Sunday, December 15, 2013



Well since i guess the GB fell though i decided just to pay the full price for the heavy grips. Was only $69.99 shipped. I cant wait to get them

Why the hell did you pay so gattdamn much?

tize waste of money you coulda got an 8ball, almost No, you douchebag. He could have bought an 8th of weed. An 8-ball of coke is at least 2 times that.

Well i got my VA check today so i was not worried about saving a few bucks..

An 8th of ganj for $70 better be better than best. 8ths usually run 45-60, depending on quality and who you know.

If you close the 300 I will personally fly my ass over to idaho and stomp a mud hole in you.

Ilyusha An 8th of ganj for $70 better be better than best. 8ths usually run 45-60, depending on quality and who you know. My network sucks right now, only have one homie that I pick up quarters to o's from. Need more variety.

Perplexed Grouch, how does a HG150 compare to CoC#1? And a HG200 to a CoC#2? 150 is just a tiny bit harder than a trainer 200 is about a 1.

Perplexed My CoC trainer came today.. I think I shoulda started with the #1, I can already close it 5+ times with each hand no trainer is just right. The 1 is a beast for most grip noobs.

Grouch no trainer is just right. The 1 is a beast for most grip noobs. Do you use chalk for plate hub lifts?

b-stevens Do you use chalk for plate hub lifts? no i dont. not on the plates that i use for it. but most of the newer plates I've tried you almost have to.

Ilyusha An 8th of ganj for $70 better be better than best. 8ths usually run 45-60, depending on quality and who you know. 1/8 goes for about $25-30 bucks canadian here... and we have some of the best shit

dc213 1/8 goes for about $25-30 bucks canadian here... and we have some of the best shit California

dc213 1/8 goes for about $25-30 bucks canadian here... and we have some of the best shit 30 canadian is like 358 american, dude.

well i got them today

mtnbike4522 well i got them today winnar!!!!11one Now what can you close.

I can get the 200 about 3/4in from closed 300 i can hardly budge

mtnbike4522 I can get the 200 about 3/4in from closed 300 i can hardly budge not bad though. the 200 is about a coc1. Thats where I pretty much was when I started. I can get the 300 down to 1/4 inch though now.

Perplexed So which one is about equal to a CoC2? the 250 is close, like a 1.8 the 300 is like a 2.6


So I've been through a shitload of proteins in my time....................

So I've been through a shitload of proteins in my time....................

and nothing compares or comes close to the taste of muscle milk chocolate milk.......sure its packed with sugar........but out of all shakes this is by far the best tasting hands down.

It should be for all the fat it has.

~stangzorized~ It should be for all the fat it has.

with water? or milk

Patrick Bateman and nothing compares or comes close to the taste of muscle milk chocolate milk.......sure its packed with sugar........but out of all shakes this is by far the best tasting hands down. Ever tried Biotest Grow? Shit's great!

ON choc is yummy to me plus it's cheaper

with skim milk, trying to get some mass, but upping the cardio as i do it.

it's bad ass, just too many calories.

Try Cytogainer. Less sugar, less fat, more quality carbs.

t3nchi Ever tried Biotest Grow? Shit's great! have to agree, was surprised how well it tasted...

nice av

Is your muscle milk pretty thin and liquidy? Mine is. My old stuff used to be really thick....

true that with milk i had one earlier today best sdhake ever...god now i want some muscle milk...nothing better

Strawberry is good shit... but like every one said fats make it good. I split ON Choc. and MM Straw every day... just so I don't get sick of the ON

Musclemilk's Cookies and Cream for me...

Yeah I just finished up a tub, good stuff.

This shit tastes good : edit: double chocolate of course

GTP This shit tastes good : edit: double chocolate of course

GTP This shit tastes good : edit: double chocolate of course You should be banned for posting up gnc shit.

