Friday, December 6, 2013

db bench question

db bench question

whenever I do db bench press my biceps get sore (not triceps) am i doing something wrong or is this possibly normal? i worked out for the first time yesterday in awhile and my biceps hurt more than anything and all I did was db bench and some flies but my biceps felt exhausted after the db presses

I'm guessing your biceps were sore from the flyes, if you weren't arcing the DBs out enough on their way up. Don't know why you'd feel your bis during the press.

try pushing with your chestmore instead of your arms is that even possible

jonno is that even possible that's how I feel every time I use db for benching.. come to think of it.. the sort of feel tired when I bench with a bar too. i must be doing something really wrong

maybe bicep = tricep in canada?

sr20wop maybe bicep = tricep in canada? my biceps never hurt or get sore when doing db bench press....if anything maybe my shoulders?

db bench question

need a couple highres pics of powerlifters or bb's lifting weights...

need a couple highres pics of powerlifters or bb's lifting weights...

anyone have a few or know where I can find some?

anything in particular?

sweet, got anymore? maybe of a bodybuilder lifting weights?

maybee go to look under q&a then training logs.

vettedude maybee go to look under q&a then training logs. I think those are going to be low res

SpeedyGST And can someone tell me how much weight he is lifting here?

MikeTheVike1 And can someone tell me how much weight he is lifting here? 675 EDIT thats franco not the first dude

MikeTheVike1 And can someone tell me how much weight he is lifting here? (14x45)+bar give or take

Thanks SpeedyGST,that should be good,you know how much weight that guy has in the first pic? EDIT: Thanks guys!!!

He has more than 675 on the bar.

need a couple highres pics of powerlifters or bb's lifting weights...

Blisters v.grippers

Blisters v.grippers

Found some grippers lying around, not the greatest but they'll do for off days. I did a couple sets, enough reps to get a decent burn and stopped because my pinkys were rubbing the grippers, 30minutes later blisters appear. Is this a common problem? Will callouses eventually develope and the problem disappear?

blisters are manly

Well since you say your pinkies were rubbing the grippers, I assume that means your pinkies basically weren't doing any work and you were relying on the rest of your hand to do the work for you. In other words, your pinkies weren't gripping anything. Try using one and/or two fingers at a time and try to build each finger up, esp. your pinky.

superbri007 i have yellow callouses , and they feel like the bottom of a dogs paw Great analogy

Blisters v.grippers

Help me put together my first grocery shopping list :D

Help me put together my first grocery shopping list :D

I'm going grocery shopping at Costco sometime tomorrow. I'm also going to get some supplements to get me started. Here's what I have so far: Cottage Cheese Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast Fish Fillets(what kind is good/cheap?) Natural Peanutbutter Yogurts (what brand is good?) Propel Fitness Water Eggs Tuna Whole grain bread (this is good, right?) Lettuce Tomatoes Assorted fruits (apples, bananas, oranges, cantaloupe Assorted veggies (carrots, celery, broccoli, stir fry mix) Rice Sliced turkey (from the deli, not lunch meat) Swiss cheese For supplements all I can think of is Fish Oil and Whey Protein. What else will I be needing? Feel free to mention any foods I shouldn't get that are on my list, and what foods I should get that aren't on there. For protein shakes I'm just thinking skim milk/whey/peanut butter/banana. I already have oatmeal for breakfast. My main plan for getting into shape is weight lifting (so lots of protein is good) and light-medium intensity cardio every day (jogging with the dog, recreational sports, bike riding, etc.) I'm not getting nearly enough protein for the amount of calories I'm eating on my diet, so I need cleaner foods with more protein. Again, any input is very welcome. I need all the help I can get. Thanks.

cbrpimp Your plan is good. Good choice of foods. Might want to add some lean steak to the diet, its up to you. I do it because eating chicken and fish as the main meal every night gets boring. I have a large collection of spices to mix things up a little . I think the Costco-proportioned bags of chicken breast/fish should last me long enough until I'm sick of it, at which point I'll get some beef to mix things up. I also have some frozen hamburger patties I can grill up if I need some spontaneous variety.

tize I got a lot of canned fruit bananas and applesauce. Lean ground beef, tuna+spaghettyos, sheeeeeeet good sheeeeeet Do the spaghettioes mask some of the tuna taste? I actually hate the way most fish taste, especially tuna. I plan to grill fish fillets with chicken seasoning and dipping them in BBQ sauce. I just don't like fish

