Tuesday, December 10, 2013

My female friends wants to increase her weight...

My female friends wants to increase her weight...

She doesnt particularly want to become a weight lifter etc.. but she wants to put on about 15 lbs as she's really thin at the moment. Any sort of tips? I've basically suggested she should start off lifting some basic weights, up her protein intake and drink plenty of water. Eating junk is only going to make her fatter is her metabolism doesn't counter it, right?


Tell that girl to lift and eat more.

My female friends wants to increase her weight...

Hey fuckers. Imma be gone for while

Hey fuckers. Imma be gone for while

Ok, starting thursday I won't be around at all for like 2 weeks. I get married Saturday, and I've got 11ty things to do. I've got to get work ready so that my halfwit employees don't run me into the ground. After I get married sat, I'll be out of the country for over a week, and I'll be back for a few days but prolly not at work, then I have to go to a convention for work. Hopefully they'll have a wireless network there and I can fuck off there like I do here. So basically, don't burn the board down. Listen to Auntie Pur, and don't stay up too late. There's food in the fridge.


and when you say "out of the country" do you mean your honeymoon will be in the city?

out of the country. Belize

Congrats on getting married have fun in Belize

go see a donkey show for me and take pics please

I can't decide on taking my digi or not. It's insured, but I was thinking about dispoables and just get them on CD. I want to take my laptop for the plane ride, but I dunno if it's a good idea.

another one to the side. congrats, none the less

trancezj I can't decide on taking my digi or not. It's insured, but I was thinking about dispoables and just get them on CD. I want to take my laptop for the plane ride, but I dunno if it's a good idea. definitely digi, i took a disposable to Europe and was very disappointed with pic quality. the zoom alone makes it worth it

cunninglinguist definitely digi, i took a disposable to Europe and was very disappointed with pic quality. the zoom alone makes it worth it yeah I've got the olympus with 10x too.

to make sure this place doesn't go to shit while he's gone (well, anymore than it alreayd is), I suggest a new, if only temp, mod. And seeing as it's my idea, its only fair if I get it

LOL, I think teh fellers have the mod situation under control.

grats! have fun

I will handle it..as usual...if I can remember how to log in...kinda out of it in the last 4 week stretch



congrats broly, good luck.

Can I have your balls after your wife cuts them off and puts them in a jar?

cavefish Can I have your balls after your wife cuts them off and puts them in a jar? no I'm having them bronzed.

congrats broly

congrats and IN for pics

the wedding's gunna suck. Maybe someone will hook me up with some happy pills for saturday.

congratulations, man. put it in her ass for me

Hey fuckers. Imma be gone for while

this time. no more bullshit. im on a mission. come in here and kick my ass. *pics*

this time. no more bullshit. im on a mission. come in here and kick my ass. *pics*

well i've made some changes in my life 2 weeks ago and this time i am on a hellbent mission to improve my life mentally, physically, socially, and financially/academically. ive only been watching what i eat for under 2 weeks. i've cut out juices and sodas completely and most fatty fatty foods but i've been undereating i feel because i've been feeling way too weak at work daily now. i have to start a plan but i dont even understand the terms you guys use like bulking and cutting, let alone forming a dietary and exercise plan. anyways here are my starting pics of what will be the last time i ever want to see myself like this. im 6'1" and 245 lbs. so far i've been doing roughly 40 situps and 40 pushups a day and 30-45 minutes of run/walk. and some clothed

this sticky should be revived from the archives http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=937642 good luck.

evi1eddie this sticky should be revived from the archives http://forums.offtopic.com/showthread.php?t=937642 good luck. .

also www.fitday.com is useful

Bulking is eating a large amount of calories to make you gain weight and allowing your muscles to grow. Cutting is generally done after bulking, and is putting your body in a mild calorie defecit but working out just as hard to retain the muscles you have. You are cutting away the bodyfat you have. You really need to study the stickies and ask any questions you have. 30-45 minutes a day is a lot of cardio. You would be equally successful if you walked fast paced or slow jogged for 12-15 minutes when you wake up in the morning, assuming you have the correct diet. This would be best for fat burning and you would save the muscle. Your abs are muscles just like any other body part, and should only be worked out once or twice a week. Try doing 4 sets of 50 situps on Monday and Thursday. That is at least a start. You will not see your abs until you lose a lot of bodyfat. Study the stickies! (Unless you plan on lifting weights at least 2-3 times a week, you really won't be too happy with yourself and you will not see results nearly as fast. Read the "Want to lose weight? L I F T W E I G H T S" sticky.) It's a lifestyle, not a hobby. All or nothing.

Get a real lifting routine. It is so much more effective than just cardio.

ACURA TL-S Get a real lifting routine. It is so much more effective than just cardio. truth get a gym membership. if you want to change your lifestyle, think ahead. its gonna be a long way.

read the stick - lose weight lift weights that should be the staple of your program good luck!

one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout /yourself wanna look better? lift weights and eat right

size18boarder /yourself wanna look better? lift weights and eat right i do, i do, and i do. these are suggestions for someone starting out, alot of people startoff with these crazy workout schemes and only end up burning up within a few weeks. its hard to go from doing a few pushups everyday to throwing down a mad workout cycle.

good luck man

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. don't listen to this


yzf crew holla I sold her on sunday

jonno don't listen to this . For christopher's sake... it doesn't matter when you eat, so long as within any given 24hour period (usually measured til bed) your caloric intake is less than your caloric expenditure.

