shut down my paypal access for 4 days while I explained to them how they were a bunch of idiots. To no avail, now paypal can't be used to buy hgh marketed produts.

mask of obsidian I ordered my stuff on 3/23 and it still says pending as of right now. I recieved and email that said "Please email us with the physical address and include your order#. Sorry for the delay, but UPS will not ship to P.O. addresses. Thank you." I replied back to that message with a different addy a few minutes after they sent it but nothing has changed. Is this typical? Typical for most people on here, i think almost everyone at some point has had a problem with their shipping, funny from other places i have never gotten my stuff after a couple days. www.allsportsnutrition.com - lot cheaper than 1fast and i havnt had a problem so far getting my stuff.

Jeff Coleman Typical for most people on here, i think almost everyone at some point has had a problem with their shipping, funny from other places i have never gotten my stuff after a couple days. www.allsportsnutrition - lot cheaper than 1fast and i havnt had a problem so far getting my stuff. UPS has never shipped to po boxes, ever, how is that an issue? I read their policy about UPS, put in a physical shipping address, and have never had a problem with them

1fast400 has been great to me every time ive ordered from them. my frist order with them was on dec 23rd, got my stuff on the 26th

Not an issue with PO boxes, but an issue with shipping time, seems like one time its 2 days, next time its 15 days, trust me many people can relate to this, your not their only customer. Pay 5$ more for your supps, ill order from allsportsnutrition for now on

Jeff Coleman Not an issue with PO boxes, but an issue with shipping time, seems like one time its 2 days, next time its 15 days, trust me many people can relate to this, your not their only customer. Pay 5$ more for your supps, ill order from allsportsnutrition for now on the only person I can vouch for is me, i've ordered from there 3 times and it all shipped the same day

Ive probably had 8-10 orders from there, so i speak from experience my friend.

Jeff Coleman Ive probably had 8-10 orders from there, so i speak from experience my friend. 8-10 orders from a company you don't like, who's the dummy now

took me a while to find a cheaper site with dependable shipping

i've made probably 100 orders and it's never taken over 3 days

Ceaze 100 orders lol,

how long does 1fast400 take?

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

Should I drink my creatine all before I workout or should I drink some of it then the rest during my workout. I"m thinking maybe if I drink alittle in the begining and then the rest during my workout I'll have energy all throughout my workout.

Creatine = STEROIDS!!!!!

After your workout, tho i take it during and after

cbrpimp [img]images/smilies/gtfo2.gif[/img] you suck at the image linking. But anyways.. I take my creatine about 30min before my workout

mtnbike4522 you suck at the image linking. But anyways.. I take my creatine about 30min before my workout Cool. I just want to know what other poeple do. I don't want to run out of energy so that why I started taking some before my workout and some during.

If you don't want to run out of energy so bad, work out more.

I drink it during

Isnt it best to drink some before, and some after the workout? This way you have the muscles being able to regenarate faster during the work out, and after your done they heal super fast.

damiand Isnt it best to drink some before, and some after the workout? because of all the conflicting information, that's what i do.

Drink it immediatly after. Along with a Protein shake. And eat too. Heres some info. Research it yourself. http://bodybuilding.com/fun/bbinfo.php?page=Creatine

im pretty sure the creatine isnt going to give you energy on the spot bro. i take mine after.

i dunno but once when i took creatine it made me an angry person! but other times i was perfectly fine. dont take any advice from me though =p

i take mine before my 7 am work out and after my night work out

I drink it immediatly after. Follow up with a protein shake and food. Dont forget the food. Your body will absorb all that shit because it needs to be re-fuled.

I take it about 45minutes before. AmCo i dunno but once when i took creatine it made me an angry person! but other times i was perfectly fine. dont take any advice from me though =p

Need some advise about drinking creatine.

When Does Your Cutting Cycle Start?

When Does Your Cutting Cycle Start?

Mine starts May 16th I'm not looking forward to it...I want to continue eating everything in sight

it started monday.

I am having a hard time deciding if i want to start it at the end of the month. Or just say fuck summer and continue to bulk through summer and winter.

almost 2 months ago

8 weeks ago

When I hit 220 ..it's a slow progression. I dipped down to 184 after my fucking wisdom teeth incident, back up to 198

I intend to get my body fat percentage down into the single digits. I would estimate that I m at ~12-16% right now at 6'4" 200lbs

Dr. Feel Good I intend to get my body fat percentage down into the single digits. I would estimate that I m at ~12-16% right now at 6'4" 200lbs i'm about there as well. pics?

at 215lbs then again, I said that about 180, 190, 195....

im not cutting, but i am trying to burn some fat off, so im eating ~1800. will be doing that through summer, then im probably gonna get really fat for the next year bulking starting around october, cant wait.

superbri007 not for a while, from what people keep telling me. I'm 5'8 167, I wanted to go to 180 then cut for the summer, but everyones like, keep bulking. decisions, decisions. same stats as me, cept il be bulking thru to july 15 if i dont get too fat by then.

bulk to 300

i've been cutting for the past 6 years, i eat 1 calorie a day. Ceaze bulk to 300 im actually thinking 240-250ish, im 208 now, 6'1".

when I get to 230ish, so probably late June, early August

aenz i'm about there as well. pics? Unfortunatly I don't have any pics yet I'll try to get my roomates camera soon

ryazbeck i've been cutting for the past 6 years, i eat 1 calorie a day. im actually thinking 240-250ish, im 208 now, 6'1". start now.

dammit i want to, i just want to stay lean over the summer, ugh.

you live in texas, it's summer year round you will be 250 by december if u try hard enough, then cut and by may next year you'll be ripped and huge

Ceaze bulk to 300 ' i will be goign this route after finals are over, T-minus 1.5 weeks

vettedude ' i will be goign this route after finals are over, T-minus 1.5 weeks 300 is a bulk, aren't u like 220?

