Monday, December 16, 2013

Ahh..diagnosed with acute peroneal nueropathy :hsd:

Ahh..diagnosed with acute peroneal nueropathy :hsd:

i cant dorsiflex my right foot :'(

what? I understand like 2 words in this post

How's your HRT going?

Dorsiflexion is bringing your foot up, right?

Or I have that backwards.

dorsiflexion is bringing your foot toward your shin

He can't lift his toes towards his shin. Mainly because he is a lytw8.

ACURA TL-S He can't lift his toes towards his shin. Mainly because he is a lytw8.

Hip Hippo Dorsiflexion is bringing your foot up, right? yeah..

Ceaze dorsiflexion is bringing your foot toward your shin si, senor.. i cant do it, my nerve is temporarily dead..they said it might be a few months before it comes back

So what happens now?

Ilyusha So what happens now? sit and wait..check up in 3 weeks, perhaps surgery or electric shock to see wtf is up with it

mike sit and wait..check up in 3 weeks, perhaps surgery or electric shock to see wtf is up with it can you lift?

Ilyusha can you lift? not with my foot ;o

mike not with my foot ;o Not like it ever mattered..

superbri007 well, now you can devote all your time to upper body how did all this happen again? football? kickball

mike kickball Are you serious?


buffbronzenbtchn How's your HRT going? .

something like that used to happen to me when I would play soccer. It would go away in a few weeks

mike kickball is that what you did on spring break?

Someone lifts with bad form and you tear them an asshole. Some lumix kicks a fucking rubber ball improperly and hurts himself (biggest. pussy. evar.) and you have a group hug. I guess the rumors about guys who lift and shave are true.

who are you?

Incog91 Someone lifts with bad form and you tear them an asshole. Some lumix kicks a fucking rubber ball improperly and hurts himself (biggest. pussy. evar.) and you have a group hug. I guess the rumors about guys who lift and shave are true. who the fuck are you? and please explain to me how damaging a nerve ending, regardless of cause, makes someone a pussy? die in a fire you worthless jizz bucket

404SHITnotfound I've had that before, from soccer. You kicked it right about at the joint of your foot and shin, didn't you? God I hate that numb feeling and not being able to get full range of motion out of my good. nah, the nerve ending that was malfunctioning is located just below the knee on the outside of the leg

Ahh..diagnosed with acute peroneal nueropathy :hsd:

Sunday, December 15, 2013

ROFL. ronnie phrases website

ROFL. ronnie phrases website

some lifting inspiration for ya'lls

nathanbx .

repost but i aint seen it yet HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111 light weight babay

I'm going to add those to my mp3 player.

That was a repost, like a month ago...

What the fuck is "lightweight" all about anyway. Does he yell it when he hits the final rep?

How do I rip it to mp3?

i posted this like a month ago.. and i'm pretty sure you posted in my thread. all good

@ light.. weight .... ... ...... ............ baby?

Mugwump What the fuck is "lightweight" all about anyway. Does he yell it when he hits the final rep? He is just telling himself that "This is nothing....This that i am about to lift is soooo light." It's to numb his brain of any doubts that he will or might have about his next set. (FYI...Ronnie lifts ALOT....ALL THE TIME) lol soooo in a nutshell.... Ronnie: LightW8!!!!!!! BABAY!!!! = Cracker terminology: Oh Shit....but I gotta do it :broly:

drunknmunky How do I rip it to mp3? right click > save as > ronnie.mp3 > burn it to cd > stick it in your cd player > listen to it not work

jonno i posted this like a month ago.. and i'm pretty sure you posted in my thread. all good prove it

KingGargantuan right click > save as > ronnie.mp3 > burn it to cd > stick it in your cd player > listen to it not work not working anyone wanna email or im them?

"nuttin' like a peanut"

I keep going through all of them.

i put one of them to answer my voicemail.

ROFL. ronnie phrases website

Mini F&N meet in Santa Cruz CA April 9th?

Mini F&N meet in Santa Cruz CA April 9th?

There is a strong man event going on in santa cruz. Lets show these fatties what crunking is all about.

