Sunday, December 29, 2013

Sup F&N

Sup F&N

Quick question, since im starting to calorie count I notice all my vegtables have like an assload of sodium in them. Is there anything wrong with getting that much sodium? I was thinking about just eating veggies for lunch other than a can of Tuna but I dont know how all the sodium would affect me. Also it seems like my tuna has alot of fat in it compared to the protein. Like there is 13 g of protein per serving of tuna. 2.5 servings in a can, but there is also like 8 g of fat. WTF is this normal or do I need to buy higher quality tuna?

Are these vegetables canned? The fat content in the tuna is very high. What kind do you have?

Yes they veggies are canned, and the Tuna is a generic brand called " Chunk light tuna " I fail to see anything light about it.

mehh, i woukld not stress over the sodium unless u have heart problems or somethuing..

vettedude mehh, i woukld not stress over the sodium unless u have heart problems or somethuing.. Im fat that is a heart problem no? LOL

Silver85327 Im fat that is a heart problem no? LOL how fat? i would not get too anal about it, chances are ur sodium intake eating this will be less than otherwise.

vettedude how fat? i would not get too anal about it, chances are ur sodium intake eating this will be less than otherwise. 6ft 285 im going to take pics so I can see a differance one of these days as soon as I find batteries for my camera.

i had tuna had a total of 2.5 g of fat in the whole can...with about 33 g of protein i thikn you got some messed up tuna

its ok, i started out at 284 and i eat a lot of tuna and canned vegetables, ive lost around 60lbs so far

eliktronix its ok, i started out at 284 and i eat a lot of tuna and canned vegetables, ive lost around 60lbs so far how long you been doing it? What does your work out routine look like?

Silver85327 how long you been doing it? What does your work out routine look like? since october/04 , my routine mostly consists of intense cardio with weight training 5 days a week on average. i actually follow real closely to 'christophers' sticky regarding fat loss

nic379 i had tuna had a total of 2.5 g of fat in the whole can...with about 33 g of protein i thikn you got some messed up tuna i'm with her, there isn't much fat in tuna...

I need to correct myself. The tuna is hill country fair chunk light tuna. serving size 2 oz drained. calories 110 fat cal 50 total fat 6 g sat fat 1 g cholesterol 30 g sodium 250 mg total carb 0 protein 13 g

eliktronix since october/04 , my routine mostly consists of intense cardio with weight training 5 days a week on average. i actually follow real closely to 'christophers' sticky regarding fat loss Nice thats the routine I hope to follow. any idea on your BF %?

cbrpimp and they call that LIGHT tuna!! Switch to the bumblebee i listed above so am I correct in assuming I should throw the 12 ish cans I have of this crap left away and buy something else?

Silver85327 so am I correct in assuming I should throw the 12 ish cans I have of this crap left away and buy something else? You can still eat it, it's not poisonous or anything. I'd recommend eating that and just getting better stuff next time.

Davo You can still eat it, it's not poisonous or anything. I'd recommend eating that and just getting better stuff next time. I think im going to feed it to my dog She likes tuna and im sure all the fat will help her coat.

you got the can with the dolphins in it

8g of fat in that tuna? did you get tuna in oil? you should get tuna in water. oh and, fresh veggies, not canned.

Sup F&N

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

First off, don't laugh guys Now honestly, I'm not too worried about bulking strictly muscularly, because I'm just really that goddamn skinny, but I would obviously prefer muscle over fat. I calculated it through stuff in the archives, and I need to eat roughly ~3000-3200 calories per day to maintain, and let me reiterate that I'm pretty skinny and I eat only 3 meals per day right now, which is a light breakfast before school (cause I'm always running late - ~200 calories max), a cafeteria lunch (I have no clue, maybe ~500-600 calories?), and finally a semi decent meal for dinner which would probably max at about 900 calories. So on a typical day, as you can see, I'm hitting about 2000-2500ish calories (including snacks and stuff). I know that's probably nothing compared to you guys Oh and also I need to point out that I don't have a workout routine right now, but I'm going to be starting that soon (more on that below). Here's where my questions/concerns come in. What kind of meals/etc can I make for myself that have high caloric content? I don't have very much time in the mornings, and even if I boil/fry myself some eggs that's still like 200ish calories yeah? As far as the cafeteria lunch, I don't have much of a choice there because of my meal plan/money constraints. Dinner, yeah. So by typing this out I've kind of answered my own question that I just need to eat more in between meals, which is going to be hard because it's hard for me to get myself to eat when I'm not hungry. Any suggestions there? I guess it's just a mental thing. Now this is going to seem dumb to you guys, but that's kind of my point, I want you guys to point out the flaw in my thinking here Since my main goal is to just gain weight, I'm hesitant to have a regular workout routine because that'll just be burning calories that I'm desperately trying to eat. Plus doesn't working out boost your metabolism? Mine's plenty fast right now Right now I was planning on trying to gain weight as fast as possible, and then work out to tone up/bulk up... is that stupid? As you guys can see I'm a pretty big noob, but I've been through the archives some and I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna do all this, so I appreciate any and all responses

newb thread/archives edit and since u have a subs, search for bulking foods, stuff like that


