Friday, December 13, 2013

Help me find this exercise

Help me find this exercise

I'm pretty sure it's for the lower back. You basically bend yourself over a padded bar while leaning forward alot. You bring your face towards the ground and then bend back up. WTFHELP

Nevermind, i found it Weighted Hyper-extension (back extension)

Help me find this exercise

So can anyone give me some advice?

So can anyone give me some advice? I'm just wanting to make sure that I'm doing ok. Any suggestions would be great.

looks good but what are your goals? height? weight? bulking slow or fast?

Eat more. 1600 cal/day is nothing. 90 mins-2 hours is a long time; shorter and more intense workouts will probably do more for you. No need to warmup on the treadmill before lifting. I'd also save the stretching until you're done lifting. As far as your routine goes, you're focusing on isolated movements way too much. To build a good base strength you need compound movements involving your whole body. This routine is awesome for beginning: I would do cardio on off days only or at least at a different time of the day, not at the same time as lifting.

You're strength is not bad at all for a girl. 90 mins of cardio is quite a lot though.

girl you say? I must see a picture before any help is provided to ensure authentic and proper advice

Leb_CRX girl you say? I must see a picture before any help is provided to ensure authentic and proper advice I will post pics as soon as I get to where I want to be. I'm 5'7" and I want to weigh approx 120-130 lbs. (I would ideally like to weigh 120 but for the look I'm going for 130 is a more idealistic goal) I want to have muscle, muscle you can see. Not just muscle that's there when I flex. Basically I want to look like a "cut" girl but not a roid freak Right now I'm in what I will call the fat loss/basic muscle build stage.

Soularis You're strength is not bad at all for a girl. 90 mins of cardio is quite a lot though. I'm really intent on loseing weight

nic379 I will post pics as soon as I get to where I want to be. I'm 5'7" and I want to weigh approx 120-130 lbs. (I would ideally like to weigh 120 but for the look I'm going for 130 is a more idealistic goal) I want to have muscle, muscle you can see. Not just muscle that's there when I flex. Basically I want to look like a "cut" girl but not a roid freak Right now I'm in what I will call the fat loss/basic muscle build stage. respek! I wish more girls thought like you I hope you achieve your goals and in-turn satisfy my appetite of looking at picture of sexy looking woman

isnt 90 minutes on the treadmill a little too much? I would just do a little higher intensity and lower the time.

ok so I updated with my diet info for today.

BuckNut isnt 90 minutes on the treadmill a little too much? I would just do a little higher intensity and lower the time. i don't know if it is or not. is it hurting me? should i stop doing so much cardio???????

Read the two stickies about fat loss by christophers. His first post in both threads are gold mines. I still think your total cals for a day are low but that really depends on your own body. I'd up the protein to help you keep the muscle on while losing fat. This becomes even more important the lower your total cals go. Good luck!

Nick Read the two stickies about fat loss by christophers. His first post in both threads are gold mines. I still think your total cals for a day are low but that really depends on your own body. I'd up the protein to help you keep the muscle on while losing fat. This becomes even more important the lower your total cals go. Good luck! awesome thanks. i guess i'll have to start eating more eggs and tuna. and i was suprised at how low my total cals were for today. i'm usually around 1600-1800. and yes a big part to me is keeping the i will take your advice and eat more protein. can anyone explain to me why this will help me keep the muscle though?

nic379 awesome thanks. i guess i'll have to start eating more eggs and tuna. and i was suprised at how low my total cals were for today. i'm usually around 1600-1800. and yes a big part to me is keeping the i will take your advice and eat more protein. can anyone explain to me why this will help me keep the muscle though? why do we need it? Protein is a nutrient made up of amino acids. There are two types of amino acids. Non-essential Amino Acids can usually be synthesized by a healthy body from the foods that we eat each day. The Essential Amino Acids however, must be obtained through the daily diet. Protein has a number of important roles in the body, including: ----Repair of body cells ----Build and repair muscles and bones ----Provide a source of energy ----Regulate many important metabolic processes in the body Taken from:

