Monday, December 23, 2013

so the summer's comin up fast...

so the summer's comin up fast...

who's gettin them beach muscles primed and prepped? [sex muscle crew sign in ]

eh why would this be locked, it's a fun thread for the people cutting for summer. no community up in this bitch no mo' oh well, thread failure.

im still a bit flabby, dont care though my gyno has gone down though and it doesnt stick out like a sore thumb anymore so goin to the beach this year will be the first time in years..

Using the term "sex muscles" should be grounds for a ban.

cutting here, not so much for the beach cuz imma be taking 12 units in summer school im just trying to get quicker for basketball though.

Zaffir Using the term "sex muscles" should be grounds for a ban. that's what they're jokingly referred to jackass. even around here.

NoXeN im still a bit flabby, dont care though my gyno has gone down though and it doesnt stick out like a sore thumb anymore so goin to the beach this year will be the first time in years.. grats on the gyno. mine doesn't seem to be affected by the nolva yet, only been a month though. how long did it take you for some noticable results?

Im getting ready.Lost about 15 pounds in the last 3 weeks all i do is eat about 1300 Calories a day i was at 210 and yesterday it said im down to 192 so im doing good so far. Working out 4 days a week and on my 5th day is abs and run thats it for about 50 min or so.

I'm actually in fullon bulk mode

nathanbx I'm actually in fullon bulk mode in on bulk mode, this summer doesn't mean shit. my 21st birthday summer is when it all counts. Next january is the cut

im at the end of of my cutting cycle too . I have a shore house for the summer so i'll be spending every weekend on the beach

Bulking starts in three weeks, FUCK Summer

nathanbx I'm actually in fullon bulk mode holla

aenz that's what they're jokingly referred to jackass. even around here. Your post sure didn't seem like a joke p.s. cutting here too

Zaffir Your post sure didn't seem like a joke i was talking about "prepping" and "priming" my beach muscles. how could that NOT be a joke.

I have been cutting since Jan.

Erik_sr20 Can still see my abs you suck @ teh bulking

XxBoNexX Im getting ready.Lost about 15 pounds in the last 3 weeks all i do is eat about 1300 Calories a day i was at 210 and yesterday it said im down to 192 so im doing good so far. Working out 4 days a week and on my 5th day is abs and run thats it for about 50 min or so. just so ya know, 210-192=18... you're doing better than you thought =)

bulking until at least june, probably mid june.

i'm 5'8'', 215, and i'm going to be anorexic until i can see my sex muscles. until then, only water for me. gosh, i'm so excited. i wanna see my sex muscles.

Atenza6i i'm 5'8'', 215, and i'm going to be anorexic until i can see my sex muscles. until then, only water for me. gosh, i'm so excited. i wanna see my sex muscles. I though so too, then after I got them I realized I needed to get bigger again.

kronik85 just so ya know, 210-192=18... you're doing better than you thought =) uh, you're congratulating him for losing 15 pounds in 3 weeks, while he's doing 50 minutes of cardio at a time eating 1,300 calories a day?

Down 27lbs as of a few days ago. However, I really can't wait to bulk again.

I'm gonna cut just enough for my clothes to start fitting again.

Mike McDermott what have you been doing for the gyno? taking tamoxifen (nolva) it works really slowly, so its hard to tell when it really starts to work..

so the summer's comin up fast...

I dont think I was born with obliques

I dont think I was born with obliques

but then again my abs/obliques are seriously lacking. I only work them out once a week and when I do I pound on them. I'm thinking about turning it up to twice, maybe three, times a week instead of once. whats a good oblique work out look like?

Abs are made in teh kitchen! Seriously, you get so much ab work from them being stabilizer muscles in just about every other exercise, you probably *have* abs just fine; you just can't see them. I know I have them, I can feel em..but I need to get my diet in line.

Elfling Abs are made in teh kitchen! Seriously, you get so much ab work from them being stabilizer muscles in just about every other exercise, you probably *have* abs just fine; you just can't see them. I know I have them, I can feel em..but I need to get my diet in line.

when i first started working out I went from 5'11" 130-165. i stopped and a month later I was back down to 135. I still didnt have them. I got back into it a month ago and since have gained 10 or so lbs so I know I wont see them, but the next time I cut I want to see those bitches!

