Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Lateral raises

Lateral raises

I've always done'em with my elbows slightly bent... but I see people doing them with their elbows bent at 90 degrees... (allowing them to use much heavier weights). Personally, I feel that's it's kinda a cheat... but I bought that "Poliquin's Principles" book by Charles Poliquin (the "Guru"), and he favors the 90 degrees form... anyway, I was just wondering what you guys think is better.

I like 90 degrees too, just for the sake of going heavier. The further to the side I go, the more it feels like a rear delt

SteveO I like 90 degrees too, just for the sake of going heavier. The further to the side I go, the more it feels like a rear delt same, i feel like it hits the medial head more

90 degrees, RONNIE STYLE! When I do them like that I tend to use my traps at the top of the movement a lot more.

you can do either, depending on your condition and your goal! but in general, you should not lock your knees and elbows while lifting. but if you have the joints, ligaments, tendons to support your 90 degree or whatever you want to do, go ahead.. but i recommend everyone slightly bending on your knees, elbows, etc to protect your joints!

devilangel you can do either, depending on your condition and your goal! but in general, you should not lock your knees and elbows while lifting. but if you have the joints, ligaments, tendons to support your 90 degree or whatever you want to do, go ahead.. but i recommend everyone slightly bending on your knees, elbows, etc to protect your joints! You seem to have missed the whole "elbows BENT at 90 degrees" thing.

cavefish You seem to have missed the whole "elbows BENT at 90 degrees" thing. shit, i DID miss that part! hahahha correction = 90 degree is NOT locking your elbows! 0 or 180 is. but i also train with variation of degrees since it activates different muscles in a different way .

hmmmmmm I must have word it wrong... cause most of you are replying, favoring the 90 degree form, but yet... according to the poll, most have voted "near" straight arm form... (NOT 90' degree)

your elbows at 90° is called an L-lateral raise

Lateral raises

I need food ideas

I need food ideas

Today was the first day starting my routine for summer to bulk up. Throughout the course of the day I ate 6 sloppy joes, 3 pieces of pizza, 4 eggs, 2 protein shakes and a lot more too. I've never eaten this much Anyway, my moms going to the store tomorrow and I need ideas for really good munchie foods (with minimal preparation) that I can eat whenever I'm hungry. I'd prefer to stay away from full out cooking meals (ie. steaks) but minimal cooking is ok. So far I have -eggs -protein shakes -tuna

zaphod Today was the first day starting my routine for summer to bulk up. Throughout the course of the day I ate 6 sloppy joes, 3 pieces of pizza, 4 eggs, 2 protein shakes and a lot more too. I've never eaten this much Anyway, my moms going to the store tomorrow and I need ideas for really good munchie foods (with minimal preparation) that I can eat whenever I'm hungry. I'd prefer to stay away from full out cooking meals (ie. steaks) but minimal cooking is ok. So far I have -eggs -protein shakes -tuna Cake, Oreos, poptarts, Milk, Beef jerkey, mashed potatos, hamburger helper, frozen crap like skillet sensations, piza, TV diners, at my grocer, they have lots of pre cooked meat there, that stuff is ok. but dude if u got a mom, get her too cook u shit Chickenfried steak steak chicken cassaroles BBQ Stick a bunch of chicken in a crock pot, and add some salsa, or BBQ! sauce, and let it cook all day Fish I could list more

peanut butter on wheat crackers or regular crackers nuts (almonds are great) fresh fruit and veggies yogurt cottage cheese oatmeal cereal whole milk v8 juice orange juice with alot of pulp EDIT: lol hell me and my friends took a shot of olive oil the other burned lol

Cake, oreos, poptars?? I thought it was supposed to have protein and be healthy..

my personal fav: peanut butter jelly sandwich and sweet potato

zaphod Cake, oreos, poptars?? I thought it was supposed to have protein and be healthy.. gotta eat them carbs too

breaded cheese sticks!

I need food ideas

Different options on cardio machines.

Different options on cardio machines.

I've been working out regularily for a few weeks in an attempt to lose weight. I've been getting on cardio machines for 30-40 minutes 5 days a week. I want to lose weight as I weigh 250 at 6'3" and I have been using the cardio option on the machine which says I need to maintain 158bpm throughout the routine. There is also a fat burn option which I don't use because it wants me to maintain only 120bpm which I cannot do because I can't stand going that slow on the machine. Is the lower bpm going to really make me lost weight faster?

Oh.. and I've lost 7 pounds in the past week so it seems to me that the cardio option is working..

HIIT...look it up

What kind of cardio machine? Ellipticals are pretty good for losing fat plus you get to stare at all the women around you while using them

what you're doing is fine. keep it up.