Hip Hippo why do we need it? Protein is a nutrient made up of amino acids. There are two types of amino acids. Non-essential Amino Acids can usually be synthesized by a healthy body from the foods that we eat each day. The Essential Amino Acids however, must be obtained through the daily diet. Protein has a number of important roles in the body, including: ----Repair of body cells ----Build and repair muscles and bones ----Provide a source of energy ----Regulate many important metabolic processes in the body Taken from: this i understand..i took anatomy and physiology a while back but have forgotten alot of it but i remember this stuff.

So can anyone give me some advice?

Hair on my shoulders.. WTF.

Hair on my shoulders.. WTF.

Is it just me to do guys get more hair on their shoulders than the rest of their body (excluding chest, pubic area etc..). I've got slightly hairy shoulders, is this normal? Do any of you guys shave or wax shoulder hair off?

Dude, just braid it.

I can't say I've had a problem with hair on my shoulders...

cbrpimp my roomate has it. we always make fun of him at the gym when he's in his cutoff with his hairy ass shoulders showing We have to swim for school occasionally and I get made fun of.

You are good till you get hair on your knuckles. As soon as that happens go rent a cave somewhere.

@ responses. It's nothing MAJOR.. here's a pic: Shitty camera phone quality, but yeh it's nothing major.. just something i'd rather not have.

Nope can't say i get that

grows very slowly so i shave it once a week along with neck touch up and face

kingfaz @ responses. It's nothing MAJOR.. here's a pic: Shitty camera phone quality, but yeh it's nothing major.. just something i'd rather not have. Can't see shit sir

shoulder hair?

i've been growing a hair here and there on my shoulders lately

Get it removed?

just shave it it cant grow back that fast can it

What you can do is shave it first, then pluck them out with some tweezers.... that works the best. When I waxed mine, that shit looked so disgusting after I did it. It created pimples everywhere w/ puss etc.... I mean it looked better w/ the damn hair. What I suggest: Tan well, shave, pluck hairs, and it should look a lot better!


Budha What you can do is shave it first, then pluck them out with some tweezers.... that works the best. When I waxed mine, that shit looked so disgusting after I did it. It created pimples everywhere w/ puss etc.... I mean it looked better w/ the damn hair. What I suggest: Tan well, shave, pluck hairs, and it should look a lot better! plucking? just wax it, waxing is just plucking in large numbers at once. but yeah, hairy shoulders doesn't tend to win the wimmins lovin.

Hair on my shoulders.. WTF.

Tomorrow is Back and Bicep Day, someone give me a great routine

Tomorrow is Back and Bicep Day, someone give me a great routine

I normally do something like this: Back: Pull-ups til failure (4 sets) Lat pull-downs (10,8,6,6 increasing the weight with each set) Bent over DB rows (10,8,6,6 increasing weight with each set) OR The hammer strength chest pull thingy Biceps: (all of this 10,8,6,6) increasing weights with each sets Concentration curls Barbell curls Preacher curls I really need help with back though!! help!

You really don't need 16 sets of exercises for bi's after doing back.


hahahaha all that for biceps?

Pullups Chins Bent over rows One arm DB row Shrugs BB curls Hammer grip curls

rows of any kind(db, cable, bb)

Tomorrow is Back and Bicep Day, someone give me a great routine

More gripper madness!!! V. JAG

More gripper madness!!! V. JAG

It's the new hottness/ bandwagon on the gripboard. The idea is that by tightening the hose clamp you stretch the spring out adding resistance to the close. I put it on my coc1. It was a fucking bitch to do though.

that looks a little dangerous, i can imagine the spring flying off and hitting you in the eye

Fucking McGyver.

nukegoat that looks a little dangerous, i can imagine the spring flying off and hitting you in the eye dont say such things

