Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Im so damn happy

Im so damn happy

my cholesteral levels all dropped, ldh = 144 cho. = 186 triglycerides = 91 hdl cholesteral = 47 ldl cholesteral = 121 chol/hdl risk ratio = 4.0 l <4.8 > mod <6.0 > H Just from lifting, diet and biking.

superbri007 hmm... I got a free cholesterol screening last wednesday, should be getting teh results tomorrow will update later to see how I compare Its free? Damn you

Im so damn happy

ok so im thinking about switching programs...

ok so im thinking about switching programs...

k for example i do chest monday wed fri like hardcore... i dunno if thats enough time to let my muscles build back up and what not... but is it more beneficial to do bench once a week or... 3 times a week... if you want to get stronger...?

2x a week is about ideal for most people. However, most people don't understand the concept of reducing volume, so stick with 1x a week until you have learned a lot more about training.



it was an example

superbri007 assuming your a n00b, i've been told you have no business training a body part more then once a week. actually, it's the opposite. Noobs should do full body or upper/lower splits

Ceaze actually, it's the opposite. Noobs should do full body or upper/lower splits not a newb... i mean i've been lifting for sports... and what not so i am somewhat decent for my size...

like this... max for bench is 215... dunno for squats but i rep at 255... mmm then theres a lot more that i do...

btw... i'm 5'11 and weigh like 170...

XsLiCk like this... max for bench is 215... dunno for squats but i rep at 255... mmm then theres a lot more that i do... then you're a noob

how? just curious what makes me a newb?

you're numbers really dont mean anything (they aint that great either) the fact is you do not know what you're doing making.

can you elaborate a little bit more?

XsLiCk k for example i do chest monday wed fri like hardcore... i dunno if thats enough time to let my muscles build back up and what not... but is it more beneficial to do bench once a week or... 3 times a week... if you want to get stronger...? every thing you just said.

Ceaze actually, it's the opposite. Noobs should do full body or upper/lower splits what magic artical tells you this? Building a base is what its all about. Some of you guys like to reinvent the wheel but sorry I will take any noob and train him my way vs your way and lets see who comes out on top. Full body is fucking pointless and training a noob twice a week is nothing more then a nervous system shocker. You get overtrained twice as fast. Then again its my opionion vs whoever your about to cut and paste

PurEvl what magic artical tells you this? Building a base is what its all about. Some of you guys like to reinvent the wheel but sorry I will take any noob and train him my way vs your way and lets see who comes out on top. Full body is fucking pointless and training a noob twice a week is nothing more then a nervous system shocker. You get overtrained twice as fast. Then again its my opionion vs whoever your about to cut and paste Then why did you support Christopher's base routine? Thats 3 days of full body workouts

Up All Night Then why did you support Christopher's base routine? Thats 3 days of full body workouts christophers wasnt twice a week, or at least i thought it wasnt?

Perplexed It includes squats 3 times a week and bench pressing 2 times a week yes but look at his volume, its not full blown routines, also the people i said it was good for were not straight noobs. They had some time in the gym. Notice Im not passing off his routine to anyone, I do all my own privately for people.

Perplexed You do? Do you charge?

PurEvl what magic artical tells you this? Building a base is what its all about. Some of you guys like to reinvent the wheel but sorry I will take any noob and train him my way vs your way and lets see who comes out on top. Full body is fucking pointless and training a noob twice a week is nothing more then a nervous system shocker. You get overtrained twice as fast. Then again its my opionion vs whoever your about to cut and paste I actually think the main issue is compound vs. isolation...

ok so im thinking about switching programs...

what's your favorite exercise?

what's your favorite exercise?

I don't know what it is about deadlifts, but I absolutely love 'em. I can't pull much weight, but I just like the movement. What's yours?

straight barbell curls - only because I can curl at least twice the amount of anyone else why...but I always could

deadlifts also

deads and supine tricep extensions

Lately its been overhead squats. Not strong at them either but improving and still enjoy doing 'em.

Accordinly Done supine tricep extensions what are these?

front squats

crucialkc what are these? lay on your back, take 2 dumb bells, point elbows to the roof, extend dumb bells toward roof.

crucialkc I don't know what it is about deadlifts, but I absolutely love 'em. I can't pull much weight, but I just like the movement. What's yours? id like deadlifts alot more if my back wasnt so shitty

incubimmer id like deadlifts alot more if my back wasnt so shitty same

Decline DB Press quite satisfying

pull ups and rows right now. incline DB is really fun except that the DBs at my gym only go up to like 85 because the 90 95 100 is broken.

between squats and pull ups

i like incline DB bench press alot too

kronik85 lay on your back, take 2 dumb bells, point elbows to the roof, extend dumb bells toward roof. oh, same thing as tate press then right?