Anniversary weekend.. can't make it.

Ilyusha Anniversary weekend.. can't make it. I kid I kid.

Grouch I kid I kid. Funny thing is that I *might* be in Monterey/Carmel with her if I decide to get hotel reservations for Fri->Sat. Maybe I can sucker her into going to SC for a bit..

i can probably make it more details besides ones listed on the ws?

Cobra Commander i can probably make it more details besides ones listed on the ws? i dont have any. i just know a guy who is doing it

will there be koolaid and watermelon served? if thats the case I may attend.

I was thinking of drinking some beer that day at this great brew pub in SF. But if a fair number of people start signing up to come, I'll mob down there too.

cazzone I was thinking of drinking some beer that day at this great brew pub in SF. But if a fair number of people start signing up to come, I'll mob down there too. Where in SF?

Toronado... lower Haight. Bawmb.

cazzone Toronado... lower Haight. Bawmb. You should check out Milk on lower Haight as well..

Ilyusha You should check out Milk on lower Haight as well.. Milk.... meh. I'm done trying to be hip or whatever the kids are these days. I goto Toranado for the beer.

cazzone Milk.... meh. I'm done trying to be hip or whatever the kids are these days. I goto Toranado for the beer. I didn't know you were old, mang. That site doesn't work..

Ilyusha I didn't know you were old, mang. That site doesn't work.. yeah cazzone is old.

Ilyusha I didn't know you were old, mang. That site doesn't work.. Belgian Beer > *

Grouch yeah cazzone is old. Well, too old to hangout with wankstas tryna "holla at beezys" while "slumpin" the brand new "cuts" off the "King Nicky" album

Mini F&N meet in Santa Cruz CA April 9th?

Squat problem

Squat problem

I have this problem with my legs. For one thing, i'm what they call "bull legged". However, for some strange reason, my "tibia" -- the shin bone -- is rotated a bit more than normal. Meaning my toes stick outwards a bit more -- which makes my knee point a bit inwards. Now, the problem is that my knee naturally doesn't go over my toes. Does anyone else have this problem? Something about tibia torsion... if you guys really don't understand, i'll maybe get some pics...

i'm lost maybe pics would help

External tibia torsion to be exact. or outtoeing?

well, ur toes should be pointed outwards, and also, your knees should not pass your toes.

Thanks Vettedude. I know though...the question was -- Does anyone else have this problem?

Gutrat Thanks Vettedude. I know though...the question was -- Does anyone else have this problem? i dont see what the problem is???

Hmm, its hard to explain... well, it isn't really... its just my knee doesn't line up with my toes... so its hard to line them up properly during a squat. () -||- <-- Me ||/ Understand now?

tize try paint i'm tired right now, i'll do it tommorow when I can...gnight guys

tize wrong and wrong.

what abput the whole sitting back thing, your knees should be behind ur toes if you are sittign back.

tize tize, the article fails to explore the delicacy of the knee joint, compared to the stability of the hip joint and presence of fibrocartilage in the lower back. While they might throw a large number at you, it is well possible the joints can sustain that extra force better than the knee joint can sustain the extra force it recieves with exaggerated coronal translation of the knee joint

What uh huh? Eric has drawn his own conclusions in this article, although he does quote the researcher as saying it only 'may' benefit appropriate joint loading.