Help me put together my first grocery shopping list :D

Bloody noses while deadlifting

Bloody noses while deadlifting

The last three times (last 3 weeks) I've deadlifted I've gotten bloody noses. Only happens when I go heavy and at the top of the rep. I don't know if I am holding my breath too much or what. I usually take a deep breath at the bottom and steadily blow it out on the way up. It's usually just like a little geyser of blood that squirts out, it's not an ongoing bleed like say from allergies or something. I usually just shove some tissue up there and keep going. Anyone else experience this? Doesn't happen when I go heavy with squats/bench press so I

I'm no doctor, but I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say that's not good.

Nick I'm no doctor, but I'd be willing to go out on a limb and say that's not good. Wow... You must be putting a lot of stress on the veins in your nose

maybe try not straining your face while you lift. i used to get REALLY bad pains in the back of my head when i did overhead press, so i try relaxed my face and neck and it wouldnt hurt so bad

I'd say that that doesn't seem good. But in light of the situation (take a vid...) I think it would be freaking awesome to see someone DL at my gym and have blood gush out of his nose like a chemtrail or something.

Shit happens when you lift heavy

Are you breathing right during the lifts?

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. ok, then I am ok. Even though I am not lifting "powerlifter heavy." Was just afraid I had a tumor in my nose or somethng.

Elfling Are you breathing right during the lifts? pretty sure I am It always comes out of my left nostril, so I think there is a vein in there that is real weak/close to the surface or something. I've heard of people going to the doctors to get the inside of their noses cauterized to stop constant nose bleeds. Maybe I should do that

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. thats fucking gangsta

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. this is what happened to me the last time i upped the weights for my squat workout. (this past week) and thats after a few days of it clearing up.

I've blown a blood vessel in my eye squatting before back in the day. blood pressure>*

christophers lol, you guys must not lift very hard. after a hard deadlift day, my entire face is flushed and there are some signs of broken blood vessels. it loosk like im sunburnt. this happens to everybody in my gym. underneath our monolift, there are blood stains from squatting. its very common if you actually lift hard. damn, thats hardcore, i just get light headed and see stars

I love how everyone in this thread is like "yeah, when I do (insert lift here) heavy, blood squirts out of my (insert orifice here)"

Can someone bump the animal thread?

Phlab Can someone bump the animal thread? searching now..

I bleed out of my ass on chest day

Bloody noses while deadlifting

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Gaining mass

Gaining mass

What helps people gain mass? I'm about 5'10"/175 and don't really have much size on me. I've noticed some muscle gains over the past few months but I think if I had more size I'd see bigger gains. At the moment I'd like to work on just getting bigger and maybe cutting in a few months. Does it have to do with protein intake, etc? I've been wondering if I should start having those protein drinks or taking something.

make sure you get enough protein and just eat more in general. eat until you can't eat anymore. wait 30 minutes. then eat some more. good luck

calories are the key. eat everything in sight, including pie and burgers and fries and stuff you need calories

Werdna calories are the key. eat everything in sight, including pie and burgers and fries and stuff you need calories

It always seems like I get big in the stomach instead of anywhere else. I'm guessing that's normal? Oh and any recommendations on things to take?

CompiledMonkey It always seems like I get big in the stomach instead of anywhere else. I'm guessing that's normal? Oh and any recommendations on things to take? yes, food

CompiledMonkey It always seems like I get big in the stomach instead of anywhere else. I'm guessing that's normal? Yeah me too, its called being a man. You can try to minimize the fat gain but for the most part, if you're not willing to take on some fat its really hard to gain muscle at a reasonable rate.

Gaining mass

Body Fat Analysis

Body Fat Analysis

Was wondering if buying something like this is worth the money is it accurate? any opinions on it?

probably not accurate

jonno probably not accurate The readings tend to fluctuate alot

mine is pretty consistant with its readings, but it also tells me i am 18%

Chris3G mine is pretty consistant with its readings, but it also tells me i am 18% yeah, the electric ones don't work very well if they're calibrated for normal people... My electric scale told me I was 17%, body fat calipers tell me 8%. They will be precise from reading to reading but not accurate.

I'm convinced they guess based on your height/weight

Aluyminyum I'm convinced they guess based on your height/weight thats pretty much the size of it. edit: the scales w/ bf calibration are even worse i think

Body Fat Analysis

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