Bench and military press are fun to me, just something about pressing heavy weights over yourself/head. I used to really like deadlifts until I started getting moderately heavy and now they're just a pain in the ass. And my back is in a world of shit after I do them so they're not really something I look forward to.

i like cable crossovers...


deadlifts and reverse hypers. cannot live without em.

Squats, and deads

decline bench i can feel the blood gushing to my head and making me broly !!



deadlifts and front squats

tricep kickbacks nah just kidding, incline cable flyes

what's your favorite exercise?

Ways to lower your iron?

Ways to lower your iron?

My Dr. told me to keep an eye on my diet and eat alot better, He said my Iron was up around 197. What are some ways to get this back down? Should I stay away from red meats for awhile? We didn't really talk about it much and he wanted to send me to a dietitian, but I wont be going until next week. I was just concerened about what I may be facing when I do go. Thanks

its getting it up thats the hard part. just slowly bring it back down, then rack it.

dank its getting it up thats the hard part. just slowly bring it back down, then rack it.

dank its getting it up thats the hard part. just slowly bring it back down, then rack it.

i'd stay away from red meats and take iron-free vitamins for a while iron is good for men if it's less than 150mg/day, any more than that can cause problems since we don't flush it out every month

Louisianian Get iron free multivitamins. Also, giving blood helps. Seriously. My mother has super high iron for some unknown reasons. She doesn't take any. The doc told her to give blood once a month, and sure enough it has dropped. donate blood

dont cook on a rusted iron pan? don't suck on rusted nails? seriously... i know lots of people who do that as a source of iron

tom@jt donate blood beat me to it. Donate blood 2 or 3 times a year and you'll be golden.

Ways to lower your iron?

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

inner chest

inner chest

Are there any exercises that work the inner chest more? I'm lacking in that department. Am i forgetting something? chest day flat 4x10 incline 4x10 db flys 4x10 cable crossover 4x10

STOP. There's no inner chest

Strangely, according to Arnold and his encylcopedia, there is.

Ilyusha Strangely, according to Arnold and his encylcopedia, there is. Honestly, i'm just going from what i've read in this forum repeatedly

im guessing my question won't get answered til christophers gets in here?

christophers arnolds book is good for motivation or what not but it's honestly a very poor display of knowledge of human physiology/anatomy. people take it as the word of god unfortunately. You have a point.. the exercises that he devotes to the so called inner and outer chests are just exercises that I do anyway, without trying to target either region specifically.

so my chest day routine looks fine?

yo nizzle so my chest day routine looks fine? Yes.

inner chest

How much protein for my bulking diet?

How much protein for my bulking diet?

The rule that goes 1.5 x your body weight (140 x 1.5) = 210 g of protein = 2800 cals per day. I don't think that is good enough. I want to go from 140 lbs to 180 lbs as fast as possible without hurting myself. I will be basing my meal plan on a 30% cals protein/50% carbs/20 % fat. How many grams of protein can I eat each day to get from 140 lbs to 180 lbs as fast as possible without hurting my liver/body? Thanks.

If you want to gain 40lbs, you are going to need to load up on as many calories as possible. So that should be an adequate amount of protein. But you need to be eating somewhere in the area of like 7 or 8k calories a day.

dexterium How many grams of protein can I eat each day to get from 140 lbs to 180 lbs as fast as possible without hurting my liver/body? You think too much. Mike4831 But you need to be eating somewhere in the area of like 7 or 8k calories a day.

ralyks You think too much. Thinking is important. And by the way, 30% of calories of 7000 calories is 525 grams. That would kill me lol.

dexterium Thinking is important. And by the way, 30% of calories of 7000 calories is 525 grams. That would kill me lol. No Just Eat everything you can Don't worry about all those stupid percentages.

go_duke21 No Just Eat everything you can Don't worry about all those stupid percentages. One thing that I have noticed by a lot of body builders here is that they tend to like to dirty bulk a bit too much. I can understand the night out where you chow down everything in pizza hut but overall I think that some guys are "building skyscrapers out of rubbish". I mean honestly, there is a science to anabolism and percentages to matter when you want to have optimal growth, especially for us "regular builders" who don't have the genetics of Lee Priest nor the money to buy steroids. Not that I would take them anyway as that would take the fun out of body building in itself.

dexterium The rule that goes 1.5 x your body weight (140 x 1.5) = 210 g of protein = 2800 cals per day. I don't think that is good enough. I want to go from 140 lbs to 180 lbs as fast as possible without hurting myself. I will be basing my meal plan on a 30% cals protein/50% carbs/20 % fat. How many grams of protein can I eat each day to get from 140 lbs to 180 lbs as fast as possible without hurting my liver/body? Thanks. I'd recommend that you take in as much as possible in the course of about 8-10 meals a day. If you're lookig to go up 40lbs as fast as possible then you need to eat. and dexterium is right, stop consuming all the cals youc an get...shit if that were the case I'd run to BK and eat 5000 cals in 1 sitting and be fine. Be smart about what you take in.