stop cutting, get bigger and then cut. With that weight you have next to no ab mass as it is

yeah i dont plan on seeing them for a long time, i just want to make sure they will be there. i jsut want a good oblique routine, i just dont feel any burn or anything after working on them

jackjohnson yeah i dont plan on seeing them for a long time, i just want to make sure they will be there. i jsut want a good oblique routine, i just dont feel any burn or anything after working on them you have obliques or else you would have a very difficult time twisting your torso. Just build up the main part of your abs doing your basic crunches, leg raises, etc. Obliques are only visibile at very low body fat levels

pfft what you want to see them for, be fat like the rest of us.

dragon flags destroy my obliques

shastaisforwinners dragon flags destroy my obliques Dragon flags destroy my elbows.

thats impossible, you have to work them.

i know, i was joking. i was looking for different ways to work them, instead of my typical side bend stuff

jackjohnson i know, i was joking. i was looking for different ways to work them, instead of my typical side bend stuff Ever done cable crossovers? I've heard some people call them lumberjacks too. Start with the cable at a high attachment, pull from right shoulder to left hip in a crunching motion (you're doing it standing up). Switch to left shoulder to right hip for next set.

timberwolf Dragon flags destroy my elbows. I think I must have been smoking crack when I posted I meant an excersise similar to decline bench twists, not dragon flags. Basically sit on a decline bench, hold yourself upper body parallel to the floor. With arms out in front (pointed at the ceiling) w/ fingers interlaced, twist your body from side to side, so it looks like an upside-down pendulum. Can't think of the name for some reason...

alright thanks guys ill try these out. anyone else think oblique exercises look retarded? i always feel like richard simmons doing them

Elfling Abs are made in teh kitchen! i do all my situps there

I dont think I was born with obliques

how much calories should i intake per day?

how much calories should i intake per day?

-5' 9.5" -~180 lbs -22 years of age (23 come august) -lifting on and off for the past two years (i would say i've liften consecutively in 18 of those 24 month span) -do not do as much as cardio as i have hoped. any more info and i'll gladly give it, as long as it pertains to fitness

If you want to put on weight, BWx18, maintain, BWx15, lose weight, BWx12. Because everybody is different, those are just rough starting points. Adjust your intake up or down depending on how rapidly your losing/gaining weight

read the stickies. 2000K-2200Kcals for your weight...180 g of protein

nic379 read the stickies. 2000K-2200Kcals for your weight...180 g of protein isn't that low?

a million.

how much calories should i intake per day?

Is this a good look to go for? *snws*

Is this a good look to go for? *snws*

I'm wanting some inspiration and I watch wrestling sometimes. Well Trish Stratus has always caught my eye, and I was wondering if guys like the way she looks. These aren't very good pics of her..but the wrestlling website and her website wouldn't allow me to save pics. also her eis her website with better pics and the wrestling website

how about the Carmen Electra look?

It might just be me, but I hate it when girls look kind of buff. That girl has some veins bulging out of her arm. Jessica Simpson weight trains for fat loss, and she looks incredible. As does Jessica Alba! That girl = That = hot

her body is hot, even a little bit more muscle would be fine IMO

trish stratus is fuckin hot

girls and muscles dont mix

transistor girls and muscles dont mix and so said the man who looked like a prepubescent girl.

Grouch and so said the man who looked like a prepubescent girl.

pics of you in bikini as of now?

sr20wop pics of you in bikini as of now?

i say go for it


it's a tie

trish is so fucking hot that I wouldnt want her...thats how hot she is

those pics aren't really good looking pics as I said before because she's got oil all over her and is too tan IMO. I like it when she looks more natural. Also I don't want breast I would look different in that aspect.

nic379 those pics aren't really good looking pics as I said before because she's got oil all over her and is too tan IMO. I like it when she looks more natural. Also I don't want breast I would look different in that aspect. pics of you know for comparison sake, also for an idea how much work you got ahead

Socrates It might just be me, but I hate it when girls look kind of buff. That girl has some veins bulging out of her arm. Jessica Simpson weight trains for fat loss, and she looks incredible. As does Jessica Alba! That girl = That = hot Jessica Simpson is really pretty in that pic...but I've also seen ipcs of her where she looked bad. I think that that's how Trish looks when she isn't flexing and all oiled up.

PurEvl trish is so fucking hot that I wouldnt want her...thats how hot she is you guys are SO silly and complicated. and no pics. I'm not comfortable yet. I do have alot of work ahead of me..or at least that's what I tell myself so that I won't get discouraged when I don't wake up tomorrow looking like that. I did order some protein finally, so that should help with the muscle.

She's so fine I want to suck her daddies dick!

what bri?

superbri007 i broke the tie, but... this girl > all girls on this thread then why did you vote no? she has muscle that you can see. if you greased her up like trish..she would look just the

trish stratus is fuckin hot

you're gay if you wouldn't bang that

Ceaze trish stratus is fuckin hot . Tied 7 up

She looks 10x better in that pic. I say go for it, just don't starve yourself or end up getting the implants.