I could see it used as a weapon to shoot the spring at unsuspecting people.

fucking cool, i seriously need to get a COC...

superbri007 Grouch, you got problems they need a 12 step program for you "Hi, i'm Grouch and I'm a Grip-Aholic" nonetheless, cool Why not buy a CoC 4 fuck you it's 1337! you wish you had these skillzz. Oh and I have a RB300 wish its like a 3.9 compared to a coc4.

superbri007 Grouch, you got problems they need a 12 step program for you "Hi, i'm Grouch and I'm a Grip-Aholic" nonetheless, cool Why not buy a CoC 4 Like 3 people have closed that..

Ilyusha Like 3 people have closed that.. 5. And none under the new rules.

Grouch 5. And none under the new rules. What new rules?

Ilyusha What new rules? The credit card set. Before it was just you had to close it with one hand but you could set the gripper pretty much as deep into the close as you wanted too.

Now i'm looking into buying a Beef Builder Super Master from someone on gripboard.

Grouch Now i'm looking into buying a Beef Builder Super Master from someone on gripboard. dude,

b-stevens dude, what???? Its inbetween a 2 and a 3 and i've been looking to get rid of my HG300 cause i dont like the small spread. Addicts never try and justify their problems...

i will still turn your hand to dust

PurEvl i will still turn your hand to dust no, I dont think so.

^^ then instead just put that spring you made onto your CoC2.

terse ^^ then instead just put that spring you made onto your CoC2. shut up. dont use that sound logic with me!!

blow up any cans lately? thats the only reason id buy grippers

anyone selling a trainer?

in for pics of callouses

you're obsessed dude first thing im buying with my paycheck is a gripper...

Shaolin_sword36 in for pics of callouses I've picked most of the big ones off. but now i have callouses on my fingers and not just my palms.

NoXeN blow up any cans lately? thats the only reason id buy grippers no, I really need to get a recording of that and make an animated gif from it. But i think most of the strong guys on the forum could do it.

superbri007 want to know a little trick...use toe-nail or finger nail clippers, and just clip it off, its dead skin so it won't hurt. If it hurts, thats live skin I use a cheese grater

More gripper madness!!! V. JAG

my plan

my plan

ok had accident in august weighed 140 after it...167 currently...i want to get to 185-190 by end of summer then start to cut a little..thats until mid august...what do yall think??ive asked a couple ppl and they seemed iffy about that weight going to do it though its going to be a clean bulk fyi i am 5'11" by the way fatty for the summer!!!!! right now that i am school my work out routine is something like:chest 7 a.m.-8:00 Tris 3p.m-3.45 same for legs/ shoulders and back/bi's once summer comes i now ill be going still bout every day 1 day/week off but i dont know about 2adays any input on what you all think id appreciate

yah i do everything on there 2ce a week...quickest reply ever

i was just asking if u think its possible for me to be around 185-190 by august...some ppl seem to doubt it...but i have a lot of dedication so i think it can be done. also i swim and run like 6 times/week should i cut down on it?or just do it and eat more

alright thanks...last week i was weighing in consistently around 165 every day around the same time...this week im up to 167 for the past couple days

my plan

I'm overweight and I need to loose weight soon

I'm overweight and I need to loose weight soon

It's true I read through the Newb Guide to fat loss and the weight lifting loses weight thread, and I have a pretty good understanding on what to do. I want your guy's suggestions on which route to take..... My understanding is that the low carb diet looses weight faster although its harder to keep it off, as the low fat diet is longer to loose weight although its more of a lifestyle change. So basically which should I concern more on avoiding? Carbs or Fat? I plan on doing like 20-30 minutes of cardio per day, what weight lifting should I do? Anything else I should know? Bare with me

Inferno69 My understanding is that the low carb diet looses weight faster although its harder to keep it off, as the low fat diet is longer to loose weight although its more of a lifestyle change. weight? yes fat? no

Weight lifting and cardio = win Id cut back on calorie intake...avoid the fats and carbs...more protein

jonno weight? yes fat? no really? so what would I be loosing if not fat? deznutz Weight lifting and cardio = win Id cut back on calorie intake...avoid the fats and carbs...more protein I'll try

Inferno69 really? so what would I be loosing if not fat? wataaaa

jonno wataaaa you said I'd loose weight, but not fat. SO what would I loose if not fat?