Filmboy44 and dexterium is right, stop consuming all the cals youc an get...shit if that were the case I'd run to BK and eat 5000 cals in 1 sitting and be fine. Be smart about what you take in. People here try and eat the basic good foods but to bulk it is a lot easier to just take in 5000 cals from BK along with all the other good foods. It sounds like dexterium is a BB so I can understand his wanting to keep it fairly clean and regimented but I just eat whatever the hell I want and it seems to be doing fine. I do have a gut now though.

dexterium The rule that goes 1.5 x your body weight (140 x 1.5) = 210 g of protein = 2800 cals per day. I don't think that is good enough. are you saying you intend to take in 2800 calories per day or are you saying you think 210g of protein is 2800 cals?

b-stevens are you saying you intend to take in 2800 calories per day or are you saying you think 210g of protein is 2800 cals? it looks like hes implying 210g of protein = 2800 calories just eat lots of it. Don't worry about numbers. To make a diet do this: plug in foods that you like into 8-9 meals a day, get a good balance of carbs fats and protein and worry about the numbers afterwards because you control the quanities going in and out

SteveO it looks like hes implying 210g of protein = 2800 calories just eat lots of it. Don't worry about numbers. To make a diet do this: plug in foods that you like into 8-9 meals a day, get a good balance of carbs fats and protein and worry about the numbers afterwards because you control the quanities going in and out You didn't read all of my initial post. I said that this would be a result of a 30% protein, 50% carb, 20% fat meal plan. 1.5 x 140 = 210 g of protein. 210 * 4 = 840 calories from protein. 840 cals divided by 30% = 2800 overall calories. And by the way, to the person that said that I need to eat because I am only 130 lbs also didn't see that I said my body weight is 140 lbs.

dexterium You didn't read all of my initial post. I said that this would be a result of a 30% protein, 50% carb, 20% fat meal plan. 1.5 x 140 = 210 g of protein. 210 * 4 = 840 calories from protein. 840 cals divided by 30% = 2800 overall calories. And by the way, to the person that said that I need to eat because I am only 130 lbs also didn't see that I said my body weight is 140 lbs. You need to be a little more careful with your equal signs. If you considered 210g of protein 2800 cals you would be assuming you'd take in a whole shitload of calories and then we would have another person claiming to eat 15 thousand calories a day. No flames intended.

b-stevens You need to be a little more careful with your equal signs. If you considered 210g of protein 2800 cals you would be assuming you'd take in a whole shitload of calories and then we would have another person claiming to eat 15 thousand calories a day. No flames intended. So does anyone know how much protein a 140 lb person can take in without damaging their liver?

dexterium So does anyone know how much protein a 140 lb person can take in without damaging their liver? more than you can eat

I have a question for you. It seems like all you do is research. Have you even started working out and eating more?

I have not began anything yet. Besides, my stuff from hasn't arrived yet... whey and stufff... Trust me edmang, my nutrition was so screwed up that I needed this research.

dexterium So does anyone know how much protein a 140 lb person can take in without damaging their liver? eat until your skin turns yellow

too much seriously. % ratios are fucking retarded. 1g -1.5g/lb of protein is plenty. If you don't belive that, find me a study that says otherwise. so say something like this (it's been beaten to death on here already):1.5g/lb of protein 25% of more calories from fat carbs to fill up the rest if you don't like that, eat more fat/protein and less carbs. The point is that more protein at the same calorie level isn't going to magically build more muscle. Your body will simply convert it to fuel and/or fat. Your kidneys are NOT going to be hurt by eating excess protien, it's been shown time and time again. Seriously, at 140lbs, you don't need to be micromanaging your diet, especially if you want to go up in weight as quickly as possible. Make sure you get enough protien, get your EFA's, and just eat a fucking ton.

shastaisforwinners too much seriously. % ratios are fucking retarded. 1g -1.5g/lb of protein is plenty. If you don't belive that, find me a study that says otherwise. so say something like this (it's been beaten to death on here already):1.5g/lb of protein 25% of more calories from fat carbs to fill up the rest if you don't like that, eat more fat/protein and less carbs. The point is that more protein at the same calorie level isn't going to magically build more muscle. Your body will simply convert it to fuel and/or fat. Your kidneys are NOT going to be hurt by eating excess protien, it's been shown time and time again. Seriously, at 140lbs, you don't need to be micromanaging your diet, especially if you want to go up in weight as quickly as possible. Make sure you get enough protien, get your EFA's, and just eat a fucking ton. fucking I was reading to much, and I was clean bulking, trying to count my carbs and shit and was getting no where just fucking eat

dexterium Thinking is important. And by the way, 30% of calories of 7000 calories is 525 grams. That would kill me lol. I think it was Christophers who said the more calories you have in your diet, the less important a really large amount of protein is.