Is this a good look to go for? *snws*

Power Hooks?

Power Hooks?

Anyone use them? They seem pretty useful.

damn those look like they are pretty useful...especially since my right wrist is weak(no idea why...and i do wrist and forearms about 5 times/week.) and i have trouble getting the weight up on right side and usually get someone to hand it to me once i have the left one

baseball17c damn those look like they are pretty useful...especially since my right wrist is weak(no idea why...and i do wrist and forearms about 5 times/week.) and i have trouble getting the weight up on right side and usually get someone to hand it to me once i have the left one quit doing your forearms and wrists 5 times a week, you putz

mike quit doing your forearms and wrists 5 times a week, you putz Yeah, that's a little weird. I have to admit.

i like this concept

i almost got them long ago. but figured if between grip & straps i couldn't do it, that i shouldn't be.

SickLife i almost got them long ago. but figured if between grip & straps i couldn't do it, that i shouldn't be. Yeah, that's a good point.

kinda pricey for 2 metal hooks

Damn now I want those. Throwing 90lb dumbbells from my leg to my shoulder for shoulder press is really annoying and bringing them back down to my thighs the day after leg day isn't a picnic either.

ACURA TL-S Damn now I want those. Throwing 90lb dumbbells from my leg to my shoulder for shoulder press is really annoying and bringing them back down to my thighs the day after leg day isn't a picnic either. but substitute a lot less weight.

Power Hooks?

how much weight on dips?

how much weight on dips?

just curious what everyone is doing here. i do mine pretty wide and can do about 5 or 6 reps with 3 plates (135 lbs). my roommate doesnt believe i can do that much weight though, ha.

don't like to do them

I usually do 4 sets of 6-10 reps: body weight, bw+25, bw+35, bw+45.

i have a hard time believing that as well but awesome if you really can.

That's quite a bit of weight.

at my gym, you have to go to the bloody front desk and sign out the belt to attach the plates to. Cant be bothered so I just do body weight only.

45 8 reps 70 8 reps 90 6 reps 90 5 reps

i can do 2 plates for sets of 6-8 pretty easily.

how far down do you go? i just do bw dips..first set is usually 14 fairly deep

aenz i have a hard time believing that as well but awesome if you really can. i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist

Ceaze i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist That sucks what you gonna do about it?

NoXeN how far down do you go? my upper arms go to parallel with the floor. so 90 degrees at my elbows

ryazbeck just curious what everyone is doing here. i do mine pretty wide and can do about 5 or 6 reps with 3 plates (135 lbs). my roommate doesnt believe i can do that much weight though, ha. thats pretty impressive if true. I do sets with the 45 pound plates... wide grip and leaned forward on shoulder day, and closer grip vertical on tricep day.

Ceaze i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist how weird, my wife just had an mri for that last week and today they shot some roids into it...shes in agony

PurEvl how weird, my wife just had an mri for that last week and today they shot some roids into it...shes in agony yeah i got it from doing rack hasn't stopped me from working out but i have to wear wrist wraps to take some pressure off my wrist

my body weight = 200 lbs. I'll do like 25,15,15

I use my bodyweight...

I usually get under big guys doing dips and get them on my shoulders and start dipping them.

135? post up some pictures of you are you doing them on a flat bench (with the weight on your lap) or an actual dip bar?

using a dip bar with a weight belt and 3 plates on it. pics here:

ryazbeck using a dip bar with a weight belt and 3 plates on it. pics here: well more power to you if you actually can. me and you are very similar sized, and you do a shitload more weight. What are you putting on BB bench?

Max I've tried years ago was 60lb dumbell held between my legs for 5-6 reps. Haven't tried weighted dips too often...

Ceaze i used to do that much.....i can't do dips right now though cause of the cyst in my wrist i didn't mean i don't think it's possible. i meant based on his pics i wouldn't have guessed he could do that much.

SteveO well more power to you if you actually can. me and you are very similar sized, and you do a shitload more weight. What are you putting on BB bench? dips and bench don't have much correlation

Ceaze dips and bench don't have much correlation I'm just curious of the chest numbers he's putting up. I wish I could do that kinda heavy weight like you guys, but wrist injuries and shoulder injuries really hurt my benching

how much weight on dips?

attn y0gfx

attn y0gfx

clear your pms

tize take it to a pm I hope your worthless pathetic ass dies a horrible death.

attn y0gfx

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