Inferno69 really? so what would I be loosing if not fat? I'll try I can tell right now that you're not committed to losing fat.

Inferno69 you said I'd loose weight, but not fat. SO what would I loose if not fat? i was trying to say water. wattaaaaa = water

Inferno69 you said I'd loose weight, but not fat. SO what would I loose if not fat? Water and muscle can also be lost.

GilgaMesH I can tell right now that you're not committed to losing fat. yes I am, i'm very committed jonno i was trying to say water. wattaaaaa = water

Do you guys recommend me buying a cross trainer or is there something that I could buy that would benifit me better?

Inferno69 Do you guys recommend me buying a cross trainer or is there something that I could buy that would benifit me better? gym membership would be your best bet

jonno gym membership would be your best bet thats very inconvienient for me, thats why I need something for cardio, and I have weights. Once I get more into shape and I start feeling better (hopefully ) I'll buy more stuff for a home gym

Anybody want to take bets for how long this guy goes before he gives up?

GilgaMesH Anybody want to take bets for how long this guy goes before he gives up?

run outside, lift weights inside (assuming you have all benches/machines you need which is unlikley) and cut down the calories, up the protein

If you're very new to all of this, you'll see results just from starting a regular cardio regime and making some simple changes: more protein, more veggies, lots of water, cut out refined white bread and sugar for the most part. Keep reading, get informed, you'll do just fine good luck!

sinbon1 run outside, lift weights inside (assuming you have all benches/machines you need which is unlikley) and cut down the calories, up the protein nope, dont have the machines and shit... I'll do teh running outside part. How much cardio a day should I do?

GilgaMesH Anybody want to take bets for how long this guy goes before he gives up? Seems like he already kinda did give up...

MSUSpartan Seems like he already kinda did give up... how?

Inferno69 how? Well... Inferno69 I'll try Inferno69 thats very inconvienient for me Inferno69 nope, dont have the machines and shit... I'll do teh running outside part.

well the nearest gym is like halfway across teh city, when I mean I'll try it means I will I'm just putting it into different words, and I dont have like 3k to spend on equipment at this moment.

buy a power rack, olympic bar, bench and some weights, cost you less than a grand and will be far more beneficial to body composition than cardio will be. Will take up a footprint of say 2x2x2 metres, so not much space and will be all you need. do a search for 'christophers routine' this is what you should undertake

Peal buy a power rack, olympic bar, bench and some weights, cost you less than a grand and will be far more beneficial to body composition than cardio will be. Will take up a footprint of say 2x2x2 metres, so not much space and will be all you need. do a search for 'christophers routine' this is what you should undertake Monday Squats-5x5(Do four progressively heavier sets of 5 with the 5th set being your 5RM.) Deadlifts-5x5(Do the same) Bench Press-5x5(Do the same) Incline DB Press-2x12-20 Wednesday Light Squats or Lunges-4x8 each leg Good Mornings-3x8-12 Shoulder Press-5x5 or Dips-4xmax until you get 12 each time. then add weight. Pullups-4xmax Friday Squats-warmup to a 3 reps with 5 more lbs than you used on Monday. On the following monday use this weight for your 5th set. Bent Over Row-5x5 Incline Bench-5x5 Tricep Extensions-2x12-20 Okay, whats the 5x5, etc mean?

You should start at 100 push ups a night every night until you can do them all in a row. Once you can do that fill your backpack up with your books and repeat. You should also do 1000 crunches a night too.

I'm overweight and I need to loose weight soon

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