How much protein for my bulking diet?

what sauces do uuse??

what sauces do uuse??

Well, i was thinking, what does everyone put on all there food, like condiments and such?? I use ketchup and chipotle tabasco, on almost everything, and some sweet baby ray's barbecue sauce..

BBQ Sauce on all meat.

A1 makes everything better.

Sweet Baby Rays Soy Sauce

Grouch A1 makes everything better. I used to like that stuff when I was younger, and then I tried it on some steak in the past week or two and i thought it was fucking disgusting. I guess I just love steak too much to butcher it with that shit.

Grouch A1 makes everything better. hell yeah, i put A1 on everything. my parents think im weird cause i put it on their porkchops.

christophers i also steal sweet and sour sauces from various fast food resteraunts. Yup, how come you can never find the same good sauce in bottles at the store

Xtreme2k2 Yup, how come you can never find the same good sauce in bottles at the store werd, i wish i could find that stuff bottled...

I use nothing

Mustard BBQ Sauce

some of this sweet honey bbq shit from HEB oh and mayo aka man juice

Ketchup, mustard, tobasco, Soy. Mayo I used to use alot but after reading the label i wont touch the stuff anymore.

vettedude Well, i was thinking, what does everyone put on all there food, like condiments and such?? I use ketchup and chipotle tabasco, on almost everything, and some sweet baby ray's barbecue sauce.. Hows the sled working out for you? I still wanna make one.

Whitecheddar Ranch!!!

Silver85327 Hows the sled working out for you? I still wanna make one. I'm obviously not vettedude, but I actually spent most of this afternoon calling around at scrap yards and steel distr/warehouses to see how cheap I could find the materials for. The first place I called wanted 63 dollars for just the 1/4x21x24 plate of steel, so I was like fuck that and called probably 20 more places. The highest price I was quoted for just the plate was 90 fucking dollars... but I finally got ahold of somebody in the area that had a 50 dollar minimum sale rule and he said he would just do it for 50 dollars... He said for what I would be using it for Hot-rolled low-carbon steel would be fine and it would be 37 lbs (some people were quoting me 90 cents a lb for the steel so I figure I had a 20 or so dollar leeway before I actually hit 50. After getting off the phone I decided to call him back and order up 15 inches of 2" piping, the wall thickness I chose was about 1/4 inch (figured I could always fill it with something to strengthen it if it was weak). He never got bac to me on pricing of that because they didnt stock it but I figure 50 to 60 dollars total for parts... have somebody from school weld it for me and either find somebody to bend it for near free or cut the 3 inches and have it welded at an angle. I should have all the materials and everything put together by next weekend. ibholyfuckinglongpost edit: I'm going to call him up tomorrow and see if he found out pricing on the pipe and have him put the order in.

awesome, u should have bought 1.5" ID tubing, that stuff is right at 2" od, and people normally carry it in stock. I waslucky, and had a few options open for building my sled, my pops is in the industrial sector of town, and knows alot of people around here, so he was just gonna get one of his friends to give me the crap, but i was like what the hell is the fun in that, Shit is way ebtter when u build it with ur own two hands. But as far as sled work goes, it has gone great, i need to go get another plate for dragging, cause i can do two plates + the sled [pretty easilly, and i can stand straight up while doing it, i dunno if the way o have my rope configured is making this easier or not, but regaurdless, i am gonna need mopre plates for the home gym in the future anyway.

Actually any kind of ranch, I can/do drink that shit from the bottle, especially the cheese varieties/garlic/and bbq styles!

I have around 300 pounds worth of plates just sitting at my dads house that I never use and a 45 # bar. I bought them years ago and never used them. I want to buy a bench and start useing them fawkers. I dunno though I may be moveing to Nebraska/Iowa in a month so I am leary of gathering to much shit cause I dont want to haul it all up there.

I forgot but how much are you pulling on your sled right now?

Silver85327 I forgot but how much are you pulling on your sled right now? i started with two plates/ 90 pounds on the sled and thats what i did the last time i pulled it

I figured you would be pulling more than that. Your a pretty big dude.

siracha / siracha with butter. Most of everything else I eat is quality food so it usually doesn't need any addatives.

3-4 different types of hot sauce I add to almost everything.

lol by the timei made it to the end of this thread, i forgot that it was about sauces and not sleds. lol. i really dont use many/any sauces on anything. mayo on sandwiches (minimal to keep it from being real dry), lil barbeque sauce on anything that comes off the grill.

pepper, chilli oil, chilli sauce

what sauces do uuse??

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