Muscle Milk Bannana is good shit as well. I also tried Muscle Milk Smores, it was...OK I just placed an order through trueprotein.comwith the BSL flavoring, it was pretty cheap. Can't wait to try it.

justwhey chocolate is really the best i've ever had

GTP This shit tastes good : edit: double chocolate of course

Mystery Guest Muscle Milk Bannana is good shit as well. I also tried Muscle Milk Smores, it was...OK I just placed an order through trueprotein.comwith the BSL flavoring, it was pretty cheap. Can't wait to try it. please let us know how it tastes. ive gone through 30lbs of trueprotein without the BSL flavoring and it's been gross. still have 20lbs left

terse please let us know how it tastes. ive gone through 30lbs of trueprotein without the BSL flavoring and it's been gross. still have 20lbs left bsl flavoring is the bomb

gsteclipse97 bsl flavoring is the bomb Too bad true protein charges an arm and a leg for it.

So I've been through a shitload of proteins in my time....................

Is this good for post workout

Is this good for post workout

2 scoop protein shake of designer whey (strawberry yuk) in skim milk slice of garlic bread.

That's fine.

so-so.... at best.

MikeMurder so-so.... at best. What would u recomend?

more carbs

have some oatmeal or something instead of garlic bread

get about 75-80g of carbs with that shake

Is this good for post workout

i'm back brolys!

i'm back brolys!

After a month hiatus from the gym, (flu, then bronchitus), i went back in last night. I started up the 12 week plan that Christophers put up, the big 3 on day one. I must say, my fucking quads are KILLING me today! feels great to be back though. I got one question, what if i can't do a pull-up?

moses I got one question, what if i can't do a pull-up? Kill yourself?


DCCapen cant do a pullup? Is that possible? 202, 29% body fat.. yeah its possible. But thats down from 220 37%

lat pull down

Shaolin_sword36 lat pull down .

i'm back brolys!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

saw this on another board

saw this on another board

dudes bench is stuck at 295..he does squat but doesnt like doing em you definitely need to change your routine if you've been doing the same thing, try this out for a month- based on some sound research and principles- 10 sets of 3 reps with your 6 repetition maximum.- So figure out what weight you can do only 6 times- use that weight to do 3 reps,- rest for 90 seconds- repeat until you do 10 sets. Each week add a rep- so the following week you'll do 10 sets of 4 reps and so on. for gains in strength and muscle hypertrophy(growth), the muscle needs to be worked in a range of repetitions- 30-50reps. The norm is to do 3 sets of 10, right?- but using a weight that allows ten reps may not be heavy enough to stimulate the strength you're looking for- so that where the 10 sets of 3 reps come in- You still get that repetition range of 30-50 total reps- but with a heavier weight. someone recommended this sound reasonable?

if the kid took two weeks off from the gym and came back fresh and lifted light the first two weeks back then stepped it up he would get the same results. Sticking points are 99% mental or overtrained, so basically any kind of change will net a result

why do 3 reps with a 6rm?

AKA the waterbury method

I have never heard of doing that. The lowest set I do is sets of 10 x 50 pounds less than my current max, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1 x my current max. And try to increase it that way.

2.5lb plates = teh win. Increase slowly but surely.

saw this on another board

anyone here use jean paul gautier cologne?

anyone here use jean paul gautier cologne?

i sprayed it 4 times today and cant smell it. not even the people around me unless they are REALLY close to me. im talking like neck kissing close. is there somehing wrong with this bottle or do you really have to spray this on a lot? i thought it was strong

anyone here use jean paul gautier cologne?

anyone here use jean paul gautier cologne?

kick my backs ass

kick my backs ass

someone gimme a good back routine and i will bless you, oh ya

MES GM work to 3 rep max

deadlift, pullups, bent-over rows

bent over rows... up right rows... pull downs... close grip and wide grip... wide grip chin ups and close grip chin ups. t bar rows... close grip rows... enjoy 6-8 reps 4 sets of each... it will RAPE your back

Gutrat deadlift, pullups, bent-over rows the only lifts you'll ever need

SteveO the only lifts you'll ever need pharrel williams

I usually warmup with a couple sets of close grip pull downs, then superset all variations of pull ups with straight-arm lat pull downs (, bent-over rows supersetted with face pulls, and finish off with some alternating DB rows or machine rows.

Gutrat deadlift, pullups, bent-over rows .

SteveO the only lifts you'll ever need Troof

kick my backs ass

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