Ilyusha Height/weight/pics? 5'7" 115 maybe 120 I haven't weighed myself in a bit I don't have pics cause I'm self conscious

CaseLogic 5'7" 115 maybe 120 I haven't weighed myself in a bit I don't have pics cause I'm self conscious Eat until you vomit.

Ilyusha Eat until you vomit. That sentence implies you stop eating after you vomit. Not so. Swallow down your vomit and continue eating (Yes, I'm serious.)

KetchupKing That sentence implies you stop eating after you vomit. Not so. Swallow down your vomit and continue eating (Yes, I'm serious.) What was I thinking..

Wow I'm so excited about doing this

You're not going to lift?.. Have fun being as skinny as you are right now, with a massive gut. It's gonna look extremely funny.

Phlab You're not going to lift?.. Have fun being as skinny as you are right now, with a massive gut. It's gonna look extremely funny. Please leave the thread

CaseLogic Please leave the thread hes right... why do you want to pack mass on so quickly? sports? just eat a ton and lift, you'll be happy you did

NoXeN hes right... why do you want to pack mass on so quickly? sports? just eat a ton and lift, you'll be happy you did He's not 100% right because I asked you guys to tell me what was wrong with my thought process, not to tell me I'm a dipshit/flame me for not working out I was probably gonna be lifting anyways. And I'm not in a particular hurry, I just want to weigh more

CaseLogic He's not 100% right because I asked you guys to tell me what was wrong with my thought process, not to tell me I'm a dipshit for not working out I was probably gonna be lifting anyways. And I'm not in a particular hurry, I just want to weigh more I called you a dipshit? PS, if you want to put on a load of fat (which is exactly what those extra cals will turn into if you don't lift), then go for it. You'll gain "mass", just not any muscle. If you want to improve the way you look, then lift.

Just make sure to get some extra calories on days you lift, problem solved.

Phlab I called you a dipshit? PS, if you want to put on a load of fat (which is exactly what those extra cals will turn into if you don't lift), then go for it. You'll gain "mass", just not any muscle. If you want to improve the way you look, then lift. My point was you didn't have to seem like such an assbag, there are more polite ways of saying things But I appreciate your advice anyways.

Like everyone else said, eating more and not working out will just make you skinny fat. I know this from first hand experience . I like snaking on almonds. They don't fill me up and are pretty calorie dense. A half a cup of almonds has around 300 calories. They should also be easy for you to put in a baggy and bring to school. I also drink shakes for breakfast because I'm not much of a breakfast person. If you mix in the right stuff(oats, flaxseed oil, protein powder) you can get some easy calories.

So I need gain weight v.adviceforskinnybastage

question about ephedrine..

question about ephedrine..

i was looking through the archives and was reading about the yohimbine hcl/ephedrine/caffeine combination and was curious about ephedrine. i'm a college athelete and ephedrine is on the ncaa's banned substance list. how long does ephedrine stay in the body? and when i quit using it (in season) will my body fat loss remain, or will i bounce back to my original bf% (i'll still be dieting/working hard)?

not sure about lifespan, but you won't lose teh gains you made while on ephedrine. As long as your diet doens't go to shit, the fat burned off will stay off. If you have the time and aren't grossly out of shape for your sport, I'd suggest skipping teh ephedrine, just in case. As an athlete, don't you get tested in teh offseason as well, or is that just the pro's?