SteveO you live in texas, it's summer year round you will be 250 by december if u try hard enough, then cut and by may next year you'll be ripped and huge summer year round, who told you that? it avgs like 30s - 50s in the end of fall to early spring. and i'll be on the river atleast twice a week this summer so i want to look decent, not fatty.

SteveO 300 is a bulk, aren't u like 220? indeed

SteveO you live in texas, it's summer year round you will be 250 by december if u try hard enough, then cut and by may next year you'll be ripped and huge It actually gets cold every now and then on the farm. Can't ride my horse to get to work, have to take the buggy

KLoWnPR109 It actually gets cold every now and then on the farm. Can't ride my horse to get to work, have to take the buggy lol'd on that one

I'll reevluate goals on june 1st, I want to be atleast 200 before I decide.

When Does Your Cutting Cycle Start?

Monday, December 30, 2013

Can I take Dietary Pills and Creatine together?

Can I take Dietary Pills and Creatine together?

I want to lose fat but pack on muscle. Is this a smart idea? btw the pill I am taking is Ephidrine EFX.

Losing fat and gaining muscle is impossible. One or the other!

Ugh. Go read all the stickies. And yes, incidentally, you can take Ephedrine and Creatine together, they're two totally different things. But I would suggest thoroughly educating yourself on what both of them *do* before you dive head-long into taking them. And read the stickies :P

Socrates Losing fat and gaining muscle is impossible. One or the other! Yes, you could.

iCe Yes, you could. http://www.fastmusclegain.com/ Myth #1 Not claiming to be right, perhaps the source is wrong! But I doubt it.

Can I take Dietary Pills and Creatine together?

How are trueprotein.com's flavors?

How are trueprotein.com's flavors?

I am thinking 5 lbs of each Pina Colada Mango Vanilla Watermelon All with sucralose as a sweetener

I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest...

Butter Cream is the best flavor I have ever had. But I don't think they offer it.

All I've had is chocolate with stevia and it was awful.


vettedude I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest... Should I just go with ON? I want my BSL back.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. I put an entire bottle of flavouring into 4lbs of whey and couldn't taste anything. They don't color it either. Your flavour choice is moot at best. And i like the service I got... fastest shipping time I've ever had (less than 2 weeks to recieve... great by canuk standards!)

To be honest, i kinda like the taste of plain whey, and I love how easily it mixes. Just pour water, and that's it.

ever have allthewhey.com's proteins? if so which one is the best? I already know ON's chocolate mint is the best.

brolli ever have allthewhey.com's proteins? if so which one is the best? I already know ON's chocolate mint is the best. Damn you, now I need to decide between that and ON. ON is 48 for 10lbs from mike while the allthewhey.com stuff is 40-43 for 10 lbs. Both have about the same amount of protein per serving.

ACURA TL-S Damn you, now I need to decide between that and ON. ON is 48 for 10lbs from mike while the allthewhey.com stuff is 40-43 for 10 lbs. Both have about the same amount of protein per serving. try syntax nectar, i think... dont get true protein, it blows, go with ON, muscle milk, or try the all the way, i hear it tastes good. but like i said, i don recomend true protein to anyone, dont really taste good, and its shit service.

you can still get bsl flavors proteincustomizer.com carries them

so does trueprotein actually, why not just order unflavored and pay a lil for the bsl flavors you want???

gsteclipse97 so does trueprotein actually, why not just order unflavored and pay a lil for the bsl flavors you want??? I'm cheap.

Ok new question, on or allthewhey?

ACURA TL-S Ok new question, on or allthewhey? ON

for me its either BSL or ON i dont even bother tryin new flavors anymore, i stick to what is good

on is dependable, but i've never had allthewhey. Anyone have experience w/ them?

brolli on is dependable, but i've never had allthewhey. Anyone have experience w/ them? my only experience with them is taht they wanted $70 something bucks to ship it to me

I purchased the Bannana , it was just OK. Not too much flavor. I added some Muscle Milk Bannana to it.

I get allthewhey allthetime Orange, Banana, Mint Chocolate are the best. Chocolate is alright, but it sucks compaired to the others. It's good stuff, got my order 3 days after ordering. Im in IN they are in PA

i got morning mix with orange cream bsl & night time with cherry berry. both were sub par in taste & blending. mixing vanilla whey with orange ultra fuel is way better. or even mixing it with gatorade.

allthewhey mint choclate isolate is better than on, and no gas for like $35 for a 5lb tub. Plus they now offer bulk stuff:50 lb concentrate - 139.99 25 lb concentrate - 69.99 50 lb blend flavored - 179.99 25 lb blend natural - 89.99 50 lb Isolate flavored - 299.99 50 lb Isolate natural - 279.99 25 lb Isolate flavored - 149.99 25 lb Isolate natural - 139.99 25 lb 20/30 flavored - 72.50 25 lb 20/30 natural - 69.99 Thats pretty sweet. Its not up on the website yet but you can email/call them and get it.

vettedude I do not recomend themm, verry bad service, and the flavors are not the greatest... I unfortunately agree.

How are trueprotein.com's flavors?

Need help with my workout

Need help with my workout

I need some help on working out. Like things i should do each day. lets say i go to the gym M W Th what things should i do each of those days to gain muscle all around and improve strenght. im about 6'1" 195 right now ...i was alot more but i lost 40 pounds now im looking to gain some muscle and get toned. any help would be appreciated Thanks in advance

Need help with my workout

Need help with my workout

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