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout Who are you and why are you giving bad advice? The reason that not eating after 7 works is because that stops you from having midnight snacks which may potentially be harmful, but if you have some willpower and eat a little less during the day so that you can have some before bed it is much better for you. Having no macronutrients for that long is not a good thing, protein before bed = teh win.

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout That is what my fucking Mom used to tell me. Now I call her a fat whore when she says that shit...she had no idea what she was talking about and neither do you.

Socrates That is what my fucking Mom used to tell me. Now I call her a fat whore when she says that shit...

Good luck.

cootercritter one thing that i tell people over and over again when they are trying to lose weight is to not eat after about 7 pm. i'd be more concentrating on losing fat before bulking up with muscle, at your body fat percentage, muscle gains would be tough to notice under the fat, and the weight increase from the muscle gain might hurt your will to workout so you are going to starve yourself for 12 hours until you wake up? That isnt good for you or your metabolism.

this time. no more bullshit. im on a mission. come in here and kick my ass. *pics*

Please convince my mom....

Please convince my mom....

ok well she is trying to lose weight at the moment. she knows the proper foods to eat now and is eating smaller, more frequent meals. She had a dietician write her some good daily logs of what to eat. She has the working out part and the diet great, but we argue on one point. When she has to work out late at night, she'll get back from the gym around 10pm. Now, myself, I always eat after I workout no matter what, and I try to prove that to her that her body is in a catabolic state and she needs to eat at least something to get her out of catabolism. She refuses. She insists that 10pm is too late to eat anything. I said I understand that you shouldn't eat late at night, but u should always eat after your workout regardless. Am I right or wrong?? She says for me thats fine but for losing weight, she shouldn't eat anything after she eats if its already late, like 10pm. Please enlighten me. Thanks

you're wrong.

i dont think shes worried about losing fat-free mass though. so she sounds right to me

most females pay attention to how skinny they are, lots of girls dont even weigh themselves. but if she wants to keep muscle, then tell her. oh and irregardless = regardless Usage Note: Irregardless is a word that many mistakenly believe to be correct usage in formal style, when in fact it is used chiefly in nonstandard speech or casual writing.

haha i know lots, they are all skinny, dont care about their diet and dont workout or weigh themselves

christophers like you? im skinnier than them

ryazbeck i dont think shes worried about losing fat-free mass though. so she sounds right to me ya, that's what I was tryin to get at. If she doesn't eat, ya it might help her lose weight that way, but its not the best way. I want her to keep the muscle and even add muscle so that in the long run, she can burn fat faster bc of more muscle.

sk8man311 she can burn fat faster bc of more muscle. good luck with that

shastaisforwinners good luck with that

100 cals is like how much calories i burn sleeping for 5 minutes.

Please convince my mom....

God i love bulking...

God i love bulking...

you basically eat almost anything you want... within reason and a lot of it... and you get nice ass gains... ill post pics of my bulk in awhile... gotta find my digi cam

diaf its cutting season

XsLiCk you basically eat almost anything you want... within reason and a lot of it... and you get nice ass gains... ill post pics of my bulk in awhile... gotta find my digi cam

every season is bulking season. eat eat eat!

god of smog diaf its cutting season who says what season it is? and what does it matter... im not trying to impress anyone but myself...

I start cutting on sunday.

tize I just started bulking after a few months of cutting. Man it is hard to get in enuff cals after eating 1800....im going 2200 this week, 2600 next then 3000 and so on until I get about 1-1.5lbs a week i have the opposite problem

huh? I eat the same foods I do for a show just in larger amounts...stupid me

God i love bulking...

"Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra"

"Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra"

SALT LAKE CITY - A federal judge Thursday struck down the FDA ban on ephedra, the once-popular weight-loss aid that was yanked from the market after it was linked to dozens of deaths - including that of Baltimore Orioles pitching prospect Steve Bechler. advertisement The judge ruled in favor of a Utah company that challenged the Food and Drug Administration's ban. Utah-based Nutraceutical claimed in its lawsuit that ephedra "has been safely consumed" for hundreds of years. Supplements that included ephedra have been widely used for weight loss and bodybuilding, but have been linked to 155 deaths. The FDA ordered the substance off the market in April 2004. Judge Tena Campbell's ruling sends the matter back to the FDA "for further rulemaking consistent with the court's opinion" and keeps the agency from enforcement action against the companies. What does this mean for us?

it means you shoulda scrolled down a bit and joined teh thread that is already going



"Judge strikes down FDA ban on ephedra"

I know it's been said before

I know it's been said before

but props to Mike @ 1fast400/bulknutrition. order payment got screwed up due to PayPal == free shipping for me

I know it's been said before

I know it's been said before

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