I believe the half life is only a few hours.

i swam division III and we got tested once, for like physicals and shit. never again for the rest of the season. i'm transfering to a division I school and gonna swim there as well as possibly run track (sprinting). i duno how the drug testing is done there, but here we were told we might randomly be tested... but never were (besides that initial testing)

Not sure about half life either but you will look softer after going off ephedrine...

isnt it hard to find stuff with ephedrine in it these days?

oh... my b... not really up on stuff like that...

question about ephedrine..

stupid question about losing fat..

stupid question about losing fat..

sounds weird and i've been wondering hypothetically lets say you only take protein shakes and your vitamins throughout the day for a while probably really hard to do but you take about lets say 1000 cal worth of shakes and you work out normally and in the morning get like a tbs of peanutbutter to get you going would you lose body fat quicker? and would this be bad for the muscles... i know you are lacking nutrients and its hurting the body in the long run but this is just a hypothetical question.

sounds like a psmf

eh would it work tho?

i know if you do psmf in cycles but the refeed process... like what would you take in?

but seriously any thoughts on this... like i'm about 16 percent bf wondering if i did it how much would i probably cut down (this is in a perfect situation where i have a high metabolism) Basically, a PSMF is 1.5 g/lb of LBM (not total body weight, just your lean mass), veggies, and fish oil for your essential fats. It's not meant to be long-term without a schedule refeed or some time eating at maintenance in there, but it's not too complicated.

XsLiCk sounds weird and i've been wondering hypothetically lets say you only take protein shakes and your vitamins throughout the day for a while probably really hard to do but you take about lets say 1000 cal worth of shakes and you work out normally and in the morning get like a tbs of peanutbutter to get you going would you lose body fat quicker? and would this be bad for the muscles... i know you are lacking nutrients and its hurting the body in the long run but this is just a hypothetical question. that is a horrible idea. You WILL be hungry all the time, even with EC. You won't learn good eating habits. etc. yes, you will lose fat quicker but it is ONLY because you have a huge caloric deficit. You are much better off doing it with real food for a variety of reasons. About the only workout you can do on a diet like this is maintenance: full-body, 2 sets per muscle, 2-3 times a week. Any more and you're just fucking yourself.

you'll lose a ton of muscle even with all the protein because your glycogen will be so low/non-existant it's why atkins people lose so much weight

I've heard of this diet. Basically flax seed oil and protein shakes and vitamins. It would work really good if you dont mind losing muscle.

Werdna you'll lose a ton of muscle even with all the protein because your glycogen will be so low/non-existant it's why atkins people lose so much weight Muscle and water wieght I think.

stupid question about losing fat..

I am pathetic

I am pathetic

17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym?


you're about where i started from.. only i was even weaker

Don't get discourage. You complaining is not helping either -- instead, you should do some research ask some questions and set up a routine and better eating habits. We got lots of pros here (Christophers, the most well known, but certainly not the only one), that know alot of stuff.

Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Just think, if you start now by the time you are 20 you will be completely changed. If you have the dedication, of course.

no just stay the way you are. it will make me look better.

Grouch no just stay the way you are. it will make me look better. ass lol nah man get on a routine and eat healthier... i mean read the newb guide to fat loss... and stick to it... it'll be hard but it depends how determined and motivated you are.

christophers i would pay money to see you ellipticaling it away The girls at the gym already stuff dollar bills down my gym shorts.

superbri007 yea, they are payin you to get the fuck out hey I'm making money ain't I.

I see you killing yourself within 2 years unless you change at least 3 of those things in your life.

Ilyusha I see you killing yourself within 2 years unless you change at least 3 of those things in your life. good motivation

Yah, tahts where I was a year ago only...I was at 300 tho and im 6'1" tall. I was like fuck this shit, and boom 3 months later 100 pounds lighter, few months after that muscle in places I never had visible muscle before, hehe...Now...Im happy/feel great have girlfriend na dhave other friends that are girls =)

Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Post some pics. I can't really remember what Jonno looked like 18 months ago and those would be like perfect before shots.


Lem6687 17 almost 18, no job, no liscense, 100% out of shape, 250lbs, 5'11", all fat, tired and burnt out all day, can only do 3 sets of 10 with 70lbs on the bar, that is a struggle... so how many of you think that i need to join a gym? Wow dude you're a loser

jonno ^^ jonno pics of how you look now?


Did you fill that hoodie, or was it baggy on you?

Ilyusha Did you fill that hoodie, or was it baggy on you? sleeves are obviously baggy.. middle wasnt really tight but not loose either

Looks pretty filled

jonno sleeves are obviously baggy.. middle wasnt really tight but not loose either no you have fucking 500lb woman arms..

White Yah, tahts where I was a year ago only...I was at 300 tho and im 6'1" tall. I was like fuck this shit, and boom 3 months later 100 pounds lighter, few months after that muscle in places I never had visible muscle before, hehe...Now...Im happy/feel great have girlfriend na dhave other friends that are girls =) how in the fuck did you lose 100 lbs in 3 months?

nic379 how in the fuck did you lose 100 lbs in 3 months? I had a friend who did something similar, Starvation and Ephedra were what helped him.

jonno what were you eating? i'm cutting right now. i just had a snack. a small peach and 16oz of ice water. needless to say, i'm still hungry. it looks like a chiggin' wing. yum.