As I understand it, the fat burning option doesn't burn more fat, it only burns more fat as a percentage of total calories burned. The cardio option burns more fat in total.

Keep doing what you're doing and don't pay attention to the settings on the machine. If at the end of your workout you feel good, keep doing that.

dystinct I've been working out regularily for a few weeks in an attempt to lose weight. I've been getting on cardio machines for 30-40 minutes 5 days a week. I want to lose weight as I weigh 250 at 6'3" and I have been using the cardio option on the machine which says I need to maintain 158bpm throughout the routine. There is also a fat burn option which I don't use because it wants me to maintain only 120bpm which I cannot do because I can't stand going that slow on the machine. Is the lower bpm going to really make me lost weight faster? you need to give more time to actually see any valid results. you've only been doing it for few weeks. about your comment on "Is the lower bpm going to really make me lost weight faster?" ----> no. it won't make you lose weight faster. its the opposite, the higher bpm, the more you gonna lose.. but if you go about certain level, above your target heart rate, then you gonna start burning more muscle along with fat. what kinda cardio machines you use? the most accurate one is to have your own heart rate monitor, because everyones resting heart rate is different. the machines are not 100% accurate. i just think you need to give more time.

cavefish What kind of cardio machine? Ellipticals are pretty good for losing fat plus you get to stare at all the women around you while using them Yeah, it's an elliptical. I'll just continue what I'm doing for now since it seems to be working.

devilangel you need to give more time to actually see any valid results. you've only been doing it for few weeks. yeah, i know. i was planning on making this a regular routine.

Different options on cardio machines.

how do i stop getting stretch marks?

how do i stop getting stretch marks?

i keep getting them on my arms. where the biceps are and they're getting longer to where my armpits are. what can i do to stop this?

cocoa butter lotion w/ vitamin e every day after you shower to prevent new stretch marks

who really cares how to get rid of them, just keep lifting.

stop eating fatty

Rebs i heart stretch marks, they are like scars on your hands..shows hard work nigga yea from eating alot too?

get bigger

i alsways get stretch marks there when im bulking, i always took pride in that i was getting stretch marks from my muscles growing so fast instead of from getting fat.

well it's going to take years for them to fade.. so put lotion on it with vitamin e.

Rebs yeah i havent seen my dick in 7 years. i've seen it

Rebs yeah i havent seen my dick in 7 years.

evi1eddie cocoa butter lotion w/ vitamin e every day after you shower to prevent new stretch marks Well said. I put on some cocoa butter on my upper armpits/lower shoulders and upper arm where the current stretch mark would come back in (there's a small one that appeared not too long ago, but faded out), and on my other armpit/arm/shoulder.. Haven't gotten one since. And ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, or whatever the hell the saying is. You won't even get stretch marks there to begin with if your skin is good from the daily applications. PS, try not to go down a ridiculous amount on stuff like DB flys or DB incline bench.. I got the one on my left armpit for having my ROM on one rep uncrontrolled (went down too far). It wasn't there when I went in, checked right after that set... sho nuff, big fat stretch mark.

2nd the lotion everyday. although it wont completely prevent them, i have noticed that they appear less since using vitamin e lotion everyday.

how do i stop getting stretch marks?

Is this bulking approved?

Is this bulking approved? 12k calories

lots 'o protein

I could eat tghe whole thing, gauranteed

@ 3 cups worth of fat 6000 cals right there

KetchupKing @ 3 cups worth of fat 6000 cals right there That is scurry.

Is this bulking approved?

shitty gym day

shitty gym day

Got there and started doing flat bench db press, and my left elbow starting acting up. It was a slight pain that I get sometimes when I lift. I kept lifting through the pain, but then it got really bad at my 4th set. I couldn't work through it any longer it was throbbing so bad. So I went to just go do some cardio, and it started throbbing even worse, I said fuck it and came home. So here I am sitting here with my throbbing elbow and a failed day at the gym. cliffs: did 4 sets, elbow in serious pain, did cardio, more pain, came home.

I hate when you have days like that, all pumped and ready to go, then some weird pain happens and the day is shot

Opi I hate when you have days like that, all pumped and ready to go, then some weird pain happens and the day is shot exactly, and chest day is my favorite, and now nothing, bah

Gamblor exactly, and chest day is my favorite, and now nothing, bah just have to hit it twice as hard next chest day

Opi just have to hit it twice as hard next chest day

shitty gym day

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Just burned 1200 cals in 1.5 hours!

Just burned 1200 cals in 1.5 hours! 45 mins of cardio and 45 mins of weightlifting, im jacked now. I guess if you were 280 pounds or so maybe.

i do it more for stamina. I get to the point where i cant run anymore, but i want to push myself a bit more so i figure weights is the next best thing

Just burned 1200 cals in 1.5 hours!

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