I've sent Eric an email about this, if you are interested here it is: Hi Eric In this article you say that your knees should infact travel over your knees in a squat, citing the research of Fry, Smith and Schilling. There are a couple of issues I'd like to raise with you. If I get the chance tomorrow, I will read the actual journal article, as I have no e-access too it, only print Firstly, the measurement of torque is questionable in itself in this experiment. The reason being, by looking at the photo you replicate in your article, the pictured subject obviously has learnt the motor skill with his knees passing the toes, which you yourself state, " In the second condition, movement wasn't restricted at all; they squatted normally, and the knees passed the toes " The athlete, therefore when provided with physical guidance to perform a motor skill with different pattern than what he is used too, will ofcourse perform a sub-standard movement with unbalanced loading on joints, he will perform it as a beginner, in a 'step-by-step, poorly coordinated manner" (Henry and Rogers, 1960)' The wooden board changes the movment the athelte is useful, and provides a different set of intrisic feedback, therefore ofcourse he will show abormal joint loading when presented with this physical block. If an athelte is trained to squat without his knee translating over his foot from the start of the squatting experience, then, without doubt, he would produce less abnormal force distribution. Similary, if he was forced to squat with his knees over the toe, he would probably put excessive force into the knee joint. The other issue I'd like to raise is that you have not compared the stability and strength of the knee joint vs hip joint. We know the hip joint is very anatomically stable when compared to the knee joint, even just looking at its anatomical position tells us this. It should be able be able to withstand the forces better than the knee joint. One should also look at where this "myth" originated, if there was little occurance of knee complaints of squatters, then researchers would not have looked at how to reduce this. I could be well and truly wrong, but I'd like my arguments debunked if I am

tize what his reg date Put your mouse over my username, you'll see I have a smaller UID than you

If youre gonna disagree with my view point fine, just when I call you on it, atleast say something that sounds like fact, not just jump on a bandwagon. Just because eric says its so doesnt make it so, hey, I could be making myself look like an idiot and be completly wrong, but atleast ive presented an argumented view

Squat problem

So apparently gripper work DOES help with holding strength

So apparently gripper work DOES help with holding strength

I've been working with the CoC trainer for just few days now....when i got it i was struggling for a few reps in each hand and now i can get 20 good reps, left and right. Today i was able to deadlift and hold 285 double overhand and 335 over-under without any problem at all, whereas before grip always became an issue with these weights. Granted my grip sucked to begin with and we're not talking about a lot of weight here, so i'd imagine at some point the difference between crushing strength and holding strength will start to be more apparent. But if you are a beginner and have grip issues like i did, picking up one of these grippers may be something to try. Guess it's time to order the # 1 too

werd its the bomb... i'm still having issues with #2, but gimme a few months

I'm still on the trainer. I can close it with my right hand 3-4 times, I can almost close it with my left hand. I'm a lightweight

im working on teh 200lb one now. kicking my ass

What site are you guys ordering from?

I ordered the #1 and I've been working on it for almost a month now and I still can't all the way close it, I can come within about a centimeter for about 20 reps but I can't close it all the way.. My grip is fairly good though, I can hold over 400 for shrugs, but I can't fucking close a #1..

It sort of seems like if my hands were a little longer I would be able to close it a lot easier..

7th Ninjai What site are you guys ordering from? same question

i got the trainer used from someone on here, but i guess i'll order the # 1 direct from ironmind..

is the combo deal still going on? i'm interested in the trainer and the 1 just to test it out edit: and because I'm weak

So apparently gripper work DOES help with holding strength

Whey Protein or Creatine ?

Whey Protein or Creatine ?

Which is more valuable to new muscle growth for non-religious weight lifters who exercise regularly and lift twice a week Max? Is there another supplement (other than Multi-V) that is more vital ???

If your diet is protein deficient, then the whey protein would be more beneficial. If you are already getting adequate protein through whole foods, then creatine would be more beneficial. It goes without saying that you should be using a good MV, and supplementing EFA's.

sprite If your diet is protein deficient, then the whey protein would be more beneficial. If you are already getting adequate protein through whole foods, then creatine would be more beneficial. It goes without saying that you should be using a good MV, and supplementing EFA's. good info! I did say in my first post anything else other than "Multi-V", meaning i already use a good one but would want to look into something to help in gaining muscle growth. What is "EFA"? And why does that guy want to kill me, all i do i eat googles for breakfast nothing more nothing less

id go as far to say if you arent real involved stay away from creatine

Opi id go as far to say if you arent real involved stay away from creatine Hmm i was an athlete but was never really informed on body enhancers so i never took them. What is bad about Creatine other than the occassional cramp through dehydration?

ok Is An essential Fatty Acid , the same thing as Omega 3 and 6 i have been reading or hearing about so much lately? If so, i always read about it as a mental or Neuro affects rather than physical supplement? What is it good for?