I am pathetic

Fast, Medium and Slow Protein Questions

Fast, Medium and Slow Protein Questions

alright, so I got the BV index infront of me, along with the amino acid score sheet. Now, what I need to know is if there is anyway to tell how fast the protein will be absorbed by observing these numbers? If I were to guess, the higher the BV, the faster it is absorbed and the lower the BV the slower it is absorbed, right? One last question, in a meal, what % of protein should be "fast", "medium" and "slow"? This is assuming that we are eating the 6 meals a day.

holy fuck....

HOLY SHIT DUDE!lc stop asking questions and start lifting and eating. you are 140lbs. eat and lift

wait, so if I were jewish, should I stay away from the protein in German Bratwurst?

shastaisforwinners wait, so if I were jewish, should I stay away from the protein in German Bratwurst? it'd probably be a good idea

and I thought I was bad

read the protein sticky

shastaisforwinners wait, so if I were jewish, should I stay away from the protein in German Bratwurst? dont be silly, jews cant eat bratwurst edit: come to think of it, it probably isnt kosher neway

christophers this is a tricky question. the speed of protein you need is highly dependant on a variety of factors. sensitivity to light, sensitivity to animal protein, how long it's been on a plate, how long it's been microwaved, the total weight, your total weight, your bodyfat. hair color can also play a role as studies show the color of your hair, pubic hair, or eyebrow hair plays a significant role in the absorprtion of various proteins. blonde haired folk do not do well with casein based proteins, most theorize this has to do with the history of germans and nazi's.

Fast, Medium and Slow Protein Questions

The Ultimate Fighter

The Ultimate Fighter

The UFC's first "reality" TV series starts tonight on Spike TV at 11pm. If you are at all interested in martial arts it'll probably be worth a watch. 11pm EST, as in... 20 minutes from now.

flippin over right after family guy

I'm going to be missing it because of gymtime. I guess I'll check back here for a review.

Got the DVR set!

12 more minutes

haarago Got the DVR set! Upload to internet?

few more min to go

no cable

MikeTheVike1 no cable

watching it now

It's on now

at that drunk tard pissing over the guy's bed and pillow

a bit boring to watch but damn id love the experience... anyone wanna train???

I always enjoy watching people train in anything. Makes me wanna go work out the next day fired up and ready to go.

man to bad i quit martial arts in 1st grade could ahve been like these guys lol

For being ufc guys/coaches, I'm surprised at how nice and supportive they are in the training. Granted it's the first day, but I for some reason would've thought these guys to be a little more tough on these guys. Also, cauliflower ear sucks...

superbri007 that red headed fuck is a tool, i hope he's the first to go He finished the sick treadmill routine they had set up. 5mph@5mins 6mph@6mins 7mph@7mins 8mph@8mins 9mph@9mins 10mph@10mins it was something like that?

superbri007 yeah, and no one else did, so props to him for that. Maybe he's not all talk. it was 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each btw ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes.

superbri007 its easier to run 3.5 just strait-up instead of that pyramid conditioning shit they had them doing but, that was the point, to see who could do it, and who could not. are you sure it was the 5,6,7,8,9,10 mphs @ 5 mins each? think about it man, i know i can do that and im hardley in ultimate fighter shape, it had to be what the first guy posted with the time intervals increasing along with the pace if it was actually hard enough where only one guy finished it.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. ................. those motherfuckers were sprinting near the end, and it was nonstop

it 5 for 5 minutes 6 for 6 minutes 7 for 7 minutes and so on not 5 minutes for each

btw the ear is cauliflower ear...comes from grappling.

Undefined ughh, thats nothing to write home about really. just doing quick math in my head, i think thats 3.5 total miles in 30 minutes. While curcuit training boxing, grappling, and muay thai... it is nothing to sneeze at.

superbri007 they had 2 treadmills goin for 16 guys. for 30 mins each, which is a total of 4 hours...that gym session was only like 3 hours +/- They also had a buncha guys quit. Only one went for 30 minutes.

That drunk asshole is probably gonna win the whole thing (middleweight), but his best compitition is the yoga guy. They are both accomplished MMA fighters. Their Muay Thai coach is a BADASS coach from the Fairtex gym. Their grappling coach is also a stud. REPLAYS are on Friday, 12:00 AM, Saturday, 7:00 PM, and Sunday, 5:00 PM.

The Ultimate Fighter

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