CoronaBottle ok Is An essential Fatty Acid , the same thing as Omega 3 and 6 i have been reading or hearing about so much lately? If so, i always read about it as a mental or Neuro affects rather than physical supplement? What is it good for? Do some research dude, these are basic questions. Fish Oil: Flaxseed Oil:

tize waste of money, time if you arent active dot

sprite Do some research dude, these are basic questions. Fish Oil: Flaxseed Oil: Well, not really. Some o fthe info you provided me really don't even answer my question. "Flaxseed oil can help preven breast cancer", how will this help me gain muscle?

It won't help you "gain muscle", it will, however, help with body composition. There are two paragraphs on this in the Fish Oil article. Different products as a means to the same end.

Whey Protein or Creatine ?

Alright I am addicted to proving people wrong on myspace.

Alright I am addicted to proving people wrong on myspace.

Christophers, do most PL routines have shrugs incorporated?

Look at a Metal Militia workout or anything by Mike Miller...hold on let me find a link.

Mike Miller Wednesday we'll do shoulders and tons of shrugs. Shoulders and traps are an integral part of your bench pressing. I do trap bar shrugs. I start with 135 pounds for 100 reps, 225 for 75 reps, 315 for 50 reps, 425 for 25 reps, then 515 for 15 reps. Then I'll alternate with straight bar shrugs and work up to 495 where I use a little of my body weight to heave the bar up. Then I'll hold it there for five seconds. I'll go up to 600 pounds and do the same thing, letting my arms hang down low to get a good pull on my traps. Then I grab the 135 pound dumbbells and do shrugs, four sets of thirty, really strict. After that I superset front raises and side raises. Tons of assistance work for shoulders! Not exactly typical of everybody, the guy is a damn beast.

I love the look of large traps, and I try to shrug with really strict form and slow negatives and pauses and such. It's extremely taxing, and after 3 sets of 20 with DB's, I'm spent. I dunno why, but it's the most grueling exercise for me. Should I do more trap work?

ACURA TL-S Christophers, do most PL routines have shrugs incorporated? hahaha acura, i was thinking of asking the same question here to prove that fag wrong ;x i feel the same way as your thread title as well.

Ilyusha I love the look of large traps, and I try to shrug with really strict form and slow negatives and pauses and such. It's extremely taxing, and after 3 sets of 20 with DB's, I'm spent. I dunno why, but it's the most grueling exercise for me. Should I do more trap work? wait so your only shurggin 20 lb dumbells?

20 reps and to believe that they thought powerlifters did not juice, LOL

cavefish Not exactly typical of everybody, the guy is a damn beast. Starting in may I will be training with him

Even in the dave tate intermdiate routine he has shrugs in there. Jim Wendler wants to be arrested for having to large traps

515 is lightweight

pokesteve i dunno about anybody else but after deads my traps are fucking DEAD Mine never hurt after I dead

pokesteve i dunno about anybody else but after deads my traps are fucking DEAD Hitching is bad mmmkay?

ohh god, the lates jewel, lol

From: Stacey Date: Apr 13, 2005 11:53 PM Subject: ha Body: look at wonder you talk shit wish you could have my life

my responses:ohh god, are you serious.... lol, DIAF so, anythign else you have to say, because that was fuckign weak, you are seriously a retarded person, have u ever had your IQ checked? You would probably not be suprised at how low it was.

vettedude From: Stacey Date: Apr 13, 2005 11:53 PM Subject: ha Body: look at wonder you talk shit wish you could have my life ' shes ugly hahdhdhaha that makes it so much better

vettedude From: Stacey Date: Apr 13, 2005 11:53 PM Subject: ha Body: look at wonder you talk shit wish you could have my life Stacey "The Joker" Tarantino.

Ilyusha Stacey "The Joker" Tarantino. holly shit, they are fucking twins thats the thread that started this...

you guys have way too much time

dmaestro you guys have way too much time This man speaks the truth.

Ilyusha Stacey "The Joker" Tarantino. I was thinking "sandra bernhardt impersonater"

I'd say so.


Alright I am addicted to proving people wrong on myspace.

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